AI Mega Update: New Tools and Huge News

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AI news is Relentless it never seems to slow down even a little there have been huge announcements from all the biggest players tons of new tools to try out and like always some weird ones before we jump into the really useful stuff you can experiment with yourself I want to start with a quick run through of some AI integrated robots because a bunch of announcements have flooded in about them first and not the craziest is this real-life Doctor Octopus looks like we got competition these are by a Japanese robotics company called gizai arms they're AI powered and fully controllable by the user the wearable base unit has terminals for up to six detachable robotic arms you can control looks like we may see some interesting cyborgs in the near future and next we've got Sanctuary AI they released this demo of their humanoid robot Phoenix their mission is to create the world's first human-like intelligence in general purpose robots to help us work more safely efficiently and sustainably carbon is the name of their AI Control System it uses deep learning and reinforcement learning coupled with modern llms to translate natural language into real world actions there's been a lot of advanced humanoid robots in the works for a while and now they're starting to incorporate large language models Tesla had an announcement about Optimus this week as well they're walking around and exploring and they teach them more and more complex tasks they also released some examples from their full self-driving system Tesla gets left out of the AI conversation a lot but they have super Advanced AI models and have for a while now a lot of these robots are being developed to accomplish tasks in various workplace settings but it's only a matter of time before they're made for general consumers and around the house although they won't be in humanoid form at first one example is this leak from Amazon where they're implementing it into their Astro home robot they're calling it Burnham Astro wasn't a big success but this new version may end up with some useful capabilities Amazon also had a job posting for AI powered search in it they talked about reimagining Amazon search with a new interactive conversational experience that's enough about robotics it's fun to check out but let's talk about some stuff you can actually test for yourself chat EPT plugin are now available to anyone but I'll talk about that in a little bit I want to start with Google's text to music I did a ton of these it's been really fun you can rate which one is better to help the model develop and you can download it if you want it does the best job of any music generation platform I've seen so I'm excited to see how this developed as they get feedback and develop from this test model you can sign up to test this out there is a wait list but I was approved in like 10 hours here's something I just saw get posted from hugging face while I was finishing editing it's really crazy so I had to throw it in I haven't dug deep I just read the abstract and watched the demos but you can download the code and experiment for yourself if you want you drag the handles and you're able to manipulate the pose shape expression and layout of all sorts of creatures and objects it even has the ability to add an input like to open the mouth of this lion after following AI news for a while you get used to seeing really big innovate invasions but this one is really blowing my mind in video as a tool I started using for editing shorts I've actually started posting one every single day on two channels since I started using it it's a really intuitive and simple video editor with tons of templates and fast tools I use Adobe Premiere for my long form videos because of all its capabilities but it is extremely time consuming a platform like in video makes it really fast so I've been implementing it into my workflow I'm actually probably going to start another faceless YouTube channel with the system I'm creating just because of how streamlined I can make everything they have a full script to video feature you input your scripts and it will generate the entire video finding relevant stock footage it'll add Transitions and it can even add the voice for you it's pretty incredible it gives you a great starting point in just a couple minutes instead of a couple hours like it would take in Premiere or resolve they have default templates or you can spend some time creating a nice format then use that as your template for all your future videos in a given style so it's free to test the platform and create videos but you will need a paid account if you want to export it I also bring this up because the trailer they released for their upcoming features looks amazing drift pump from Bubbles and you'll be right no need to worry it's a funny sight you'll just input an idea then it will create and edit your entire imagine waking up to the sound of space-time being distorted each day [Music] you can sign up for the waitlist for that right now to get Early Access I definitely want to be one of the first to try it out mid-journey 5.1 came out and a lot of images have gotten even better depending on what style you're trying to create they also announced that they're working on text to 3D shapes with how impressive their art generation is I'm guessing they'll lead the pack there too open AI also announced that their text to 3D called shape it's not great yet but it's a good step in that direction I haven't seen anyone very far along with this nyrick released a preview for their AI World Generation platform they're building personalized AI generated gaming you create your whole 3D World and environment with text prompts this isn't available to test yet but looks completely mind-blowing to think that we are almost to a time where you'll be able to generate any type of personalized game for yourself with some text prompts another one in the gaming realm is unreal 5.2 they released a machine learning deformer sample it's used to create High Fidelity real-time character and deformations driven with full muscle flesh and cloth simulation it is absolutely insane the amount of realism they're able to create 10 web is another tool I've started using personally it's a website builder that's incredibly easy to