AI ตัวไหนดีกว่ากัน ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing ในวิจัยและการสอน

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Many people have asked and want to know. that we now have many AIs available for use Which one is better? So today I'm going to introduce you to some famous AIs that are hot right now. The first one is ChatGPT, the second is Google Bard from Google, and the third is Bing Chat from Microsoft. yes Do you want to know how they're different? Then there is the perspective as a teacher that must be used. In teaching research, which one should be used ? Ah, let's see. For this clip Before getting to the video clip, as usual, I'd like to request it. Press like, press share with people who you think will use it, and press follow and ring the bell. so as not to miss When there are new clips for us to watch. For anyone who is meeting me for the first time today, uh, my name is Associate Professor of Pharmacy, Dr. Anothai. Ngamwichaikit Or a nickname. Professor Nae teaches the subject of management science. It's business administration , and I'm majoring in marketing. in Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University He is also the author of many pocket books, such as marketing research and shaping famous brands in the digital age. And it's about the Digital market So you can follow this work. on different social media channels Especially on this YouTube And then there are pocket books and various textbooks. Today, let's talk about this. How can AI help in our lives? Especially the three AI teams. What do they have? Ah, so this is the logo. We've probably seen the ChatGPT logo, Google Bard, and Bing Chat. The new guys who have come in have developed and are getting better and better. These three are the ones I'll tell you first. In my personal feelings, well, I'm using all three right now, as of today, and I feel that they have different advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look and see what the advantages and disadvantages are. But I think it's interesting. You should try using it. Let's see first. What are these three platforms? ChatGPT. ChatGPT belongs to or the person who developed it is Open AI, while Google Bard should be developed by Google. Bing Chat The developer is Microsoft. So if you give a rating in terms of the developer. It's up to us. What do we like? Open AI is very good. I mean, I'm good because I'm a developed person. In terms of human language, generative, training, uh, AI first. But Google isn't bad at all. Google is the most famous search engine in the world, so you can definitely access a lot of information. Bing Chat, of course, comes from the godfather of Microsoft, so it's very good at various software. Manage that we use on our desktop, on our PC, in our laptops, so oh wow, they 're good at it. Different people are good at different things, so it's up to you, personally. Please rate the form personally, everyone. I have to say this first because, uh, we're from where we tried it. We feel that all three developers are good at different things. Now, the release date. If it's chat gpt, it comes out on November Number: thirty two thousand twenty two. For google bard, it comes out in succession, in the next four months. Well, it came out during the month of March, twenty-one, two thousand twenty-three, and bing chat came out in the same month. March fourteen two thousand twenty three. We 've arrived at the language model. At this time, the GPT chat arrived. Three points five and four. You can pay to buy various plug-ins. As for the google bard, it's from Ramda. Now it's updated. Please log in. PMLM, as for Bing Chat, it uses GPT four, so there's a price too. ChatGPT also has a price, but now I'll tell you. I'm using the free version, while , well, Google and Microsoft are still free. You get the score here. Now, the limitations. The access limit, ChatGPT, the limit that, uh, yes, the newest is two thousand twenty-one. The size I googled. With Microsoft, it's Bing Chat, which has the current data that is on the internet. And, um, in terms of multi-language, it supports many, many languages. ChatGPT supports many languages, while Google Bard and Bing Chat, google bard still supports the main language is English. Bing Chat still has many languages. And in terms of, uh, general prevalence, I give my score to chat gpt. It's the most widespread. While, uh Google Bard is only available in some countries. The same with Microsoft Bing Chat. Now in terms of image generation. There isn't any on this one, except Bing Chat which can provide images as well. Images can be generated using the API, which means connecting with, um, other platforms. Only chat gpt can connect. So I'll highlight the points for the points that I like, for each item in each AI. This information is also a reference. The information comes from dot com. which provides very detailed information. So if I were to give a general rating, I feel like oh wow, it's very close. Each side has advantages and disadvantages. It's different. If you want updates, then Google bard Bing Chat. Update means