一口氣看完!【兇兇的鐵拳】前世她被渣男和繼妹算計至死,重來一世她聯手渣男死對頭億萬總裁霸氣復仇,手刃渣男大快人心,一切塵埃落定她被總裁寵上天!#芙芙追剧#短剧推荐#甜宠#熱劇 #愛情 #重生 #爽文

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Thank you to my parents, my parents , and my relatives and friends for accompanying me through the entire journey of stomach cancer . Husband , we will see you again in the next life. Brother-in-law, please take care of yourself. I will help you to rest. I hope that all those who love me and those I love will be well. I hope my husband can take good care of my sister on my behalf. Brother - in- law, you are great. You can trick your sister into coming to me for gastric surgery. Of course , I bought her 50 million in medical insurance. She died and we Only then can you be free and free. Do it. My brother- in-law , adulterer and adulteress, killed me. Even if I become a ghost, I won’t let you go. I’m not dead. I was reborn. Three months ago, I put on this wedding dress for you. Xiao Cheng, Li Xiaoshu, I will help you. Welcome everyone. Come to attend the wedding of groom Xiao Cheng and bride Li Shanshan. Now we invite the bride to make a shining appearance. Where is the bride? There is no mother to teach her. She is so despicable that she is even late for her own wedding. She should have divorced her short-lived mother a long time ago . Damn it, this rebellious girl from the Xiao family is a family friend of our Li family , or is she so eager to marry Xiao Cheng that she actually dares to be late for her own wedding? If she marries into our Xiao family , she won’t be able to go to the in-laws. Oh my God , this matter must be done today. Tell me something, uncle, please don't worry . As a daughter of the Li family, my sister is always so careless about the overall situation. My brother-in-law is so worried that he is sweating. Brother- in-law, don't be anxious. Have you hidden that person's medical report ? Don't worry, she must be here about the stomach cancer. Only after we get married will we know about the insurance. I have already hid it . When the marriage is over, let her die as the bride. Why hasn’t the bride come yet ? You, what are you doing holding my son’s portrait? What else can you do? Of course, bury you. How dare you dress like this ? I'm not happy. Go to hell. You crazy woman. How dare you curse my son ? Go to hell if he does n't accept it. Our family is unfortunate. Why did our Li family have such a mournful star? I can't stand it. I can’t stand it . Sister, how could you do such a crazy thing? If you ca n’t figure it out, just go to hell. Shanshan, today is our wedding day. Is there any misunderstanding? Let’s get married and go home, okay ? When you get married, you can get 50 million yuan in compensation, right? In ancient times, Lin Daiyu was buried with flowers, and today, I, Li Shanshan, are buried with scumbag men . Look, isn’t this a photo of the groom and his sister-in-law? This is simply shameless. Welcome to me. The wedding of my sister Li Xiaoshu and my husband Xiao Cheng. As the eldest sister, I would like to send my best wishes first. I wish you a happy marriage, a happy marriage , a long life and a happy marriage. Isn’t that a lot of words? My blessings are not missing a word. That’s not it. No blessings, no joy , no fate, no children , no intention, no harmonious blessings, evil is right . These photos are just the tip of the iceberg. Your photos online have been all over the sky. Now you can only marry your brother-in-law. Li Shanshan, you are a bad person. Li Xiaoshu, I tell you to be angry. Damn it, I was only 5 years old when my mother brought you three years old and you remarried to my house. Your mother is a bad person . Li Shanshan, your mother can’t control a man. Li Shanshan ’s little book. Happy wedding. Congratulations to Li Shanshan. Get up and come back to work after the wedding. My boss, I almost forgot. I have been working for you day and night, and my stomach cancer is inseparable from you. The new partner is Express Express. The wedding should have ended at three o'clock. It is now three o'clock. You are two minutes late. You were too happy to be careless. I'll deduct 200 yuan from you for being late. I've reached a cooperation agreement with Chuchutong Express . The information about my savior printed on the express tape can help me find her as soon as possible. Go and connect this information with the courier. Why are you still standing there talking like this? Li Shanshan , please listen to me. From the moment you become my assistant, Chen Yi, you must remember everything I say. If you can’t do it, give it to me. Get out of here, Chen Yi, I’m telling you, you’ll never be able to find your savior in this life just based on this half-body painting. I beg you, please don’t keep saying these boss quotes every day. It’s really stupid. Li Shanshan, Chen Yi, you are fired. In addition to acting as a master and enslaving me like a slave, I tell you that you are just a remnant of feudalism who came out of the grave. What kind of remnant of feudalism do you think I am ? What's wrong? If you don't agree, if you don't agree, go to hell. Li Shanshan is not over yet. Mr. Chen has never said that . I don’t know how his only female assistant could do this. Colleagues, Mr. Chen has not been close to women for so many years. Why is Mr. Chen so bad? Sister Shanshan must have been driven crazy by Mr. Chen because she has such a good temper. It’s no wonder that this is the case . He is notoriously difficult to serve. Shanshan ’s class reunion is tomorrow. You have to go with me no matter what. I will definitely go with you, right? Okay , see you tomorrow. Bye bye. My best friend greets me in front of others and stabs me in the back . I have tolerated you for 10 years. My stomach cancer has something to do with you. I will definitely give you a big surprise at this class reunion . Let me go, let me go. Who are you? Let go of that boy. I can fight two strong men at the age of six. Zhang Xiaoli, go to hell . Bring me a meal card. What kind of card do you want? Can we give you that? Counting the money , it turned out that you stole Lili's earrings. Shanshan, if you like these earrings, tell me, I can give them to you. You don't need to steal them. The rumor that I am someone else's woman is the one you are talking about . Shan , we are still students, how can you do such a thing? If you have any difficulties at home, you can tell us and we will help you isolate me . I asked me to buy food for everyone in the dormitory and spread rumors. I said I stole your earrings and slandered me. Let me Become the joke of the whole school Zhang Xiaoli, you go to hell, I give up, I give up, meet Chen Zhen, Li Shanshan, hello, my daughter-in -law, the only one who can defeat me is my daughter- in-law, my daughter-in-law , oh my son, where are you, your daughter-in-law, I found you for you. Come over here quickly. Sorry, sister, you are even crazier than me. I took the first step. My daughter -in-law, I have added you on WeChat in the group. If you have any questions, I can contact you anytime . Why did you come? Directly operated store ECT-SALE STORE. Mom, don’t talk nonsense about the store or your daughter-in-law. The girl Mom likes is definitely the one you like. If your savior can’t be found, you’ll just have to deal with that girl. No, I have to find my savior and let go of that boy. Forget it. It ’s been more than ten years. That girl is pretty good too. Mom , please stop talking. Those two bad guys took me deep into the mountains for three days and three nights without food or water. If it weren’t for them going down the mountain to purchase, my son would have been gone. My son had sworn that she would never marry Li Shanshan in this life . Why hasn’t she come yet? Could it be that she doesn't dare to come again ? Oh , don't say that about her. She promised me that she would come. She has done so many bad things to you. Why are you still playing with her? She offended the whole class. If I don’t play with her anymore, no one will play with her. She ’s so pitiful. Oh, you’re such a kind person. In fact, she didn’t do too many bad things. She just stole my paper and my earrings. She also stole my meal card and lived a disorderly life , but that's over . She's been in a bad mood recently . Please pay attention when she comes. What's wrong with her? She 's in a bad mood. She broke off the engagement with her boyfriend. Is it true or false ? What ? Oh, isn't it because she has a bad temper? I heard that it was so pitiful that the engagement was annulled on the day of the wedding. And what else? You talk and talk. Oh, she was fired. That company asked you not to let her go. Introduced to the Chen Group as the assistant to the president . You have to pity her and introduce her to the job. Now, it’s better. She is a person with bad conduct and can’t be supported by mud. Oh my, if she doesn’t come today, it’s okay. If she comes, there will be . She is good-looking. I heard that some people can't stand me. I want to look good. Li Shanshan. Today is the 10th anniversary party of our classmates. Is it appropriate to dress like this ? I can't stand it. I can't stand it. Go to hell. Her face is wrinkled. She thinks she is 18 years old. Ah, if you are not convinced, go to hell. You are so self-righteous. You are not welcome at our class reunion today. If you are wise, get out of here. I will piss you off. Oh , don’t talk about