INCREDIBLE AI Video You Can Use Right NOW! (FREE + NEW)

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I've got a brand new AI video tool to show you and it's creating stunning videos just like this there are two reasons why I'm particularly excited about Crea first of all is it's available right now it doesn't work inside of Discord and you get a free amount of credits every day which equates to around about 10 videos now beyond that Crea has a revolutionary method that allows us to stipulate the exact key frames we want our AI video to hit and this gives us complete control of where our video starts where it goes and where it ends up and that allows us to create awesome aging videos just like this and we'll go into the process of creating a video just like this later on in this video I'm going to break down some of the best examples coming out of Korea I'm going to show you how you can create your own stunning AI videos so let's dive in and take a look at the latest AI video tool together so let me show you some of the awesome videos that I've made with Korea and you can see here that it handles the lighting particularly well as well as the strands of hair and it maintains a consistency of this character through the whole clip now this is one of my favorite Generations that I've created inside of Korea of these gentlemen more morphing between different shots now it's possible to put in images from any other tool into Korea or even photographs so here are some images of an influencer I took from render net and here is a photo of myself now here is an example from MAA photographia and you can see she's created this beautiful animation of this Asian lady and there is a real sense of dynamism to these shots I would say that the artistic nature of these are very strong here we have a beautiful scene of an individual walking through a series of different scenarios and changing from a forest to an urban office into a car park here is an example of a montage of an individual going on a trip into the mountains and it certainly works well for creating a stylized Montage scene and this is using the animation style inside of Korea which is one of the available Styles now this is one of my favorite examples coming out of Korea it showcases a music video where these waves are transformed into figures who emerge from the abyss and it certainly craft some vision-like hallucinogenic psychedelic Style videos but there is a wonderful dynamism rhythm and Immaculate sense of euphoria that comes out of these videos I love how this nose appears out of the wave and my understanding about how to make the most of the AI video tools is to understand the strengths and the weaknesses of each I think that many of these AI video tools work particularly well in specific use cases now Crea does particularly well at animating between diverse images as you can see here I inserted three different images and it creates this wonderful transition between each of those so let's take a look at how you can create your own videos inside of so the first step is to come to and from here you'll be able to go to video AI video generation and this is the interface that you'll be working with now let me explain a few areas of this page here on the right hand side you have the clip duration which is seconds the length of the clip that you will be generating after that in the middle we have the play pause fast forward and Rewind buttons and over here on the left hand side we have the timeline Tab and the settings tab in the settings tab you'll have the option to change the aspect ratio so you can go from horizontal landscape all the way up to Vertical portrait as well as changing the motion intensity which is essentially how much animation is applied to the clip there is also the the option to turn Loop video on or off and what this does is it allows you to create videos that are seamless Loops so it means you can play them over and over again and it's not obvious where the video ends and I think this is actually a very nice addition and feature of Creer so let's come back to the timeline Tab and what you're going to need to do is add a key frame and this is essentially where you can stipulate an image that will be a key frame inside of your video so the idea is is that you insert a number of images and Crea will animate between them now you can have images that are similar for example of an character in a scene going from one position to another or they can be completely different where you animate from one character into an entirely different object now you have two options here you can actually generate images inside of Crea and to do that that you select your key frame go to the generate Tab and type in a prompt and you can see that these will update very quickly as you type in and just as you add extra keywords you can see that the images up update straight away so if we take away happy and we can go with sad you can see immediately now we have a new rendering of an image of a woman looking sad and if you want to change to a random prompt you can use the random prompt button in the bottom left hand side of the model you can also go to the refresh icon which will give you a variation of the image that you have just created so here we can get different variations and you can see that Crea has the ability to create realistic and tasteful imagery once you're happy with this image you can click on the cross and now you can create a second key frame that you want to animate too so go ahead and click anywhere else on the timeline and we can go ahead and use our prompt again it's actually quite nice to get a very iation of this because if we're animating between two things that are similar then we get a natural sense of continuation in the narrative so next up we have these two bars at the bottom and what these are about are defining the movements the animation inside of your video so you can type in how you want your characters to animate what kind of motion you want and when you're ready to generate your video all you have to do is come to the generate video icon on the left hand side a 3sec video generates in around 30 seconds and it does it in two parts firstly it will generate a low resolution of your video and then it will go back and enhance that and increase the Fidelity and details of your clip so you can see here already we've got the low resolution has been generated and you can see that it has moved on to enhancing the whole video you can also see the progress is simp symbolized by the progression of this blue blah as it moves across the screen once it gets to the other side the video will be completed and here you can see we have our woman leaning looking rather sad and pensive and morphing between these two shots so I think it does a very good job of adding some movement some dynamism to these two steel life images but what's also very exciting is that actually you can upload your own images so you can add in an image that you've created for Mid Journey For example here's one that I made earlier and this time we want to animate to something that's completely different so I will upload an image of these eyes I will change the motion prompt and I will go ahead and generate this video now you might have noticed these four icons on the bottom left hand side of the screen and these give us four different styles to play around with now I've gone ahead and actually generated some examples for all of these so you can see exactly how they affect your videos so these were the images that I used in this series of video and let's take a look at how they came out so this is with the animate style this is with the experimental style which certainly gives you a a lot more morphing and unexpected animation you can see it's added in a number of other humans and this version is with the film setting applied which gives us us a more natural and realistic type of motion you can see how beautifully her hair sves in the wind here and also the sparkling of the lights in the background but I think the most realistic setting you can put it on is render and you can see here that the consistency within the character and the movement is at its highest I would say that the actual lifelikeness of the character has been lost a little bit compared to film but the coher inside of the video