Aggressive Christian | Jerikia - Kileen, TX | Atheist Experience 22.17

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a home state call we've got is it Jerry Kia in Killeen Texas it's Jericho yet Jarek aya I'm sorry I don't even know if they spelled that right it doesn't have a a K or a CH forget it it doesn't matter a chi chi rakaia how are you how are how are y'all doing pretty good thank you thanks what's up hey yan so i had a question on about your worldview no just curious um from a theistic perspective being a non-denominational christian i'm just curious um how come atheist don't actually practice or live out their worldview I do not know what you mean well gonna get more per se don't have a worldview each person does but there's not one Atheist worldview that 100 million atheists share right atheism is one perspective on one topic that maybe informs the rest of our thinking but does not determine everything that we everything else that we think is their slice affecting mil and I are really geeky about math and a lot of atheists are not is there specifically but a atheist can't answer the four most important questions about life philosophically important is subjective meaning and even if they can't doesn't mean we're wrong what are the four most important questions about life I'm fighting um it would be origin meaning morality and destiny and I even beg to differ a those aren't questions humanity note that I didn't hear a question mark yeah can you give us one question to start with so from a philosophical perspective can you prove to me the origin and the evidential historical evidence of why somebody would be an atheist when they contradict their own worldview within the frame they live okay you're back to the first question that I didn't understand I think so was that a question I think it was well it's a bad question the question was can you and loaded questions since I didn't quite understand the question I'm just gonna say no next yeah can you dumb things down for us a little because you know we're just just simple-minded atheists okay I thought Christians couldn't be logical like 80 but well that's what yes you know because the origin of life um I mean how do you even explain the Big Bang Theory well what I find hysterically funny is how atheists reject the evidence we have a scripture in the manner the manuscripts are passed down from generations and and yet they deny the God of the Bible but yang they can't even prove millions of years ago what happened okay you know why okay do you know why scientists and I'm not talking about atheists but just cosmologists in general have concluded that there was a big bang yeah at the beginning God spoke no that's not why cosmologists have concluded that that's why you have but but the concept of a Big Bang wasn't around a hundred years ago so do you understand the where people came to that conclusion in the first place yeah do science okay I like that can you be more specific though I mean was it on biology there are a lot of topics that that science covers all right so let me help you out a little bit when you look at light so you know how light can appear at different colors depending on the the wavelength of light are you are you with me so far yeah okay so if things that have longer wavelengths look red to us and if they're even longer than that then we can't see them because they're infrared beyond things that have very short wavelengths look look blue or purple to us and if they're too short then we can't see them either because our eyes don't work that way but what scientists have observed is that when things are moving very quickly like close to the speed of light or maybe not not all that close by the way my dad is a physicist and he's sitting in the audience right now and I feel his eyes on me sorry I didn't go into sorry I didn't stick with the physics classes dad I'm doing my best when things are moving quickly they experience a shift toward the red no way yes moving away because even though the wavelength of the light doesn't change their motion relative to you seems to be longer what scientists observed was that if you look out at any point in space everything is a little bit more redshifted than you would expect it to be based on what we know about the composition of stars and from this they concluded that everything in the universe is moving away from us very rapidly and then farther away the more rapid yes the farther away things get the more rapid they are and that is consistent with going back into the past and finding that at one point everything was locally existing within the same small area and things were expanding from there now does the Big Bang say what happened at the start of that no do we know what that is that we have some soot okay how do you know that where in the bible does it say Big Bang yeah the Bible does not say Big Bang this is something that Christians have just latched on to since it was discovered by other people as more than a hundred years ago Christians argued that the fact that the earth the universe was finite was supported in the Bible mm-hmm no yes yes they did okay and you may you may think that they were mistaken and they were miss reading the Bible but they did argue that a long time ago no I I believe you I'm not saying they did not you said no no and that explanation makes sense to you because you're asking why do atheist believe in the Big Big Bang and I gave you the answer is that a sensible conclusion well what caused the Big Bang we don't know don't know and sometimes I don't know is the right answer no God is the answer how do you know I don't need to know well there you go why are you asking how I know something if you have no idea what you're talking about and we actually want know to be true not just because you believe it can you support what you believe yes I can let's try that for a change sure okay um I mean everything you said is is you know scientifically you know science know what a science mean just means knowledge you know epistemology is a part of your evidence or are you dodging the question no I'm not dodging the question in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and God said let there be light how do you know that I don't need to know that how do you know why are we talking then if you don't feel like there's anything