Aggressive German Shepherd attacks trainer during aggressive behavior training

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everybody and welcome back to the coolest dog training Channel right here on YouTube I'm Tom Davis America's kin an educator thank you guys so very much for joining me today one of the worst cases of dominance I've ever seen no dominance in the dog world is something that probably gets thrown around way too much way way too much a lot of people don't have any idea what it is a lot of people think that if your dog doesn't sit for dominant or if they don't come the dominant not necessarily a truly dominant dog is a dog that will actually have a problem with you telling them what to do even if they know what you want them to do so getting them off the couch putting them into a crate and then coming after you indirectly and completely fighting with you during that time now this dog I want to be extremely clear with you guys because I don't want this video to come off the wrong way this dog is completely fine all the time unless you tell it what it can and can't do so in this session you'll see me break down the entire process of what I would do in a situation like this and really some of the ideas that you guys can take from this is how I approach it know how we started to adapt as the dog started changing and behavior so so we brought it we had to bring a catch pullout which we haven't had to do in a long time the catch pole is to ensure safety basically what I did with this thing it's a long pole that you put a slip on to make sure the dog can't bite you yes the dog had a muzzle on but in order to really really solve this case or at least really crack down on it I had to basically use the catch Pole to keep me safe because as the dog actively came after me if I use the leash he's gonna hit me and if he hits me my body is gonna react which is making him win so in this video you're gonna probably 15-minute battle of the dog ferociously growling at me lunging at me coming after me and what I'm doing with this catch pause I'm just holding him there and I'm just sitting there so he can't get to me so it eliminates the reactivity that he normally gets and what he's basically taught every human around him is if you try to get him to do something he doesn't want to do he's gonna lunge and growl at you so I battled him until he gave up it isn't an alpha thing it isn't a dominant thing I just had to explain to him you know what dude from now on you do this crazy behavior and aggressive behavior you're not gonna win and so that's what this video it is I hope you guys like it I hope it's informative I hope you guys learned something from this I certainly did moving forward and and I believe that this is a true test for this dog and as you see at the end he's totally environmentally environmentally changing which means he's cool 100% he could be growling and lunging at me and freaking out two seconds later I can give him a piece of treat that doesn't mean he's neurotic or unpredictable the behavior is actually extremely predictable as soon as you touch his head as soon as you touch his face his muzzle any equipment he has on he has a problem with that and if you don't back off he's just gonna keep coming at you so it's definitely not ideal but it is a situation where you can predict almost every time the triggers that's going to happen [Music] Hey phooey don't don't pull them don't pull him cuz he's gonna come right back gotcha I'm sorry a truly dominant dog is very rare very rarely do you find a dog that is going to be super aggressive when you try to get them to do something they don't want to do and the majority of like dominance is that where they're fine they're good they're obedient but as soon as you try to get them to do something that you they don't want to do they become nasty a lot of times you see that on more dominant dogs Roddy's things like that getting them out of the crate getting them off the bed that's where you get the battle and they're like no you're gonna have to fight me for this it's kind of what you're seeing here he definitely has a problem with you doing that so I want to try to find some triggers and try to find some ways that we can work through them and see how bad it is so what I'm gonna do is uh I'm gonna put another leash on them just a slip collar and I want to see how he does with me doing this you're just gonna hold him because the muzzles on at any time that he if I feel like he is getting crazy I'm gonna try to fight it out with him no because the problem with that is is then you're rewarding him for that so I don't love going to battle with dogs but sometimes it break you break through with them I know he's going to try to battle me and I want to see if I can battle him too it sounds so barbaric as far as like dog training methods because then they go alpha with it I'm not trying to be alpha that's silly I don't think that's really what I need to do here I just need to find some sort of clarity in the situational stuff that he gets into because I'm not trying to like pin him to the ground and be like I'm bigger and badder that's like silly I just want him to know that I'm only trying to help him yes because here's okay so here's the thing is there is a possibility that he has learned that if he wins yes so if I battle him through that a couple times and say like that's not gonna happen anymore and it gets better then we have something and in every dog that I work with behavioral cases which it's the only work I do I find out a game plan as we talk through it an investigation and it's gonna go a couple different ways I don't know exactly which way it's gonna go but that's what I'm seeing is he freaks out and nobody's ever battled him we just he wins every single time he wins so I'm not trying to pin him and battle him and choke him and hurt him I'm just trying to stand my ground and not back off and it is going to be chaotic and crazy but as long as he doesn't keep that muzzle off we're good I'm just gonna try to slip this over so give me the leash because I hooked this you slip that over yeah all right I'm gonna just try to take this off hey Morgan you wanna go grab into Catchpole it's in the back just Hank just release the pressure a little bit good good I'm gonna give you Catchpole it's built for this and then he's gonna argue me and I'm just gonna do this yeah dude keep freaking out and you can't get to me I'm just trying to let him know that he can't win these fights every time good so now you can let go there's a good boy good so I'm just safely very very calmly not you see how pissed he's getting and and never do this only do this if you know what you're doing yeah do not do this at home it's okay buddy but I'm just teaching him like go ahead keep growling and whatever I'm not going anywhere dude that's what he's done every time he start he wins he should win like nobody wants to get bit so what I'm trying to do is find a creative humane way safe way to say all right fight me and then he just boom boom boom and I just stand there I'm like you're gonna give up go boy the boy smart that's the problem see see yeah see how he like walked away he's never lost ever ever and now he's stressed of course he's stressed his whole life he's been like not his whole life I shouldn't say that recently and his maturity this is him and this isn't this is a dog that could potentially bite somebody from this behavior and we don't want to see that that's for