Shanshan. Shanshan, hurry up. It’s ten years old , but everyone has the right to love beauty, right? Shanshan , you dare to hit me. It’s because you haven’t pretended to be enough after ten years. You gossip in front of your classmates every day and sow discord. Are you tired? I’m tired of you. And you, let me tell you, you only listened to her one-sided words and then judged me. I told you today. I didn't steal her things. I also found my own job. Brain is a good thing. It's a pity that you don't have Li Shanshan. Whoever you say has no brain is just talking. You guys , you dare to say that we have no brains. I not only talk about you, I also beat you. I not only talk about you, I also beat you. Li Shanshan , Li Shanshan, you dare to hit people now, don’t you? What are you doing? You even beat your children, Li Shanshan , you idiot. How dare you? Don't even think about having a class reunion today . Why haven't you come yet ? It's just you and my son Li Shanshan. You have grown up. You have also learned how to move rescue troops. I want to see how much trouble you and these miscellaneous soldiers can cause. Do you have the ability ? You will know this land in a moment. It happens to be my family's land. I am planning to build it here. Opening a golf course, you two stand on other people's property and talk nonsense. It's quite tough. I laughed so hard . Your home's property is a golf course . Oh, Li Shanshan. Where did you meet this live treasure? You talk so funny. And your aunt, you 've never been such a braggart. You don’t make drafts? You don’t have to worry about others laughing at what you say . Li Shanshan , what is your identity? How can you find a big boss of this level to support you and your engagement is annulled? Are you so shocked by the annulment that you are mentally disturbed? It seems to me that few of these people are sane. I said, aunt, you look old enough to be a grandma. Stop pretending to be cute. Also, you go out in school uniform. Are you ? I'm afraid that others won't laugh at you, but there is this man. I said that my eldest brother is here with a few motorcycles, and he is playing with us as Young and Dangerous. I really think he is the godfather, right? Hey, it 's okay. Are you a dog looking down on others? I said it before I came. I knew it was nothing good , but I didn't expect to be so excited. Isn't it unlucky for you to bring these two lunatics here ? You made this good class reunion look like a team building in a mental hospital. What a bunch of idiots. Who are you talking about? Madam, how come you idiot, you really think of yourself as a messenger of justice. You are so righteous. Brother Zhengyi, this guy is quite stunned. Brother Zhengyi, Mr. Chen has never been so angry. You are making fun of me. What is your identity? How dare you treat me ? Who do you think you are when you speak rudely ? After a few quotes from the boss , you really think you are the boss. Why do these words sound so familiar? Oh my, there are more bosses these days than there are valleys in the sieve, right ? It’s true , you said What are you, you heartless woman? We are here to support you. Where do you stand? I 'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I'm going to shut my mouth right now. Li Shanshan , don't think that if you find someone to bluff, we will be afraid of you. Just you. And you, you spent half a year's salary on this outfit . Let me tell you, you don't need to pretend to be fat like this. Can we not know what she is like ? We are all old classmates. I don't know how much you weigh. Liang, you said you know anyone from the upper class ? Well , I also know the Chen family, the richest man in Qingcheng. Come on, your richest man, the Chen family , is also someone we can have a relationship with. Li Shanshan, don’t you work in the Chen family? That ’s right. Have you met Mr. Chen? I heard that Mr. Chen is in a high position at a young age and is as rich as anyone in the country. With her appearance , she is also a talented person and can be said to be the best among people. She is just a stinky part-time worker. How can she have seen any CEO ? Ah, Mr. Chen, I have indeed seen it , but you have also seen it, right? Mr. Chen, Li Shanshan , I said where did you find the actors? You are so dedicated, you are a wage earner with an average family background, an average appearance, an average figure, and you said you can make the Chen Group's The president is backing you up. Who will believe it when I say it? You are not someone who has read too many novels and always imagines yourself as the heroine of a romantic drama. What is the family background of the Chen family? You, Li Shanshan, are worthy of me. Let me tell you that the gap between you and the Chen family is you. You’re not even worthy of carrying Mr. Chen’s shoes. Mr. Chen is attracted to women like you. He ’s not blind. There must be limits to his whims. Mr. Chen is a young and promising woman. What kind of woman does he want ? A woman who hasn’t crawled into bed since the beginning of the year . They've been waiting until the end of the year. Are you worthy of him with your status ? That's right, that's right. Why did you launch a sneak attack when you disagree? You don't follow martial ethics. Oh, okay, okay, you guys are still quarreling to no end, right? Li Shanshan, you Why is such a poor toad acting more and more enthusiastically? Xiaoli, you bought this bag newly, right? It doesn’t look cheap. Your husband bought it for you. Of course, Xiaoli is different from us. Xiaoli, you are married. Isn’t it true that she from a wealthy family buys luxury goods the same way we buy vegetable baskets ? Among our classmates , Xiaoli is the best married to a good husband. She lies at home and enjoys happiness every day. Stop talking about it. Doesn’t this hurt Li Shanshan’s heart ? But the engagement was broken off not long ago, and now she is the only one among her classmates who is alone. She is almost 30 years old and has not yet gotten married, and has almost become an older leftover. Of course , this bag is a gift my husband bought me for my first wedding anniversary. This bag can't be worth your year's worth of money. So, you still pretending to be rich in front of me is really laughable. Isn't it just a bag? As for Jiji, you have been praising it for so long. Li Shanshan, your year's salary is not enough to buy it. Come on, Mr. Chen, a labor-exploiting capitalist like you , don’t say such unworldly things. I, Li Shanshan , chose this package today. I really can’t afford it. It’s normal for a stinky working man to not be able to afford it. But it ’s normal. Yeah , in the future, you should do less things that make people laugh out loud. Some people are just civet cats when they put on that dragon robe . I said, girl, I don’t mean anything else. But how can this bag of yours be a fake? This bag is limited to 300 pieces worldwide. It’s just right. I bought a few and changed the backs. But your mark is crooked. Are you being deceived or are you an old woman? What nonsense are you talking about? This bag , this bag is like this. You don’t understand. Pretend to understand . I know . Just take a good look at this one to really see the world. Well, this is real. It can’t be fake. It can’t be true. I advise you to stop lying to yourself. I work at a counter. Xiaoli’s bag does seem to be fake . But it’s possible that Xiaoli was deceived and shouldn’t have bought it at the counter. Why do you have this bag of poor ways of living and rich ways of living? The way you all dislike the poor and love the rich and praise the high and downtrodden is really despising. You are really a frog in the well. I advise you to hurry back. Go home and go to bed. Everything is in this dream. You old woman, who do you think you are? Who am I? There is no need for you to know. But why do I know that your Xiang brand clothes obviously don’t fit? I rented this. The necklace will float when you put it in the swimming pool. Your shoes are very interesting. They are AB models. They are very fashionable. And you , your Anini suit has threads on it. Are you fake? Don’t talk nonsense here . Is it true? What does it mean to hit a dog with a stone ? The one who got hit screamed the loudest. Today, I have seen the world. I see that when you were in school, you disliked the poor and loved the rich. How come you have entered social work now and still behave like this ? Didn't you know that when you were in school, the teacher said that their shoes were all cross-checked and that their test papers were all cross-words ? It made me laugh so hard. I saw that you came to the class reunion , so I didn't feel at ease. You are here to cause trouble. Everyone, kick her out . You begged me for nothing and I just came. You thought I wanted to come. Since you want to do it , I won't be polite . Shanshan, be careful, Shanshan. You can't beat me like this. It's you who beat me . Oh, please spare me. Please obey . Are you convinced? I 'm convinced. Oh, I'm sorry, Heroine. I really know I'm wrong. Just let me go. Why can't I see the sincerity? I'm very sincere . I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Shanshan. We were wrong. Please spare us. I shouldn’t put the blame on you, Sister Shanshan . I have an elder and a younger one . Just spare me this time. I ’m sorry . I really know I was wrong. It’s true. We won’t dare to do it next time. It’s