that you have to tell us that's useful information because you don't know it or need to then that why did you call you said you have evidence and then you don't provide any why is that well the evidence is in the Bible itself yeah but we don't believe the Bible that's all I believe in atheism ok Lauraine good chat next so do you have evidence or not yeah prophecy alone proves the divinity of God oh so you do think that's evidence oh yeah it's sufficient ok hit me with your favorite prophecy make it a good one high 53 uh-huh The Book of Isaiah was written 700 years before the most on it give us the price yeah if you tell us what it says and what happened if you read Isaiah the Book of Isaiah was written 700 years before Christ even came a he just came ad ad one of the prophet Isaiah prophesied of a suffering servant which even Orthodox Jews understand this passage to be a Messianic prophecy and it's if you read the entire chapter no other person in huge history has fulfilled this but Jesus Christ there have been no other suffering servants in history not that no people have suffered but they did fulfill every single verse in this chapter like Jesus like what I mean if you if you read verse 3 he's despised and rejected of the mana oh okay good thing Jesus was the only despised and rejected person that is an amazing prophecy and remember I asked you to bring your favorite one and that was the first one that you came up with now I have a question for you as far as the Bible when people wrote the books of the New Testament were they able to read the Old Testament were they able to read the Old Testament yes yeah okay so when someone wrote books or stories to put in at what became the New Testament they could read what was previously written you know changed the story to fulfill what was written before no not at all it couldn't I think I could do that if I read an old bow tie or yeah I can incorporate some of those themes into a new Batman side yes I am a more creative author than those guys cuz I could totally write you a messiah story right now that fulfills the prophecy is better no what you don't understand is this was written 700 years before Christ even that is a really long time to be able to come up with a story that fits it and no one else in history fulfill that prophecy no one else no one you so it's every single human told us that there is a suffering servant okay I think most servants suffer and what was the other one he was despised maybe he was a douche then no maybe he's just fulfilling prophecy because you're actually rejecting him as well the Easter Bunny what okay so if I accepted him then the call would be over because you'd be like well yeah you accept him good job if I don't accept him then obviously it's true because not accepting him proves that he's fulfilling the prophecy that's pretty weak that's pretty strong okay if you say so but he say because just there's pops it in the Bible dad yeah I filled in only Christ could fulfill those prophets all right so like so he was he was a suffering servant and he was despised what else if you keep going down to verses five it says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities I don't accept that that happened it was crucified historically proven for our transgressions there are there are a million stories in movies and literature about people people getting hurt for other people yeah but you what you don't understand is that you you're not even opening your mind to the possibilities no you are assuming of the validity of the story that you're trying to prove to us and so you are true oh how do you know it's true you would share this with us what if you would share this with us then maybe it would be convincing but all you're doing is pointing to aspects of the story that we're not finding convincing well I don't understand how you don't see how he fits the prophecy if you read it and you know anything about Jesus he's the only one in history that fulfilled this prophecy from Isaiah chapter 53 verse 1 so all the way to verse 12 I don't like to cry before theist experience hosts but I do it on occasion enjoy maths comment which is if I order a steak and the waiter brings it to me did he fulfill my prophecy no because that wasn't thousands of years ago no what if I order a steak last year and it comes to me this year like actually I think ordering a stake in it coming immediately a better full fulfillment of processes because I mean that guy was at least timely if all you're doing is saying there's gonna be an earthquake and then a thousand years down the road there's an earthquake that doesn't really count as me predicting that earthquake right well I mean that that's fine you you have an opinion you know you have your you're entitled to your own a doesn't what do you think about Nostradamus Nostradamus yeah when he predictions yeah and a lot of people said he specifically predicted 9/11 for example he didn't but a lot of people said he did and retrofitted a lot of stuff in in the actual story to match the things that they thought he was saying have you heard that one yeah but that is irrelevant to the Scriptures no how about this for a different topic the Bible promotes slavery are you you pro-slavery um absolutely not okay well then you're not a very good Christian that's not true because if you read exodus chapter 21 the Hebrew word for slavery is at bed actually and if you go back 4,000 years ago every single nation had slaves that makes it okay that's nice no that's nice I didn't say that it was okay that's not what I'm saying it is what you said it was okay I thought it was okay cuz he doesn't know better how do you know better than God do I know better than God no I would never do i as slavery wrong but why slavery wrong why didn't God know slavery was wrong good could have mentioned it I mean you know he had a lot of really really detailed things about like not eating milk and meat er not bathing a calf in its mother's milk shalt not roast a goat and it's my Russian milk that's the one I think it was cat but I mean he had a very lot of specific things to say that may have been unpopular at the time did he just forget to bring up slavery or what no not at all um and you know I deal this a lot actually he's honest and I mean I it's understandable I understand why you proposed that objection