Aim Coach Fixes Valorant Pro's Grip: A Guide To Mouse Grip

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everyone wants a comfortable Mouse grip everyone wants the best Mouse grip you could be iron or you could be this guy Ren's a former pro for phase and Cloud9 the other day on Twitter runs DM me asking how to improve his grip so I decided to help him out and share it with all of you so you can optimize your gameplay too because this is my most asked question he ended up asking me the famous what's the best grip fingertip Palm claw or whatever and I'll answer that for all of you at the end of the video so I wanted to know why he thought he had a grip issue because I get DMs like this a lot and usually a grip issue is just someone desperate for something that might be a quick fix to change 99 out of 100 times changing your grip won't be a fast significant change it can increase comfort and skill ceiling but the only times it will really be a fast instant fix is when you were doing something very incorrectly for rents he thought his grip was a bit stiff a bit unnatural and he didn't like it some days he also struggled with gripping some mice so instead of letting him tell me which mice he didn't like I decided to watch him play and take a guess what you'll notice watching his gameplay is that his fingers were the main thing making contact and making some of the Motions so I could tell that when he switches to to a heavy Mouse he'll struggle because those mice require more force to be stable meaning you have to grip the mouse more intensely with your fingers to keep it stable meaning that the mouse grip will feel more stiff he agreed with me because when you've been coaching for a while you get good at predicting what people think and helping them improve at it if you want to coach for a game I'd recommend checking out a site that I recently launched allowing you to hire a coach like me or someone else for whatever game you want to work on check out the site and my profile in the description so his hands are stiff and kind of hard to aim when aiming with a heavy Mouse on the G prox super light this problem is less there but still kind of there presumably on an even lighter Mouse you'd have even less of an issue like my personal favorite the hsk pro Ace 27 grams and it fits in the fingers nicely doesn't have that back part that gets in the way by slamming into your palm after I decided to mention this mouse in a video I ended up going to and setting up a code for myself so that you can get a discount and I can get a commission if you buy the mouse us with code West but I did this after I decided to recommend the mouse here runs also said that a reason he had trouble working on other mice was that he couldn't comfortably press the left click button on all the different mice because his grip was slightly tilted he wanted to experiment with a new mouse but his pointer finger landed right in empty space normal people will force themselves into an uncomfortable grip in this situation but that isn't really necessary you just have to reset yourself a little instead of forcing yourself to try to make another Mouse's work grip on your new mouse just make a new grip for your new mouse the way I went about this was by having a run start by putting his pointer finger onto the left Mouse button why well when he just gripped it he couldn't click the button so I figured we had to consciously work around that issue next I told him to slide the mouse around with only one finger and just click on the heads well this is arguably unnecessary I wanted him to feel the clicking and the movement of the mouse the antenna of this was just to let his unconscious mind feel the pointer finger and where it needed to be to shoot and how the mouse was unstable without the other fingers supporting it I then told him to let his fingers fall alongside the mouse and support it but not to put them anywhere specific because I didn't want him to have to consciously think about it but instead just let his unconscious mind adapt to a new grip versus trying to force the old grip to work on the new mouse I then told him to just aim around for a bit and not force his hand to stay in the same position but to keep shooting so that his finger has to stay on the trigger I also told him to jump up on the platform noted style so that he would have some vertical distance between the Bots this forces him to do a little bit of finger motion so that the grip doesn't develop in a way that just restricts that I let him play a minute like this to try and get a good feel of the grip and develop it and then told him to lift his hands shake it around a bit and then put it back on the mouse this way he wouldn't get into the mindset of trying to memorize where his hand was lying and thinking the grip was perfect and instead of just letting his hands go on it but with the adjustment of the finger actually on the button and it worked he said his grip felt much better yeah that makes sense I can definitely like already tell it feels like a little bit better this isn't some secret technique that you want to copy exactly I won't say this is the best way to find a grip it's just looking at what the issue is with the grip and then trying to fix it without thinking too much about your grip because when you try to force a grip or overthink a grip it never ends well but when your grip isn't working you need to change it so if you want to learn a new grip don't overthink where everything goes and just let your fingers fall into place while they do everything you need them to don't have dots on your mouse where your finger should be like some 2002 CS Pro just let your fingers move around and find their own optimal positions so now for the age-old question that you probably skip the head to try and find the answer to I get this question all the time and I would argue there is no right grip but there are wrong grips the big consensus among people who actually practice their aim consistently is that one you should not be overthinking your grip and two you should be aiming with your arm your wrist and your fingers when you aim with your fingers you're able to make very small very precise vertical micro adjustments now let's say you're who is aqua you just play grid shot all day your goal is the world record of grid shot and the keep pushing your own world record in Grid shot you don't really need a vertical micro adjustments because the targets are very big now let's say you're ins you mostly just want to be very good at horizontal smoothness scenarios you don't really need vertical micro adjustments because the targets you practice against don't go up and down now let's say you're a valid players player or some FPS game maybe your enemy's crouching maybe you expected them to be crouching and they're actually standing and for whatever reason you have to make a small precise vertical micro adjustment your fingers can be very useful for that so if your ins or if you're who is aqua I'd say use whatever grip you want if you feel like a palm grip provides you a lot of stability go for it however if you're trying to play a game that requires some form of vertical micro adjustments I'd recommend using a grip that allows you to make some form of vertical micro adjustments and a palm grip where your fingers are flat to the mouse won't let you do this this with your fingers if you have a very heavy Mouse and you can't afford a lighter one then there's really nothing you can do you probably can't afford a fingertip grip because it just wouldn't be viable for that Mouse but for everyone else I try to recommend learning to use your fingers don't copy some random grip like shroud script or the archetype for fingertip or claw grip instead just learn a new grip by launching a Kovac scenario and start trying to move your fingers and aim if you can't get it starting with a grip archetype like a fingertip archetype and letting your grip change to something that's more comfortable and works for you Works make sure while you're learning the new grip you're constantly moving your fingers or your old bad habits will likely reset you to your old grip don't think about specific movements just think about allowing your fingers to move thanks for watching subscribe for more I got a lot coming
Channel: West Proter
Views: 63,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jDc7k4hRAJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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