After 100 Hours, Minecraft Nomifactory Broke Me.

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a few weeks ago the Personnel known as Purple Haze made a public statement pertaining to the time complexity of steps needed to get basically anything in this game AKA Nomi Factory little did Purple Haze know of the journey that would ensue I had a plan to get this new material called the quantum circuit but this needed an entire epic Conquest throughout the lands of gaming and several disasters that will test my faith in Greg technology foreign [Music] the power generation was not so happy with having to support ryo's number amount of processes at once but upgrading the power generation means I would have to improve the system that is feeding power generation in the first place which is Diamond generation diamonds came from this network of mob simulation Chambers and loot Fabricators so this should probably mean that simply adding more simulators and Fabricators would give me more spare diamonds to feed to the power creators but this was an incorrect assumption the simulators needed pulsating polymer clay as fuel ran on an entirely separate system that turned Cobblestone and ender pearls into the precious simulator fuel so if I wanted more polymer clay I would not only need a faster producer of cobblestone and Pearls I would need faster machines to turn these two ingredients into the polymer clay luckily this was rather simple I built seven basic Cobblestone generators and combined it with the original Cobble gem to create one single Advanced cobblestone generator I also installed Enderman models into the simulation boxes to churn out Ender Pearls at an astonishing rapidity next I counted and calculated all of the low tier machines in this area and then made an exact replica of all of them except at extreme voltage for a quadruple speed boost the old machines and power grids were then replaced by their extreme voltage counterparts to producing of polymer clay to feed all of these Chambers now that the clay was feeding the simulators which could feed more generators I demand that the auto crafting system craft me some more numismatic dynamos which was met by opposition this was because the storage system had run out of a single ingredient for the Dynamo known as grains of infinity these grains were apparently only obtained from setting Bedrock on fire but how could I possibly automate the action of arson on Earth at Bedrock after watching several alpha male tutorials I manifested a vision of a system that could generate these grains easily the liquid known as lava could set places on fire which could spread to bedrock but there was a more demonic version of lava known as pyrithium which was extremely enthusiastic in setting everything it touches on fire this pyrethium was rather easy to create from sulfur Redstone and blaze powder so the next phase of the Bedrock arson plan was to return to Earth dig out a rather large Sanctuary at Bedrock level dump the pyrotheum on the floor and surrounded with Netherrack in a diagonal square shape to encourage spreading fire basically everywhere this artificial Inferno had the side effect of popping out tens of grains of infinity per minute which could harvested conveniently with a vacuum with that out of the way I made a heroic return to the space station with new grains of infinity to behold now I could Auto Craft as many dynamos as I pleased after staring at the system while it made my stuff these dynamos were then promptly deployed next to their brethren in the great line of power generation and now I had enough electricity to do more stuff it was time to recreate quantum computers in Minecraft just a few episodes I had invented Nano supercompters but these were quickly getting old if I wanted to make even higher tier circuits I would have to invest into quantum computers which shall assist me greatly in future projects such as the assembly line but these Quantum circuits would require several exotic materials including but not limited to radon nether Stars iridium platinum and pre-existing Nano CPUs I already had radon from radium salt and platinum from nickel but the Iridium attention process was longer than arteminole Grand Cyrus by Madeleine descuderi and it all begins with sheldonite which requires a mining mission in the end our previous visit to the end had led to the trolling of its main inhabitants and the vandalization of its obsidian pillar natural landmarks to feed and steel production but today I shall travel to the end cities and use the ore prospector to find the sheldonite which contained not only iridium but also Platinum osmium ruthenium Palladium rhodium the Platinum Group Metals all of which I needed anyways after just 4.8 picoseconds of mining a sheldonite vein mining became unbearable usually I could automatically Harvest tours using the Multiverse mining missions but sheldonite missions were not available yet forcing me to do four minutes of manual labor for once in my gaming existence fortunately I had a way to make this more bearable I was going to spend 20 minutes to speed up something that would have taken four minutes by making the electrical drill I already had an electrical tool known as this high voltage wrench but did you know that the prefix high voltage could be applied to any tool imaginable including mining drills indeed after making a new high voltage power