(A.I) 2020 Rise of the Machines | Artificial "Super" Intelligence Documentary

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welcome to the 5th kind this video is brought to you in partnership with Gaia comm creating thought-provoking documentaries and programs as we become ever more reliant on cellular phones and devices to aid in our everyday tasks rapid development into new technologies is underway at an alarming rate modern devices are now specifically designed to interact with us in ways that mimic a real human being applications such as Siri and Google cast are providing the user with a human-like interaction experience these companies are creating artificial intelligent machines machines exhibiting cognitive behavior with human-like intelligence for a program to be classed as AI it has to pass the Turing test a test named after how entering a British mathematician who worked within the early stages of computer system development he determined that if 30% of humans who interacted with the Machine believe they were actually interacting with the human being then the computer qualified as AI how would you account for this discrepancy between you and the twin ninth oh well I don't think there is any question about it it can only be attributable to human error this sort of thing is cropped up before and it has always been due to human error in the race to perfect AI machinery researchers believe that very soon a singularity will be created a machine that rises beyond human control something uncontrollable and irreversible resulting in catastrophic changes to human civilization the technological singularity is a hypothetical date at which the machines that were building becomes smarter than we are and begin to accelerate and take on their own evolution going into an exponential rate scientists used to think we were decades away from achieving the singularity however recent advancements in artificial intelligence that they thought were decades away have actually come to fruition suggesting that the singularity could in fact be closer than we believe do you want to community artificial intelligence is the science of making machines intelligent especially computer programs there are three levels of artificial intelligence beginning with artificial narrow intelligence this is sometimes called weak AI this is what we're experiencing in the public right now virtually everything you do online is utilizing artificial narrow intelligence when Pandora offers a musical selection for you when Amazon makes a selection for you this is artificial intelligence at its most basic level Siri and Alexa are very good examples of artificial intelligence level 1 or narrow intelligence I'm sorry virtual assistant Siri in particular by the way is an outgrowth of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is one of the main drivers of artificial intelligence research but what's happening is that this narrow intelligence is beginning to broaden into artificial general intelligence this is human level intelligence the board where machines think like humans were not quite there yet but every advancement in narrow intelligence is leading to the general intelligence the third level is the scary one this is artificial super intelligence this is where machines are either a little bit smarter than humans or perhaps billions of times smarter than humans and the difference is that they have their own agenda and this is where people start using words like immortality and extinction-level events with artificial intelligence because we don't know what will happen once machines have this level of intelligence could it be possible that humanity will soon arrive at a moment in history when artificial intelligence outsmarts human beings our Hollywood movies like The Terminator and Space Odyssey 2001 an unintentional warning that this scenario could happen within our not so distant future in the Terminator films they decide that the nuclear weapons is much too dangerous to be governed by humans so they invented AI program called Skynet the most amazing thing about Cameron's idea of Skynet is how closely related it is to the idea at how in 2001 Pal is a form of AI that's designed to watch the ship and keep track of the astronauts that are on the ship keep them alive and make sure the mission is successful but how some time during the mission reaches the same conclusion that Skynet reaches in that the astronauts are actually useless appendages that how is actually superior to them and that then how proceeds to kill each of the astronauts off one by one finally one of the astronauts bursts stopped al and destroys him near the end of the film but these two ideas are very similar and I think that both Kubrick in 2001 in camera in the Terminator the first two Terminator films which are really the only two good ones are warning us that AI is go to reach this conclusion and I think it's something we really have to think about it is if it is a logical program that we're creating what is it going to conclude about us and our irrational behavior it is believed that big technology companies like SpaceX and Amazon are investing billions of dollars each year into the rapid development of artificially intelligent technology leading technologists like Bill Gates Steve Wozniak Elan musk have come out publicly and made dramatic warnings against artificial intelligence as we create super intelligence that it will necessarily always have the same goals in mind that we do it is much smarter than a person what do we do it's a little bit hypocritical to me because at the same time they're warning against it they're investing millions upon millions of dollars in artificial intelligence their companies are now based on artificial intelligence and they hope to make billions if not trillions of dollars off this technology so they're a little bit late in mourning us about it because now our civilization is basically dependent on artificial narrow intelligence and this is the problem individual