against the Bible but because for the rash regard regardless on there were slavery in that time and God Moses this is how and slavery is actually God was not one to buck social convention is that it God was afraid he'd get too many thumbs down on Twitter or something or Twitter doesn't have thumbs down but too many angry faces on Facebook that's what I mean so as long as you beat your slave and they survive or day or two you're okay with that that's actually that's actually are you quoting from Exodus 21 and actually that I mean if you if you have to study it more you can't just pick and choose that one verse because I mean it what exactly you're referring to is in Exodus 21 talking about slavery verses 1 through 2 now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them by eboo servant you know 6 years shall we serve and and all that stuff and it says if a man smite thee verse 26 of a man smite the eye of a servant who the I've is made that it perish he shall let him go 3 for his I say so the part the part about striking him so hard that I mean as long as he lives a day or two there's no punishment at all that's fine because there's other stuff in the Bible that says other things no no not at all because if he did that it would be done back to him no whole Mosaic law not according to that part of the Bible ok I mean but what I'm showing you is that number one you cannot compare slavery and to buy in the Bible to slavery that was in the world oh cool can I own the place now then but you you just said slavery was in every country you compared it to the world actually exactly you know yeah we win freedom and liberty on certain days to do whatever they did and they served their time they would go out for free oh good can I own slaves now no because why shield company which is done away well Jesus said that he didn't come to change the Old Covenant he came to fulfill it not one jot or tumble the law exactly he came to Susilo that means I've been inaugurated so you have to read Jeremiah 31 the Prophet said that that he's gonna make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah and on what covenant at what point did Jesus say that it's not okay to own slaves anymore at the point that he never owned a slave and none of his disciples did okay well I mean Jesus never got married either is it no longer okay to get married that's no the Bible says to be married to a man and the Bible says to own slaves by Jesus didn't have slaves so basically your life didn't comment on the slave no man should ever marry a woman that's your rgbc no no no it's not my argument what I'm trying to say if you give me time to say it is that it was you don't understand his covenant in the Bible okay I guess I don't under the there yes if you read the Prophet Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 31 he says that the Covenant that I'm making with the house of Israel in Judah which Christ fulfills that the fulfillment is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant that means we no longer live according to the old company but we live according to the new company that's why you don't sleep you know see slavery in the New Testament why can't I keep owning slaves though it didn't tell me not to because it was fulfilled price fulfill the law so to do the Ten Commandments still apply yes that's the moral law that's because that was the old it was almost fulfilled yeah I guess I don't know I guess I can dishonor my father and mother now because Jesus you know build the honoring of the father and mother and so I get to do what I want no please listen to me okay you're talking about two different laws this is not the law of God how do you know they're just lying to find the difference is it is it written which was raised on stone tablets okay so Moses is a higher authority than God is it the 42 rules or the ten that only stick hmm it's just the ten so the first known the Riverside moral law of God the first Commandments that Moses got that he smashed those don't count no because they broke the commandments by worshipping a false god building cache golden cow but I don't remember saying calf I remember Idol golden calf yeah the calf sorry that that one is right mm-hmm so Moses had a whole bunch of rules that he smashed it so those don't apply cuz he broke them the Mosaic Covenant is of no longer effect and that's where you're quoting the slavery laws the Mosaic Covenant being including the Ten Commandments I'm lost yeah it's so complicated okay see ya know you have any evidence outside of the the story book of the Bible before yeah there's historical evidence that Jesus exists okay maybe Jesus did exist so what are you listening to what I say the proof of God's existence what I mean what if Chris is one Siddharth's Christians believe they believe that Jesus is God and what God came to what did man do we killed him I didn't kill that wasn't there I had nothing to do with the entity neither did I I wasn't there okay were you there thank you Ray yes you're what wait Ken Ken Ham sorry I get my goofy apologist mixed up I'd only have 12 minutes yeah okay well I don't think this is gonna go anywhere more but I am you are welcome Jarek ayah to call back another week and I'm gonna go for calling hey one thing for I go go ahead mine please yeah I I do i I do I speak I'm a Christian nondenominational believer I do want to apologize for every Christian who was called in the past and threatened you guys cuz I don't believe in that stuff man and that was so one Christ like oh well there aren't real Christians anyway that's right yes thank you that was easy moving
Channel: The Atheist Experience
Views: 709,876
Rating: 4.7512589 out of 5
Keywords: atheist experience, the atheist experience, theatheistexperience, atheist, atheism, atheist vs christian, atheist debate, religion debate, atheism debate, Matt Dillahunty (Broadcast Artist), belief, faith, reason, rational, proof, evidence, logic, fallacy, religion, religious, science, secular, Skepticism, skeptic, questioning god, doubt, is god real, agnostic, agnosticism, evidence for god, Christianity, Islam, morality, evidence for jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, debate, Bible, Bible contradictions
Id: zIgzlVgA1eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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