AI + YouTube = Money? 5 FREE AI Tools that Prove It! (ChatGPT + Canva + CapCut)

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this automated YouTube channel is making over thirteen thousand dollars a month between AD sponsorships and otherwise according to socialblade just creating really simple short YouTube videos about animals I'm gonna go ahead and play one here you might not be able to hear the audio but basically it is a bit of stock video or stock image on top of a voiceover with some text and captions and that's about it it just explains here's the animal here's the interesting facts and that's all so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to create videos just like these using AI entirely so that way you can create a automated YouTube channel just like they have so to start we're going to go to chat GPT and we are going to paste in our first prompt which is going to give us a list of animals to make a video on and all of the prompts as well as tools that we're going to use are down below in the description so here is our first list these are some pretty good choices uh I'm gonna go with Sloth mainly for the reason I think finding some stock stuff uh images and videos and other things to use for some of these is going to be a little bit difficult not impossible but I want to show you the simplest way to do this so I'm going to go ahead and choose sloth and then I'm going to put in our second prompt which is going to use this list and it's going to say write me 90 words about and sloth is number four that highlights the most interesting things about them as if you were speaking to someone who has no idea what that animal is that way it's going to explain here's the animal everything about it interesting facts and go through that full flow just like we saw so I'll hit send message and here is our script obviously we don't need the sure exclamation mark but I'm going to go ahead and copy the rest of it and now we're going to do the first part of all of this after we have our script which is the voiceover so we're going to go to and get an AI voiceover created phenomenal tool there's lots of Alternatives 11 labs and so on I just find this one really cool has a lot of different voices to choose from and they give you a lot of free usage so we're going to click try for free the link to all these are down below go ahead and sign up for an account in this in this case I'm going to use Google to sign up and once you've signed up you're going to see something similar to this first thing we're going to do is paste in our script so right here where it says type here right click paste our script is in now we want to make sure that we have the right voice over uh voice in order to be able to use so we're going to go ahead and hover over and click where it says Oliver in your case it might say Larry or one of the default voices we're just going to click on the name and it's going to give us the option to change to any of these different voices we have male female different accents all these different styles we can even handle different languages really really cool we're going to go ahead and choose one that we like so if you hit the play icon you can hear what they sound like with some test text and that way you can decide what makes the most sense and which one you like best in my case I actually do like the default Larry typically so right now it says voice in use Oliver if I click on Larry it's going to change to that and then I want to make sure that apply to all paragraphs is checked so that way it's going to apply it to all the text I pasted in so let's hit confirm there we go we have our voiceover ready to generate so we're going to click generate all paragraphs and it will start generating our voice over here so in about a minute I'm going to come back and we're going to have our voice over so that way we can move on to the next step the voiceover is done we can hit the play button to listen to it I already did just to make sure it sounds good as they mentioned if you don't like how it sounds just hit regenerate it'll create a brand new variation with different tonalities and so on throughout the voiceover but this one sounded fine and so what we're going to do is if all sounds good we'll click the download icon here and it'll go ahead and download it and what we're gonna do is then we're going to take this voice over and move into the tool we're going to use to put all of our assets together before we go ahead and add captions and do some other editing so we're going to use canva for that now there's a link down below and when you end up there and you sign up for an account you're going to see something that looks like this as you can see this is a free account you really don't need a paid account for 99 of things you do in canva but what we're going to do when you get in is click on the search bar here and we're going to type in YouTube shorts and we're going to select the YouTube shorts template here and then click create blank and this is our little editor we're gonna get rid of all these pop-ups and this is where we're going to go ahead and upload all the stuff that we're going to use to put together this video and then go ahead and Export it so the first thing we want to do is go ahead and drag in your voiceover it'll go ahead and upload and now we need some of the other assets like our videos and images so we can continue onwards so we're going to go over to in order to get our images and our stock videos you can use pixabay Google images with Creative Commons whatever you decide to use I like pixels and so that's why we're going to go ahead and use that for this for this one so let's go to and we're just going to search for the animal we're after here so sloth and hit the search icon and here we go we got a bunch of images of sloths and as you can see we also have a handful of videos to choose from so we're going to go ahead and go to videos first now if there was a lot more results in the hundreds