After Effects Audio Spectrum Tutorial (Trap Nation Effect & Bass Zoom)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how's it going everyone this is Vertica and for this video we're gonna create the audio spectrum which looks like trepanation I did a part one on this which was the basic audio spectrum and if you didn't see that video you can either click a link in the description or click on the screen play a new composition and in here you want to set it to 1920 by 1080 keep it on lock have it on square pixels keep the framerate on 30 you can't prove 60 but just keep in mind it will double the render time for the resolution I've set mine to quarter because this is only the preview you don't really need to worry about it too much this is mainly for the project and of course you want to make sure that the duration of this project is the same as your music the last one you want to keep it on its default color and now you press ok now that we've got our project we're gonna go over to this tab right here okay so with the files you want to make sure you have at least a logo or an image the audio spectrum can wrap itself around for me I have the After Effects logo one of them is with just a solid color and one of them is with a gradient and of course you want to have an image or a video to be in the background you just want to highlight them all and drag them into the project area once you've done that we are going to first of all get the audio file drag this down and we are also going to get the both logos by holding shift and highlight them both you want to press S on your keyboard to get you the scale and set this to 50% if yours is too big the next thing to do is to create the audio spectrum and to do this you right click in this empty area go to new go to solid and leave it on normal you want to press OK and now you can either go to effect get it in generate audio spectrum or you can even search it in the effects I'm going to change the color to white just so it's easier to see the first option that you want to change is the audio layer you won't set this one to the music and this just links up your music with the audio spectrum the star point is going to be on to the end point is going to be on 1920 the stop frequency is going to be on 20 and the end frequency is going to be on 250 it depends on your song and it is different for each and every one but the way that this works is the more or the higher the number that this one is the more bumps you'll have in your music so the low way is obviously the less bumps you'll have and the less bands will react set the bands to 2000 make the maximum high 1250 keep the audio on 100 fitness to 5 and softness to 0 you want to scroll down and go to a said side a and B and just set this one to side B and that is pretty much it for the audio spectrum now to wrap it around the logo we are going to add an effect called polar and it is this one polar coordination or coordinates and drag this down to the audio spectrum set this to 100% and set this one to recht to polar and now you will see is wrapped around this image or it's in a circle the next thing to do is to change the scale to let's say 90 you want to move the audio spectrum underneath the logo so it doesn't appear on top you want to mess about the settings until you get them right because it's different for every song you make it react to for example mine is more with bass music so this one is designed to be more bigger waves rather than small waves for the multiple layers of colors you can pretty much duplicate this layer for each and every one you want to change the frequency and the audio duration because that's how it plays around with also you want to change the high as well and frequency high and Audio duration they're the ones that you will have to either make them lower or make them higher depending on what you're looking for I'm not gonna add any more layers but what I'm going to do now is I'm going to mirror this left side so it also appears on the right side to do this you want to drag in an effect called mirror you want to drag this down to your audio layer and you want to set this one to 960 and now you will see is directly in the center and both sides are playing equally the same the next effect that we're going to add is we're going to make this logo bounce to the music now we're not gonna change the scale but we will add an effect which will make it look like it's bouncing or jumping getting closer to the screen you want to first of all go on the audio layer and right click on it and go to keyframe assistant convert to audio keyframes the reason for this is so we get the slider and we can pretty much make anything react with it you want to open it up and highlight left and right you don't need these two unless you want it to be specific we can just use the both channels and that will be just fine you can see all the keyframes here they've all been set out next you want to create an adjustment layer go to new just Millea right there and what you want to do is type in magnify drag this down into adjustment you want to change the size of it to 1100 and you want to change the magnification to 100 what we're gonna do now is we're gonna make the magnification effect react with the slider by going to magnification and by holding alt you want to click on the stopwatch and this will give you an expression in the expression you want to type in the value which is 100 want to put in a plus you want to drag this down to the slider by default this works really well but it reacts a bit too much so what you can do is set this one to times 0.5 and that will make it react a little bit less you want to click on the logo and press T to get the opacity of it set this one to zero and now you want to do the same as last time so if you hold alt and click on the stopwatch this time we're going to type in zero plus and then drag this to the slider what this means is basically it starts from 0% and it goes up depending on how loud the music is or how the keyframes react in the audio amplitude if you click anywhere on the screen now to apply it so let's say yours doesn't react a lot all you got to do to fix this is go on the end and type in at times 2 and that should make it react more than it is right now we want to do now is you want to click on the bottom one and click on the top one by holding shift you want to highlight them all and right click then go down to pre composition and then press ok go back to project and now we are ready to import this image which is right here you want to drag the image down to the timeline press s again and change the scale to 80% the reason for this is because you want to have at least a little area in between here where you still have the image outside of it so just keep it a little bit bigger than what is outside of it and then want to go to the effects and presets and then search for an effect called wiggle we're gonna add the wiggle rotation but first of all what we need to do is we want a adjustment layer again go to new adjustment layer drag this one underneath the logo we need to get the slider back by right-clicking on this one and go to convert to audio keyframes for this one you just want to hide this one open it up go to effect I like them both and delete them you want to drag the wiggle effect wiggle rotation to the adjustment and set this one to free for the amount and speed on 0.5 now that we've got the rotation done we're just gonna minimize this for the next effect we're gonna drag in a fast blur you want to drag this down underneath the rotation set the amount to zero you want to hold alt on the amount and click on the stopwatch type in 0 plus and then drag this down to the slider and the very last effect that we are going to drag in is brightness and contrast if you type in brightness you want to drag brightness and contrast down underneath this one set the brightness to minus 20 once again hold alt and click on the brightness stopwatch you want to type in minus 20 plus and then drag this down to the slider click off it and that is pretty much it but anyway I hope this video was helpful if it was give it a thumbs up for the amount of time it taught me to perfect these settings and set it all up it did crash a lot and I mean a lot every time I would change something but yeah if you would like to see part 1 click a video on the screen and I have more videos on my channel leave a comment on why for the video and I will see you all next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: VerticDesigns
Views: 223,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, audio spectrum, after effects tutorial audio spectrum effect trap nation, trap nation effect, after effects tutorial audio spectrum effect trap city, bass zoom, VerticDesigns, tutorial, howto, music beat waveform, audio react, bass shake, after effects audio spectrum effect, reacting background, wiggler effect, after effects bass shake, rotation wiggle, magnify effect, brightness react, adobe affect effects cc, audio, spectrum, no plugin, music, 2017, effect
Id: Q1bxyKOZ5RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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