sure good boy yeah that makes me win and the other thing I want to mention is I'm not naive enough to say like is this building him up you're making it worse no sure like that's the point like he's really he's gotten away with this so many times and if somebody doesn't do something someone's gonna get hurt so that's why we're going the extra mile to really see what's up go boy go boy she's gonna wait for him to look away go boy so if I move good boy see the first time he's lost good boy and what I'm trying to do is try to see if he can lose like I'm trying to see if he's safe or not I can he actually turn off or is it just neurotic behavior all the time when you tell him he can't do something once he loses he calms down which before we didn't have that off switch good boy I gave him a little confrontation note no issue there good boy job big man so what I'm so what if so the camera knows what I'm doing what I'm doing is when he does his growl to try to back me away from what I'm asking him to do I give him body pressure I step right in and I say no no I'm not moving away like you normally have the opportunity to get somebody to do and it's helping for sure I just don't know how long it's gonna take what's up man it's a good session for you to watch good good boy so I just want to be clear about what I'm doing with the Catchpole is it's it's just hooked on them it's not choking him or anything and when he growls I lean in like this and I'm not using the pole to push and pull him around or poke him or anything like that I'm just using it to step in and I'm using this as my safety if he does react at my face I step back good boy big man much better good boy so I'm gonna go in again and mess with his equipment and see what see what happens good boy so build but not where it was right battle always the mental game because the reality is is I want to look to the other side of people watching this in the future of you have to really know what you're doing to do this type of work and what I'm doing is the reality is this if I did this and I had him come over to me he's gonna be fine with me so it's not like I'm building him to attack me or I'm building him to have a problem with me that's not the case at all yes he's fine with me he doesn't care the problem is is when he's i messing with me and he's doing this and he's like back off dude I'm like no and then you get submission right a huge difference and and and I think I want to just clarify for that because if you watch this video in the future like he just wants me to move and I'm like nah I'm not moving it's nothing to be messed with for sure it's not to be taken lightly but I just want to clarify that I'm not getting him to do things he doesn't want to do and pushing him with this this is a safety thing that if he comes after me I can just push him away and more or less win the situation but right there was extreme mental battle where he was just like cuz he's waiting like dude why what are you doing you're not looking away yet like nah it's not gonna work this time good so I want to just I want to go through the evaluation in a temperament way that if it doesn't matter I'm gonna like slow it down for him a little bit so yes he's pissed off yes he's stressed yes he's mad yes it's negative for him but I think it's the step in the right direction because I'll show you a temperament test that if I take this off good and I and I don't give him yeah screw this thing everybody go boy go boy come here go boy good job Scott good boy good boy sit boy so Adam you got this right okay cool so this is a temperament test just to show people out there that are gonna be viewing this and to show you of course that I'm not creating a conflict between him and I long-term it's just at that time see he has a big issue with when he says mm-hmm that's it like you're not cuz then I could turn around Scott sit boy feed him food and he said yeah sure I'm cool with yous on you don't tell me what to do that's a truly dominant dog you just have to play management you have to be really careful with them you're not gonna see any issues as long as you manage the situation properly and you teach people and you educate yourself on this is what you got cuz other than that like everybody come here there's my big man there's my good boy right now if here's here's what you don't want to see you don't want to see me doing this and we're fine and then him turn he's always always always has a trigger always and that's what temperament tests are about to really figure out hey is he gonna just randomly do something I don't think so I think if you push him can you push him and you push him and you find this trigger if I were to touch his mother right now he would hate me because he doesn't want to be told what to do and again that's a truly dominant dog that is very rare very rare usually you get like neurotic cases where the dog just we're sitting here like this and he snaps that's a dangerous dog that's a problem I'm not seeing that here like I know that if I do something he doesn't want to do he's gonna fight me his fighting is like fighting in MMA MMA fighter versus like our normal dog would be like a preschooler you know what I mean so like when he wants to fight it's on like and you're gonna get a hurricane that's the only unfortunate part time is it all right we're at a time was it sort of time so I want to continue to work with them but we're now but now we're were more we are more zoned in on what we're dealing with and I knew like calling the shots of like it's gonna go one way or the other and as soon as he disengaged he went like he went from crazy crazy Cujo to fine it's just how he wears it it just it's a it's a scary thing because of how he wears it it doesn't mean he won't buy any dog can bite the little puppy in the cage could bite this fake dog might be able to bait it's just about when is he going to do that aggressive behavior hey leave it so you just you have to be really careful with him he's a loaded gun all dogs are loaded guns so it's not like it necessarily negative thing towards him it's just he's gonna be fine again unless you put him in a situation where you can argue with you don't and that's what we're gonna work on is try to figure out how we can decrease the argument if side of him and really work on some of his behavior so I hope this video is enjoyed by you guys and taken well by you guys all I'm trying to do here at the Academy has helped this dog move forward and I think this was a huge win for this dog today thank you guys so very much for liking this video of course subscribing to my channel I appreciate you guys so very much peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Upstate Canine Academy
Views: 1,251,316
Rating: 4.5800495 out of 5
Keywords: German Shepherd attacks, german shepherd attacks owner, aggressive german shepherd, aggressive german shepherd training, aggressive german shepherd attack, aggressive german shepherd transformation, catch pole dog training, aggressive behavior in dogs, aggressive behavior, german shepherd training, dog behavior training, stop aggressive dog behavior, dog aggression towards people, aggressive training for dogs, dog aggression training, stop german shepherd from biting
Id: FswX6ChSbnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
Reddit Comments

Hi do u have someone in Dallas Texas I need to take my dog Two he can learn to behave thank u u new subscribe

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