Aillio Roast Walk-Through: Managing Rate of Rise

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hi my name is Dutch Hedrick and I'm of rubes good brain coffee and we're in Kitchel North Carolina and today I just want to do a little walkthrough with a coffee a roast and so you guys can just essentially look over my shoulder and see what what's going through my mind as I'm handling rate of rice so first off I want to say I've got some new coffees I haven't roasted them before so essentially what we're doing here is we're doing a little reconnaissance or fact-finding now and we're just essentially trying to figure out what these coffees have to offer now I with that being said I have some general parameters as far as where I want the roast to go so these are this one here is the central or a South American roast that's what Amala shot okay III think of those as one one category Central and South American so and our roaster is heated up in this raise it goes so we're gonna get going here shortly but as I was going to say we don't want to focus get so focused on on one thing such as rate of rise to where we exclude all other factors and so for instance with the central of South American coffee personally I like to get to first crack at around 9:00 or 9:30 in the roast so if my rate of rise has dipped below to the point where I'm not gonna hit first crack at around that time I'm going to compensate for it to the point where I might actually go up a little on the rate of rise just so I am NOT missing that window I just don't want the rate of rise to go in the reverse direction for too long before we start going back to the the decline rate of rise okay I got all things going around so I'm a little distracted right now but let's go ahead and start our roast and let's get to it all right cool all right we're back we've got the camera set up and our Rafe's brother is ready to go so once we get coffee in there all right we're on our way now let me get the camera a little closer here so you don't see what's going on it were most point to pay attention to is well here's our rate of rice and you can see immediately I set it up to the fan up to four and the heat all the way up to the top on nine and that's because I I like to have a lot of energy going into the roads because I'm going to have that energy to carry over to when we go into first craft now I don't really pay attention the rate of rice this early in the road because right now the goal is just to get the the profile often going all right so you can see it's climbing fun and findings and where I generally start to pay attention the rate of rise is when we get to I'd say they've around 3 minutes 30 seconds around 120 degrees Celsius and that's when we're gonna start going into our mayor phase they'll start smelling notes of baking bread and once I have a coffee that I'm more familiar with I'm gonna have more of an idea of where I want that ray of rice to be when I hit that point so right now if I were to smell it I'm sure we would be coming out of the wet grass area and it would start smelling more and more like freshly mown hay and our rate of rise of around 16 and 17 just pretty good we're starting to approach our baking bread phase here the mayor days Hey all right we're definitely in there now 1.5 about three minutes and now I know 38 seconds I think and our rate of rise is around 15 to 16 which is pretty good I'm starting to see a bit of smoke the steam coming out of my exhaust there I want dropping too fast so I lower my dad a bit which is fine I would boost the heat a bit less already at 9 so I can't really do that for good we're nice and aggressive here still like I said I generally want to hit first crack around nine minutes nine nine minutes 15 seconds maybe 9:30 at the latest so we're just balancing those things I don't want to get too hung up on rate of rise but at the same time I don't want to forget about it completely so at ten degrees Celsius per minute that would get us there if we have a flat rate of rice it would get us there around 8 minutes and 38 minutes and off 45 seconds of course we're not going to have a flat rate of rise it's going to be steadily declining so if you can compensate for that will we're still essentially on my target of getting there between nine minutes and nine happiness the first crap now you notice the rate of rice is trying to climb a bit here so I'm going to continue to manage it so that comes down I don't want to do anything too drastic and it's a bit low for me here so I'm going all the way up to 9 again it's kind of a cool day here out here it's side in the 50s Fahrenheit so that's gonna have an effect on my roast I just bumped the fan down a bit because it's still a bit lower than I would like because I still why I hit that target we're bouncing back and forth between eight point one and nine point five now we're getting to the point where we're gonna hit our a point here soon and this is generally where we're going to start to plateau a bit so I bumped it up to five for fan up to five and you see it's trying to climb just as just as we mentioned now I'm recording 171 because that's when we start to plateau here now we should be getting the first crack here soon and just making little adjustments here to stabilize my rate of rise now we're trying to get to first crack here really wanted to take off on me and here a couple tops they're still not gonna call it though 180 degrees we reached 9 MS all right we're starting to get there it's not really rolling the first crack all right 182 9s 22 seconds all right so that's first crack there like I said it can be very easy to lose sight of one or two things here now I'm calculating my ratio and I don't want this boy gonna try to plunge on me I'm guessing that it might want to start plunging in here so I'm boosting it up all the way up to nine so if I want the time after first crack to be around 21% of the roads which is that this is a really good nice coffee like I said I haven't roasted this one yet so we're just figuring out what it's got to offer that means I'm going to want to end up finishing up at around 11 minutes and 50 seconds so that means I have about a minute left in this roast now you can see it tried to plunge this there and that was at 191 so I just recorded that for future reference and as I do more roasts of this coffee you can see how consistent that figure is all right let's check out what it looks like here I just lowered the burner alright that smells pleasant enough [Music] and we're done so normally I would be focusing more on writing down my notes so this is a bit of a challenge to be talking about it do a little narration will play-by-play as I'm doing this that's fine because I have it on video so I can record there exactly when I let it out but my best guess what I was seeing as I let it out at around let's say a hundred nicest degree Celsius and I'd say eleven minutes in 58 seconds okay now I'm gonna do is I'm going to taste this coffee and based on how it is I'm going to adjust my ratio [Music] so if it's if I want a bit more acidity I might let it out as well let's say I'll say I have a ratio here a time after first crack is about 22% of the writers okay a while more acidity maybe I might adjust that was 21% of us and if it's to horse I might wanna go the other way so that is we see one can right it's too harsh on my one just that ratios so that first crack time after first crack is five out of twenty three twenty four twenty five percent of the rice okay so you guys want to get a good look at the coffee [Applause] their news little brighter than it actually is and it's getting pretty cool at this point I've got one more roast to do after that see do that after I sent us the side I'll weigh it out and that's about it if you guys got any questions let me know and we'll just we'll just continue to do this together right and learn as I'm learning all the time - every time I roast a batch of coffee I'm trying to learn all right like subscribe share and in the meantime a happy roasting happy brewing and happy sipping and have a good day thank you
Channel: Rube's Good-Brain Coffee
Views: 26,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aillio, aillio bullet, aillio bullet r1, Rate of Rise, RoR, Scott Rao, Rao Method, Coffee Roasting, Roasting Coffee, Roasting 101, rube's good-brain coffee, kittrell, kittrell NC, coffee, specialty coffee
Id: kb8nUIBRpNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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