After Watching This You'll Never Throw Onion Skin Away Ever Again!

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Welcome to Robert von Rotz Roy Channel, channel  of alternative treatments in a natural way.  Don't forget like, share, comment, and subscribe! That the onions are an exceptional food - medicine   is something everyone knew. But  fewer of us know that extraordinary   therapeutic effects have and onion peels. Decoction of onion shells contains the entire set   of microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium,  iron, copper, chromium, selenium, and more.  Along the ribs of onion, peels can see several  rows of crystals elongated, needle-shaped,   pale yellow. These crystals are one of the most  active flavonoids, called quercetin. It is found   in the shells of garlic, green tea, and apples,  which plays an important role, of biological   clock that blocks the intake of oxygen to  the growing point of the onion and garlic,   not to germinate before period optimal. Until the end of the twentieth century,   quercetin has been known by doctors as  a cure-inflammatory, antihistamine used   successfully in treating musculoskeletal disorders  such as pain, rheumatic arthritis, and respiratory   diseases such as asthma, bronchitis. Quercetin can  be used in the treatment of cancers of the breast,   prostate, intestine, brain, lungs in cases  of lymphosarcoma and lympho-granulomatosis  The infusion of onion peel has many  therapeutic virtues, having among   other things, strong tonic properties, and  diuretics, antimicrobial and antispasmodic.  Infusion of the onions shells cough  improves, protects urinary tract,   and strengthens the immunity. Tea of onion peel decreases irritation   to the eyes and maintain visual acuity,  helping people who have a job related to   overuse of vision, followed by redness and  changing eyeglasses with stronger glasses.  In case of congestion and sore throat is  prepared an infusion of some onion shells   in a cup of hot water, after infusing, strain the  liquid, and is used when it is warm, as gargle.  For dry cough pour two cups of boiling water over  two tablespoons of chopped onion shells and boil   on slow fire for 15 minutes. Once it cools, strain  the liquid and drink one-quarter cup, three times   a day, with 30 minutes before meals. For nice  taste you can add few teaspoons of honey bee.  For colds and nasal congestion are put 4  tablespoons of onion in a bowl, pour boiling water   over them and breathe the steam for 5 minutes. In cases of gingivitis and mouth sores,   rinse mouth with a concentrated solution of  onion shells. This solution it is prepared   from 3 teaspoons of chopped onion shells, over  which is poured 0.5 liters of boiling water,   then leave to soak for 7-8 hours,  after lapse of time is filter and use.  For cystitis and other urinary infections  is administered one tablespoon of onion   peel decoction, 3 or 4 times a day. Decoction  prepared from 3 teaspoons of crushed shells   and scalded in two cups of boiling water. If you suffer from fungal infections of   the nail you can make local baths, in a  concentrated solution of peel onions for   20-30 minutes every evening until recovery. Crush some dry of onion peel and add over   half a liter of vodka. Let the mixture soak  for 10 minutes. Then soak a clean piece of   gauze in this mixture and apply on your  nails with problems, 2-3 times per day.  Hypertension creates you problems? All you need  is to pour boiling water over the onions peels,   and you will obtain one tea. Use it as a remedy  to remove excess sodium and chlorine in the body,   which is very important for people who  are experiencing with heart problems.   Every day can drink a cup of tea from the  peels of onion to control blood pressure.  If you suffer from atherosclerosis put  2 tablespoons the onions shells in 200   milliliters of alcohol, and let it soak for 7  days. After this period, strain the liquid and   keep it in a dark bottle in a cool place. It takes  15-20 drops a day and a teaspoon of sunflower oil.   The 20 drops are taken, with half an hour before  meals, 3 times a day. Treatment is for a week,   then a break for a week, and can repeat. If you have muscle spasms, a cup of tea   peel onions, consumed before bed, will help to  relieve the problem and to have a good sleep.  Eczema of the scalp will cause problems?  Rinsing hair with an infusion of onions   shells cure eczema scalp and help hair growth,  but attention this solution can color your hair   in shades of red if following repeated use. In the past, in east European countries,   onion peels were used as a natural dye for  coloring wool. Also, tea peel onions can be used   for hair coloring, being a natural alternative  for hair coloring in shades of brown or red.  You can use one concentrate tea of  onion peels, to can paint Easter eggs.  Decoction of onions shells is a good fertilizer  that stimulates plant growth, while it destroys   pathogenic microflora in the soil. Decoction of  onions shells acting on plants, such as ginseng   on humans. Plants become more resistant to  fight with, pests and diseases specific.  Robert von Rotz Roy Channel is a video channel  educational, information offered come from   documentation and personal experience,  so before beginning an alternative cure,   you must inform your doctor, because he  knows your medical history, prescriptions   drugs that you follow, and your reactions  allergic to various substances or food.  Hoping that you liked the  information provided by me,   I thank you for your attention  and I wish you a wonderful time!
Channel: Liliana F.
Views: 6,918,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After, watch, watching, this, watch this, watching this, never, throw, never throw, Onionskin, onion paper, onion skin, onion skin tea, onion, peel, the onion, onion skin medical condition, onion skin dye, Skin Away, Onion Skin Away, ever, again, onion again, never throw away skin, bulb onion, bulb onion skin, skins, Allium cepa L, Allium cepa L skin, common onion, Onions, Onions skin, Onions skins
Id: o7APu38trV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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