After Effects Tracking Export

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hello my name is a letter working sis video world what we're gonna do is take a look at how we can export 3d tracking data from Adobe After Effects into 3ds max now this is useful if say for example you would like to use a custom model or if you'd like to use say for example something like the v-ray rendering system which may which may yield a much better rendering results than what is offered within Adobe After Effects so what Ivy said let's go ahead and get started now there are two things that we need before we begin creating our project number one is obviously we'll need some video that we're going to be using to track and so I've simply just gonna head and create a video with my iPhone a second thing is you need is a plug-in called AE 3d so if I just jump over to the web browser over here you can see that we have a 3d export simply just go to Google type in AE export and the first link that will appear will bring to this web page and you can just go ahead and download this from this form here so what have we said let's go ahead and get started first things first is we want to go ahead and import our video footage so let's go ahead and right click go ahead and choose import file we're gonna go and jump over to my desktop and I have this video file here and that's gonna go ahead and choose import from here we can go ahead and left click and drag and create a new composition and what that's gonna do is we're going to go ahead and place the video on the timeline now at this point we need to do two things number one is we need to go ahead and export this video into a JPEG sequence so when we input that into max we get a accurate representation of our rendering process and then we need to go and also creates the tracking data so first of all let's go ahead and create the JPEG sequence first so to do that we're gonna go over to the composition we're going to go ahead and choose add to render queue and from the render queue let's go over to the output we're gonna click the lossless output here and we're gonna go ahead and choose JPEG sequence I'm gonna go ahead and press ok next to that we want to go over to the outputs over in the right hand side and let's just jump over to my desktop and right click create a new folder I'm gonna call this video on this one out so let's try again if I can type that is there well video outs go ahead and open this up and there we go let's leave this I don't know why sits in here and go ahead and press save oops to think we can't save let's try again there we go so once we've done that we can go ahead and click the render button and what happened is Adobe After Effects will go ahead and render each frame to make a pack sequence so let's just go ahead and pause the video and I'll see you once that has completed all right so we're gonna head and exploit our sequence the next thing we need to do is go ahead and create our track so let's jump back over to our composition here and we're gonna go over to animations and choose check camera now when we do this what's gonna happen is Adobe After Effects is gonna go ahead and look at each frame and it's gonna try and track pick a variety of different pixels on the screen and then it's gonna go ahead and create a virtual camera once we have that virtual camera in that no object we can then export that into 3ds Max and set it up for the purposes of rendering so what I'm gonna do again is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to pause this video and I'll see you once Adobe After Effects has finished alright so Adobe After Effects has finished I'm making its analysis and what we can see here is many of these different points and what these points represent is how W f of X has determined the perspective of the camera here so you can see here well these bushes are it looks as if the planar face is at the right direction and on the floor it looks like the plane at auction is also in the correct orientation so what that means is that as we scroll through here we're gonna see these tracking points remain on screen until they're no longer tracked and we'll see new tracking points appear as they are acquired now all we need to do is go ahead and select these tracking points along the bottom so I'm just left clicking and creating a marquee selection here and once that's done if we let go you can see that we now have this virtual plane and we need to do is right-click on any one of these points and go ahead and choose create null and camera well as Donna has gone ahead and creates a null and camera over here on the left hand side of our composition panel and we can go ahead and select both of them go ahead and choose file I'm gonna go ahead and choose scripts at this one I'm going to go ahead and choose the AE 3d exports and onto the options we want to go ahead and make sure this is a one-to-one scale so let's go ahead and move this to the right hand side press close you want to go ahead and choose the export to and choose the correct option in our particular case we're going to be using 2d as Max and we can go ahead and give this a name so I'm gonna call this come track anyone having press export now if you try to click the Browse to choose the location in this particular script doesn't really work I'm wave choosing the location to save so that's okay just go ahead and press export and it's going to go ahead and save a my a 3ds Max script file to the desktop so let's jump over into 3ds max here let's go over to scripting and we're going to choose your run script desktop and we're gonna