*after UPDATE * Nothing Phone 2a vs Poco X6 Pro vs IQOO Z9 vs IQOO Z7 Pro Pubg Test 😲
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Channel: Madan Gaikwad
Views: 127,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nothing phone 2a, poco x6 pro, iqoo z9, nothing phone 2a pubg test, nothing phone 2a bgmi test after update, nothing phone 2a vs poco x6 pro vs iqoo z9 pubg test, nothing phone 2a vs poco x6 pro vs iqoo z9 bgmi test, nothing phone 2a vs poco x6 pro vs iqoo z9 vs iqoo z7 pro pubg test, nothing phone 2a vs poco x6 pro pubg test, nothing phone 2a vs iqoo z9 pubg test, poco x6 pro vs nothing 2a pubg test, best gaming phone under 25000, madan gaikwad, mdntv1
Id: fwtX_Dga5lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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