After The Storm...Tornadoes In The Missouri Ozark's

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well good morning everybody welcome back to the homestead well last night was a crazy night we ended up being down in our tornado shelter four different times because of tornado warnings our County was actually one of the hardest hit we also got I think they're saying three to five inches of rain we're not really sure yet how much if there's any damage on our place or how much flooding so we haven't come out of the house yet this morning to see if there's been any damage in our place we've been checked on the animals we've been watching the news and there's a lot of damage in some other areas so very close to us yeah so we're praying that everything's okay and all the animals are ok green house is OK right all those plants and they're okay so we're gonna take you along as we check on everybody this morning and make sure the roofs ok in the greenhouse and all the barns and those kind of things so we're just gonna take you around see if the flooding is terrible here they're opposed to rain most the day again today yeah there are puddles everywhere already and I hope I am wearing the right shoes good soaked but uh we're gonna go and check on everybody so let's start out with the baby ducklings yeah so far things are looking good a little soggy but I'm not up to my ankles and water so that's good my only real concern with the baby ducklings is that we lost power for a good portion of the night which means they didn't have their heat lamp they're probably at the age now where they can survive without having too much heat but you just never know so hopefully no rain got inside the barns if they stay dry then they should be fine one two three four five six yeah like they're all all doing good they're big they're about four times as much time well they were can you catch one so they can see how big they are [Music] yeah there's Rowan's fast I love ducklings they're so much fun they don't really like us but that's okay no that's okay our ducks in general so they're not they're not friendly they're not the kind of animals that come up to you and you know want to really be your friends I thought they're not afraid of you either they just kind of want to do their own things so it looks like these guys they're fine I'm gonna click doing some food and water I'm gonna go check on the greenhouse it is starting to sprinkle already this morning the weatherman didn't say we are gonna have a ton of rain today but some we left some plants out overnight my comfrey it looks okay echinacea everything looks okay and so far the greenhouse looks okay Oh all the plastic is still on it doesn't appear that there are any tears or rips we'll just go inside just to say hello to the babies oh look at all those plants they are looking great they are looking good I have these guys marked you can see my orange popsicle sticks because those are all supposed to be delivered for a bulk order today one of our viewers actually stopped by the farmers market last week and put in an order for 200 tomato plants so we have those all put together and we're scheduled to deliver them today we'll have to see I'm going to call and see if the roads are good enough if there's a lot of you know country roads here that have like low lying like streams and stuff like that yeah washes that aren't safe to pass through during these time so I need to call and make sure that the roads are going to be okay but we're scheduled for that delivery today so that's pretty exciting that we're selling 200 of our tomato plants today all right let's go over and let the chickens out for the morning looks like the garden stayed looking fine I don't really see any damage one thing we were concerned about with this storm is that it was going to bring golf-ball-sized hail which can completely devastate your lettuces and things and it looks like it doesn't look like there's a whole lot of damage I'm actually seeing a little bit sweetie I'll have to assess that Friday was gonna be our first harvest to take to the farmers market we'll have to see you can see those yes there is damage to the lettuce darn it oh man I do think we got some small help well that's disappointing that there is damage to the lettuce fortunately it's leaf lettuce and we can just cut it back and it will grow you know the new leaves for another harvest huh it's still edible for us but not good enough to sell at the farmers market so that's too bad this variety is our head lettuce and there's a little bit of damage but the head parts haven't grown yet so that shouldn't be a big loss looks like the row covers are doing well and stayed intact well it's muddy in here but it's you know that's what's expected after three into the rain in one night [Applause] boy well it looks like the chickens are fine I didn't really expect that wouldn't be because they're indoors all night so let's go check on the Ducks they're actually probably the only animals on the homestead that really love this kind of weather there's a nice puddle there the Ducks will be swimming in that in probably five minutes well we got enough rain to completely fill up the feed buckets Oh guess where they're going grateful that puddle I talked about I knew it they're so funny Oh looks like the rabbits are fine Becky a little bit wet they don't like to be wet they're cleaning themselves off but they're alive and they're not in standing water so that's a good thing let's go check on the goats well it looks like the goats that are okay I don't see them all yet yeah I know you don't like the mud why are you hi Koko [Music] and I can come out there you go everybody's okay everybody's okay all right let's get feeding them last night was too stormy for me to come out and separate the babies away from Rory so I won't be milking her this morning but I do still put her up on the stand so she can have our grain for the morning [Music] we don't need to give them any water because we're catching rainwater in two buckets off the side of the barn it's definitely full this morning well it looks like we really dodged a bullet I don't see any real damage to any of our buildings or any trees down that are you know in real important areas I'm sure there's some back in