so funny. These people bully the weak and fear the strong. You scumbags , I will spare you this time. There will be no next time. This is for you. Yeah , it’s so satisfying . But why are you here ? Do you think you really know each other? Son , please tell me you don’t know me. Hurry up. Why is the relationship between mother and child so shameful? It's not that I think you are a bit shameful. This girl shouldn't want to see you. Don't say you know me. Otherwise, if you are so good-looking, do I still have human rights ? What do you think? Do you really know each other? If you don't know me , then you Why are you saying your son is here ? My son said he was coming before , but then he said he had something to do and couldn't come. I don't know this son. Then why are you here? I happened to pass by and saw one of my employees being made things difficult for me , so I came to help. What's wrong? Is it weird? Okay , I don’t care why you are here. I don’t get along with you. Get out of here. I don’t want to see you again . You are unreasonable. Listen to this. You guys have known each other for a long time. What did Qin Shanshan ’s son do ? Are you so angry? I tell you what he did is outrageous and inhumane. A beast is inferior to Li Shanshan. I'm warning you. Please stop smearing my reputation. What on earth have I done to make you so unpopular with me? How can I tell you ? Your sister has resigned. Don't put your boss's name in front of me. Did you get my consent before you resigned ? As far as I know, I haven't signed your resignation letter yet . I told you that your sister is not like you. Why are you working under a black-hearted capitalist ? You are the kind of unscrupulous businessman who exploits employees for profit. I tell you, I, Chen Zhen, hate people like you the most. Your sister , tomorrow will be the moving ceremony for Xiao Cheng and I to move into the wedding house. I think you will definitely bless me. You must come. My good sister, my good sister is moving to a new house. As a sister, how can she not come? Don’t worry, I have prepared a good gift for you . Wait and see. Shanshan, your sister wants it. Of course, before we get married , my half-sister is going to live with my ex-fiancé in the villa my mother left for me. I asked why the air is suddenly so fresh. It turns out it’s green tea. Shanshan , I’ll go meet you tomorrow . Then go to Zhenzhen for the green tea. You have a bit of humor. By the way , when are you free next time? Come with me to participate in the arena competition. I believe that with your strength, it will definitely not be a problem to win them all. Of course, no problem. Thank you for speaking for me today. I will definitely go, by the way, I even forgot about it. You go with me to the luxury goods sale event. If there is anything you like, I will give it to you. Just treat it as a testimony of our friendship. Let’s see what else those people can say. Ah, okay, let's go, no problem. The heat between these two women really came as promised. It was my card . Mr. Chen, did you find that person to get the news? When you were kidnapped more than ten years ago, a tourist happened to be there. Then I took a photo as a souvenir , and I happened to take a full-length photo of your savior. I believe that with that photo, the news of your savior will be such a big deal. Why are you just saying it now ? Is this news true? I just learned the news. The news I tell you now while I am dealing with things here is absolutely true. I have sent someone to buy the photo at a high price . I believe there will be news soon. I can't wait. I have to go and see it for myself. Come in, come in, and read the little book. Who is here ? You can handle such a big villa . You can give such a generous dowry to a daughter . Yes , but our Xiaoshu and Xiao Cheng are also a very good match. They are a match made in heaven. Let me tell you, I have never seen a better match. Our brother Li loves his daughter even more. Otherwise, who would be so generous and give such a big villa just so that his daughter and son-in-law can live a happy life? Xiao Shu is my recognized lover. I will be good to her all my life and will not let her suffer anything. Hurt , please elders, do n't worry. I will definitely love her, take care of her, and make her happy. Xiao Cheng, you are so good. My parents will be happy if I marry Xiao Cheng. You can rest assured . Ouch , as long as you two are well, I will be relieved. Thank you, Mom. Well done. To Xiaoshu, don’t let her down. I, Li Shu, am just a daughter. If Xiaoshu is wronged by you , I will definitely not let you go. Dad, don’t worry . What about me ? What am I? Is n’t this Shanshan? Come on. Why doesn't this occasion suit you ? Aren't you here to cause trouble for everyone ? Shanshan, I know you are not willing to accept it , but Xiao Shu and Xiao Cheng are a better match. There is nothing you can do about it. Just be obedient, Shanshan, and go back quickly. Don't be so ignorant. Isn’t it just that my fiancé is with my sister? I’ve been here before . This is inappropriate. Why bother interfering with other people’s freedom of love? Isn’t it? I really have never heard such shameless words. Shanshan, you really have a bunch of top-notch family members. Dad , although I Mom passed away early , but you can't just pretend she doesn't exist. I'm not your daughter , so who have you been raising for me all these years ? Could it be that you are a green-haired turtle, you are an unfilial daughter, what are you talking about here? What are you doing here? Who asked you to come? I think you deliberately wanted to ruin your sister's housewarming party. Who asked me to come? Of course it was my good sister with whom I love each other. Yes, you should ask your green tea daughter about this question . Shi Gonglai, she knows best in her heart that you, parents , have wrongly blamed your sister. It is indeed me who called her here today . I hope to get her blessing. Oh, Xiaoshu, why did you call her here? She and Xiao Cheng almost got married to Shanshan, after all. She is my sister. She had some misunderstandings about me before. I called her here today just to clear up the misunderstanding so that we two sisters can live in peace. Xiaoshu is really considerate and gentle. Her sister has treated her like this . I still want to reconcile with my sister. Only such a good girl can be the daughter-in-law of our Xiao family. This child , Li Shanshan , is jealous and revengeful. It’s too strong . Our little book is gentle, but even though we are in such trouble, we still want her sister to be a good child. It's really hard for you. It does n't matter , no matter what, Shanshan is my sister. Even if she is hostile to me , I still hope for her good in my heart. This situation makes me really different. This Li Shanshan has to have looks but not looks and personality. Personality No wonder we, Xiao Cheng, don’t marry her. She is a good girl like Xiao Shu. How can Li Shanshan compare to Li Shanshan ? What are you doing with a broom? Sister Shanshan, are you using this broom to help clean my villa ? Yes, my good sister. This is a housewarming gift for you. Sweeping you white-eyed wolves out is the biggest gift I have prepared for you. Li Shanshan What are you doing? This is your sister's wedding room. You want to take us out ? Are you crazy? Are you so jealous when you see your sister getting married in a big villa? You are in this villa, right? She will definitely be jealous of how much land is worth . I see half of her teeth are broken. Li Shanshan , stop it. Li Shanshan , stop it . Xiaoshu, she is your sister after all. Isn’t it just a villa? As a sister, you should give her more space. Well, sister, if you are angry with me because of this villa , I don’t care. As long as you want, you can come to our house to stay for a few days at any time. Don’t let these external things affect our sisterhood. Good girl, she has already done this to you. Why don’t you? I blame her for not being like some people who are full of scheming and smell like copper. Hum , you are right, sister. If you still criticize me because of this matter, wouldn’t it mean that you are disregarding our sisterhood? What did you say? I said , I think you are right. No need to It's not a bad thing if you want to stay here for a few days after caring so much. What do you mean? This villa was transferred to my dad after my mother passed away. You only have the right to use this house. The ownership belongs to me. What do you mean ? What's going on ? You still don't understand? It means that this house belongs to us, Shanshan. You guys , get out of this house immediately. Don't add drama here. What's going on? You said it clearly before. This is How come the house that was given to Xiaoshu is now given to this girl ? Please explain to me, otherwise this matter will never end. Dad, you said that this house was for my dowry, but now you tell me that this house does not belong to me. Where do you want me to put my face? Ah, Li Shanshan, you have to make your sister's housewarming ceremony a mess. Are you willing to do it? I know you didn't mean well when you came here this time. Sister, what kind of sister is she? I didn't come here to pay homage to you. If you hadn't been here to show off your power, How could you shoot yourself in the foot? Li Shanshan , it’s because you are so scheming, mean and vicious