ヒグチアイ - 悲しい歌がある理由 / THE FIRST TAKE

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I was hoping she'd sing Gekijyou or Yamerunara Ima, but this is good too!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Little-Glee 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

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[Spotify]: Higuchi Ai - Kanashii Uta ga Aru Riyuu

[Apple Music]: Ai Higuchi - Kanashii Uta ga Aru Riyuu

[Deezer]: Ai Higuchi - Kanashii Uta ga Aru Riyuu

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MusicMirrorMan 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
Ever since I’ve been praised that it makes me “look like a princess,” I’ve been wearing This snow-white dress that’s practically my uniform I’m expected to pour drinks for my boss at drinking parties But I don’t wear it for you The real reason why I say I want to get married is I want someone to love me enough to marry me You can be unattractive, poor, or unkind Just tell me you need me, even if I’m a nobody Sad songs will hurt you They tear away at scabs protecting old wounds But look, the skin has thickened The remaining scars have changed into kindness They shouldn’t hurt anymore I gritted my teeth and held back the tears when I was told they could be used as weapons Having done it for so long, I can no longer cry Why aren’t you crying? At the funeral where I was told I was heartless The one who knew me best lay in the coffin I didn’t say anything cuz being touched was better than getting hit Say something, laugh, I was told as I was hit on the cheek A tiny, tiny, tiny piece of happiness picked up by someone Might have fallen out of me Sad songs will hurt you Slashing old wounds again But look, it’s a different kind of pain You’ve faced it every time the memories returned You’re so much stronger now Sad songs will hurt you They tear away at scabs protecting old wounds But look, the skin has thickened The remaining scars have changed into kindness They should no longer hurt It’s time for forgiveness now
Views: 958,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the first take, first take, ファーストテイク, ファステク, 一発撮り, 緊張感, COLORS, DSCVR, Tokyo sounds, lute, tiny desk, live, ライブ, 進撃の巨人, shingeki, AttackonTitan, AoT, ヒグチアイ, AiHiguchi, SiM, LinkedHorizon, リンホラ, 神聖かまってちゃん, 安藤裕子, 悪魔の子, Akumanoko, anime, しんげき, 澤野弘之, 日食なつこ, 鬼束ちひろ, 奥華子, 柴田淳, 柴田聡子, ユーミン, 椎名林檎, 中村佳穂, 優河, 竹内まりや, カネコアヤノ, あいみょん, Uru, 悲しい歌がある理由, 距離, やめるなら今, 中島みゆき, 吉澤嘉代子, 佐藤千亜妃, にしな, 藤原さくら, ぼっちざろっく, ぼっち, piano, ピアノ, 弾き語り, 泣ける, 心に刺さる, 働く女性, 応援歌, ドラ恋, みんなのうた, ネオンライトに呼ばれて, 小さな夢
Id: wNb1-E-r08s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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