go ahead and choose this camera track so once we've done that we're gonna get this camera track in 3ds max but unfortunately it's in the wrong orientation so we're gonna jump over to the left viewport let's go ahead and maximize that view it's going to select the camera and the dummy here so in Adobe After Effects this is named a null in 3ds max the technical term say 3ds max is a dummy so let's well it's like both ways I'm gonna go ahead and choose group and just go ahead and group these and what we can do now is go ahead and rotate this so what we're looking to do here is to rotate this so the bottom of the dummy here is flat but then we want to place it so it's in the center of the world now the reason for that is that the sensor for the or the position of the ground is actually in the center of this dummy so it's not at the bottom is actually running through the sensor here so we want to try and line this up best possible so let's go ahead and choose the front of you and let's go ahead and move this into position we may want to also rotate that slightly something like this front end let's go ahead and check the top view so again we need to go ahead and rotate this just something like so and then we can go ahead and move this into position so look at this so this needs to be about right um it's not one who's not perfect if you want to even go ahead and spend your time and make sure that this this dummy is 100 cent in the center but I'm for the purpose of this tutorial we're not going to go ahead and get into making it super accurate for now we're just going to go ahead and look at D here the concepts and principles behind what it is we're looking at today now if I go to the pay to the camera view by pressing the C and I scroll through my timeline you can see that the camera has been tracked properly we even get that nice shaky effect that we have from our camera now let me said let's go ahead and set up the background so you know to do that let's go up to view we're gonna go ahead and choose view pop background configure view pop background and let's go ahead and choose use files we're gonna go ahead and choose map match bitmap go ahead use file when you go to my desktop let me go to video out and I'm gonna go ahead and select this first frame you want to make sure this option down here is selected that says sequence anyone can go ahead and choose open now at this point you can ask us do you want to alter the the amount of frames in which we have on our timeline we're gonna go ahead and press ok I'm gonna go ahead and choose apply to active view and press ok now if we scroll through our timeline we can see that the camera is moving but the the actual image the background image is not moving in order to fix that what we need to do is we need to go to customize preferences and under viewports we want to make sure we have this option here that says update background while playing let's go ahead and uncheck and check that again and see we get an update and it looks like that's not updating so let's just continue with the tutorial and we'll fix that in a moment so let's go ahead and press the M key and let's go ahead and choose rendering environments and we want to place the background sequence into the rendering environment also so it's going to use bitmap desktop video out and let's go ahead and bring this in make sure again that this is a sequence press ok and go ahead and click and drag this into an empty material slot make sure set to instance under the environment when I make sure this is set to screen so what this does is when we render we get the correct perspective of the image now if this is set back to spherical when we render this what we're going to get so you see we're gonna get inaccurate mapping of the environment here so let's go ahead and set this practice to a call okay now as we scroll through yet we're still looking a bit ok so let's go ahead and fix that issue right now so let's go back to the view viewport background configure viewport background and let's check the substances animated background hopefully that should make a difference ok so now we have the background animating so this is just gonna help us when it comes to compositing our video here now once we've done that we basically everything set up and ready to go so now what we can do is we can import a bunch of models and start to render them out so in this example we're just going to create a simple box but I'm gonna show you how we can go ahead and render those out properly so first of all we'll need to do is go ahead and create a plane ok and this plane is going to represent the floor we're gonna press the f3 key so I can see the plane and let's go ahead and create a box now I'm just gonna create something really simple here and let's give this like equal size like 8 by 8 by 8 or something like this it's gonna make it a lot easier for us to render and see what's going on here now first of all we need to go ahead and set this ground to be a matte background so let's go ahead and press the M key to bring up the materials editor let's burn and select an empty material looking ahead at you standard and we're gonna go ahead and choose this option that says matte shadow imma go ahead and apply this we want to make sure that the receive shadows is enabled okay and let's go ahead and create a material for our box so let's go ahead and make this uh no gray maybe give this some specular highlight or something I don't know really see what you want to do with the model at this point you could go ahead and import a car or something a little more complicated okay I'm