the woods now that we know all the animals are safe it's time for me to load up the tomato plants that are going out to one of our viewers Jeanne she lives out near Mansfield which is actually out by Baker Creek [Music] speaking of Baker Creek they're spring planting festival is this coming weekend on Sunday and Monday Kevin and I will be there visiting both Sunday and Monday and on Monday morning at 10:30 will actually be speaking in their speakers booths so we'd love to see you either day we'd love to meet you and have an opportunity to chat and we'd love for you to stop by on Monday and see us in the speaker's booth if you're in the area early on Saturday stop 5fr for the farmers market in Ava we'll be having a lot of our plants there this should be a really big weekend for selling there because it's tomato time you need to get your tomatoes in the ground if you're in our area so stop by we'd love to chat our farmers market on Saturday is from 7:00 a.m. until noon well the weather has cleared up it's actually a gorgeous day which is perfect because we are delivering the plants that we have set aside for one of our viewers Jeanie and so we're here on her beautiful farm of her land to deliver 200 tomato plants so we're gonna get those unloaded for her what in the world are you going to do with 200 tomato plants well we grow four markets we sell at st. Louis well all the way from Houston up to st. Loup our first customer starts in Houston got several stores up there and several stores have CSAs we sell to restaurants and I'm hoping we get some good tomatoes this year I think you will I hope so and they'll do well in here for quite a while if you can't I don't think we'll be getting out there do you guys see what's in the background back there a greenhouse from grower we really like the greenhouse we have and they're gonna love the one they're setting up right now they're just in the process of putting it up so Jeanie is growing the same type of lettuce that we love at our place the Rocky Top mix from Baker Creek yeah it looks like ours might be about one week or so ahead of hers but she didn't have any hail damage and so hers is looking good and didn't have any damage so probably in a week or so there's probably big enough to do a first cutting that's pretty exciting I'm very excited yeah we got the chicken RV that's an awesome idea right now it's convenient we bring the pasture to them we use a long sweet okay make up our grass clippings okay so we've been bringing our lawn to them okay that's a good idea it's a lot more convenient than having them weigh so I have some marigold for you it's all for you I have these are overture mixtape flowers nice I have Spitfire enough sessions Wow and I have scarlet feathers two wheels well we're all finished up by the tomatoes are up on the patio they look great they're gonna do so well we're so happy to meet Jeanne here at Moser family farm thanks thank you for bringing the tomatoes I hope so too yeah you'll need to make sure you let us know how maybe I will so you guys this is just down a little bit from our house they haven't confirmed I don't think that a tornado went through here but if you could see the amount of trees that are down I mean it's everywhere and they're going in every direction I'm sure this is part of the reason our power went out last night but some of these trees that we look at the size of these trees for them to come down from just wind seems a little unlikely I think we've got a small Church here behind us that unfortunately had a tree land on it in the back and just quite a bit of damage so we'll be praying for the folks that come to church here and but there's gonna be a lot of cleanup to do we just heard a little while ago as well that someone actually drown at the creek down right by our house we've showed you guys areas down there before and there's a camping area down there and I guess someone was camping when the waters came up and drowned in their tent last night so just a lot of damage here in the Ozarks and supposedly there's weather moving back in for tonight so we're gonna get home we're gonna try to get animals taken care of some things in the greenhouse and just hope that tonight's not as bad as last night while we're back on the homestead we saw an awful lot of damage on our trip over to Mansfield to deliver those plants it's really a shame some huge trees and some damage there's some buildings that you know just it just makes your heart kind of sad to see these things just get destroyed so quickly and you know what a blessing that there was absolutely no damage at our place makes me feel a little bit guilty that nothing happened here and so many people have here you know the houses and stuff destroyed you know that church we were at is only just a few miles away from our house we had no idea that that that was happening while we were in our storm shelter it really is a shame yeah a storm shelter I think is something that is really important here if you're gonna live in a place that gets a lot of tornados and you don't have a basement like we don't a storm shelter really is something that you need to have because it can save your life again you guys we think everybody who is praying for us overnight everybody who contact us through email and on our social media accounts we really appreciate the prayers if you're not a subscriber to our channel yet now is a great time to hit the subscribe button we sure would love to have you along as we come and show you our life here on the homestead if you know someone else who would enjoy this go ahead and share it on all of your social media accounts and until next time thank you so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 153,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Living Traditions Homestead, Missouri, Ozark's, homesteading, Ozarks, self-sufficient, homesteaders, unjobbing, tornadoes, tornado shelter, tornadoes in the ozark's, tornado damage, storm damage, tornado (disaster type), living traditions homestead bread, living traditions homestead rabbits, living traditions homestead greenhouse, thunder storm damage, thunderstorms, thunderstorm damage
Id: WM9qXNi08BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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