unit and attaching it to this Diamond Drill head I now had a tool capable of mining out a 5x5x5 region of Cartesian space in 302 seconds with zero impact on durability as long as the tool had enough energy which I supplied using these energium crystals that were charging in this buffer here for a few weeks this was far superior to this measly mining camera now so it was time to return to mining precious shell the night immediately after the left-click button was pressed all windows in a 10 mile radius of this computer were shattered via 125 drill sound effects being played simultaneously which each overlapped over each other and began overriding its own sound it was so loud that it destroyed the sound leaving behind silence it's down to avoid the destruction of all of reality but I still managed to mine a copious amount of show the night now for the next step in obtaining iridium dissolving the sheldonitin acid to obtain Platinum Group sludge AKA to pgs this would require the infamous Griefer aqua regia which was unironically Infamous after it was used to dissolve several golden Nobel prizes during World War II anyways this aqua regia is made from hydrochloric acid which was easy since I had practically hept a quintillion milliliters of chlorine from the ocean drilling but it also needed nitric acid which I had practically zeroa luckily this could be done in two medium voltage chemical steps all I had to do was combine some nitrogen and oxygen from Air distillation for nitrogen dioxide which was reacted with more oxygen and some water to recreate the nitric acid molecules which were subsequently mixed with the hydrochloric acid to make some yum Yoko reggia to keep up with all the oxygen consumption it was time to bring back an ancient gaming system the Lost technology of extracting oxygen directly out of sand by smelting it into glass crushing it centrifuging it and electrolyzing it this only needed a few medium voltage machines which was enough to produce oxygen 10 times faster than the air distillation anyways I now had the acid required to dissolve shell the night into the pgs but how exactly does one separate all of the Platinum Group metals from the pgs the answer is tens of machines ranging from high voltage chemical reactors to extreme voltage Machinery to insane voltage large chemical reactors to even more chemical reactors with even more chemical reactors on top the entire process will be explained as we go on but the total cost was a bunch of chemical reactors and one large chemical reactor and the total cost of the total cost was approximately a bajillion stainless steel titanium machine parts and circuits if only I had all of the above I had all of the above all I had to do was use the system to craft the raw materials into the necessary machine parts and other relevant items I needed which I did [Music] the grand total was around 20 chemical reactors the large chemical reactor was about five percent trickier however requiring chemically inert polytetrafluoroethylene casings which I created one by one until I had 1 times 20 AKA 20 of them plus some other multi-block parts such as maintenance hatches and input or output hatches due to the sheer quantity of machines the Platinum processing chain will be split into two different Power grids one with high voltage and one with extreme voltage on high voltage grid the sheldonite is first crushed and washed with Mercury that came from Redstone approximately three years ago to create pure shell the night with a very large into extra Palladium which is useful which is good next the sheldonite is dissolved in Infamous nitric acid to create the pgs the pgs is then further acidified with Infamous aqua regia and centrifuge to get the following five Platinum compounds raw platinum raw Palladium inert metal mixture rarest metal mixture and platinum sludge residue luckily the sludge residue is rather useless so I added a trash can to automatically throw it all out of existence the raw platinum is electrolyzed to get a minuscule amount of chlorine but more importantly Platinum shall be stored in this container for eternity I already had practically infinite chlorine so this fake chlorine shall be deposed raw Palladium is a bit more trickier however it must be dissolved in hydrochloric acid to arise the Palladium and ammonium chloride that was when I realized that this ammonium chloride can simply be electrolyzed to give back all of the original hydrochloric acid and some useless ammonia to be thrown away now for the inert metal mixture which wasn't so inert after all since it could simply be dissolved in sulfuric acid to produce rhodium sulfate ruthenium tetroxide and spare hydrogen when this rhodium sulfate is electrolyzed I shall obtain free rhodium and sulfur trioxide which can be reacted with infinite water source to get back all of the sulfuric acid I used in step 5 million of this process this ruthenium tetroxide is then burnt with carbon to release carbon dioxide and ruthenium the carbon dioxide is split into thirds to get back all of the used carbon and some useless oxygen to be sacrificed to the trash can at this point the process was getting extremely out of hand but this was about to get worse it was time for the final step of pgs processing Purgatory the rarest metal mixture first I built a large chemical reactor in the middle of this entire industrial mess the rarest metal