#AfterThoughts: Contour | The Joe Budden Podcast

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nobody's asking for the ring would you [Music] [Music] stop acting like I betrayed the union of stretch mark freedom fighters talking emotion should really be nice to me so I can hook them up with a discount with my doctor they should be [ __ ] up Paige our private profile picture imagine she about to direct the music this is fired I just mean she's about to make another walk delicious that's the video she was directing and walk away delicious 100% got her nose done you think so she just said it was contour I think that it's a smack in the face to people with brains for her to say that her nose shrunk well I will say this though from contouring I have you remember delicious's nose from Flavor of Love I remember everything I love the delicious fine and I [ __ ] with delicious ad looking more you a nose job you got a nose I've never seen a bee around me again like this but listen no contouring is real dope because that will make your nose look like a brand new nose I've seen that in person like I've seen women until their nose and then wipe that makeup off and it's like the thumb of a boxing glove all of a sudden like seriously no seriously I'm dead sir you need a lot of help no I'm serious though that contouring [ __ ] is cut like if one women know how to do their makeup like really well it's all it's a whole new face it's all it's a whole new face have y'all ever been tricked never been tricked by on a tie great contouring yes tell me about how stupid you I mean about that time I was tricked he was face fished yeah I was makeup fished for sure wait how you found out super swimming you sleeping might they might take one made swimming on a first date that's not what you want to see him without makeup you just get swimming access on your first date all about a pool let's go to the Bronx River after the club 25 minutes let us make a bit I can't say that um that I've ever been fooled by contouring but what I will say is the dark lights and the club sometimes I feel like everybody's been true oh oh dog bites in a club is the the biggest trick master ever exists the dark lights in the club with the alcohol the club combination is a trap it's a bigger trick when the lights come on and I won't care you ugly I bought too many drinks all the fire girls is out they scattered when the lights is on I've gotta get to where you have time invested yeah sure the a-list is not gonna wear the light yeah you got a work bath first post first of all remember being in the club when their lights you feel kind of shitty about yourself too like damn all the a-list girls that cafeteria eat mac and cheese before the lights come on man that's a fact I never wanted well outside of that phase in life once once like the og [ __ ] told me that it's wack to be in the club when the lights come on yeah I don't ever want to be there then I never want to be there yes then I was making it once they told me how [ __ ] viewed the guys that are in the club when the lights are coming on oh you I didn't know I was a loser what let me tell you something when I when I first got my record deal and went and went from Jersey to hanging back out in Queens them [ __ ] killed everything the Jersey [ __ ] do y'all dance in the club y'all y'all losers like they killed everything so at that point it was nothing to do but to look cool in the club [ __ ] I was the obviously when I went to college in Jersey and I got like introduced to club music I was like oh this is lit people like dance and [ __ ] they was doing dance battles like actually like the way that Jersey party you can't dance in a club no more that [ __ ] is over with well no there are no more clubs yeah in North Jersey love music has instructions for every dance you have to do I thought that was every song now I thought all the songs were telling you what they wanted you to do when the hook came what no it's not really that era no more oh is it smooth now innit maybe take a chick dancing on the first date that's actually not a bad idea can you dance yeah but you would have to be a pretty good dancer yeah to step all night now that makes it that makes it more fun of you know not it that's the same as roller skating skating it's fun when you don't have a roller skate you could take a girl dancing and if you don't know how to dance freak it into her teaching you yet you know girl there's one thing like they added something to your life we made women overanalyzing if you can't dance she gonna think oh yeah he can't he don't know how to have sex like his stroke games way they're going to overanalyze you you don't have no rhythm women are doing that anyway yeah but now if they see you dancing that you look crazy did you ever speak to one of the women that will tell you that they can tell if your dick is trash or not by the way that you walk those are those are the we have a name for those girls or or Authority or the size of your dick by the way that you walk something son they're serious they say that though mmm they're not serious it's contour that's got Tori cuz I could walk out here like I contour my walk you don't know what I might walk out of here like cars associated what did she gonna say yeah a little bit well this ain't even my