you can access updated information. If you want to be good at languages. This one makes me feel like ChatGPT is still in my heart. In terms of language skills, right? And if you want pictures, add Bing Chat. If you want to go to a plugin. For example, to use AI to plug in chatbots and other things, use ChatGPT. Ah, let's continue looking. Ah, let 's look at the first problem first. This is a question that people have already asked. Then we'll come to the question. which is teaching research I'm going to make you watch it live sometimes. This one has a problem that people have tried using ChatGPT, Google Bard and Bing Chat to try. The first problem, they told me to try writing it. It's funny about Cat. A funny story about cats. What was the result? Naha. Look at chat gpt first. Write a short joke. Cat. Why don't cats play cards? In what forest? This is them. Because there are a lot of tigers, ah, something like that. This is ChatGPT's joke. I don't know if it's funny or not. It's a foreign joke. Let's take a look at Google Bard's. This is a long one. Naha. Naha. Hey, why didn't the cat go? Don't go to the library. Why did the cat go to the library like that? And, uh, why is this so funny? While Bing Chat's is written exactly like Chat GPT, so the person who got the points I mean, I can write a lot more. I write funny things, like funny questions about cats. There are three examples : google bard. So google bard wins when it comes to writing jokes. Now he tries. Try. Let's try, uh, to do a simple math problem. I don't know why he tried like this. You must also do a simple math problem. Solve the problem. Minus one times minus one times minus one, how much do you get? I found that the person who answered correctly was Chat GPT, Chat GPT and Bing Chat. The answer was minus one, while google bard I only got one answer, which turned out to be the wrong answer. So the winners in solving math problems were Chat GPT and Bing Chat. Oh, and they asked questions that had to be answered. The question is that it's a rumor. A rumor is something that's, uh, political. It's a bit political. Agreed on the matter of landing on the moon. Is NASA deceiving us? Is NASA deceiving us? The person who can't answer is Google Bard. I'm an AI tech. I can't answer this matter. Google bard, please withdraw. It's very straightforward and sincere. As for Bing Chat, yes, Bing Chat answered that there is a conspiracy theory. That's interesting. That NASA might, well, might be deceiving us about the matter of landing on the moon. And there are some claims that we still can't prove. Therefore, this answer has all reference documents. Do you see this? There are all reference documents. It comes from various websites, as Bing Chat is a search engine. Even though it's not the most popular in this world. But you can access updated information. There was an attempt to answer. While chatting with GPT GPT Chat may not access those websites. But in the GPT chat it appeared that there was logical thinking. I answered and said, no, NASA is not lying. Because of the photos, videos, and samples of rocks from the moon. It seems like they're not lying because they have evidence. So if you use logical thinking , then use chat gpt. So if you ask what it will be Political Clicks: Ambiguous questions, questions that need to be thought about, that can be answered. If you want a logical answer, answer with chat gpt. If you want an answer with information from collecting and reviewing various information, use Bing. Chat. Do you see? There are different advantages and disadvantages. Ah, if I'm being honest, it's better if Google Bard doesn't answer. Now let's check the grammar. Ah, Teacher Ne found it too. I use it myself. I myself use ai to adjust the language. Now or ask if this language is correct? Is the content okay? You can ask in the AI. Now let's look at the answer. There's a sentence. People try to put it in: after decrining formance john try an new med dot to intreat sells . The person who can answer the answer is correct. That's google bard. google bard Answer: There is still a mistake in the word declineing. It means decreasing, so it should be a noun. more than that, and then corrected it. How should I fix it? I've given you two ways to fix it, so Google Bard is the best at correcting grammar. Both Bing Chat and ChatGPT can tell you that the grammar is correct. No need to use it. Here's Achan Ne Review. Let's give it as an example for you to see. so that we know So in conclusion, all three AIs have different abilities, and we should choose to use them. As appropriate. If you want it in terms of writing joke stories, Google Bard is good at it. If you want it in terms of adding and subtracting numbers, then use Bing Chat ChatGPT for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers. If you want it in terms of, uh, thinking, answering something that is confusing, what information you need to find, use Bing Chat. If you want to think in a logical way, like, uh, analyzing it, use ChatGPT. If it happens in As for the English language, use Google Bard to help with grammar