Agile Velocity and Capacity Planning Relationship

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hi there this is Aditya during the Jain workshop which I take a dimension level I'm quite frequently asked how does the capacity planning impacts the velocity or what is the relationship between velocity and the capacity I do explain the relationship by giving examples and I thought I should extend this session to the wider audience let's first understand what is the velocity and the capacity of the team velocity is the pace or the rate with which the team delivers the story's rate is measured in terms of the story points every story is assigned a story point during the process of our estimation this is a separate session which are recorded on agile estimation you can go and refer that capacity is the total available productive worth of the team then what are the non-productive overs non productive ORS are those which are spent by the scrum team on ceremonies like backlog refinement daily standup sprint planning sprint reviews retrospective additionally they may be engaged in some plan and add up their jobs with different groups like IT support groups for network and server issues management discussion appraisal description the cetera out of 8 hours that a person is spend in office we normally assume that a person is productive only for 6.5 hours per day because it's spending some time in ceremonies and ketchups also but this figure varies for setup to setup organization to organization let's see one example how do we do the capacity planning let's assume there's a two week spring that is standards there are five resources ABCDE resource a is available for full 10 days so his product available hours are 10 x 6.5 B is absent for two days so his available productive oversees are 52 is available only for five days that is 33.5 is again available for fully 10 days so that is 65 he is absent for one day so 58.5 the total of these awards becomes a total capacity of the team for that sprint what is the maximum capacity of the team and everybody have been present in the office for full 10 days everybody would have club 65 hours of the productivity the some of that would would have been the maximum capacity of the team that is 325 now let's see how does the relationship between velocity and the capacity volts sprint over sprint in the very passive sprint team is available in full capacity there is 325 and there knocking off the velocity of 32 story point in the second sprint again team is in full capacity and they're knocking of the velocity of 38 story point which is a slight improvement there in the third sprint team is only available for 241 hours as some of the members has gone on the leave so they are knocking off a velocity of 25 s to the point in the fourth is spring again team is in full capacity everybody is present for 10 days they are knocking off a velocity of 40 story point which is a slight improvement from 38 now we can see a trend emerging here when the team is in full capacity they are knocking of a velocity of 32 and then 38 and 40 what we can do we can take the average out of this velocity and figure out the velocity of the team there or to be more realistic what we can do is we can ignore the lower-end side of it and the higher end side of it and we can go with the middle figure of the velocity that is 38 so 38 becomes the velocity of the team based on which we can make predictions for the upcoming Sprint's as long as we know the capacity of the team for example for a sprint 5 we know the capacity is 265 for sprint 6 we know the capacity of the is 273 we can easily calculate the velocity of the team and keep the client apprised on it so that there are no surprises let's see when the capacity is 265 the velocity will be 38 divided by 3 25 multiplied by 265 that comes out of with 31 so 31 is the projected velocity for a sprint fight for sprint 638 divided by 3 25 multiplied by 273 this comes out of the 32 so 32 is the projected velocity of the sprint 6 we can show the relationship between velocity and the capacity planning using this by the little chart this chart will make more sense to the customer and they can set the right expectation from the team for the subsequent Sprint's on the lap is inside is the velocity of the team on the right hand side is the capacity of the team as you can see for the first print the capacity is at 325 and velocity is just 32 or the second spring velocity is increased to 38 but the capacity remains the same at the same level in the third sprint the capacity is reduced down to 241 and velocity is also coming down to control D 5 for the fifth sprint for the fourth sprint the capacity has gone up to 325 and velocity also increased to 40 similarly for Sprint 5 and sprint 6 the capacity is 265 in 273 frequency a deaf ear and a slight rise to 65 and 273 measuring to this and increase in the velocity from 31 to 32 which measures here so that's all the relationship between the velocity and the capacity planning hope you enjoyed the session let me know your comments and feedback thanks for watching this video Stadium
Channel: Ajeet S. D.
Views: 81,481
Rating: 4.8859363 out of 5
Keywords: Agile capacity planning, agile velocity, velocity and capacity planning, agile estimation, team capacity, team velocity, agile team capacity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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