that I broke off the engagement with you. You are a scumbag and you don’t deserve to call me by my name. Xiaoshu, Xiaoshu. Don’t scare me. Xiaoshu , call the doctor. Even if this house is... Li Shanshan's , but this Li Shanshan's is a little too aggressive, isn't it? That Xiao Shu doesn't know the truth. You came over and ruined her relocation ceremony. I think you did it on purpose. Xiao Shu's health is not good to begin with. Why do you want to go everywhere? Insult her , you vicious woman, do you deliberately want to kill her? Li Shanshan, you are a woman who gave birth to a child. How on earth are you going to let our little book go? Our little book has always tolerated you in all kinds of preferential treatment, but you have disgraced her . Are you trying to force her to death ? She is really wonderful. First of all, that little green tea just said that she didn't care and then she suddenly fainted. Secondly , our Shanshan never touched her from the beginning to the end. How can she shirk her sudden fainting ? Give it to Shanshan, that's all they can do. I see, you all just saw Shanshan's mother pass away. You've seen her so miserable and helpless, and you want to take advantage of her. Now, you're the one who is the first to file a lawsuit against Li Shanshan. Let me tell you , if there is anything wrong with the little book, I will never let you go. She is pregnant. What did you say? How is this possible? Are you deaf? The doctor said she is pregnant. She has been pregnant for three months. Her body is relatively weak, so it is not easy. She was pregnant and she was very excited just now , so she fainted. But everyone can rest assured that she was fine. It has been more than three months, but Xiao Chengcai and Li Shanshan broke off their engagement more than half a month ago. This does not mean that Xiao Shu It would take at least three months for the two of them to get married with Xiao Cheng. However, these three months ago, three months ago, Xiao Cheng and Li Shanshan were planning to get engaged . Her brother-in -law also had an affair with her. Li Xiaoshu seemed to be weak and weak, but he didn't expect to be so mean. He not only robbed her brother-in-law , but also got pregnant before we were married. Xiao Cheng, please say something, Li Shanshan, you have to ruin my reputation before you are willing Do you have to destroy me if you can't get me ? This kind of garbage like you should be thrown into the harmful trash can . Get out of here . Are you going to feed the real estate company? I want to sell the house as quickly as possible. Please help me find it. Shanshan, you are the buyer . Why do you want to sell this house ? This is the only property my mother left to me. Although I am very reluctant to part with it , I have something happened personally and I need money. So if anything happens to you, I can help you. Mom, my daughter has terminal gastric cancer and she can go to see you in a month . No one can help me. I’m fine. Since you decided to sell this house , I will find a way to help you. Are you looking for a suitable buyer to sell a house at a high price ? Yes, of course. I happen to have a friend who wants to buy it and he is willing to pay you the money first. It really means that you have mortgaged the house and waited for you to finish the matter. If you redeem this house in the future , you don’t have to sell your mother’s house at this price. I guarantee you’ll be satisfied. Thank you, sister. You’re welcome. Then during this period, you can move here and live with me . You don’t know. How about you just accompany me if I'm bored by myself ? But wouldn't it be inconvenient? It's convenient . How could it be inconvenient? If you come over, someone will play with me, okay? Sister , help me. So many times, I am definitely here. My dear sister , no need to say anything. I am scared of you, hello . Are you the one who took this photo? Yes , is there anything wrong with this photo ? This photo captured a person who is very nice to me. Important person, if you are willing to sell this photo to me, I am willing to pay this amount: 555,000. Madam , if you are willing to sell the photo to me, I can offer you 500,000. You can give me the photo in person and 500,000 immediately. It's on your card. What do you think? If you want, take out the photo. What's so fishy about this photo ? It's worth half a million. Yes, I'll never forget her in my life. It's her . This photo happened to capture her . She is my savior. I swear that I will marry her in this life . Your savior. This photo was taken by Lao Li for me. I didn’t expect that the dead girl Li Shanshan was accidentally included in the photo. Could it be that Li Shanshan is the person I’m looking for ? You are my savior . I am Chen Yi, the president of Chen Group , the richest man in Qingcheng , Chen Group. My identity is not important. What is important is whether you can arrange for me to meet the little girl in the photo. If you can arrange for me to meet her, When you see the price, you just fill it in. Li Shanshan, this damn girl, what kind of shit is she so lucky to have hooked up with such a wealthy son- in-law ? You can't let Li Shanshan jump over the dragon's door like this , otherwise it won't be a waste of money. That girl wants to take a long-term view. Gu Hongping, this is The richest man in Qingcheng, this little money is nothing . So, my savior over the years is right . I haven’t seen her since she saved me when I was a child . I once sent people back to look for her, but nothing was found. She seemed to have disappeared from the world . I can't find any information. She may look different from the photo after such a long time. Do you mind? Of course I don't mind. I have been looking for a needle in a haystack with an unclear portrait for so many years and have found nothing. Now I finally have a new one . I have a clue. Why would I care about her appearance? I must catch this overwhelming wealth. Listening to your description, I already know who the person you are looking for is. Who is she? She is my daughter Li Xiaoshu. Wow Zhenzhen. This is too luxurious. What's the use of such a splendid and beautiful house? No matter how big the house is, I 'm not sleeping alone from dusk to dawn. Shanshan, before you came, don't mention how lonely I am alone. Zhenzhen , don't say that and risk entering your house. I'm so embarrassed. Thank you for taking me in. It's probably you who helped me a lot. You don't even know what a hard life I've been living. I 'm as lonely as snow. Wow, Zhenzhen, you are such a little rich woman. Shanshan , what will happen in the future? You are my best friend, Chen Zhen . Now we can live together , and we can play together every day. I couldn't ask for it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, let go of that boy. Little brat, leave me alone . Run, shut up , let me go, what's wrong with your thighs? Tell me what's going on with your thigh injury. Tell me what's going on with your thigh injury. The stinky gangster dares to look at my thigh. I feel pain, pain, pain, pain. Li Shanshan , answer my question first. What's going on with your thigh injury ? You also said that I killed you and you saw your thigh and spread the news. How can I see people? I told you that my thigh was not injured. Remember it. I don’t believe you. Give me another look. You also said that I didn’t look at it. I didn’t look at you. Hurry up. Let me go. How could my savior be Li Shanshan? Li Shanshan is simply a Tigress. There is absolutely no way that the goddess I had when I was a child was a tigress. I will see her tomorrow. I better not think too much about it . I won’t watch it. I won’t watch it. I swear to God. Then tell me why you appeared in Zhenzhen. What's the weather like today ? The sun is quite thin and white today. You broke into a private house and peeked at me taking a shower. I 'll see you in the office. No , no, no, you listen to my explanation. Heroine, I went the wrong way and entered the wrong door. I didn't mean it. What do you have to explain? You peeked at me in the shower. Explain. You don’t have to explain. It’s not me. I ’m okay. Then you can give me a reasonable explanation. You say it. It’s a long story. Please don’t get excited. Okay, Mr. Chen , although we are I'm a subordinate but I've resigned. First , this is Zhenzhen's house . It's a sure thing that you broke into a private house. Second, you didn't hear me singing when you came in. You still came in. Did you do it on purpose? You and I misunderstood Shanshan. This is all a misunderstanding. Zhenzhen , you two, oh, okay, I recruited Chen Yi, he is my son , then this is his family, Shanshan, don’t be angry, you actually teamed up to deceive me and get me all over the place, Zhenzhen , it’s not like you don’t know that I hate it. Chen Yi, why are you still like this? We are not good sisters anymore . Oh, don’t be angry. Otherwise, in the next few days, you can go to Chen’s as the president and ask Chen Yi to work for you. That ’s okay . That ’s okay. Shanshan is back. Shanshan is back. We all thought you were driven crazy by your unscrupulous boss and then had a schizophrenia and resigned . Oh , when did Shanshan become a boss? Mr. Chen has too many things to do and is too fussy. I have never seen a more annoying boss than him, right? He is so difficult. The person who serves me is still a tall, rich and handsome