mixture dust shall be siphoned into this input and hydrochloric acid will be dumped into yet another input the result after eating up insane amounts of insane voltage power is iridium metal residue and acid a cosmium solution this osmium solution is then distilled to obtain osmium thethroxide and some of the original hydrochloric acid which dumped into the rarest metal mixture torture chamber finally the osmium tetroxide is reacted with hydrogen to get pure osmium and pure drinkable water which shall be flushed away since this destroys all the hydrogen for some reason I will have to tangle the me system into this growing mess in order to import some stored hydrogen in iridium this iridium metal residue is centrifuged to obtain iridium chloride which is reacted with hydrogen to obtain pure iridium and some hydrochloric acid which shall also be returned to the large chemical reaction chamber in the end I had obtained five new elements ruthenium rhodium iridium osmium and Palladium all stored in this storage wall now it was time to consume these new products this iridium is smelted in this rather upgraded blast furnace to obtain hot iridium since this took an unordinarily lengthy duration of time to cool I had to overclock the vacuum freezer to extreme voltage for rather astounding results with iridium I now had one of the pieces needed to create the insane voltage circuit assembler needed for making Quantum circuits now for the next thing I need nether star jump scare as it turns out I would need nether star as an insane voltage components and other other powerful machine parts so rather than killing one wither I would go for a 64 with your kills unfortunately my current equipment consisted of glitch armor and a diamond sword which has a 0.03 chance of Victory against though with their army so it was time to create this overpowered object known as the flux bow and quiver which was practically an intercontinental ballistic missile machine gun super gun the downside was this needed fluxed electrum ak-18 hexacoprint etra iron copper Tetra silver double Tetra copper copper Tetra silver bismuth zinc tricopter by iron nickel gold silver tricopter tri-iron times four times three carbon cap upper silver iron trisulfur times 5 Chrome by aluminum dry oxygen try Mercury times 4 times 2. this needs electrum and lumium which I already had but also signalum which is the opposite of I already had AKA I did not have it this signalum is a mix of a four different mixes of three different mixes of a bunch of common metal dusts I had with some blaze powder destabilized clathrates and Mana dust sprinkled on top all of which I already had already the real problem was mixing it all together since doing all of the 84 billion steps manually was going to cause excruciating pain I decided to create auto crafting patterns for all the signal and mixing steps so that the excruciating pain would be experienced by this computer instead I also upgraded to an insane voltage mixer for a double speed boost on 5 million percent of all mixing processes fast forward to 2023 and this monitor dust and yield copper red alloy destabilized clathrate and ardite dust is conglomerated into signalum this is mixed with spare lumium and some electrum to create fluxed electrum which is blast smelted to create some ingots suitable for anti-wither weaponry and now I shall clobber this fluxed electrum together with arrows and other miscellaneous matter to create the flux quiver and bow in its current state this equipment was pathetic but once I pressed V they claimed they became empowered meaning that any shot that is shot by this bow will now explode in a fiery Fireball and this can be made even more overpowered with multi-shot too bad I was too lazy to get enchantments the normal way so I will do it the grand eloquent way I use more grains of infinity in some other nether related substances to smelt the soul chassis this was apparently a major accomplishment because I got an achievement and some endario Cheerios but I didn't have to eat them since this was peaceful mode I then took some spare touched and steel and Grains of infinity and combine them to create the slice and splice as the name implies it can slice and it can splice to create the skeleton contractors these can be used to turn a normal book into multiple shot book but this needed a new type of enchanter the enchanter made out of blah blah blah that I already had you may have remembered from three months ago that I destroyed some bookshelves in the Lost Cities to obtain some books these shall finally be used three months later to be combined with the skeleton rounded squares to make me the multi-shot literature composition this was combined with my supposedly empowered mode to create my masterpiece the supposedly empowered bow the shinier in the meantime the Soul Sand and Wither Skeleton skulls for summoning a stack of Withers came from combining hellish matter from Deep mob learning skeleton skulls also from Deep mob learning and sand also from Earth and now I was ready to fight a stack of Withers I was too lazy to upgrade my armor even though Stellar equipment was available because the boat should theoretically kill the withers at a rapidity so flabbergasting that I did not have to tank them out for long as for the location for fighting the withers I chose the moon this was because Earth was uninspiring and a fight on the