consumers who use a smartphone have no idea of the potential power of that technology they hold in the in the palm of their hand this technology is artificial intelligence at its best at its current level in the consumer level and we're saying yes to artificial intelligence every time we use our smartphone every time we go online but the thing is is that these large companies the big brand names who are pushing artificial intelligence never explained to us what they intend to do with it and how they are aiming it at the human body and ultimately how this technology will literally take over decision-making for individuals and humanity collectively there's something wrong with that precision technology will advance every 18 months it will double in speed in our process our ability to process using integrated circuitry we are now at a point where both AMD and Intel Corporation are releasing nine core processors with incredible processing speed unthinkable back in the 1960s 70s and 80s even in the 90s never on the verge of doing something that is unheard of we are able to construct a raise of servers and put together programs that are filled with algorithms and subroutines and functions that allow these servers to create a consciousness and become sentient and make their own decisions that's what leonid was about leonid was a defensive system an autonomous defensive system with some human components attached to it and it's meant to detect inbound et traffic this is an anonymous AI driven system that can make its own decisions if the human component was not available that's what scares the hell out of everybody now they're talking about making AI for policing the populist AI to help advance various academic sectors I just think if you see too much of a proliferation of artificial intelligence you are going to see elimination of the human component which will allow an AI system to take over and it's not something that I as an engineer with a software background think I could ever push as a step forward I see it as something detrimental to humanity more and more artificially intelligent machines are making decisions for and about humans and here's the where the harm can potentially come in because artificial intelligence is becoming a black box it's gone on to writing its own algorithms that humans do not understand we don't know how these artificially intelligent machines are coming to the conclusions that they're coming to and that puts us in a very precarious position in fact in the European Union there's already legislation in place to say that individuals have the right to demand that an artificially intelligent computer explain its solution or its conclusion to a human so this is a very very dark aspect of artificial intelligence where we have computers that we do not any longer understand how they work making decisions for humans we have never created a machine that we don't understand how it works but yet that's what we're doing with artificial intelligence and now it's beginning to accelerate and this is the danger of the singularity where these machines take on human intelligence and vastly expand on that intelligence and supersede what humans are able to do and then potentially are able to outwit humans the story of artificial intelligence destroying humanity is not a new story go back to the 19th century and you've got Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and in that story the creator the doctor is killed by the artificial life he is created in the monster or if you come into the 20th century you've got Dave what do you think you're doing which I reckon has to be one of the most iconic moments in modern movie law in arthur c clarke 2001 a space odyssey is there in Planet of the Apes where the human or human civilization at least is taken down by the Apes who the humans have enhanced with artificial intelligence it's in Blade Runner it's in Asimov it's in Star Trek in the 21st century it's in the matrix and of course in Stanley and Steven Spielberg's AI why does this story keep repeating what is it about it that is so resonant it could just be that it's a great story and that we keep retelling it because each new generation deserves to hear it or could it be that in our storytelling there's an ancient memory that keeps resurfacing something from way back in our prehistory or could it be that in our storytelling we're sensing something a disturbance in the water downstream of us some kind of precognition some kind of a warning well I happen to think it might be all three of those but when I listen to Elon Musk and think about our survival as a species I want to know among the tech giants competing in the race is Google's head of technology research reycarts while he believes that in the next 10 years Google will have the technology to simulate and mimic all the functions of a human brain including human emotions by 2029 we'll have reverse engineered and modeled and simulated all the regions of the brain and that will provide us the software algorithmic methods to simulate all of the human brain's capabilities including our emotional intelligence I've been a big big fan of Kurzweil for many years in fact when I read the age of spiritual machines that he published out in 1999 I think I read it in oh one ish or so and it was a big influence on me am I thinking and ever since I've tried to incorporate a understanding of AI into my general understanding of the world singularity I think will happen I think the argument for it is very strong indeed so we're going to look at a future in which in in important ways computing intelligence will truly exceed our own not just in chests and not just in air traffic control but in actual thinking cognition and so on I think that will happen where computer algorithms will be able to make their own decisions and truly have some sort of consciousness however we understand the consciousness can't be the same I mean is a dolphin conscious sure it is is it like our own no there's differences