real walk I'll walk like I tricked you get out of here that's stupid [ __ ] alright so you don't believe in it no stupid what miss Twitty got all the little answers I can tell by what size shoe he with shut up hands hands hey no no what every [ __ ] idea women come up with oh yeah I think all that [ __ ] is [ __ ] do but do we have any that's [ __ ] about women probably yeah all the problem anything about women is stupid what do men say about women I don't know what men say Yoshi Yoshi like she got some good [ __ ] big big forehead equals good [ __ ] I think it's one that men have so big forehead is good but that's crazy I've never I've heard that I've heard that everything that I've heard that I've heard the crazy chicks have good [ __ ] that's true but that's true that is true yes yet to be unproven what is good [ __ ] oh you're one of those I'm just saying cuz every guy's different answer [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm enjoying thoroughly okay so that's the difference [ __ ] for every guy and womans daily [ __ ] [ __ ] but not know how to [ __ ] owning like the word [ __ ] all these issues vulgar to me yeah this is this is now how we're getting such a newborn dad but alright so no more dad is funny good [ __ ] mmm good [ __ ] is the ratio of moistness to tightness points to vaginal appropriateness like just that the scientific delivers and just how everything is functioning together how it looks together and how it feels when it comes together you know you can like collard greens but and you like colonies of rice but I only want collard greens and chitlins you know I mean they have to come together right on a plate I'm following you okay yeah and if the right ratio of tightness to MoIT inist - is there then goddamn but you got yourself a job bad pussy's a lot easier to single out then good good [ __ ] can be a lot you can see all that down pretty quick let's see cuz you can have a woman that has a pretty vagina we're gonna say vagina from now on yeah we got three vagina its moist its tight but then shame letting you hit that thing the way you want to could that can be considered bad you need me I'm comfortable but I'm saying that told you on the last podcast stop making y'all [ __ ] voices down sound all sultry come on man is moist it god damn mother russia out here to my girl how do we get that from wishes that's what we was talking about new tonight things look great I think that's a version of when women gets surgery and then come on Instagram and complain how they were picked on their whole childhood about having curves that needs to stop that that's their rollout for their new body every time they get surgery and then lie about their childhood yeah that's trash that's dredged or lying about their workout regimen how you lie about kids teasing you right yeah as [ __ ] up I'm a happy for delicious round of applause for delicious I'm not plugging off the back in so cut out the delicious delicious listen man Public Enemy is really to blame for the walk away videos if we're take it back all the way to the roots what flavor flav put on delicious delicious started okay and revolutionize the walk away video so we could say Public Enemy is too is responsible for the walk away videos on Instagram that's all Rick Rubin's fault that's where real everything amazing the groups do the job TV legacy continues did y'all see the video of flavor flavor you can pound it on with hands and feet on him in the mall pull up the video of Flavor Flav getting beat up with hands and feet put on him in the casino this is recent why was he they said the dude said he said something to his mom or something I think it should be up in a do started paramount way he was beating it was waxy flavor flava flav it's like more you can't beat up flavor like clock costume you could definitely be had a clock on and he got clocked with a lot of clocking happening yeah I felt bad cuz you shouldn't you shouldn't flame she's a fighter a flame should not be fighting again at once you'll are over 38 you shouldn't be fighting and Flav is frail he shouldn't be fighting and you in a casino you shouldn't be fighting and when you're on the floor you shouldn't be fighting well when you're on the floor you're losing the fight that's just how that goes yeah but when you're on the floor and you're trying to fight from the floor that's how you lose you should be trying to get up anyway to get up and he couldn't cuz you know play put his hand out for the dude to help him up when you at that age you don't even know how to maneuver in a fight anymore what what the guy beating you to help you like [ __ ] I'm the one hit you that's its way all right time out that never happen to y'all never had a fight and then the [ __ ] had to help you or you help the [ __ ] I had listened 1 fight I had this [ __ ] hit me so hard I hope that did it I did not want his arms to get loose again after real it was like now I'm not fighting this [ __ ] too strong when I was fighting at that [ __ ] young Hercules [ __ ] in front of crowns in Jersey City take the fight in because I just said itís over [Laughter] next time I see you we'll do this again but now we got to stop this [ __ ] yes yes that's funny there God was dead ass thank God you know you know when you Greta is greater you bet you