just going to convert this one s for poly and I'm just gonna add some edges to this just so we can capture something I didn't though it looks like this has many edges here so I'm just gonna remove these and let's go ahead and choose chamfer let's give this like two or something okay it's gonna help us sell the lighting here now if we go ahead and choose render and render this is what we're gonna get we're just gonna get our laughs clean block boxia there's no shadow or anything like that so let's go ahead and add a basic line so let's go ahead and choose standard lights and let's go ahead and choose to bring in a skylight and let's make the skylight slightly blue to represent that color with the sky we're gonna go ahead and turn on the shadows and we want to go ahead and simulate let's see direction of the actual shadows so we can go ahead and bring in a light and let's go ahead and make this slightly orange she better suits the overall color this scene here Pressey let's go ahead and choose render now you can see that it takes a few moments here just to render but you can see that now we have our box in the scene and these shadows are are tend to be following the correct direction here so this like the angle of the light is a little bit too steep so let's go ahead and make this so its mother so that's more over the box here and we can go ahead and choose render again you see as we did that we now get this nice reflection of the lights on the edge here just helps sell the illusion that this is actually in the scene now we can go ahead at this point and tweak the shadows and we could use maybe something like v-ray to make it look more realistic but for now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and we're going to render this sequence out and then we can bring this into Adobe After Effects let's go to render render setup and let me just go ahead and select the skylight here for a moment and just check the settings well there's going to change the raper sample down to about five they should enable us to have a much quicker render so let's just check that out there we go so that also decreases the quality but for the purposes of the tutorial that's okay that's once we render settings let's go ahead and set this to HDTV 1920 by 1080 sweet matches the resolution of our video footage we need to go ahead and choose environment and we can disable the environment map and next we can go ahead and choose files and I go ahead and choose desktop and make a new folder cause box and let's call this box only on score sq for sequence we want to go ahead and make sure this is set to Tiger and it does should be pretty good and I press save I want to make sure we have two bitmap I've selected here now what we also want to do is we want to go up here we want to set the range and we want to make the range match the the first point in which we can no longer see this box so for me it's going to be maybe let's just find the correct one here 100 maybe 120 I think it's gonna be pretty good nope a little further I think we're gonna go around 140 so when I set the range here too 1:40 okay still check this yeah okay and once we've done that we can go ahead and press render now what's gonna happen is the free distress is now gonna go ahead and render each image if we go ahead and check the offer you can see that we're also rendering the Alpha and we can also see that we get this dispersed appearance which is just really down to the quality of the render we could remedy that by changing some settings but for the president story's gonna be okay so when it is I'm gonna pause this video and we're gonna wait for this to finish alright so max has finished in rendering out our images so let's go ahead and jump back into Adobe Premiere and let's import our sequence so let's go back to our main composition and let's just go overhead there well right-click go ahead and choose import choose file we're gonna go ahead and choose the desktop and we want to go and select the output which was box and we go ahead and select the first image here I'm gonna go ahead and choose import we want to make sure that we choose this third option here that says frame multiplied for much it would cool what that's gonna do is gonna make sure that the Alpha is imported correctly and we're gonna go ahead and press okay and once that happens we can go ahead and drag this onto our timeline and there we have it we have our box in our rendered scene here now at this point we could go ahead and do a whole bunch of different things we can go ahead and color correct this we may even want to if we'd like to go ahead and render these these 3d objects into multiple passes for example just the box and just the shadow on its own which will allow us to have control over the opacity of the shadow and so on and so far but for now this is the basic idea of how we would get a object into our scenes rather presents into the ground plane and let's go ahead and play this hole as you can see how that work well that is it for this tutorial I'd like to thank you for watching if you like this tutorial please let me know in the comments below let me know if you would like to see more tutorials like this that is sort of separate away from pure 3d and pure games and don't forget to hit the subscribe button and until next time
Channel: GameDevMan
Views: 19,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Tracking Export, 3ds max, After, Effects, tutorial, tracking, 3d, 3d tracking, GameDedvMan
Id: r2opiexvlIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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