After Earth - Movie Review

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well guys if you've been watching my reviews for a while you know that M night Shyamalan is a director that really inspired me as a teenager his first few films really got me into the idea of filmmaking the past few films he has made have taken a different path though thus after earth was something I was very curious about after earth is directed by M night Shyamalan and it stars Jaden Smith and Will Smith why do I say Jaden first because he is the star of this movie and Will Smith is like this extremely decorated warrior of his time he's the only guy to ever be able to ghost and essentially someone who has been in a war somewhere who lost all of his fear it just went away and suddenly became invisible to all the people around him and he was able to fight and he ghosted so his son looks up to him a lot as a young ranger in training and when they go out on a mission together and get marooned on earth earth is now this desolate place filled with violent creatures who want to kill you at their first sight of you and since Will Smith is injured Jaden Smith has to go out and try to find this beacon to be able to establish contact with their colony all across the other edge of the universe honestly I'm always interested to see what M night Shyamalan gonna do because even his failures are still interesting because look here's the deal I was so inspired by his first few movies they really really got me into the idea of filmmaking so much and I was so interested in everything that guy did after that the guy's a nice guy he actually replied to me on Twitter once he retweeted something that I wrote him about signs which was really awesome for me I was optimistic about after earth because of Will Smith's involvement but also because M night Shyamalan does not share a full writing credit he shares half the credit of the writing of this movie which is a first for him in regards to his big movies since The Sixth Sense so I was thinking maybe he was finally going to admit kind of that he is a better director than he is a writer the good news is after Earth is not the disaster that the last airbender was of course I could probably go in the bathroom and take a crap right now and make something better than The Last Airbender if you are the director who just made the last airbender there really is nowhere else you can Co put up if you go down even more after that there's no hope for you after earth is not an awful movie in my opinion but I wouldn't really say it's a good movie either I think it's a pretty middle-of-the-road mediocre film but thank goodness at least that it's not like you're sitting there just in pain like I wasn't in pain as I watched this movie it was just a lot of it could have been so much better and I'll explain to you my reasons see I really like Will Smith a lot like I've grown up watching all of his movies he's such a likeable actor and although he is good in this movie I don't know if he was the right casting for this role see there are sometimes characters in movies that are very silent very hardened just very stoic like all the badass Clint Eastwood characters from his westerns like that's kind of like where Will Smith is like except without the likability which is amazing because it's Will Smith and it's like so hard not to like that guy and it's not that I didn't like him in this movie it's just his character was so dull I think the main problem here with this casting was actually Jaden Smith see this point it's like will Will Smith ever play a father in a movie unless his son is played by Jaden Smith as well is Jaden Smith good in this movie sometimes he is yes but sometimes he is just not up to the challenge of this movie puts in front of him I just didn't feel like he was the right casting for this character I think we needed a more experienced young actor now before I get into the directing let's talk about the writing now as I said Shyamalan shares a screen credit with the other writer and you can kind of tell because this movie has that thing that Shyamalan movies have had as of late where characters say really normal everyday lines but in this extremely overly serious way I'm going to go to the bathroom and I'm gonna wash my hands and you're gonna sit over there and you're gonna wait for me to come out because I really had to take a crap I don't know what happened along the way but just something happened I think maybe he went a little nuts after people didn't like the ending of the village he was like I know everyone will love this movie it's gonna be amazing and then people didn't like it he was like ah and then just started making like mediocre movies from then on but you can see like a lot of his writing into this movie and I wouldn't even be surprised if he wrote way more than half of it alright let's talk about the directing and the overall look of this movie I have to say the first like 15 minutes of this movie looked so cheap I was just like please tell me that the effects are gonna get better than this please don't let this be like that oh it's going to be a disaster I know it's going to be a disaster but once they got into space and onto earth the effects did improve slightly but I will say that overall the effects in this movie are supporting with those first few scenes in space some of the green screen and some of the sets looked so Star Trek next generation which was a great TV show that I loved as a kid but it's also a TV show from the 90s you don't want your sets to look like that when you're making a movie in the year 2013 as the movie progressed those throughout the scenes on earth I could see like hints of shamble ons greatness in there in his direction some of the shots on earth were fantastic some of the way he constructed certain scenes were fantastic there were some great scenes in this movie it wasn't a complete disaster and you could actually see like okay maybe maybe somes coming back in there maybe but it just didn't mesh because the movie as a whole is very dull I think if more attention was given to character and less to the situation I think would have been easier to latch on to these people but overall after earth is kind of a mediocre movie the reason I appear slightly hopeful is because it wasn't in my opinion a complete disaster so it's like actually I'm actually kind of happy about that I'm gonna give after Earth a see I just really think as a director that he should make movies that are smaller than this I don't know if he is the type of director for these big movies I think that his style wants to be these smaller films like unbreakable or the sixth sense or even signs which had special effects but really was a small budget movie compared to the rest of the movie season making so guys if you have seen after Earth let me know what you thought of it below please and as always thank you very much for watching and if you like this you can click right here and get stuck mine eyes Oh
Channel: undefined
Views: 428,286
Rating: 4.8416939 out of 5
Keywords: After Earth, Will Smith, Jaden Smith, M. Night Shyamalan, The Last Airbender, Avatar, Father, Son, Future, Animals, Beasts, Bird, Attack, Scene, Clip, HD, Full Movie, Movie Review, Reviews, Chris Stuckmann
Id: fr3iZsKGihg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2013
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