AI and the Post Work World (Kai-Fu Lee) | DLD All Stars

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[Music] [Music] who is the elephant in the room for western societies of course it's china it's china and i think we all have to look towards china the superpower we have to look also in the world of digital technology especially in the field of artificial intelligence so we've invited an ai and technology expert to talk about what is next in a.i in this country please welcome dld all-star kaifu lee chairman and ceo of innovation ventures and president of the company artificial artificial intelligence institute the innovation ventures manages funds worth two billion dollars and defocuses on developing the next generation of chinese high-tech companies kaifu first spoke at dld in 2011. in an interview with dld all-star cara swisher about the chinese tech ecosystem imagine 10 years ago he spoke about the chinese ecosystems then he had just left microsoft to start his own accelerators and now he's worth two billion us dollars amazing typhoo's new york times and wall street journal bestseller ai super powers we have it here wait i get it you have to see it if and you have not only to see it you have to read it um discusses the race for the leadership in the ai between the us and china i urgently recommended to dive into the topic of ai and its greater societal impact today he will speak about a.i and post work well and the post work world sorry for post work world in a pre-recorded video let's dive into it and and have a look into our future hi i'm kaifu lee of synovation ventures it's my pleasure today to talk to you about artificial intelligence it's growth opportunities and challenges given how fast it's grown in the past we're seeing that ai is making all kinds of headlines we're seeing that ai has beaten the best human game players ai has passed all kinds of exams and ai has even been able to generate natural language in surprising intelligence and finally ai has conquered a 50 year old biology grand challenge protein folding so how long will this continue how many of human capabilities will ai be able to take over or will ai and human work with each other symbiotically now let's look at the four waves of ai so we've already seen examples of all four waves so as i described ai is requires a lot of data in order to work well so naturally the first wave is the internet wave that is the amazon alibaba google tencent of the world are able to collect a lot of data and use your internet application using your data and your own clicks as a way to learn to do things so amazon will show you more things that you click on and it will get better because of it the second wave is really over businesses that happen to have a lot of data for example banks can use it for credit card fraud detection insurance company can use it to rate insurance applications and all of that is trained based on outcome the third wave is called perception and we've given examples of computer vision and computer speech so understanding your environment they have the ability to hear and and see and recognize and understand so that's something a lot of ai can do now the final area is autonomous ai and we've also seen some examples robots autonomous vehicles smart uh forklifts and cars and arms so that will continue to expand further and and able to really take over a lot of the blue collar work so you can see that these four waves are really impacting the industries under the four waves and they will mature the more data the better they get and all four waves will improve over the next decade or two and able to do a lot of things for us so that brings us to a key question which is as ai becomes more and more powerful trained by more data what type of jobs might ai displace so as we described ai is going to first displace the repetitive jobs and that's probably within the next five years then it will replace the more routine jobs and then it will go after the optimizing jobs jobs that don't require deep thinking but just requires checking a radiology uh picture an mri or ct and determining whether someone has cancer or not so that would be an optimizing job what remains safe are jobs that are really complex that requires strategy analytical thinking reasoning across domains common sense and then jobs that are creative jobs that requires you to come up with new ideas that no one has ever had before and when we think about the ai taking over some of the jobs and tasks it's really not just the blue color many people think oh the factory worker the assembly line those will go first oh yes those that jobs are endangered but the white collar jobs are also potentially endangered i gave the example of robotic process automation you can imagine if an hr department starts using that and it's being used for collecting resumes and once that works well some people are replaced it can go on to do email communication with the candidates it can set up the interviews it can coordinate the feedback it can help facilitate decision making and even do an offer negotiation once it understands a candidate so as we think about us and our next generations many of our jobs will be potentially in danger and as well and also when we think about our children also what are the hopes of their careers how will they get educated and if you have a one-year-old how do you envision their future and what should they study and how should the future of education be evolved so to answer these questions i think we should ask an important new question which is what ai cannot do and what i can tell you is that the the ai there are several things that ai cannot do ai cannot create conceptualize or plan strategically while ai is very good for optimizing a narrow objective it's unable to pick out what objective that should be or set its own goals or think creatively so nor can ai have any common sense or think across complex domains but the other key thing for us to realize is that ai also cannot feel or interact with empathy and compassion that's something we believe is innate with human beings so a robot trying to take care of an elderly person or making someone feel understood and cared for that's not likely to be easy to do and