space station would lead to their no longer being a space station so I returned to the lunar surface and collected all of my infrastructure there so that it wouldn't be destroyed in the ensuing collateral damage in this exact specific location I began placing down all of the Soul Sand and skulls I decided to take out my automatic clicker for a faster and somewhat more satisfying skull placement and when nothing spawned I realized I had made a fatal mistake approximately 0.5 million years ago you may have remembered my post in Dario shipment receivement reaction where I stated it was peaceful mode all 64 with her structures were now placed and I had to build them all over again first I had to break one skull off of each and every one of them the result was that I now had to listen to this extremely overbearing drill sound effect every four seconds [Music] foreign once I had re-winded time to approximately five minutes before the incident it was now time to use my automatic clicker once again to spawn all 64 Withers this time on easy mode but before the fight even began everything went wrong the automatic clicker had clicked at such an excessive speed that I placed some with her skeleton skulls on the ground instead but before I could have a reaction to this information the withers had spawned and projectiles became flying everywhere I was about to initiate protocol G in a fit of rage in real life but then I remembered the old saying b-plus not my blood group neither my grades in maths it is my favorite quote be positive when I when I returned from my hallucination I found myself taking on tens of Withers at once I had severely underestimated the power contained within this supposedly but proven empowered mode it could kill several Withers at once in just a few shots and it penetrated through the Wither Shield as well mostly everything was going according to 20 of the plan that was until everything was going according to zero percent of the plan because the withers began suffocating to death due to the lack of oxygen on the moon this was supposed to be good news but I suspected I would not get any loot due to me not killing the withers myself plan a had utterly failed so in about five milliseconds I came up with Plan B I was going to start both spamming in all X Y and Z directions to get kill credit for as many Withers as humanly possible I wasn't sure if this was actually working or not but I did it anyways little did I go by lots of that this would become his downfall because by shooting 10 billion times per second my bow was drained out of energy to the point that it was no longer powerful enough to kill Withers in five shots or even kill Withers at all Plan B had backfired so I switched back to plan A I had brought a diamond sword with me in case of emergencies so I would resort to it to terminate every single one of these remaining Withers this was rather risky and even more so because I had completely forgotten to bring any food with me meaning I would not regenerate this health bar had only one way to go down but I shall bring everyone else down with me if necessary it was Siri [Music] [Music] had come out of this with only 31 nether stars out of the 64 I had planned to obtain there were probably a few that were lost within the exposed store deposits and moon rubble and some had most likely despawned or were destroyed in the final stages of the Epic lunar Battle of derekusha comics of ishanina manalf Den mondutinen with her saving the nether stars from the battlefield was as hard as fighting the withers themselves due to all the projectiles and moon Turf flying around but I was now back at the space station remarkably without a single death anyways this nether star can be dipped in radon to create the quantum star the final ingredient alongside iridium rods to create the insane voltage emitter the second most expensive part of the insane voltage circuit assembler the most expensive part was the ludicus voltage deer circuit the only ludicrous steer circuit I had unlocked at the moment was the Nano computer Mainframe made from 2 Nano supercomputers which I could craft rather easily all I had to do was glue them together with this Frame and a rather excessive amount of RAM and other thingies with this the insane voltage circuit assembler was in my hands does this unlock the Undiscovered art of manufacturing Quantum circuits But Not only would I need Quantum circuits I would need to upgrade the entire Electronics manufacturing clean room while I was upgrading the storage capability of the matter Energy System I ran into a catastrophe occurring in the electronics producer when I ordered too many circuits at once it clogged up the circuit assembler this is due to how bad the current automation setup is the interface with the circuit recipes sends circuit Parts through this pass-through hatch to be self-explanatory assembled but the item pipes sometimes sent into many of a certain circuit part causing several errors that I had to correct myself this was unacceptable behavior and I shall punish this entire Factory by upgrading it plus notable mention of quantum circuits in the next episode [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: IGoByLotsOfNames
Views: 131,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NlZB73398qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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