so with advanced computer intelligence have our type of consciousness clearly not it a different kind of conscience but I think we're gonna see a point in our lifetime where it will have it as to when I don't know I mean I don't think AI people really know a kurzweil I think maybe he's predicting 20 30 something like that I don't know what his timeline is there are AI people very serious ones who put it farther ouch others who say it's gonna happen very suddenly and catch us completely off-guard and I I really don't know dr. Ray Kurzweil envisions a day when you will go to an electronics store and you will have the the lens of your eye removed and it will be replaced with a liquid that's packed with electronics and a camera and a radio and you will be given them supervision you'll be able to see in the dark you'll have infrared vision and you'll be able to be wired to the internet 24/7 well with this supervision comes supervision and that's the problem and when that happens we're talking about a different form of human they refer to these as humanity 2.0 or trans humans and what people don't realize is that the the singularity and the skin Galera t when this technology is in meshed with our body are not only running parallel they're actually the same thing and the only way humans are going to be able to survive in the new artificial intelligence environment of the singularity is if we ourselves become machines what I think we can say is that we're seeing a lot of technologies coalescing to cause a speeding up of this process so I'm very sympathetic to the idea that this is gonna happen very suddenly without our warning we will probably be caught off guard by and you know it's interesting to talk about the phrase singularity in this context so AI people call this the singularity for a very definite reason they liken it to the physics of a black hole at the center of black hole you have the singularity essentially a point of virtual infinite density and infinite gravitational power and in type of crazy physics all of the physics that we have don't seem to apply that we don't know how to predict things at the singularity and this is what AI theorists are saying when computing intelligence exceeds our own we human beings will not have the ability to predict the trajectory of our civilization we're basically going to be losing control over this car that we think we're driving and it's now the dominant intelligence will be beyond us and what will that dominant Ella just do what will it merge with us as Kurzweil thinks a combination of human machine hybrid intelligence where will be some freakish bunch of creatures living for 500 years and IQs of a thousand totally unlike what we are or will the computers sink humanity let's pull a terminator on them we have no idea we don't know or will they be our willing slaves and make our world a paradise who knows that's why it's a singularity we can't really predict any of this ai people are some of the most darkly optimistic crazy optimists people on this plane I don't understand these people everything's gonna be great ai is wonderful let's just bring in all the advanced computing it's gonna make world a wonderful place where to live forever and the machines will do all the work for us well okay that's a lot of optimism in our social political economic structure for one well we've developed with the robopocalypse as many people are now calling this massive global automation work we're seeing it now we're seeing a scooping out of what was once a middle-class working-class all right so we have an entire massive class of people not just in the US not just in Canada but worldwide who no longer are employable these people can't get jobs all right so in the old days we would have the owners and the managers at the top of our pyramid and underneath 98% would be the worker bees making everything happen so that the people at the top could benefit now cut that worker bees in half the bottom half are Expendables they're not I don't have skills anymore for this modern economy there never gonna get a job all right so what will happen to these people and that class will get higher and higher so the AI people are talking about things like universal basic income this is their panacea okay it's economically never gonna happen totally impossible and if it were to happen it would be worse because it would basically mean you get your income from the government I'll tell you right now you are totally controlled by that government you have no say goodbye to any last vestige of freedom that you ever thought you had so thanks AI guys for promoting universal basic income but the problem is they rightly can't see any other option here all right because what's happening is that the automation that is upon us no one can stop this no one can stop it all right bill joy 20 years ago with Sun Microsystems brought on the alarms now we have Elon Musk saying basically the same thing they're not gonna stop it all right this train there's a track and it's going down this way and there's nothing that's gonna stop that train from getting to the end of it wherever that destination is so what that track is taking us to is a world where people are no longer going to be necessary for the economics of this society or at least many people and what will be done with all those people the ones that Henry Kissinger once referred to as useless eaters is anyone's guess you've got a lot of people getting a little concerned about this will they try to wank this out well they put us into the FEMA camps will they simply have a zoning out with minimum welfare on video games and drugs legal and illegal getting fat getting dumb and just watching reruns of Three's Company for the rest of all time your guess is as good as mine I think that's probably where we're going a world in which population is being totally controlled because they have to be because otherwise you have a restless population that God forbid they start thinking for themselves which is what