What is going on,
you guys? Nicolo Maserati here. So if you guys saw
one of my recent videos, I did a video where I teach you guys
how to do a speed ramp in after effects. Well, today we're going to be taking what we learned in that video,
and we're going to be learning how to do a speed ramp,
a transition in after effects. Real estate videos,
travel videos or vlogs. Learning the speed ram transition
and using it in your videos. We'll take your videos to the next
level, actually, not just the next level. It'll take you to the boss level. But before we get into it,
let's run that intro. All right, guys, so like I said
today, we're going to be learning how to do a speed ram transition in after
effects before we get into all of that. If you enjoy this kind of content
and you want to see more, make sure you subscribe and hit that bell so you can be notified
every single time I upload a new video. All right. Let's
just get the after effects. All right. So we are in Adobe
after effects right now. And as you can see,
I have two videos here. I have one of a time lapse and then I have
one of mountains and clouds. So the first thing
that I'm going to do is my lake. Timelapse clip is going from right to left, and my drone clip for
the mountains is going from left to right. So when you're doing transitions
like this, you want to make sure everything is going in the same direction. So I'm going to do
is I'm going to take my lake timelapse and I'm going to reverse it
so that it's going from left to right instead of right to left. So what you want to do is right
click that clip, go to time and enable time remapping. You're going to see
we have these two key frames here. This is our beginning key frame
and our end key frame. And are you going to do the reverse is
you're going to take this first key frame. You're going to drag that
to the beginning of the video. You're going to take the end key
frame and drag that to the beginning. And just like that, we have reverse this clip
and now it is going from left to right. So everything's super
consistent from here. I'm going to move this clip over
and I'm actually going to hide it just by hitting this little icon. And we're just going
to focus on this clip. So what we want to do
is speed ramp at the end of the clip. So the first thing we're going to do
is we're going to right click the mountains clip and we're going
to go at a time and enable time remapping. And again, we have our two key frames
that are created the beginning key frame for the beginning and the end key frame
for the end of the video. From here, we're going to find
a good place to start our speed ramp. So if I go through here,
I kind of like that timing right there. The clip doesn't need to be too long,
so I'm going to go over here, hit this little diamond. Now we've created a spot to start our
speed ramp from hearing a click and drag and take these two key frames and drag
these all the way to the end of the clip. So what we've done is we've created
this spot where it's about two seconds and then we've condensed that point
originally between these last two key frames
and we've made them faster. So if we go here and we hit the spacebar,
you're going to see what happens. And I think I want
to make them a little bit faster, so I'm going to make sure
those two key frames are selected, I'm just going to drag it just a tad bit
closer to the end key frame. I'm going to take our little play ahead and we're going to put that over
this very first keyframe. We're they in a click until we see arrows
going in both directions and we're going to drag
until that very first key frame. Then we're going to take this drag
this all the way to the beginning. And now we have our first clip
with the speed ramp at the end. So from here, we want to create a speed
ramp at the very beginning of our lake. Time lapse video For the same thing,
we have the beginning and end key frame. So we're going to find a point because
the beginning is going to be sped up. We want to find that point where it's
going to start to slow down again. Kind of like that right about there.
So I'm going to stop there. I'm going to hit that little diamond and then I'm going to take the last key
frame and then the key frame that we just made. And I'm
going to drag that to the very beginning. But that's going to do is that's going
to speed up the beginning of the clip. Let's take a look at what we have so far. We've sped up the beginning
and that looks really nice. But there's a couple more things
that we can do to really take this clip to that boss level. So what you want to do is highlight all
three key frames for your mounting clip. You're then going to go to your graph
editor and we're going to be working in the value graph. So if for some reason
you're seeing this right here, you just want to click down here
to the right of the eye and you want to make sure
a value graph is selected. These two points here
represent the speed ramp. What we want to do is we want to focus
on the beginning key frame for this one. So if I drag it over here,
you're going to see that highlighted. You're then going to go to the right here
and you're going to click easy ease out. You're going to see this
little handle is created. You want to just take that and drag it
as far out as it can go. Also want to make sure that this yellow
handle is in line with this line here. So if it's fits off like this, or if it's too high
like that, it's not going to do much. So you want to make sure it is in line
with this white line. Now, let's see how it looks. Alex, really good. I like that, so we're going
to get out of the speed graph and we're going to do the same thing
with the Lake time lapse clip, so we're going to make sure
we click and drag and highlight all those key frames where they go
going to go back to our graph editor. These two key frames here
is where our speed ramp is taking place. So you want to take the last key frame you want to go down here
and instead of doing easy ease out, you want to do easy is in your
then again going to take that handle, drag it to where it's in line
with this white line here. So if we click out of this
and we take a look at everything. Let me just make this
a little bit smaller here. See how everything looks. Yeah, that looks really good. I like that. OK, there's one more thing
that we're going to do to again, just keep taking it up a notch. Those little things as little details
make a big difference when it comes to making videos
and stuff like that. So what you want to do is right click and you want to go to new
and click adjustment layer. From here, we're going to drag
the adjustment layer to where the very first speed RAM key
frame starts and then you want to drag the end to where the very last key
frame of both clubs ends. Now we've just created this little
adjustment layer over our key frames. From there, you're going to want
to go to effects and presets and type in force motion blur. You, they're going to take that motion blur and you're going to drag it right on
to your adjustment layer. And that's it. So let's take a look
at the finished product. Now you have a guys that is how to do a speed ram transition
in after effects. I hope you enjoyed this video.
I hope you got something from it. If you did, make sure you subscribe. Hit like and I'd love to hear
what you think of this in the comments. Hi, guys, I will
see you in the next video.