could tell you even when I make a Miss but you feel how hard he's pointing you like you feel a wind yes your face not you right you actually right I'm glad the deck dude was merciful enough to stop to agree with you yeah I go in the ground if I hit him now yeah yeah Flav was on the floor is his past was it uh was it like a long wait for the chicken or some that Krauss are you know Monica's going to grab your two-piece and leave yeah because if you could show us and I was enable problem that crowds in Jersey City is wild though is it open now hell you fake an injury city is it dangerous still OD dangerous - how can I be possible yes I know that people are still west no no no what I'm saying is crowded by the precinct Liam was come on you know that whole area but so what that means is how old am I I'll be 38 for a place next to a precinct to be active for 25 years it's a long time that's a while for a place next to a precinct to be Wow listen that part of Jersey City has not changed at all that's it looks exactly the same I'm just happy that [ __ ] agreed what made it the fight was over because you could get a [ __ ] that don't agree so when you go to sleep at night ain't over talk put you slow then stop fake sleep time Kimsey Naurang sleeping in a fight sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do that go down maybe standing over you you OPI you can have someone in a fight you trash but not know how to pick your eye lashes fluttering you supposed to pee through your lashes [ __ ] you can't let them see your pupil you peeking in a fight wait y'all before when how many times well when is appropriate to fake sleep and more you thought did that was the wildest wild we was talking about though it was the with a girl we've come out that's my go to okay yeah this fake sleep this I can't remember what always know what something like that though with a female I'm out fake sleep before I lean in for the kiss I will figure for I'm leaving I've never leaned in for a kiss because it's like my favorite part it's like you got a kiss something else first to see if she's excited ah that percentage now for the forty sixty to eighty twenty you got a kiss on her neck like if she lets you kiss on her neck did not sound if she has a lot of hair issue and it's hard to get to her neck okay wait I can't really have this conversation without knowing how close the proximity you are for the lean for the your thigh that I died it died I don't even think I don't even advance well that's a far lean my [ __ ] yeah it's just too much you gotta be you got it you got a kiss something else first kiss her name suck toes a cheek yeah that's yeah I'm [ __ ] what you like yeah what am I gonna joke that's cool yeah Rory white let's go listen man it's just comes with the territory being white Rory suck toes at Woodstock like you wouldn't be necessary when the flippity season voice knocked over the first HP [Laughter] I've smelled some musty [ __ ] at any Palooza I'm sure you had and if you don't say you tell us that was it I'm traumatized damn low CSDs why we dam so I switched to say hopefully it'll smell better I'm gonna come to your little function it's our function you know pull up I'm Samer see what's going on I am I am gonna pull on pull up and link with you guys I mean it's a good place to build and I'm gonna do that if nothing else I flick it up - there's nothing else happening right Hampton you know life is just a big blur now y'all have a just wake up and wonder where life went like what's happening with your life you got to get a job that's definitely some unemployment so hurt when I had a job I was working for two hours and then I went home like what am i doing my life without raising a king I was about to say how you got a kid in that crazy King listen man I said yesterday if she wanted to put that egg up for adoption [Music] yeah baby up for adoption but but no there's no buts but what I'm saying is put him up for adoption now after he's on social media which y'all so he could like look at I thought about that like you can't do it cuz then a [ __ ] would ask me one day if somebody a kid what's how to use acclaim giving your kid up for adoption after people know that you advocate and didn't work out it was going nowhere to go oh she's room he was a server and mall you should really get on you know I was talking eyes over the weekend he was telling me you know he thinking about making that move at some point you should you I would think you want to think about having a kid no I mean well any any woman I date now is is I'm dating with those type of you know mean attention yeah I'm not just dating just so you know can't have an important date you got to start dating women and she feel like you can see yourself wait for it like other dealers right the Queen pins right I believe are you having progress yeah you know yeah when they give you the high pitch myself a lot during this face ball is way too cool you know yeah know me that's all we getting from you that's it where it was new in your life how's your unemployment you know you ain't even looking no more they don't even mention it we're still gonna still try to collect that [ __ ] though next time coming up oh yeah time is coming up yeah yeah is that a good thing for people no no it's never good for me I dread