AI Art EXPOSES ARTISTS To An Important TRUTH About Themselves

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foreign [Music] you probably know this already but in case you don't in case you've been living a very sheltered life the last few years artists are in the process of experiencing in real time history unfold our future our purpose our meaning is currently on trial literally I just posted a three-piece video a three-part video covering this monumentally important Senate hearing featuring of course on behalf of artists Carla Ortiz who I recommend you reach out to and send a lot of love because she's been uh she's been at the helm she's been leading the charge in this regard along with her friends and stuff but she's been the one appearing in Senate that said as important a subject as this is and as potentially damaging that this could be if we let it slide ignorantly I don't feel all that bad and what I mean by that is I don't think that this what's going on right now with AI and AI imagery is all bad now you can stop the video right here and go down into the comments and just let me have it just rip me a new one right now because no hold off don't get don't don't get ahead of yourself yet let me explain why I do not think that having our imagery having our our likeness having our style taken and Acquired and used illegally to train artificial intelligence programs to be a good thing I stand behind the artists that are fighting in on our behalf and I stand on the side of the argument that I've spent my entire life and you my my peers my friends my family you have spent your entire lives working towards developing this marketable skill being able to leave your mark and share your stories and your vision with the world around you and I stand behind you and protecting that which you have worked so hard to achieve but it's not all bad not what's happening right now and what I'm witnessing being at the center of of what's happening right now myself on my channel I can tell you that I have lived this before and no I'm not talking about an earlier video where I spoke about my experiences in 3D no I'm talking about several of the experiences that I've had in my life when we were on the brink when we were when when life itself when our safety when our stability when the Rhythm of Life As We Knew It was being rattled and one such experience that I have been I have brought up in in art talks in the past was the ice storm the huge long uh terrible ice storm that hit Eastern Canada and parts of Northeastern USA as well that for many people across this part of the country were out of power for weeks and even months we actually since this past winter we actually had another another short ice storms that lasted about I was out of power for about a week which was pretty significant long enough to cause all the food in your fridge to rot long enough for me to have to camp in a house overnight for three nights while my family stayed summer warm so I could make sure my cats were safe waking up in the middle of the morning where I could see my breath in my own bedroom that's pretty dramatic isn't it and living in the dark with flashlights kind of sucks ass but back in 99 it was much bigger deal back in 1999 the for a lot of people the entire this entire portion of the country was a ghost town it was Pitch Black it was a frozen landscape it was actually in some ways objectively beautiful when downtown Montreal where I was or the entire city all the neighborhoods around Montreal were literally Crystal palaces it looked like the the the ice witch had had cursed the city and this lasted a long time at day one day two when the power was out well it happens after one week people start to really worry after a week and a half the city starts to go into panic mode and starts hoarding things grocery stores start having to use Candlelight to light the aisles and then by week two two and a half something starts to happen people start coming out of the Woodworks and start to to realize that if we don't do something if we don't do something dramatic something significant then we're in serious trouble so for the first time in decades since I had since I was born pretty much in that part of town um people started to emerge from their homes people that were normally homebodies introverts all of a sudden people start to realize I've got to get out of my house I've got to start doing something to to get help and to help others it just becomes instinctive to to start to band together and one of the things that this ice ice storm that this challenge that this tragedy in many cases taught us as people in the modern era was that in order for us to survive in order for us to thrive we need each other we need each other I wouldn't eat if the guy who worked at the pizza shop up the street decided to open his doors to make lukewarm coffee and warm up pizzas on a Bunsen burner because all of his ovens were off and offer a place for comfort I wouldn't have been able to eat or get the Necessities that I needed for myself for my family if the grocery store closed and somebody didn't find a way to keep those doors open and then somebody volunteered a couple of people volunteered to be security because their security systems weren't working all of a sudden we're thrown into this place where people start looking out for for needs of others and filling those demands to see doctors and physiotherapists and and accountants offer to help move some to carry somebody's groceries or to help an old woman walk up the street that was that was basically a skating rink to lift huge logs of wood that had fallen on top of cars and parts of people's houses and helped to to tape up and and put plastic up on the sides of houses where branches had broken through and there was cold air getting in it was pretty dramatic seeing this happen and I started to meet and get to know neighbors that I never knew existed it was a very very difficult challenging time there were people who took advantage of this situation there were people who who took advantage of the blackout and the overwhelmed authorities and police officers to loot homes some people were irresponsible or unsavvy and tried to light propane barbecues inside their house and poisoned themselves to death pretty bad things happened but the majority of what was going on was the community started to band together a community that up until that point for for many many decades were complacent comfortable had everything they needed they had their television they had the radio they had their phones they had everything they needed took it all for granted and then all nature needed to do was flick the switch just turn off the electricity for a couple of weeks and all of a sudden we realized we were thrown back 200 years in history where all of a sudden we had to light by candle and all of a sudden we had to we had to fend for ourselves and find ways to keep our food fresh and put boxes outside on the back porch and if you notice somebody who didn't have food you take some food out of that box and you give it to your neighbor would I want to go through that again well it was very very difficult it was very challenging it was not fun you know taking cold showers is not not fun but I don't regret it I don't regret going through that difficult time and when I posted these last few videos when I basically a commentary on the court trials going on and kind of talking about the different people involved from stability Ai and from Adobe and UMC and and of course from the illustration side of things and the different judges that were presiding over and the questions that were being asked in the body language of the different people there as I was going over it and talking about it um what was truly amazing to see was that this is a topic that is so frightening for so many of us and so meaningful and and impactful to our lives that tens and tens of thousands of people have seen those videos but they haven't only seen the videos if you look at the anal analytics everybody