I might go ahead and filter this down to look for videos and images that perfectly fit the YouTube shorts format that vertical format and to do that I would go to filters all orientations and select vertical but in this case there's not too many to choose from so I'm not going to go ahead and do that but what I am going to do is I'm going to download all of these videos because I think a few of these will come in in good use and now that I've got my videos in case I need some images I'm also going to go over to photos and here because we have a few dozen to choose from I will go ahead and change it to orientation vertical so that way these are ones that'll fit really well and I really like this one so I'm going to grab this and I'm going to grab a couple of these other ones just so I have a few to play with all right so once you have all of your images and videos that you want to play with we are going to go over to again and into our template here we are going to drag all of our videos and images over to this left hand panel and go ahead and let them start uploading they will take about a minute or so to upload but while they're uploading you can still start placing them and so that's what we're gonna do so we're going to start with videos and what we're going to do is we're just going to click on the video that we want to place and in the case it has some audio background or some sound in the background we're going to click on the little volume icon at the top here and drag this all the way down so that way there is no extra background sound that's coming from these that is gonna it's gonna overplay on the voiceover or mess up the background music that we're going to choose so once it's added in here we will right click and we'll hit set video as background and that way we have the full space taken up by this video now the one thing we might want to do is maybe we want to move this around because maybe this isn't the right section of the video and this was a a non-vertical video so if we double click you can now move this around however you choose to be able to get the right part of the video showing so I'm going to go like that I'm going to leave it there I'm going to click out of that section and now we have a well-cut video for what we want so we're going to do that a few times over here for each of these videos and I'm going to do the same for the images and then we can move on to the next step which is starting to edit these to make them a little bit shorter perfect now as you can see I do have three videos and three images which make this a one minute long video which is much longer than our voice over if I go ahead and take a look at her voice over here it is 32 seconds so what I am going to do is make these shorter and the easiest way that I've found to do this with longer videos is if you click on the video rather than just dragging it and cutting off a bunch of the video just make all the videos faster so what I'm going to do is Click playback here at the top and I'm going to change the video speed to maybe two times and that way you can see it moves much quicker and you get to the point of the video very quickly so then I'm going to do the same for the next one I'm going to move this to two times and I'm gonna do the same for the third video move that to two times and this one I actually might cut just because it's a bit lengthy and it does go out of frame there so I'm going to cut that down to maybe the first four seconds and then for the images we can do the same however we're already at the right length for it so this is perfect but if you wanted to you can click and drag these videos or sorry these images and move them around as much as you want to get to the length you are after so once we have that we're going to go ahead and drag in our voice over and there's two different ways you can do this one is you can just drag it right into the middle here the other is you can just drag it right here and along the bottom so I'm going to do that and as you can see it's kind of cut off at the end here so what I am going to do is just click and drag all the way to the start and then it looks like they're still a bit cut off on the left here so I'm going to drag this over and let's scroll to the left just to make sure there's still some left so I'm going to increase the length of one of these so that way it does use the whole voice over and I can cut some of the length of one of the images so adjust that and then I'm going to adjust the audio and there we go and so now our video is almost ready to go we're about 80 percent of the way there one little bit we want to add is some background music so that way we have something playing in the background and at least it's kind of adds to the Ambiance of the video so two ways you can do it here actually three ways one is you can go to YouTube music inside your YouTube Studio dashboard and you can choose ambient music from there the other is we can go here under canva under apps and select music from their default Library however that's only for paid members so the choice that we're going to go with is using and so if you go to and you go ahead and search in the main bar here we are going to look for ambient under music and here we go we got a bunch of different tracks to choose from um I've already listened to a bunch of these so I'm gonna start with uh just using this Forest lullaby but you can use any variation that you want and I would recommend listening to a bunch of them and also trying some of the suggestions up here in the case they're not quite what you're after so to get these we're just going to click download and then it'll go ahead and download here and we're going to go over to canva and upload our audio file there is our music and we're gonna do the same thing just drag it in and that way it should apply it across the whole thing and we can adjust the segment that it's chosen by just clicking and dragging however we want but in this case I'm just going to use