After Effects is not showing every Illustrator layers || VD Studio

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hello guys welcome back to VD Studio we are back with an amazing tutorial basically this is problem solving tutorial so yes I have this character and I have already separated all the body parts in different layer so I can apply animation easily on each body parts into Adobe After Effects but when you import this illustrator file into AE it's just showing one layer even I have layered everything in illustrator if I try to open this file in composition it shows nothing I don't want this I want this kind of layer system in After Effects if you are facing this issue then this video is for you guys so without wasting our time let's get us started [Music] so yes let's import that same file with other option import file and select this file let's select here import as composition and check this create composition and click on import as you can see After Effects has created composition for the AI file but again it's showing just one layer and this composition has nothing inside now let's jump into the illustrator and change some setting here let's go into file menu click on save as and let's renamed it and click on Save now here you need to check this option create PDF compatible file and click ok now let's jump into After Effects again and import new file that we just created so import file and select new AI file and import here select import kind composition and footage Dimension layer size and click ok so yes as you can see now after effects shows all layers here and if I open this composition you can see all the layers and now I can do my work so that's it for today guys thanks for watching and please do subscribe this channel for more tutorial see you in the next one [Music] [Applause]
Channel: VD Studio
Views: 5,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VD Studio, Adobe After Efffetcs CC 2023, Tutorials, After effects Tutorials, Illustrator CC 2023, After Effects is not showing every Illustrator layers, How to import illustrator file into after effects, getting issue while importing illustrator file into after effects, cant see all all illustrator layers in after effects, after effects showing just one layer of illustator, layer system in adobe illustator, layer probelm in after effects, illustrator error, after effects error
Id: VdgJ7P2Hk5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 18sec (138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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