After Effects Tutorial: Particles Logo & Text Animation (2019)

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hey what's up guys this is was he from Cleveland visual-effects calm and welcome back to my another brand new After Effects tutorial today we will create an amazing particle low animation so let's see what we will break today [Music] [Music] [Music] this video is sponsored by production great comm whether it's music graphics or visual effects production crate has you covered we've begun a revolution in the way half a million creators like you produce content becoming the source of all your production ready assets at an affordable price thousands of professionally built video assets sound elements and tools are at your disposal helping you save time perfect your projects and earn the recognition you deserve sign up today and make it awesome you can order this logo animation from link in the description box below so please check this out and can I get 500 likes for this tutorial if yes please hit the like button ok so let's get started okay so first create a new composition or composition new composition and let's call it emitter and I'm going with same 1920 1080 P family 25 and duration make it 8 second long then click on OK ok let's import our logo you can also use text if you want okay now select this logo and drag it into this timeline then right-click on it and then choose pre-compose and select label attributes and rename it to logo then click on OK ok now select this layer then go to tool bar and select rectangle tool and then create a shape - something like this ok now go to beginning of this animation then open MUX properties and then create a keyframe on max path then go to around 3 seconds then press V for selection tool and double-click on the x max path and then move it to the right side of the logo something like this ok let's increase the feather little bit perfect looks good to me okay now create another composition for this go to composition new composition and let's call it particles then click on OK ok now go to project window and select our emitter comp and drag it into this timeline then turn off visibility of this layer and also make this layer Udine by clicking here ok now right-click new and click on solid and rename it to particles then click on OK ok now go to effect and preset window and search for particular then select this effect and apply to this particles layer ok now change some settings go to emitter and particle per second set it one tuple zero tipples Ryo and emitter type set it layer and then velocity set it maybe 150 then go to layer in meter and then layer set it our emitter comp and then layer sampling set it particle bath time okay now go to particles and then live set each one and live random city of 100 and spear pillar City 2-0 side city to 1.7 and size random city to 100 then open opacity over life and choose the last preset and then blend mode set it screen okay now go to physics and then gravity said it - 100 then open air and then air resistance at it one and then wind exited 100 then open turbulence field and then effect position said it 100 okay now go to rendering and then particles amount 3200 then open motion blur and then motion blur set it on and then shutter angle set it 90 perfect okay now go to effect and preset window and search for glow then select this effect and a plan to this particle layer and glow threshold set at 87% again go to effect and preset window I'll search for sharpen then select this effect and apply on to this particle layer and sharpen set it ten looks good to me okay now select this layer and press ctrl + D to duplicate this layer then select this last layer and then go to emitter and then velocity set it to hundred then go to particles and live set it for and then side set it 0.8 and then live random set it 50 also size random set it 50 then go to physics and gravity set it - 200 then go to here then go to turbulence field and effect position set it 300 okay now go to rendering and then particle amounts 80 to 100 okay now go to glow and blow threshold set it maybe 50% and intensity set it 0.6 or maybe 0.5 looks good to me okay now go to project window and select our logo comp and drag it into this timeline then go to effect and preset window and search for linear wipe then select this effect and a plan to this logo comp layer and then we Pangos 80 to 70 degree then go to around 10 frames and then transition completion [ __ ] it 100% then set a keyframe on transition completion then go to around three seconds and then transition completion set at zero and also increase the feather amount maybe 30 looks good to me okay let's ramp EB which routes look really awesome [Music] okay let's create our camera shake effect for this crazy new exist my layers right click new and click on enticement layer then go to effect and preset window and search for transform then select this effect and apply onto this adjustment layer then again go to effect on preset window and search for slider control then select this effect and apply to the sexiest man layer then hold alt and click on the stopwatch of position then type expression here type wiggle first bracket 7 comma 15 and then bracket closed then select this last value 50 and then select this pick whip tool and then paint it to slider perfect now increase the slider amount and you can see a nice camera shake effect looks good to me okay go to beginning of this animation and slide outs at age 15 and then set a keyframe on slider then go to around four seconds and then slider 32 zero then select this layer and then press you to open keyframes and then select this last three frame and press f9 to make it easy easy okay let's run PB which wow it's look really nice okay let's create our final composition for this go to composition new composition and let's call it a main and click on OK ok now go to project window and import our project files I downloaded this project files from production create comm link in the description box below so please check this out ok now slip this background and then plug it into this timeline then select our particle comp and drag it into this timeline looks good to me then select this optical flare and drag it into this timeline and change the blend mode to add something like this then select the smoke layer and drag it into this timeline and change the layer mode to add again select this lighting layer and drag it into this timeline and change the blend mode to add looks good to me okay now go to beginning of this animation then select this particle slayer and then press s to open scale then set a keyframe on scale then go to end of this animation and scale amount set it 1 1 0 % for zooming effect perfect okay now create a black solid layer so right-click new and click on solid and rename it to Flynn bar then click on okay then select this layer and go to tool bar and select rectangle tool and double click on it then double click on this max path and hold down alt and ctrl and drag then max mode set it subtract make it little bit smaller now it's look better our particle animation is ready you can order this logo animation from link in the description box below so please check this out thank you so much for watching this tutorial have a great team [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FLIMLION VisualFX
Views: 320,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, after effects tutorial text animation, after effects tutorial logo animation, particles text effects, particle text animation, particles effects, text effect in after effects, after effects tutorial 2019, after effects, tutorial, logo animation, text animation in after effects, after effects particle logo, particle logo animation, particle intro after effects, particle tutorial, logo animation in after effects, logo animation after effects, logo intro
Id: ULIu0_YnXkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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