man with a good reputation among the people. Only after joining the Chen family did I know that. Fortunately, I used to have a domineering filter for him . Now I look at him like a green -haired bastard who can only impress himself. You won't just exploit employees . Well, what's wrong? Why do you look so ugly? Li Shanshan , does she know that Mr. Chen is behind you? What we just arranged Mr. Chen's words must have been heard by him. What good things do we have to eat? Xiao Chen , how do you go? It's so slow , okay? It's my first day on the job. You can pour a glass of water for my colleagues on my behalf. Is Shanshan crazy? Why are you bossing Mr. Chen around and driving her crazy again? Why are you standing there, go and get a glass of water for your colleagues? Why are you so unlucky in doing things ? Oh my God, am I dreaming? Mr. Chen really poured water for us. Shanshan , did you catch Mr. Chen on something? Mr. Chen Only then will I be obedient to you . By the way, Shanshan, didn't you say that Mr. Chen is not good before ? Hahaha , have you cured him? Mr. Li, the water you want is good , okay . Let's do this later . After all the procrastination , why don’t you order a cup of coffee for your colleagues ? Shanshan , what’s going on? Why did Mr. Chen call you Mr. Li? This is so weird . Am I crazy or is the world crazy? Well , now, things are changing for Chen. I am the president, and I also want you to feel what it’s like to be exploited by an unscrupulous boss. I dragged you here. The person who saved you on the street was my daughter Li Xiaoshu. How have you been doing these years ? I , I , have been looking for you , Mr. Chen. Our Xiaoshu has not been doing well these past years. Why is our Xiaoshu’s life so miserable? Please stop getting excited and slowly tell me what kind of trouble Xiaoshu has encountered. Xiaoshu, she Since I was a child, I have been gentle and kind-hearted , and I don’t like to argue with others , so I have always been bullied by others. Why is my gentle temperament different from what I remember? Maybe it’s because I was a girl in my 18th year. I married Xiao Shu and her father. Xiao Shu’s father is there. I brought the daughter who was born to my late wife and always looked down on me. Mother and daughter always contradicted me and ignored me. They always caught Xiao Shu bullying her mother . There is such a thing, right? That girl was born a bad boy. Xiao Shu had a lot of problems when she was a child. She was bullied by her , and even now that she has grown up, she actually stole Xiao Shu’s fiancé and got entangled with her brother- in-law , Mom, stop talking , she is indeed a shameless woman , but aunt, don’t worry, I have been looking for her for so many years . Now that my savior has been found, I will definitely devote everything I have to making Xiao Shu the happiest woman in the world . Look, this is the office , and you can run into her anywhere. She is really haunting. The iron tree that has been blooming for thousands of years , Mr. Chen , oh no, Xiao Chen actually brought a woman here . Oh my God, what happened recently is not too exciting . First, Mr. Chen and Shanshan swapped their identities. Now, Mr. Chen, this iron tree that has not bloomed for many years , actually let a woman get close to him. Could it be that Mr. Chen brought a woman to the company specifically to clear up the rumors that he is incompetent? Please introduce her as my future wife Li Xiaoshu. Hello everyone , sister, how are you? We meet again. Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first to see you. You disgusting person, I want to vomit you . Li Shanshan didn’t think of it. Feng Shui has changed and you fart. I will become the fiancée of the president of Chen Group, but you are still a little assistant. I really pity you, poor thing. What are you doing? I think you have a bad mouth. You wash up, Xiao Shu , didn’t you go to the toilet? Why is it as good as going swimming now ? Xiao Shu , why are you like this? I don’t know why Shanshan is so hostile to me . I just want to be with her. Say hello , but she pushed my head into the pool like she was crazy. She almost wanted to kill me. Is Shanshan really who she said she is? Yes, so what. Li Shanshan , you are not usually like this. Why are you? If you want to bully a weak girl like Xiao Shu, I think she is very suitable. She is not only mentally retarded but also has a bad mouth. Isn't it normal for me to help her clean up? Sister , what have I done wrong? You want to kill me just because Jealous that I am better off than you, Shanshan, why are you so narrow-minded? I heard the little book said that you are sisters. Why do you want to harm your sister? Li Shanshan , why didn’t I realize that you are so vicious before? Have you ever done anything to your own sister? My heart, I was bullied by her when I read the book. I was so blind before that I even made friends with someone like Li Shanshan. I’m jealous of you. You’ve made it more difficult for yourself. Let me tell you, even if I’m jealous of a dog, I can’t be jealous. You Li Xiaoshu, Brother Yi , Xiaoshu, why did your hair get so wet? Brother Yi , I don’t know where I offended my sister. She pressed my head into the sink and tried to drown me. Li Shanshan, what on earth do you want to do? If you have anything to do , just come to me. Why are you venting your anger on Xiao Shu? Hey, you believe her one-sided story so indiscriminately. Why don’t you ask me, the client , so quickly insist that I want to drown her ? Tell her , is what Li Xiaoshu just said true? Is it true that I pushed her into the pool? You , you are too arrogant. What do you want to do? You usually bully Xiao Shu. But today you want her life. I don’t understand. What do you want to do ? Maybe it’s because of my sister. I have been very competitive since I was a child. Today I saw that I am going to marry you. I am going to marry the president of the Chen Group, but she is still an ordinary assistant , so she is unbalanced and holds a grudge against my little book . In fact, my brother Yi, you don’t need to do more. What are you saying? I won't blame my sister. After all, she is Li Xiaoshu. I'm afraid you may have misunderstood. Now I am the president of the Chen Group, and he, Chen Yi , is my assistant , and he, Chen Yi , is my assistant. What did you say ? Why weren't you very happy just now ? I can’t laugh now. Brother Yi, what does she mean literally? Li Shanshan is now the president of Chen Group. I am just an ordinary employee. How is that possible ? How is it possible that Li Shanshan is the president of Chen Group ? What if you are the president of Chen Group ? Shouldn't you apologize to Xiao Shu for doing such a thing ? I ask you to bow and apologize to Xiao Shu. You are the same as her now. No problem. You violent maniac. You are simply unreasonable . Then I will be unreasonable to the end. You give me enough, what are you talking about? I can't hear the left hook . Well done. Shanshan, well done . Zhenzhen, well done . Teach me a lesson and teach this brat a lesson . Let him know how blind he is. Damn you . Why are you here? What are you here for? What am I here for ? I’m here to teach you a lesson. And this green tea is you. You are the woman who was brought to the villa by Li Shanshan that day. How can you be Brother Yi’s mother ? So what? It’s your turn to question. My mother-in -law , I didn’t know it was you. Brother Yi and I hadn’t known each other at that time, so there were so many misunderstandings that day . Now that Brother Yi and I have known each other, we are about to get married. By then, we will be a family . Just because you want to enter our Chen family, so what if you saved my son before? That was before and now is now. Aren’t you the kind of woman who can just take money and send it away? There are 2 million in the card and leave my son and mother-in-law. I'm really not the kind of woman who is greedy for vanity. I don't love money . Brother Yi and I really love each other . Oh, I haven't even arrived at West Lake yet. I just drank a pot of Longjing tea. The flavor of this tea is really strong. Mom , can you? Don’t call me mom. I don’t have a daughter like you. I’m telling you , as long as I, Chen Zhen, live for one day, Li Shanshan will be the daughter-in-law of our Chen family . I don’t have anything like you. Stop talking to me. I’ve seen too many gold diggers like you. What kind of level are you dancing in front of me ? Mom , don’t speak so harshly, Xiao Shu. She has been upright and kind since she was a child. She is not the vain money digger you call her. I admit that she was a good child when she was young , but she will always change. Just like my good son, he was smart and smart when he was young. How did he become blind when he grew up? He was led by the nose by a money-worshiping girl. He really annoyed Shanshan when he looked at me. Let’s go . Mom, Li Shanshan, why can you step on me? Why on earth did you get Mrs. Chen's eyes on me ? Li Shanshan , I must make you pay the price. I want you to die. Xiao Shu, are you okay? I have paper here , why don't you wipe the water on your face first ? Thank you. Aren’t you sisters, Xiao Shu? What kind of conflict do you have that would lead to such a tense situation? Actually, it’s understandable that my sister hates me, because Brother Yi loves my sister. She wants to get in between us because of jealousy. I didn’t want to put this matter in the first place . The matter has been made public , but my sister wants to ruin my reputation. I can only bring justice to myself by telling the truth . Is there something hidden behind this matter ? Tell me everything you know. There are many of us and we will definitely clear your name. Yes , although Li Shanshan is our colleague , but we will not favor her. If she really did something bad to you , you must speak up and we will help you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, then I will say it. Although Li Shanshan and I are Sister , she has always liked to take away the things I like since she was a child . When she was a child, she was a toy . When she grew up, she was the man I liked. How could such a thing happen ? Brother Yi and I had a close relationship when we were young. Now we are in love , but my sister insists on getting involved because of jealousy. Between us, she was trying to please Brother Yi's mother, who instigated her to break us up so that she could rise to the top. She really knows people, knows faces, but doesn't know what she knows. I've been working with Li Shanshan for so long, but I didn't expect her to be such a person . Yes, Mr. Chen just brought Xiao Shu to the company today . He announced that Xiaoshu was his future wife . It was clear that Mr. Chen had been attracted to Xiaoshu just now , but Mrs. Chen interfered with it. Li Shanshan would rather demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. This was so unethical. Even if she liked Mr. Chen no matter how much she did, You can't be so unscrupulous. Why is the atmosphere so solemn today? Even though we have been working together for so long, this is the first time I have discovered that you are not as innocent as I thought. When you bullied Xiao Shu in the bathroom and bullied others, why didn't you think that you would be as vicious as you are today? Woman , no wonder Mr. Chen likes Xiao Shu but not you. You are jealous of Xiao Shu . Mr. Chen likes to break up these lovers. Why don’t you know? Li Xiaoshu told you, so what ? Are you still afraid of people telling you that you have done bad things ? The little scholar is gentle and kind-hearted , and I don’t even want to blame you , but I am fair and easy-going. What you did is natural. We have been working with you for so long, and I have always thought that you are a frank and straightforward girl. I didn't expect to be so domineering. It's so deceiving. No matter what Li Xiaoshu told you, since she told you all to turn to her with one-sided words , I can only speak with facts. This afternoon I will hold a rumor clarification meeting. You must all be present. Welcome everyone to listen to me. Speaking now, I will clarify my stigma and rumors. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me why you suddenly became the president of Chen's. This is my private matter , but don't worry, I only temporarily hold the position of president for a few days. The owner has changed. I heard that you like Mr. Chen and do whatever it takes to break up Mr. Chen and your sister. There is no need to interfere with them . I don’t like Chen Yi . Who he likes has nothing to do with me. Then why is Mrs. Chen so opposed to Xiao Shu? You must be the one who got in the way of the matter with Mr. Chen . Shanshan is my good friend and bestie. Is there any problem that the people she hates are the people I hate ? Besides, I, Chen Zhen , don’t like Li Xiaoshu’s green tea at all. That makes sense. It turns out that Shanshan and Mr. Chen’s mother are friends. No wonder she always supports Shanshan. If that's the case, then Li Xiaoshu is lying. She wants us to be gunmen. Bad woman, haven't you found a better home? You've caught a wealthy son-in-law like Mr. Chen and come back to find me. I'm with Mr. Chen , but I still have you in my heart. Do you really think I'm a fool? I think it's Mr. Chen's biological mother who doesn't want to see you. You have no hope of marrying into a rich family. And seeing that I 'm so prosperous now , I want to eat again. Is it Ah Cheng that you don’t know me yet? I really love you. Otherwise , when you and Li Shanshan were together, how could I have been with you at all costs? Don’t you believe me? How much is sincerity worth ? Money , I got a huge amount of financing by mistake . Although it is not as good as Chen Yi, the proud man , it is good. I am also a big boss now. Do you think I will like a shabby shoe like you? Don’t you want to? Trample Chen Yi under your feet . Don’t you want to go to a higher level? I can help you, help me. What can you do to help me ? Do you have money? No matter what , I am Chen Yi ’s recognized savior. He trusts me unconditionally. If you want to annex Chen Yi, Group, we can cooperate. What are you doing ? I asked you out. Shouldn’t I, the client, come? You asked me out because you were clearly plotting against me. You asked me out in the name of Zhenzhen. What do you want to do ? Don’t worry . I won't do anything to you. You just need to stay here with me for a while . Hey, Li Shanshan , aren't you curious at all about how I became the vice president of Dasheng Group ? It's nothing more than some deception and deception . What else can these do? You are just eating, drinking , having fun, and a waste that is proficient in everything. The process is not important. What is important is that the money still goes into my pocket. The result is right. Isn’t that enough? Li Shanshan is a waste. Let’s wait and see. What is this? Brother Yi , sister, and her My ex-boyfriend Xiao Cheng colluded. When I passed by yesterday, I saw the two of them plotting against my sister. She betrayed our company. What should we do? She won't do this. It's impossible. I don't want to doubt Sister Shanshan , but the evidence is solid. I want to go. Ask her sister in person how could you do such a thing? What do you want to do? Moth , I know you hate me , but you can't betray the company to get your ex-boyfriend back. If you continue to be inexplicably crazy with me , I will Let the security throw you out of here and get rid of the witnesses and physical evidence. What else do you have to argue with? Isn’t that the person in the photo you? Sister , I know you have a good relationship with your brother-in-law . You must have reconciled, but no matter how close the relationship is, You can't betray the company either. Why do you reconcile even if you reconcile ? What does it have to do with you? Besides, I'm not the kind of person without professionalism and ethics. How did this photo come about ? You know better than me. Don't make trouble with me. Calm down, I'm warning you. I'm not used to you. How dare you hit me? What 's the wound on your thigh? Why is it gone now? Maybe it's better. What wound was it that you left on your thigh to save me ? After so many years , those people threw you to the ground and scratched your thigh with sharp stones. How could such a deep wound not leave a scar ? I had a scar removal operation , so tell me why this wound appeared on Li Shanshan's body. It's on my thigh . You lied to me. You and your mother lied to me. What are you talking about? Don't you remember me? We met before. It was you who saved me. I saved you. I saved you. There is still something between us. What kind of fate is this ? Then where did the scar on your thigh come from ? When I was a child, I was separated from my family. I saw a boy tied up by two strong men. I looked at him as if he was asking me for help. I decisively took action. Could it be that that boy is you , that's me? I've been looking for you all these years , but I didn't expect you to be by my side. If it hadn't been for you, I might have nothing to do now . Let's talk about the company first. Xiao Cheng and I have been in daily life since we broke off our engagement. This matter of never interacting must have been directed and acted by someone just to frame me. How is it possible? Sister, who would frame you, Li Xiaoshu ? Do you still need to pretend? You don’t know what you are doing . What are you talking about? Do you and Xiao Cheng work well together? You deliberately used Zhenzhen’s name to make an appointment with me in a coffee shop and then hid in the dark and filmed it. Isn't that just the way you took a photo of me and Xiao Cheng and then used this photo to say that I betrayed the company ? Do you have any evidence that I framed you? Do you think you were the only one who took the photo? What did you say that you knew about this a long time ago? You manipulated things just to lure me into taking the bait. I don’t know. I don’t know anything . Then why did you just admit it to someone I casually said ? You lied to Mr. Chen and you heard what she said . There are others who betrayed the company. There's no need for her to favor her now , right? I won't favor her anymore. You are the one I'm looking for. This time it's me who leads the wolf into the house . You don't have to worry about it. I will handle it well. As for framing you. Li Xiaoshu, who pretended to be you, I will sue her as soon as possible and ask her to apologize publicly to prove your innocence and compensate you for your losses. What to sue ? I'm sorry , sister , I'm obsessed. Please forgive me. Are you still pretending to be pitiful? This matter is clearly You take it upon yourself, I won't feel sorry for you, Mr. Chen, if you want