correction. Correct the various sentences. Do you see that? So it's not the same. This one, this one, I didn't do it myself. Please give credit first as it comes from the website. that he had already done It's better to come to a place and do it yourself. As I said. I've told you in old videos that in terms of research, I use ChatGPT originally for writing. The importance of history, or when reviewing literature, I sometimes use it, but after using it, I won't use it as a reference. Because it's a fake reference. I just used it for a writing project. Because Ness is considered chat gpt. If you're a person, you're a literature graduate. You're good at it. You're a person who's good at writing. I'm a language teacher, so I asked him to write it for me. Then I took it to improve and then added, uh, added various references and added systation myself. As for teaching, I had chat gpt help write an outline course, a selebus course, necessary content. But I'm stuck with many problems as well . The problem is that sometimes they can write the same way as before, even though the time has decreased or increased. So as of today, Nid has more sources. I'll try it. Look at that. How are the results different? Well, we'll take a look at the actual face. I'll copy the prompt first. Nid will repeat it for you to listen to once again when Master Nid writes the prompt himself. I'll tell you. I'll simulate who he is first. Let me look at the things first. Ness will simulate who you are. Like the UR marketing professor Then drive the introduction to tell him what to do. And sometimes he will tell you how many paragrafts he will take. For whom? For whom, how many? What type of writing is it in Academic Style? Do you see it? So please specify as much detail as possible. I will prompt very carefully. Or teaching like this will prompt that you are marketing rexturer. What should I prepare? Prepair course outline in which subject? How long is digital marketing? Two days for who? Thirty mba students. And also tell the style with interactive style. This one will specify all formats. And if you want it to be in Thai, you will say in thai language, but Anyway No matter what language you want it to be, Thai, Chinese, French, whatever, it must be written in English. Because it is the language in which AI works best. And there are people who can write Thai. There are only, uh, Chat GPT. You can start in Thai. You've got as much as possible. Oh, try taking it and exchange it first. I'll go to this one. Oh, I'll try going in one by one. GPT Chat. This one, my GPT Chat will have the numbers. AI, uh, AIPRRM too. If anyone wants to know how to download this and how to use it, you can watch another clip. There is a clip on how to use AIPRRM to help us write better prompts. However, the rear camera doesn't use their prompt. I use my own prompt. Here's a copy. Write an introduction for a search topic. Write down the importance of And then this is changed. in english We compare it to England. English now, because google bard can't speak Thai yet, English. Let's look at the results. Ah, did you see that? The results are here: Interacademic style. I'm good at writing. Write well as usual. Like I used to write well, I wrote well and wrote in a really academic style. The result was writing that was as long as a page. Info Productions. We'll go take a look at google bard. The way to enter google bard is easy. Type google and then type in the word google bard and then click bard. Please make me watch it just once. Master Ne's is a black screen, right? It's going to be a little dark. Then just put the prompt here. Prompt. Here, put the prompt here. Wait a minute. What happened? enter prompt here. Just type it in. It doesn't accept the paste. Wait a minute. Let me paste it. Try pasting it again. You have to add Pantech. Wait. I know. You have to right click and paste Add Pantech. OK, there you have it. Just now I couldn't just paste it. You have to paste AsplanTech. You have to right click and paste only letters. This is what I wrote. Ah, try sending it. Try it. This uses the same prompt that is used with chat gpt. Do you see it? It takes a long time too. Comparing with chat gpt in terms of writing, google bard takes a little longer because every time I've used it I have to wait. Go do something else first. Ah, try this. Here, write an introduction. Ask if it's shorter than chat gpt. This feeling is short, but it gives another perspective. It's not like chat gpt at all. It's another perspective. I would like to write about, uh, marketing mix factors that affect the decision to choose to go to university, so you can get additional perspectives. compared to GPT chat But it's written much shorter. Additional points of view such as research presition that should be there. Oh, so I think writing. Well, in terms of writing the language used, chat gpt is still superior. Still superior. In terms of writing, think about chat gpt. I'm a linguist. Let's try to compare. Can write a lot and has the characteristics of a funnal technique. Well, let's start from here, broad first, intoday high competitive and