AI Learns to Steal Bananas

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these are tater take banana BOTS right now they know nothing today we're going to teach them how to steal bananas [Music] this is the lab and here are the rules bots are able to rotate move forward and attempt to grab an object in front of them they see using raycast distances five of them to be exact and the goal for today is to grab the banana the bots will learn using reinforcement learning therefore their actions are either rewarded or penalized the future generation BOTS will act upon these sets and create better and better behaviors [Music] first iterations are strange but expected they are all very stupid and all the temps at banana grabs are well [Music] glitchy to say the least they learn to grab that they tend to want to drop it immediately and then grab it again to fix this issue the bot should eventually learn how to hold on to it themselves therefore more steps are needed at this point banana-bot is holding the banana securely but so far he hasn't performed any turns to avoid the walls to encourage this I've added random rotations that spawned to force him to learn that walls are the enemy this will also improve his ability to see the banana so more training is needed to my surprise the Amata arrives and unfortunately battlebot is not yet ready to take them on in the banana battle royale hopefully we can get him trained up and ready but it's not looking promising ok I'm actually sick of doing that voice so we're just gonna do it in a normal voice for the rest of the video after sitting random rotations the bots seem to be adapting well but at this point it does manage to make a desirable turn towards the banana often it misses it entirely or just rams into the wall fortunately 1 out of 10 will grab the banana and stand still afterwards whilst this is a promising result we do want him to avoid the other BOTS for the banana battle royale so I'm going to add another bot with these same behaviors to the lab and I'm hoping this will cause a little bit of rivalry and force them to play keep-away with the banana after 800,000 steps they are gathering the banana perfectly but because of random rotations there are a few favorable BOTS that will grab at first after that banana starts moving the bot seems to get a little bit confused but in some instances they will fight for it I'm assuming after 1 million steps the bots will be better at understanding the concept of first and first serve we'll just have to see after 1.3 million steps they work almost perfectly well as perfect as I want them to be their behaviors are somewhat unpredictable and it's really enjoyable watching them try new things for example I was able to see sometimes they would share the banana which is a really weird thing that I definitely had no influence on the way the banana is does actually allow both people to hold the banana which was a silly thing on my behalf but maybe we will see more in the Battle Royale unfortunately my computer system dropped to 3 frames per second at this point therefore I won't be continuing training and will have to put them in the battle royale scenario right now with a single banana [Music] welcome one welcome all to the banana Royale finals we are closing in on game time with some incredible finalists today giving it their all in the quarterfinals last week among them of course been a 12 falling stock in his son lost in space to recovering from an injury given by none other and so crush was bite size and a fan favorite Sterling McCheese also on the red plate tonight on the blue plate starting positions is mad dog happy fighting against link in description and slender Bart fintan little Jim dear just a peanut pop serbian gaza of course showing promising results before we are just about to start referee miguel McGann is standing idle there's the whistle fentons off to a great start not too close behind is mad dog but Vinton misses an early take and stomach she sticks into a take position there's got to be the fastest take this season bite-size may steal here there is a chance we are quickly progressing to half points McCheese Alma's guaranteeing himself a spot then the final one b1 Noah threatens that take a first end of the banana Royale a clean sweep as sterling McCheese is about to gain full points on the 22nd mark that's 20 points there and he guarantees himself a spot in the final 1v1 incredible work there seems to be a problem with the TMO though Miguel has caught something apparently some off time contact we will get a we play soon to confirm there it is the first hit it's the second head there's definitely a red card you cannot make contact after the whistle he has clearly done that riffs decision though I think he goes with the red obviously not the result that we wanted second round kicks off Punk savvy fintan and took me how am I wasting no time on the advance but they miss the mark entirely stockin and some completely confused will anyone focus on direction here Mad Dog will though slow has the right idea with Gaza slightly ahead where dog almost Within Reach actually this is looking pretty promising mad dog with the accuracy he's got the banana he's halting this is quickly going to mesh sterling make Jesus score and we have our second finalist nearly it's on the halfway mark I don't think anybody can beat him from now mad dog approaching 15 seconds [Music] and we had a second finalist fan favorite Mad Dog without hesitation making the stadium realize a winner is standing within their presence the final round will begin without hesitation set up and ready Mad Dog blue against sterling McCheese red one day of training finally paying off for these two athletes there's the whistle sterling McCheese making a steady advance mad dogs slacking behind McCheese closing in under five meters McCheese isn't showing any hesitation he's craving a banana sundae Mad Dog way to behind thinks this may be it sterling McCheese is going to take it our first ever banana Royale winner position is as he makes the final take of 2019 s official banana Royale I don't think the crowd was ready for such an underwhelming ending [Music] you
Channel: TairaGames
Views: 226,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, nueral, networking, machine, learning, unity, simulation, game, royale, banana, bot, bots, training, final, ml, nn, battle, agent, agents, evolution, evo, survival, games, pick, up, throw, sports, unity3d, gamedev, dev
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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