use and is based on WordPress so the website you create is fully customizable with endless possibilities for functionality I did a deeper dive into them in my last video where I compared them against other AI website Builders but the short version is you can start from a text prompt then it will create your full site with text and images or you can also clone the layout of any web page you just type in the URL and it will clone the layout then you just replace it with your own content it has an AI assistant built in to help with writing and brainstorming and the 10 web Builder is based on Elementor so you can just use drag and drop editing to customize your site then you also have full access to the WordPress dashboard so I chose that for my site being built on WordPress was one of the main reasons since that's the most used and trusted platform it has endless tutorials and resources to learn from it's free to test out and build your site but it is paid if you decide to stick with it so this ad by Coke Cola is a really cool example of stable diffusion being used it's done in a similar way to the technique Corridor crew used to create their anime that I talked about in a previous video and I found a breakdown of the process on Reddit basically they composite a mix of actors real scenes and 3D animation and used stable diffusion as a kind of stylistic rendering it's actually just insane to see how much work goes into a commercial like this for poison but the amount of time saved using stable diffusion is huge and it gives it a really cool style then another one in the realm of poison Wendy's made a deal with Google they're working on a customized AI for drive-through ordering they think it will give customers a better ordering experience with less miscommunication the CEO said it will be very conversational and you won't know you're talking to anybody but an employee with the right training I assume it will be good at this there's already plenty of ways you can train models on data sets that are much more complex than a Wendy's menu although I am curious how it will respond to things like a drunk person asking nonsensical questions and do that pay it forward thing so can you make that guy behind me paper this one is a simulation someone created with chat GPT programmed into NPCs it's to help coach someone who isn't comfortable meeting new people hi there I'm Tom how are you guys enjoying the party song doing this in VR to help someone with social anxiety is a pretty cool use case I think there's a lot of potential for other things in this realm like practicing for a job interview or preparing for a debate now let's jump into the biggest chat EBT update for a while which is access to plugins and web browsing for All Pro users to enable them go to settings click beta features then switch them on then you click the drop down on a new chat to use them there's over 70 plugins available there's ones like Expedia kayak instacart and open table so you can find flights book hotels order food things like that those are useful but self-explanatory and not particularly interesting there's a couple I'm excited about like scholar where you can interact with peer-reviewed data instead of how with chat EBT you get these kind of broad Strokes answers and sometimes just make stuff up with scholar you can ask for specifics about a paper it can analyze it and it will link directly to its sources right now it's only linked up with Springer nature sources but that does cover a wide array of topics 6 and they're also planning to add additional databases like PubMed this stuff is all still new but imagine incorporating this with another plugin like Wolfram that one's able to analyze data algorithms and computation across subjects there's some really amazing possibilities chat with PDF is really useful it can analyze PDFs you just give it the URL and you can summarize it or ask it questions the show me plugin lets chatgpt create diagrams which is really cool they're adding new plugins regularly exploring them and finding what is applicable to you and spending a little time to implement it can be huge I am all about creating efficient systems and workflows there's a Benjamin Franklin quote for every minute spent on organizing an hour is earned and that's the case even more so now if you spend that earned time wisely you can really compound your productivity and what you're able to achieve access to web browsing has been rolled out to Pro users as well I've had issues with it where it just takes a long time or completely fails but the times it does work it's been awesome and it's still new so I'm sure improvements will come quickly this announcement about plugins and web browsing came right on the heels of Google's i o event that's where they announced all the new features they're working on and Bard has access to the internet already and they announced very similar plugins IBM also announced that they're working on Watson with a plan to release it in July that feels pretty late to the party Google had some really solid announcements it was a four hour presentation and a lot of it's not coming out for a while they said most of it is expected by the end of the year so I'm just going to do a few quick highlights the magic editor for photos looks awesome you can move things around or remove objects and it generates the missing information tons of other tools do this but it looks like it does a great job the immersive Google Maps looks amazing it will generate cars on the road to simulate current traffic you'll be able to drag a slider to see what any area looks like at any time of day or whether it is a huge upgrade the universal translator not only translates any language while making it sound like the original speaker but it also matches their lip they partnered with Adobe Firefly to create images in slides or Bard they also have text to image speech to text and coding tools they're working on really it's a lot of things we've already seen plenty of other companies doing but just implemented within Google and finally they released this promo video partnering with Tato [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Futurepedia
Views: 67,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KXlNOpod7Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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