to activate well that's what I'd be curious all the people that say they bosses like on Twitter all year and then are begging for their w-2s like you know bosses don't well actually to say you know yeah they do bosses usually if you're self-employed you're not get a w-2 if you're paying you'll see 1099 white people Warren corporation usually salary yourself that's how you pay yourself not a Boston if you're a corporation yes if you own the corporation and you have to answer to somebody no you are the corporation yeah you got someone's partner dinner you have to answer it so you don't necessarily have to be the partner sure that's your own will corporation myself right and you probably I'm not getting a w-2 from Fame media maybe he doesn't set his show up that way but there's a lot of people hood yeah I could get a w-2 from family not gonna get a lot of tax breaks and actually turn out being worse for you you can't really write [ __ ] off like that my business accountant says my business accountant begs to differ he's like I mean I'm gonna stop talking about it now past two years tax time is sucked for me I do every year people that make money normally have to pay money one tax time so I mean well when you're typically employed with a salary that comes out of your check already so you get money back at this time right thanks time for me always meant calling around to see whose kids you can claim well [ __ ] if you put in Lex up for adoption I'll at me for this month at least I'm not putting my child up for adoption it works there's the thought I'm getting off of this [ __ ] podcast now why cuz I'm cuz I just said I could clean my own kid that's why thought about that yeah it's enough it's right it's not well [ __ ] I'm used to I'm used to filing taxes and not claiming the kid that I have well now look at you girl well yeah [ __ ] around he's stealing all the money [Laughter] oh so you know we should do this is what we should do before we leave this afterthought [ __ ] these these are these are my ideas I know I've been saying this for three years well two years now this is the third year this March we got to do March Madness R&B albums only from this year I think that's 2018 yeah we from January no no from 2000 you have finals or 2017 okay is what I'm saying the best R&B albums yeah like a bracket bracket sixty-four albums did 64 RPM that's 100% you think one dinner 100% yeah okay yeah I got in last year go name all 64 rings good now I can't name go sit down think about him write and write them down now the trouble will come in ranking them and seating them yeah like where would you see where do you see let's do 32 we would have to make a 64 project on I 64 albums well yeah I would be on for project okay yeah that cuz mixtapes and [ __ ] like that well I would include mixtapes yeah I could easily do that like I don't I don't think they'll be hard at all that's that's how much RBI live into last year 64 but like where would you see like Daniel Cesar pretty high where would you see names you that a great city might be a one in a bracket different if you're number one it might be a one he's in number one city but that's not true it's only for number one seeds if you're doing 64 teams so think about it y'all yeah y'all are gonna stick to that it was only for number one he wouldn't have to be up to I up there yeah if not one two but I don't think so I think Daniel Cesar might be like a lower seed that can just make it to the final four because there wasn't a lot of hoopla on Daniel Cesar when he came out it was a slow build like those that knew knew and the album came out and everybody loved it so I don't think that would be a number one seed though hmm without thinking I would still keep it if you're doing four number ones I keep dancing there up there you might be too though scissor I think would be honest is a weird one see sure to me um salons didn't come out last year oh yeah we should do this we should do this and I know we say that every year so I'm really gonna do that this year but I think that I think that'll be cool get some conversation started yeah I'm with it yeah we know about that we're about to have beef with every RB act well no will you telling me my [ __ ] it says it had a better project in meat I can't wait for the choices yeah I am Telling that that is exactly what I'm telling you all right so that's what we'll do so next month March Madness we are whatever 64 [ __ ] R&B albums that we're gonna get to it don't kill us if we rank or seed something the wrong way we're doing our best um and that's it I'm excited about that now I am anything else I'm forgetting or missing this coming soon happening that we need to know about no man I think we wrapped that up in the Olo podcast oh my god
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 248,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, #rageandthemachine, rage and the machine, mood muzik, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Love and Hiphop, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, araab muzik, araabmuzik, joe budden 2017, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, afterthoughts, after thoughts, #afterthoughts
Id: 2-Y0tqHerBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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