AI is dumber than humans | Jeremy Dohmann | TEDxBoston

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Transcriber: Begum Dirik Reviewer: Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed (Music) (Music) Hi, I’m Jeremy. I’m a research scientist at MosaicML. I work on making large language models cheaper to train. I've been working in natural language processing for about eight years. The pace of improvement has really just completely blown me away. That said, I think artificial general intelligence is quite a ways off. I’m going to talk about a couple of things that, biological, a couple of ways that biological intelligence has an edge on current state of the art AI systems. The three things I’m going to talk about are intelligent weight initialization. Essentially, humans aren’t a blank slate at birth, but AI is. Complex reward signals versus simple single objectives. Humans have a complex reward system. We have complex desires, complex aims that help us navigate the world and reason about it causally. Whereas AI uses simple methods, and social intelligence. Soociety collectives whether it’s an ant or a human, the, you know, a stock marketplace or a flock of birds. Collectives are more intelligent than any one individual. AI still hasn’t, still hasn’t cracked the code for collective intelligence. So, I’m going to talk about intelligent weight initialization. The human brain at a high level essentially consist of a bunch of neurons. They connect to one another via connections called synapses. The weight between these neurons essentially modulates how these how the neurons activate one another. And it encodes our capacities, our intelligence, our knowledge. Human brains and brains of other animals, flatworms, horses, are formed at birth with weights and connections that enable us to quickly learn. These initializations have been passed on through evolution, through our genes, for billions of years. And, it enables us, enables horses to walk as soon as they’re born, enables humans to quickly rapidly acquire languages as soon as they see their parents speaking it to them as children. However, in AI, network weights are initialized randomly. This makes AI learn slowly. It makes training very data intensive and it makes their generalizability and their robustness far less compared to biological intelligence. [Towards AGI], by studying intelligent, biologically inspired Initializations figuring out what the building blocks and motifs are of generic intelligence. Could we build AI models that show innate intelligence and learn rapidly? You know, they say that OpenAI spent, you know, many, many months to train GPT3. The, you know, it took, it’s almost the entire Internet. Whereas human children, they acquire acquire language very rapidly. In the future, AGI will need to have intelligent initializations in order to accomplish this. Let’s talk about complex reward signals. Our brains come pre-installed with an intelligent reward system. You know, you don't need to learn that sugar has nutrients cause your reward system tells you that it tastes good. You know, you innately find it. You know, you feel proud when you do well on a test. And you feel pleasure when you see when you feel social approval from those around you. This reward system is passed on through our DNA. It’s an, innate, innate part of our brain that we didn’t need to learn. In AI, we train our networks with very simple reward functions. These reward functions, for example, in language models we simply train the model to maximize the probability of the next word conditioned on the words that came before it. This reward system doesn’t encode anything meaningful about the complexity of our universe. [Using complex reward signals, could we design AI, that has a richer understanding of the world?] Finally, I'm going to talk about social intelligence. Society is more intelligent than any one individual. Biological intelligence, whether it’s dogs or humans or butterflies or anything learns from interaction. Furthermore, biological intelligence self-organizes into collectives. With these collectives form emerges forms of intelligence that the single individuals don’t contain. Large AI models, for the most part, have not mastered learning from social interactions. AI researchers haven’t really figured out how to create the state of the art intelligence and collect them into collective forms of intelligence. Can we interconnect AI systems like ChatGPT so that they learn from one another and display collective intelligence? Thank you.
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 34,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, English, TEDxTalks, Technology, [TEDxEID:53719]
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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