they're gonna do if you give them tools so you have to dumb down the education system you have to dumb down through give them awful nutrition awful entertainment awful news and create basically a virtually fake society fake world that they're living in that keeps them just happy enough to keep going into this awful just topia that they're moving toward and and certainly dumb enough to keep moving along and accepting all this that's that's really where we're going now the thing about this is is that this is a fulfillment of the Christian prophecy of the second coming all these wonderful optimists who talked about transhumanism creating you know superhumans do they honestly think that this is going to be a future for all 7.5 billion of us on planet Earth seriously if they actually believe that they need to read some good books on political economy and history and maybe psychology and understand just what the human race is all right human race is a small group of rapacious dominating people at the top who will never ever voluntarily give up that privilege never gonna happen so if if if anyone is so naive as to think that oh yes all of humanity is gonna benefit from this immortality from this super genius and even if that's a good thing which probably isn't right a lot of AI research that's going on behind the scenes that's being paid for by somebody with deep deep deep pockets and they're being advised by Raymond Kurzweil who is talking about the fact that was in 50 years probably the the humans on earth will be about maybe 50 to 80 percent robotic and the recipe biological and I think they're working that direction I think the future what we're gonna see is a combination of human hybrid I think where we're going to be some of the last old-fashioned unenhanced Homo sapiens what I think we're moving into is a very scary world in which a very few people who can afford it will be literally superhuman we are right now as most people know on the very edge of quantum computing and AI and we're right there right now and where they're going to be implementing this well no matter what we do it's going to happen and we have to ask ourselves what is going to happen when this occurs we're already seeing odd effects from quantum computing the people call it the Mandela effect we're seeing odd breaks in the past things that were not that we remember are not what we remember their change and a lot of people think that that is a result of the quantum computing the very little quantum computing that's going on right now is actually causing breaking holes in the dimensional laws and there are only tiny holes now but you know who knows where this is going to go in five years because in five years they're going to be hundreds of quantum computers everywhere and we're gonna see what happens I mean it can we can even see a future where your social security number has changed things like that it's a really fascinating Sun many individuals working closely with in the development of these technologies warn against the implication of its creation and its potential suppose a real threat to humanity could this potential threat of a singularity somehow be prevented would we as creators even know what to look for within the vast amounts of coding and compartmentalized programs involved in its creation before it is too late no one knows for sure the consequences of achieving the singularity because by definition it's unknowable it's a term that expresses a condition beyond our comprehension beyond our understanding of what could simply happened so it's a Pandora's box that we're getting ready to open and it could have a big surprise for us the singularity brings with it the good the bad and the ugly it can bring bring dramatic changes in problem-solving for Humanity in terms of economics physics chemistry medicine we're talking about miraculous new discoveries and solutions to very human problems the bad is that it's going to cost us millions upon millions of jobs as much as 90% of the human population will be unemployed when the singularity takes place that leads to the ugly the potential for anarchy is absolutely astounding and nobody seems to be talking about that potential of unleashing the power of artificial intelligence the military application of this technology is an obvious concern to weaponize such a powerful creation could see devastating results all over the world a little talked about aspect of artificial intelligence is the military's interest in deep application of this technology and if the military is using it there's a teenager somewhere in the world that is also developing it for their own personal use and if this is a nefarious individual it's possible that one single person with this advanced artificial intelligence technology could bring down the entire United States military establishment artificial intelligences I call it cowboy technology because these guys are just running wild with little public oversight and very little government oversight and part of the reason why is because much of this technology is coming from the the darkest aspects of our military intelligence sectors and in technology development DARPA is literally feeding many of these companies the technologies and the ideas Siri is a very good example of that it was originally developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency what are you I'm just a humble virtual assistant and now it's a consumer application well what other military applications are in development now at these companies that will soon become consumer applications and how intrusive is that technology can it be in our lives and how how rapidly are we literally turning over control of our civilizations to machines we don't know anything about I'm very concerned about the militarization of the human spirit through Silicon Valley the reason I say this is because a lot of the technology that is being fed through Silicon Valley comes from the United States military and it's about control it's about