to act impartially, you can handle it how you want . Okay , then I'll explain it to you as soon as possible and sue immediately. Sister, we are a family and a sister. You can't be so disrespectful. It's really strange. We are obviously half-sisters. Where do we come from? As for the relationship , it is nonsense. What kind of relationship did you have with my fiancé when we got together ? Sister, I'm sorry . Please give me a chance to change it. I will never harm you again, I will never suppress you again, of course, is it true? Sister, you are the best sister , but it is useless for me to forgive you . The other client is Mr. Chen who was deceived and used by you . How does he deal with you ? It's useless for me to say anything . You are Shanshan's sister. Since she chooses to forgive you, of course I don't have to sue you. But if you have to work for Chen Group for three years, I am willing. I am willing. Thank you, sister. I will definitely work hard if I have the chance to change my ways. I didn’t expect you to be the little boy back then. You have changed a lot. Hey Zhenzhen, I have something to tell you. Can you take me with you on a date ? Li Shanshan , what the hell? Why do you get everything I want? Why is your life so good? I must make you pay the price. Cheers because you are Xiaoyi’s savior . By the way, Shanshan , this is an online luxury auction in our circle. Look. See if you like it. No, no, no. These are too expensive. They are all jewelry and they are of no use. Why do you have to spend such a high price to buy them? You don’t understand. This is called investment. Spending a lot of money to buy these luxury items. Wait for the products to increase in price before selling them. Just think of it as the middlemen making the difference. Is there anything that will definitely increase in price with a high probability of making money ? If you look at this, the valuation can be increased several times. The starting price Do you want it? Well, forget it. With all my belongings, I can’t afford these jewels. I’ll swipe my card for you. I ’ll swipe my card for you. Mr. Chen, you haven’t taken any medicine. Okay. Your son, you haven’t bought them for me since you were a child. I've bought such expensive things. I just want to come here and see what you have for sale. If you like anything, I'll buy it for you. Why don't you ask me for your money? Just treat it like I lent it to you, please . Yes, I really need money . So when I sell these at a high price, I will pay you back. Since you asked me to borrow money , I will definitely give you face. Then it’s settled. Well , who is going to take that? Take the photo for Shanshan , Mr. Chen , thank you, I, I, I, I will pay you back. What's the matter with you so urgently needing money ? It's not a big deal. It's my own private matter. It 's not convenient. Say I'm going to die. It's up to me. How to say it? Since it's not convenient for you to say it, I won't ask. If you need any help, you can come to me at any time. Mr. Chen, give me what you want. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go and take a look at your unsatisfactory performance. It looks like you're saying that Xiaoyi has been following you secretly lately , isn't he secretly following me, or is he blatantly following me to order? What do you two want to drink? You don't go to the company to work and you cosplay here. Life is not easy. The president is doing business. Recently, the company has been losing money. I can only work part- time to subsidize the family. You should stop talking so much. What on earth are you going to do ? The authorities are obsessed with bystanders. Shanshan, let me go to the bathroom first. You can continue chatting. Are you free tonight? Is there anything you can do? Oh, I found a suitable buyer for the jewelry you asked me to help you sell last time. Really, how much did the buyer bid? 500,000 is a full 205,000 , a full ten or ten times more. Could this buyer be crazy ? He is not crazy. It’s because the jewelry is really good and he was anxious to get it , so he bought it at a high price. Then why is he in a hurry to give someone what to eat for lunch ? It's really strange. What kind of wind blew Mr. Chen here today? It can also blow Mr. Chen back and forth seven or eight times. Is the wind strong today? I see Chen I've been feeling like this these past few days, and I'm particularly unhappy. Could it be that I broke up with Xiao Shu and came to our department to increase my presence? Yes , that's the only possibility. Come out with me. I have something to tell you . Do you have any official business ? Have you received the buyer's payment? Thank you for your help . Otherwise, I have a gift for you. It's so beautiful. The buyer is you. Why are you doing this ? There are so many reasons. Okay , go back to work. Let's talk about it. What am I here to do ? Xiao Cheng, give me some money. Give me some money . Li Xiaoshu , are you crazy? Am I obligated to take care of you now? Didn’t you catch a wealthy son- in-law and prepare to marry into a rich family? What are you doing? Give me some money. What's going on? I will help you embezzle Chen's Group. It's on a first-come-first-served basis . I 've already joined Chen's. Are you still afraid that you won't get what you want? OK, how much do you want? Two million. I'll help you get Chen's latest. The information is two million . Li Xiaoshu , don’t push yourself too far. If you really think my money came from the strong wind , then you have to see whether you think the Chen Group’s secrets are more important or the two million. Tomorrow is our product launch , don’t do it. I have neglected to mention that our company has been preparing for this project for a long time. The dike of a thousand miles has collapsed. We must be very energetic . Once this product appears on the market , it will be a dimensionality reduction blow to other companies and they will not be able to surpass it. We can say that this press conference has attracted much attention . We must do our best in the preliminary work . Come on, everyone . It’s over. Dasheng Group has suddenly emerged. Just today, they released a product similar to our company . Now, once this product enters the market , we will hit the target with one stone. It's too late. How could this happen? How could something like this happen at this juncture ? There's nothing we can do about the situation now. Look at the mobile news. This company was just registered not long ago. Now it has become famous in one battle. It's everywhere on the news. Logically speaking, their news is impossible. How could such a coincidence be possible? We just announced the time of tomorrow's press conference today . Everyone has signed a confidentiality agreement. How could it be released first at this time ? How could such a coincidence be impossible? Now that something has happened , there is only one possibility left. There is an insider in the company. Don't rush . Follow this pace and do the rest. I will figure out a solution. This change happened so suddenly. Now the whole company is at a loss and has become a mess . If this matter is not handled well, our company will face two consequences. One is that all the financial, material, energy, and manpower we have invested will be in vain. The other is that our reputation will plummet. This will affect our company's reputation and credibility. I also feel that something is wrong. Someone wants to take the opportunity to overthrow the Chen family. This is only possible. But Dasheng Group is not on the same level as the Chen family. Why should it target the Chen family? Xiao Cheng registered some time ago. The company is Dasheng Group , so if there is a ghost in the company , it can only be hahaha, Xiaoshu, you are so capable. Now, because the project that I have devoted all my efforts to in recent years has been preempted by me, Chen has suffered heavy losses and made a good start . Mr. Chen is just around the corner. When things are done, I want this number . Mr. Chen, what do you think about this incident? Dasheng Group talked with us about cooperation some time ago , but the plan they came up with was really immature , so we did not reach a cooperation with them. So what happened? How can a group come up with such an unviable plan but then do it again? There must be something fishy about this product that we have worked hard on for several years. The only people related to the CEO of Dasheng Group are Li Shanshan and Li Xiaoshu . Hey, Mr. Chen, where are you going ? I already have an idea about this. You guys are on standby in the company, Li Xiaoshu and Xiao Cheng. There has indeed been contact secretly , and it is most likely that Li Xiaoshu betrayed the content of this new product launch to Xiao Cheng. Unfortunately , the evidence is not enough to completely put the two of them out. It hurts. How could it be like this after rebirth in this life ? Because I did something that changed the trajectory of my future , many things also changed. Did my condition accelerate because of this? Did it suddenly happen like this ? Did I work too much in the past two days and was tired ? Doctor , how is she? When will she wake up? What is your relationship with the patient? Are you his husband or a direct family member? I am not yet aware of it. Then please help me call her family members over. I need to discuss her current