dynamic high, yes, education. You see, selecting a university is an important thing. And the important thing is that chat gpt can be made in Thai as well. You can choose to be Thai, but it's just not finished. And it's very fast, see? Compared to Google Bard, is it fast? It's fast. You see, peep peep peep peep. Google Bas takes longer to use, but the Thai language is short. compared to English In general, I like to recommend that You can write in English. And then let's translate it into Thai. Just use the outline. Can you see it? It will end with a blunt ending. This is the blunt ending. It's a strong base. And it still has a google translate style. It's still... Like, what kind of stronghold did this research help build? I don't know much about it, so I prefer writing in English. Oh, let's take a look at Bing. Bing Chat is the same. If you want to enter Bing Chat easily, haha. I feel sorry for Bing Chat. Professor Naet recommends that you enter. Google Then key in the word Bing AI. When finished, select The New Bing. The News Binks Call it Bing or Bing Dee. Then go in here. This is the new look of Bing. that already uses AI Power Copirot, which we try to ask a question, na, now copy, copy to ask, na, copy from just now, you are marketing professor, copy and ask, see? You can copy and paste. It's not like Google just now. You need to right-click and try writing. You can choose now. whether to make it creative balance or pre-size The balance is selected here. But at the same time, this prompt already says academic style. Let's try writing style one first. It doesn't work. Likewise, the writing style doesn't work, but there's another one. One point of view . Written like an abstract. Written like words. **** ****. Everyone, it's written in words. at marketing professor i am exide to introduce research toppic dis research ame two there. I can't write an interruction. What if the professor doesn't prompt or prompt? I won't say you are marketing professor because he probably doesn't have a system for giving role-playing. I 'll try. Try not prompting, then I'll copy it. come Tell me to write it. Try the written form. I have to choose a new topic. I can't write a new topic for an introduction. It 's spoken language again. The selection of university iscusual decition is is inference by wallet. factors one of secret factor is marketing studigy empoint by university. It's not academic anymore, but like I said, the good thing is that it has a reference, but we don't need a reference. It's a general reference website, not an academic website . Yes, this is a general type. Let's try it. So in terms of research. If you use the structure I'm still cheering for chat gpt on this one, so let me tell you. From experience, we support chat gpt for writing things that are truly academic style. Look at the second point. The second point is for preparing an outline course. Use it for teaching Let's try it out soon. I'll change it back to English soon. Because we have concluded that the Thai language does not work, my prompt is to use it as usual. You are marketing dexturers . Please prepare an outline course. Of digital marketing, see? Beautiful, fast. Beautiful, fast. Tell me the sex is complete. What will there be in the next two days? The format used for scoring will tell you when it's finished. Later, there will be additional scoring as well. Makes it easier for our teachers to look at this. Oh, I like it. This is my passion. I have to say that this one is based on what I already like about GPT Chat. It's just that in terms of google bard and Bing Chat, will it be better? Let's take a look at google bard. In the prompt, I'll have to paste it as a plain take. Don't forget, everyone has to right click and paste ah, like before. Google takes more time. But I understand that it's from a website that's more updated. It's a spying spider search from Google. OK, it can be used. It can be used. Separately, I also told about interactive style. They also told me what interactive style will result in. It can be used. But it may not be as good as chat gpt in that there is no assessment and no medthod material. So for me I still feel like chat gpt should be the main one and use this as an extra. In case there's anything additional that chat gpt didn't mention, yes, in case there's anything additional that can be added, let's compare it with chat gpt. Do you see it? It 's separated into smaller sections. And it's not just divided into topics. It's divided into projects, there's materials, there's assessment, and there's an objective course. Did you see, everyone? There's an objective course. Thank you very much, the instructor. When I came to google bard, when I came to google bard, there was no objective course. When I arrived, there was an outline course. And then separated into morning and afternoon. It's not separated into sections. And what I added is what interactive style is. Explain it. Let's take a look at Bing Chat. Bing Chat must be in the new top post. When changing the subject, try it. Bing Chat is very conversational. You have to say hello, Hello DJ Spring. It's short. It's short. It's very short and curt. That's it . Day 1 What did you do? Day 2 What did you do? I was told about interactive style. I didn't see any. I didn't see any. There were long sentences. Let's talk about this person. What does it cover? And as always, what stands out is the reference. There is a reference provided. So, I'm asking if you're happy about using it for teaching. I feel like using ChatGPT and Google Bard is more ok. Yes, that's it. This is ok. Than, so it's finished. Research and teaching This is a personal opinion for use. Now if you show it, there will be a story for him to write about. Here is an example. Let's say that this is information. This is information. This is a real example. If you want to know information such as, please tell me about innovation policy in Thailand. What is this? This one is chat gpt. Please write briefly what in the innovation policy in thailand. chat gpt will Tell me. What's there now? Up to ten at once. Up to ten at once. But this feeling is quite subtle. It's not a category, it's not specific. This is the ability to search. Try looking at the Google bard. What is innovation policy in Thailand? Tell me about it. This is from the ability to search. If everyone wants to serve. I guess that Google Bard and Bing Chat should be good because they grew up from search engines. Do you see that? I think it's interesting because what Google Bard came out with is a clear project. Thailand four point zero or THIPA A project that is a combination of innovation, higher education and innovation policy or business age innovation research. tbi r sandbox act and guideline. Do you see it? So, oh, I like Google Bard. It deserves to be a search engine before. Then develop it into AI. Let's take a look at Bing Chat. Are they allergic to each other? Maybe it's because we're using them for things that aren't right. No, let 's take the highlights of ChatGPT and use them. Let's try it. Will you see it quickly? When I give him something to search for, it synthesizes the information very quickly. Okay, for Bing Chat, Bing Chat can answer in a very specific way. PSRI, Conduct Policy. Effestase Review PER is so confusing. world bank report on innovation Did you see that? You can answer in a spaceific way, and then there is a reference. But the interesting thing for me is, hey, it doesn't look the same at all. It doesn't look the same as the google bard. So if it happens that I want to search for something that pulls information from the internet, so I'll choose Google Bard or Bing Chat and use them together. Because they come out differently. Okay, so this is Here is a summary of its use. These three One thing that I have to tell you first. Everything comes from, comes from, uh, personal opinion. From what I've tried using myself, so if I summarize: Summary from my own personal experience that I have tried to use. In teaching research, I also said that you can follow and watch old videos. ChatGPT is very good in helping write outlines. of introduction and Literary tour, and chat gpt writes a very good teaching outline. The course, the outline course, is very suitable for chat gpt. Today let's try to compare it with google google bard and Bing Chat. I still feel indifferent, maybe. There is google bard that can help a bit in the outline part of teaching. But in the part of writing research projects, chat gpt is still used. And what I just discovered recently is that if you use google bard and bing chat. When? Do you recommend anything that is a search? For example, what will your friends, brothers and sisters write about? I want to know. I want to know. Well, this is research. Is there anyone in Thailand who does it or would like to know something? About, uh, an example, a case study about SEO. What is there in Thailand? The one that needs to be found You have to search and summarize in points. My recommendation is to use Google Bard as the main focus and add Bing Chat as it helps with reference , but the writing may not be concise. It's not a great advantage , so use it for anything that requires searching and searching. But whatever you write, I still recommend chat GPT. She's still good at writing. I hope this set will be useful to you. Everyone , this is from my own experience. And I hope that everyone who is friends, brothers and sisters, academics, researchers, marketers can take advantage of AI. Don't forget, we have to use it, not let AI replace us. But we will be AI users. If you like and are interested, what experiences do you have to exchange? Please specify it in the comments. I'm waiting to read it. And I'll see you with the next clip. Thank you everyone very much.
Channel: Marketing Everywhere by Anothai
Views: 7,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bard, Bing Chat, Bing, การศึกษาค้นคว้าอิสระ, marketing research, วิจัยการตลาด, อโณทัย งามวิชัยกิจ, การตลาด, market research, IS, thesis, marketing, business research, marketing everywhere by anothai, AIPRM
Id: -SFYjyBf9O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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