is much higher inside of render you can see that if you're looking for creating a consistent conceptual narrative it's best that you set your work to render but let's go back and take a look at how my animation is getting on wow yeah that's pretty beautiful how it transitions between these two very different shots so here is another example where Creo works really well you can take a situation that has a similar composition but very different renderings within that composition for example I've got these four shots of a man walking in a central composition away from the camera and by putting these all together we can get a pretty beautiful effect so you can see that they seamlessly integrate into one another in a way that is engaging andb believable it's not such an overwhelming transition that it takes you out of the experience of the video but it gives you a sense of time passing of a montage and I did this in the four different styles so again you can get the idea of exactly how each of those look so this is film and you can see that it does a particularly good job at creating a video that is coherent between the shots now next up is render and this is the version that always gives the most realistic animations between each of the shots that it does not go into animating additional elements between each of your given images it simply tries to go from one image to the next in the quickest way however it does tend to create an amalgamation of all of the images together so that it changes the images that you put in as you can see this shot is not the same as the image that I originally started with now in this instance the other two modes are not as relevant but the animate one did come up with something quite engaging and beautiful and remarkable and it certainly has a sense of Life about it and the actual consistency of the narrative is more believable because there is this stylistic consistency between the frames that they are all animated and from this I almost get the sense that this character is moving from a a more happy Outlook to suddenly turning into despair as the colors gray out and for the experimental version it certainly started to do some odd things by adding in multiple characters who are spawning all over the place and I have not been taking any hallucinogenics today but I certainly feel that way looking at this video so I certainly recommend what you can do is take an image that you've generated in mid journey and take all four variations of the proms that you used to create these videos in Korea now I performed exactly the same process taking these same four images from single prompt in mid journey and combine them into this clip which is also really playing at the strengths of Korea so you can see that we don't have the ability to take direct control over the animations inside of Korea but what we do get are some extremely imaginative and visceral experiences that take us from one shot to another so this is something that is both a strength and weakness of Korea so I had an idea to play around with the strengths coming out of Korea and create a video that takes our female protagonist from youth into old age so what I did was I went into render net I created a portrait of a young lady I then used this portrait with pose control so that maintains the composition between shots of your character and then I continued to generate images of this character at different ages so a simply changed the age within the prompt so this one was 40 years old and this one was 100 years old she's looking pretty good for 100 though I must say and this one was 120 years old Christ impressive and then what I did is I came into Korea and I laid these out on the timeline one by one so starting with the youngest and finishing up with the oldest I then added in the text prompt of a woman aging now I played around a little bit with different clip durations and I found 4 seconds gave us a good effect for this now let me show you how this came out and here you can see this young lady quickly aging through the years and you can see it works really well for this type of effect so actually to get a complex special effect of Rapid aging of an individual it's actually very possible and what I love about Kaa is that it will automatically make this into a looping video so you can see that it goes to old age and then takes us right back to youth again and this is certainly an interesting application for Crea now I did this in both the render and the film modes and that was the render mode and this is is the film mode so as you can see the render mode takes us more quickly between the different shots whereas the film mode gives us a slightly more wild whereas the film mode adds in so the render mode gives us a smoother animation between each of these shots and so it's less obvious that we are moving between different images whereas the film mode maintains a closer consistency to our original images so my top tips for using cre are that if you are looking for realistic coherent videos you should be using render if you are looking to maintain as much closeness to the images that you upload and use as your basis then I recommend using film if you are looking for a more animated style then animation is the way to go and finally if you're looking for something wild psychedelic and trippy then try out the experimental setting now you can create much longer Clips with Crea all the way up to 10 seconds long and if you want to create even longer videos what you can do is start the next video with the last frame of your previous video so this allows us to stitch together videos that are much longer allowing us to create infinitely long videos now the resolution of the videos that come out of Kaa at 16x9 are 1024x 576 and this is large enough for us to easily upscale using an AI video upscaler to get at least 2K resolution so the strengths of Crea are that you can allow the AI to go wild with its interpretation of animating between shots you also have a lot of control over where the video starts and where the video ends but you have very little control over what happens in the middle though you can start to coers that by adding in more key frames to influence exactly how you would like the narrative to develop now the downside of cre is that it has a tendency to animate objects and humans in ways that are not natural but on the flip side that is actually a bonus because you can create these extremely visually engaging and psychedelic type visuals which are perfect for a couple of different situations now the first is obviously creating these rapid aging videos the second is if you're creating a condensed sequence that is visualizing time passing and a montage of an individual you could also create engaging sequences of somebody going on a long trip and condensing all of these experiences into just a few seconds if you're looking to generate a dreamlike or a deathlike experience then the animations coming out of Korea work exceptionally well for those use cases I think Korea is a fantastic tool and I've had a lot of fun playing with it I particularly like the approach to laying out key frames to generate the AI video and this is something I think we're going to start to see more and more of as we move forward now as for pricing the free plan gives you 3 minutes of compute time a day and that gave me around eight 3 second Clips but for the basic mode which is a very reasonable $10 a month which is the subscription that I have you get 2 hours a month of compute time as well as access to all the other features available from Korea and Korea does have some other interesting features particularly the live painting AI tool where you can simply start to draw and the AI will generate images in lifetime as you update the canvas so Kaa is another AI video tool to add to our Arsenal that excels in creating psychedelic trippy and dreamlike sequences best of all Korea has a free option and you can get your hands on it straight away let me know what you think of Korea in the comments below and most of all thanks for watching and I wish you a delightful day
Channel: AI Samson
Views: 18,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, samson vowles
Id: RGyr8vvy2XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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