situation with her family members . Hello, the user you dialed is temporarily unavailable and no one is answering the doctor. What's going on? You can tell me. I can also do it. Mainly, if you need money , I can pay now. It's such a big thing and I can't contact my family . That's too irresponsible, okay , then I'll discuss it with you. The cost of follow-up treatment is not a small number, because she has late-stage gastric cancer. What do you say? Don't get excited. Her disease was discovered too late. She is now The situation is not very optimistic. To be objective, even if I am willing to spend huge sums of money to treat her, I am afraid that there is no cure. She is still so young. How could she be like this? I just found her and haven't had time to compensate her. Now tell me what I am. I will lose her soon . How do you want me to accept it? Cheer up . No one has the right to decide for the patient whether she needs to continue treatment . Let the doctor wait until she wakes up. How long can she hold on? You calm down first. Her condition is very bad. She is most optimistic , and the cost of follow-up treatment is huge. Not to mention the pain caused to the patient, it is immeasurable. She has known it for a long time . No wonder she is in urgent need of money. No wonder she wants to sell her house. No wonder she chooses to resign. It turns out that she has known for a long time how much she has to endure alone. Afraid of how helpless I was. I mistook her for someone else and argued with her at every turn. Chen Yi , you bastard. Calm down, Chen Yi . It’s great that she’s awake . Now, let me prepare for the procedures required for the follow-up surgery first . You’re awake now. You don’t have to feel bad. I know that my death is imminent and I accept this result. Isn’t that the doctor who just said that you can be discharged after being treated here for a period of time ? It’s possible that he misdiagnosed , or it’s possible that you were too tired from work during this period. Just rest here for a while, don't give up, okay? Don't give up, don't give up, okay? You don't have to be sad. I've been suffering from gastric cancer for a long time , and I have been actively treating it. But life, old age, illness and death are not something mortals can control. You have to cheer up. The company still needs you. If you Will the company really be in trouble like this ? Are you willing to do anything about it? The company doesn't care about me. I just found you and I haven't married you yet. Cheer up and stop being willful. I just followed Li Xiaoshu and took photos of her and Xiao Cheng. I will hand this evidence over to you in a moment . Doctor Shanshan , doctor, she fainted. Doctor , what's going on ? How is the patient? She fainted just now. Come and see what's going on this time. Her condition was too dangerous. By the way , the results of her examination report have just come out. I think there is something fishy about it. She knew that she had gastric cancer and was actively cooperating with the treatment. The situation improved for a time. It stands to reason that even in the worst case, Her condition should have been under control. But this time, the situation took a turn for the worse and something was very wrong. Do you mean there was something that caused her condition to worsen ? Is it me? I was too harsh on her. I don’t know her physical condition. This is not the reason. I think the most likely reason is that she took the wrong medicine, which aggravated her condition. Logically speaking, she is very clear about her body and would not harm herself by taking the wrong medicine . Are you saying that someone wants to harm her ? Not entirely sure I just have reasonable doubt Hey , stop immediately . Call me experts from all over the world for all the work at hand. Be sure to get to the hospital before today. I will save Shanshan’s life at all costs . Don’t be afraid. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to accompany you, son. What are you doing? Who are you showing this to? Shanshan, she , she, what is she? She is just like you. What you see is really bad. You have to cheer up. Now the company needs you, Shanshan needs you too. You thought you were just a coward ? Can you escape all the things ? I tell you this is your responsibility. If you are a man, stand up for me now. Mom , the company is being betrayed. If you can't get through this, the Chen Group will go downhill from now on . Shanshan was harmed like this and her life and death were uncertain. Didn't you just let it go? Didn't you swear since you were a child that you would find her and protect her? Are you talking nonsense? I understand. I want to find the person who hurt Shanshan . I want to make everyone who hurt Shanshan pay the price. This time , I will protect her. You go ahead. I have helped you deal with some of Shanshan's affairs in the past few days. I have already asked someone to help you . After asking, I will go abroad tomorrow to invite a team of foreign experts to treat Shanshan. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, we cannot give up and send a car to pick me up. Let’s go back to the company. Mr. Chen, why are you back? If I don’t come back, won’t you? Come on, Mr. Chen, what are you talking about? I don’t understand. Stop pretending. I have already notified the police. You are under investigation for violating the law. You don’t need to explain to me. Go tell the police. I used to do it because you are Shanshan’s sister. I indulged you many times, but I didn’t expect that you would lead a wolf into the house. Not only did you harm Chen, but also Shanshan. You are such a white-eyed wolf. You can’t catch me. Shanshan and I are sisters. We are a family . Is this your excuse to frame Shanshan again and again? What kind of family are you? Arrest her. What do you want to do? You want to detain her by force. I want to detain you. Tell me what this is. This is what the police found when they searched your home. How come you have this kind of medicine in your home ? I know this. Seed medicine is an unlicensed anti-cancer drug , and it has been proven many years ago that this drug not only cannot save lives, but also aggravates people's conditions. It is an out-and-out fatal poison. Logically speaking, this drug has long been It has been destroyed. Why is it here ? This is all a misunderstanding . Shanshan lying in the hospital has nothing to do with me. I seem to have never told you about Shanshan lying in the hospital. That is really strange. How did you know that she was hospitalized ? Why is that? Because you, Shanshan, are lying unconscious in the hospital now. You will be arrested for intentional homicide. I want to watch you suffer all the consequences. You are the one who poisoned me, so what if she appears in my life ? It makes me feel like a thorn in my back and throat. Why can she get everything I want without doing anything ? What’s so good about her ? I hate her. I wish I could eat her flesh and drink her blood. I wish she could go to hell and let go. I saved Shanshan, she saved her son, please cheer up. Are you saying that Shanshan won't die? Her illness can be treated, no problem, absolutely no problem. I heard that, so I rushed over without stopping. I didn't expect it. It's true. Let me find their original team, Shanshan, there is hope this time. You two, please don't get excited. We need to take a look at the case first. As long as you can cure Shanshan, I can do whatever I want. The surgical hospital infection risk assessment table We have seen that her disease can be cured , but we need you to make a choice for her. This is undoubtedly a big psychological burden. How can we say that we can indeed treat this kind of gastric cancer , but conservative treatment is nothing more than prolonging life. Under conservative treatment, the patient can still survive. There are two years . What about another option? Is there any other option? Yes , but there are risks in this method. Another way is to have surgery. If the operation is successful, her disease will be completely cured . However, there are certain risks in the operation. It is conservatively estimated to be only 20. If the success rate fails, she will die on the operating table . No, I can't make a decision. If I need to do the operation , I will do it in these two days. The longer the delay is , the worse the patient's condition is, the more unfavorable it will be for the operation. So please make a decision as soon as possible . I , I decided to have the operation. Shanshan Chen Yi, I want to continue living. As long as there is any hope, I don’t want to give up. And I still have something to say to you. Congratulations on your successful operation. The patient will be discharged from the hospital in a while. Do you know that man when I was very young? He left me and my mother. It was really not easy for my mother to bring me up, so I vowed since I was a child that I would grow up to be a good father and a good husband . Hey , why are you so verbose? Wake up and I have something to say to you. You said you said I sound so worried about me I just want you to be well I know I also want to be well with you
Channel: JOWO芙芙追剧
Views: 240,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 103min 38sec (6218 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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