who's watched it almost everybody who's watched it who's who has watched it all the way through to the end from a YouTuber's perspective that's remarkable because because there wasn't a single one of those videos that was under an hour long most people usually tap out around the 15-20 minute mark my art talks are usually quite long 20 30 40 50 minutes sometimes I look at the analytics and very often the analytics show that that people will start losing interest after about 12 to 15 minutes but this trial people stuck it through an hour an hour and a half they left hundreds and hundreds of comments they were incredibly proactive there were people chiming in from different domains people who weren't only artists but they were also they also worked in programming or worked in AI development they were lawyers that were chiming in there were accountants that were chiming in there were people that had experiences with Adobe themselves or had dealt with copyright copyright infringement with their music or with their artwork all of these people chimed in it was a huge active community of people and it's still going strong go and check it out for yourself the last few videos I posted on my channel as of Wednesday August 2nd when I'm recording this what's happening is our comfort our safety our security is being challenged and I think from a human perspective from a professional's perspective I think this is necessary it reinforces your resolve it refreshes your sense of purpose it reminds you that you are not alone in this community sitting behind a desk and drawing that's only one 50th of what you truly are as an artist as an artist you're a member of a community you share a common passion you share a common desire you share a common language and you need to understand that sharing that by sharing your talent sharing your passion sharing your voice with other people you are letting other people know I'm here too you're letting other people know I'm a part of this community I'm listening to you I can I can reply to you I understand you the reason why my channel exists because it's community the meeting place where we can all find each other it's that place that one of the places that you can go when the power goes out and you're reaching out for help from somebody else that's what this is It's a community and that's the whole reason why I did those AI hearing videos in the first place because we could all meet together in one place and we could all share our thoughts and feelings our fears our hopes a couple of trolls which we I booted out very very quickly that's what this is all about if you all you do is sit here and whine and complain that that all it's all over there's there's no point there you know we might as well give up and throw in the towel right now I'm telling you right now when times are tough and you don't know what to do and you don't know where to go and your stability your lifestyle your your livelihood is being challenged you are not going to be the person that people reach out to for help you will not be regarded as an active and helpful member of the community people don't gravitate towards people who give up in tough times people who say oh screw it I thought it was going to be easy now things have gotten now there's challenge ah this AI is going to come it's going to steal everybody's job I'm just going to give up if that's your attitude stop because people need you your community needs you they don't need you to answer all their questions for them they don't need you to pick up the pencil and do the artwork for them they need you to to have that sense of belonging they need you to know that we're in this together yes it's tough but if we band together then we can figure it out you need to make yourself available as as a member of this community Carla Ortiz who I praise endlessly because she deserves it I'm not only praising her because she's been so active I'm not praising her because she's a really awesome artist who's worked on big projects yes that's admirable it's amazing but honest to goodness that's not why I give a about Carla that's not why I'm promoting her that's not why I'm making thumbnails on my YouTube videos showing off what a star she is I'm doing it because she represents a beacon of hope she represents somebody that we can find ourselves through she is a leader in this industry but not because she's better because she just effing chooses to do it in the first place is because she put herself out there she stood in front of the camera she swallowed her nerves and prepared herself and she she sat in front of that that those cameras in front of Senate an incredibly intimidating place just for the sake of speaking on our behalf she is setting an example of something you can be too you can stand right next to her and you can join her on this if you're inclined if you have any kind of expertise if you have the energy if you have the time if you have the passion to do something that can better everybody else let that be known and this is hopefully an example that you will be able to learn from and carry with you moving forward no I didn't enjoy one bit of the ice storm it was uncomfortable it was inconvenient it was lonely you know being in a house that's cold is a very lonely feeling it makes you feel very vulnerable but I wouldn't trade that experience for the world because all of the greatest experiences I've ever had all of the greatest learning moments I've had in my life be it through hardship be it through chronic pain that I've been spoken about quite a bit these are all experiences in my life where Nature has said Adam wake up you've got something to learn it's time for you to become a better tougher wiser version of yourself and that's exactly what's happening with AI right now right now artificial intelligence came at the perfect time it came at a time when we when we were losing our sense of purpose because all we ever did was sit alone in our home and slowly develop scoliosis and carpal tunnel syndrome and draw draw until somebody says you're good enough and then hopefully you get a paycheck for it and that is in my opinion a very limited Vision on your future because you are so much more than that you didn't just become an artist so you could draw you didn't just become an artist so you could hand some director or client a drawing you did and get a paycheck for it you're an artist because you have the gift to communicate you're an artist because you have this this insatiable fire this desire this drive to share your feelings and Thoughts with other people this is one of the things that makes artists so wonderful we're not just offering a service we're offering a piece of ourselves not only our technical selves and our creative selves but our emotional selves and don't take that for granted and hopefully what's happening right now now that we're being challenged now that we've been pinned up against the wall by bigger stronger more capable algorithms and softwares and billionaires that instead of buckling under the weight of it will bend together and become something greater and have a renewed sense of purpose and a new sense of focus and we will be reminded that we are greater than the sum of Our Own Parts okay and with that said I love you with all my heart and happy painting take care [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Adam Duff LUCIDPIXUL
Views: 12,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amateur vs professional artist, how to get jobs as artist, how to succeed as artist, how to draw creatures, lovecraft creature design, horror creature design, AI Art, midjourney, social media for artists, how to grow on instagram, how to create concept art, online art school, how to make money as artist, overcoming self-doubt, what I love about ai art, ai good or bad for artists, using ai as art reference, will ai destroy art careers, animation art book review, art classes
Id: ha4QMMi5xWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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