the first part of it that works now just to make sure that our voiceover doesn't get drowned out by a background by background music what we want to do is select the background music here select the volume here and then turn down the volume of this ambient music maybe to a 10 or 15 you can hit play again to listen to it and see if it sounds good but I found between 10 and 15 is more than enough you can still hear it and it still adds to the video uh but not enough that it drowns out a voice over or drowns out sound effects and so our video is about 90 there we just have one last thing to do which is add captions and so to do that we are going to Click Share we're going to click download and we're going to export this video so that way we can start using it in the next tool all right so as you can see here we have our video that's been exported and everything is basically ready to go our last step here is to add captions to our video and so we're going to use a tool called cap cut to do that because it's subtitling and captioning is completely free and it has no limits on how you export videos and so on so it's pretty good with it with that so what we're going to do is we're going to click sign up for free on we're going to go ahead and create an account I'm going to use Google here and then it's going to redirect you into the editor so we're going to click create new video and we're going to go ahead and upload our video let's get rid of all these pop-ups we're going to be using a tick tock slash YouTube short formatted video and let's go ahead and upload this just by dragging it in oh doesn't want to take the drag it doesn't look like let me try okay instead of dragging it in then let's click the plus button and we'll go ahead and upload it and there we go we have our video uploaded again let's get rid of these little pop-ups and so what we want to do is we want captions on this right we want subtitles so that way we have a visual version of what's going on in the music and the sound as well as the the actual auditory engagement so let's click Text and or sorry not text captions and we're going to click Auto captions here and language let's select English not sure why it selected Burmese there we go and let's click generate and it is going to go ahead and automatically generate captions based on the background voiceover that's on the video already so here we go we have our captions and it is exactly accurate to what's going on in the script which is perfect uh and so what we want to do is we are going to adjust these just a little bit so that way we have more than just these big uh pieces of text showing in a very tiny basis so let's go ahead and drag our little timeline viewer here over one of the captions that way we can see the caption here is more what I mean it's very tiny it's pretty much unable to be read so we want to adjust that and make sure that we have some subtitles and some text that is actually readable here so we're going to click on it and then we're going to drag it all the way into the center because I find that's the best places front and center for this text and then what we are going to do is go to the little editor here and we're going to adjust some of these settings just to make it much more readable and so what we're going to do first up is the font and we'll get rid of these get rid of these pop-ups uh and font wise we are going to use we're going to use euphoria and then we're gonna make these bold we're going to increase the size of it just a little bit probably like 14 or so uh maybe even yeah 14 relatively readable and then we are going to add a shadow and we just do a dark shadow that way very easy to read compared to where it was where it was before we'll add a stroke which is just a outline that way we have it very very easy to read and that's pretty much it that's all you need for the captions let's go ahead and hit play and you can see pretty on point exactly what we wanted uh we'll hit export and we're just going to go ahead and Export this as 1080p to the highest quality and file name it's fine as is we're going to change that when we go to upload we'll hit export and now your video is getting on its way to being done all right so video is ready let's take a look at the end result before you are ready to upload your first AI generated YouTube short that was completely done using Ai and a little bit of editing the sloth is a remarkable creature that defies the typical pace of the animal kingdom imagine an animal that spends most of its life hanging upside down in trees moving so slowly that algae can grow on its fur these intriguing mammals have an incredibly low metabolic rate which allows them to survive on a diet of leaves sloths also have a symbiotic relationship with the algae that grow on their fur providing them with additional camouflage and protection their unhurried lifestyle and unique adaptations make them a captivating subject for nature enthusiasts and researchers alike if you found this video helpful hit the Subscribe button and like the video and share it so that way we keep making videos don't just close this and move on to something else if you really like this and you want to take action on this start taking action today right now that way you're going to see the results that you're after foreign [Music]
Channel: Jamil Velji
Views: 161,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI for YouTube, YouTube Shorts, Make money online, Faceless YouTube channel, YouTube monetization, ChatGPT tutorial, Canva for Thumbnails, CapCut editing, Passive income, YouTube tools, Free YouTube tools, No face videos, AI-generated content, YouTube secrets, Grow YouTube channel, Quick video creation, Content creation tools, AI content creation, Viral video tips, Short video creation, AI scripts, No camera YouTube, canva tutorial, youtube automation, yta, yt automation
Id: J9o4Ic-OdYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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