controlling the population it's about controlling our human capabilities there seems to be a conspiracy if you want to call it that or a directed effort to suppress the spiritual capabilities of the human body for centuries the powers that be have not wanted us to access this deep reservoir of capabilities that we have and through Silicon Valley now that suppression is becoming even greater if you have for example a brain implant let's say you you buy into the smart dust concept and you allow them to sprinkle these nano technology computers into your brain they have the capability of keeping you at a very narrow range of frequency wherever they want you to be and if you start to wander outside of that frequency they're gonna have a real problem and they're gonna try to bring you right back into that kind of prison planet kind of modality and this is what I mean by the militarization of the human spirit because they had long been trying to suppress our abilities through genetically modified food other modalities just simply the suppression of the ideas and now with this technology they're able to ramp it up to a higher level and we effectively are putting ourselves inside of a prison cell by allowing this technology into our bodies and this is why you know I encourage people that unless it's a life-or-death situation don't allow them to break the skin barrier make sure that your utilization of this technology is temporary not implanted and permanent I characterize there's a there's a giant elephant in the room half of its pink half of its gray how are we going to go organic with our evolution or we're going to go technological or maybe the pink and gray can somehow merge but someone's got to lead the conversation and nobody else with the sudden rise of demand and resources available to further the development of this technology could we as human beings be losing our spiritual values as our once deep connection within nature been hijacked by machines what people don't realize with AI is that we are disabling ourselves and it's almost a new religion in a way because the scientists who are deep in the AI research use works like faith we have faith that AI is going to be good for us we hope that AI is going to be able to explain to us how it operates in its most super intelligent level and we trust that AI is going to be something good for us in the end well this sounds like they're talking about God too are we supposed to start praying to these black boxes now like you know some people literally treat their computer like it's God like it knows everything we have that kind of relationship with this technology and it is taking on now a religious fervor what a lot of people aren't aware of is that while there's a singularity going on where this technology is taking on human intelligence at the same time there's also a skin Galera T as I call it I coined this term to describe the the meshing of our flesh with this artificial intelligence technology where we will literally become a single hive mind at one with these artificially intelligent computers the skin Galera T refers to this moment when we start putting the implants in our brains when we are literally creating a new layer of skin every single organ in our body can now be duplicated artificially and be controlled at the same time by remote control which is the danger of it so we're coming into a time here where we are fundamentally redefining what it means to be human everybody talks in the new-age circles about oh we're all one and we should all act as a single race well the technologists feel the same way about it but the way they want to go about accomplishing that is by putting an implant in our brain that dramatically impacts our consciousness and dramatically increases our brain capacity Google's promise it sort of reminds me of the moment when Satan took Jesus up to the top of the tower and said all of this can be yours even the New Testament of the Bible says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven and this is what NASA is bumping up against they're realizing that the body cannot go into space so we have to change our form we have to become somehow different and the choices we there become machines or we do what the ancients did we transform our body into what the Tibetans referred to is the rainbow light body the ascension body the resurrection body hidden within us is this this deep reservoir of spiritual power that can transform our body into a higher level of spiritual evolution and then beam itself through the cosmos and then reform itself into a flesh-and-blood if it chooses this is the capability that the Tibetans describe with their great perfection or rainbow body teaching where the the Bodhisattvas have the ability at will to phase between their earthly flesh form and their celestial flesh form and in my opinion the ultimate answer for Humanity is to focus more on attaining our celestial flesh in terms of our light body rather than following the path of the singularity and turning ourselves into transhuman machines thanks for watching the fifth kind we hope you enjoyed this production you can watch more of the series deep space exclusively on gaia thanks again for your support don't forget to click the bell icon to turn on channel notifications so you never miss a new video you
Channel: The 5th Kind
Views: 229,117
Rating: 4.7318025 out of 5
Keywords: A.I, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Rise of the Machines, Artificial, Intelligence, Documentary 2019, elon musk, richard dolan, jay weidner, singularity, 2019, the 5th kind, technological singularity, artificial intelligence robot, facial recognition, humanitys last invention, machine learning, superintelligent, Ray Kurzwei, deep space, super computers, Threat to Humanity, end times, super computer, bill gates, technology, dwave, joe rogan, gaia, future technology, documentary
Id: nvPDEK776qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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