even if ai can kind of fake it humans are unlikely to accept it also as an additional point ai cannot yet accomplish complex physical work that requires a high degree of dexterity or very precise hand-eye coordination and deal with unknown and unstructured spaces especially ones that it hasn't seen before so putting these there are three dimensions here let's put the first two dimensions on the picture we've seen the x-axis before going from repetitive tasks all the way to creative tasks and more to the right are the human more to the left are for the ai to do but we also talked about the second dimension which is about empathy and compassion so let's add that as a second axis the y-axis uh the the lower part would mean uh there would need to be less of empathy and compassion higher would be more empathy and compassion so we now have divided all the jobs and tasks into four quadrants on the lower left ones the low creative and the low compassion of course we would expect these to be done gradually by ai those are the jobs that we talked about replaced in the first parts of this talk those are really the only jobs seriously endangered if we move to the lower right these are maybe lower compassion required but require high degree of productivity like a scientist well that's actually an area where there's a great opportunity for human ai symbiosis on the on the upper um left are the most interesting examples because they are not necessarily the most creative jobs but they require a lot of human touch and compassion and trust between humans and humans so that's where uh one could potentially take ai as an analytical engine and really wrap the human warmth around it in these kinds of applications these kinds of jobs and of course on the upper right with high creativity and compassion that's where humans will excel so there you have it is a blueprint of how humans and ai can and will work together so while we're seeing increasingly ai can do more and more tasks there are still many things that only humans can do so let's move to the last topic in light of the still significant challenges of ai displacement of jobs or some would call technological technologically driven unemployment what are the solutions for us and for our children i outline these in three categories in order to survive and thrive in the ai economy i would say we have to relearn recalibrate and build a new renaissance so what do i mean by relearn relearn is the process for the people who are displaced from routine work to learn work that is not displaceable so i think vocational schools need to redesign their curricula to consider the fact that auto mechanics are going to be needed less and less plumbers may be a little safer but nurses will be a job that will increase a lot so this reallocation needs to be made the second area is recalibrate i think a lot of jobs we really need to creatively think about how to recalibrate them we need to make sure all the professionals are not just doing the same job they've been doing but are able to learn ai-based tools so that as we discussed ai-based scientists should use ai tools ai based medical scientists should ui use ai-based molecule generation programs there will be ai tools being used in all kinds of places for people who are artists or writers and the future doctors will need great ai diagnostic tools the future of teachers will need to rely on ai for helping each student to to get a customized education and an entertaining education by having one-on-one ai to student kind of customized teaching the last opportunities is the most fun i call that renaissance because it's really celebrating the human creativity compassion and humanity just like in the italian cities that really the merchants funded the renaissance ai will create a phenomenal amount of wealth that can fund a new renaissance ai will inject interesting flexibility people can perhaps work fewer hours follow their passion develop their talents really go after and become the people they really want to be and and um with more time i think there will be people who could be part-time artists sculptors writers photographers and also educators i think freed from the drudgery of having the great homework which ai will do the teachers will be able to unleash the energy to design lessons that encourage curiosity creative thinking um and the critical thinking so lastly just to conclude i think we have we're definitely seeing ai making a huge impact in the society ai will do routine jobs for us and that means we have to figure out ways to transition people along um and also make sure that people are aware they need to be looking at a new ai era where the most important skills are different than before so to conclude on this talk we anticipate ai will dramatically change the world at first it looks like ai will take away a lot of jobs and tasks but when we analyze it we actually see what ai can and will do is take away the routine jobs and while even that places significant challenges and for us to really have to think about the three r's and to over how to overcome the next 15 to 20 years where routine jobs are being taken away but if we look a bit beyond that beyond the 15 and 20 years what we see is that ai will have truly liberated us from having to do routine work and really be able to focus on the exciting the fun the passionate things and these after all are the reasons why we came to this earth thank you thank you kaifu for this amazing speech it was visionary it was urgent and it was inspirational um audience i really encourage you to learn about everything you can about ai i think it's a it's like electric electricity in the 20th century we can't stop ai anymore out of our life so better we learn about it and we inhale everything new about it so thank you for the educational message you sent to our audience dear kai foo hope to see you soon again best daffy ciao you
Channel: DLDconference
Views: 1,532
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: DLD, Munich, Burda, Websession, 2021, All, Stars, Allstars, Conference, Digital, Tech, kai, Fu, Lee, Sinnovation, Ventures
Id: FrIy-fLE8fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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