African Story: Why hippo don't have hair..

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hello my name is saki le dube safari and surf in saint lucia south africa sometimes you can be wondering why people when they're getting older from the young age you turn to an elder style or stage you end up forget about what the elder or the your parents or your grandfather told you you don't pass that to your children or to your generation today let's look at the hippo a lot of people they know that the people does spend time in the water for the elders most of the time they used to have that creation or that stories that make us to easily understand the creator how he created his nature according to the story that i held a long time ago when i was young at home hippo was a mammal live outside water not in a water like the old days when you look at how the god created everything or the creator created the nature there was not that fight as it happened like nowadays they tell us the animals they were friendly to one another but not all of them but some of them they were friendly to one another they used to help one another hippo long time ago he had this long hair into his body he was a friend of a rabbit the issue every afternoon they sit around the fire share their stories as friends and later on the rabbit he will be helping the hippo to clean his body because by the time he had a long hair when he walked down or when he walked he get dirty so he employ or ask rabbit to help him every afternoon to comb his hair he did that daily and daily and daily but the rabbit because that was not easy for him he ended up not focusing on his duty or he what whatever he liked to do by the time he not focusing that much because he know that he have to help the hippo to comb his hair he did that he become exhausted rabbit according to african story is the one of a smallest animal was very clever compared to the bigger animal like an elephant like a hippo like any other bigger animal those smaller animals in our african story they were more intelligent than the bigger one so he woke up one day into the forest he collected nice dry grass and put it nicely to surprise a hippo and then the hippo when they arrive it's a hippo i've got something for you i've got special for you i made this bed for you we have to come and sleep on that bed while we combing your hair the hippo he feel so special he walked toward the bed he first lay he grabbed it as usually he did what he used to do and then a hippo fell asleep and then he banned the grass the grass fire transferred to the hippo's hair hip-hop at the time he was banning he was crying and running the only place he was thought of while he was running and burning to reach water he run he run and then he get water unfortunately the whole body of the hippo's hair was already bent was a small piece of air was still left on his tail that what now if you go in the river you'll see the hippo with that tiny hair still left into his tail he stay there and then he felt so scared to go out because he felt so sensitive because there was nothing was protecting him from the sun anymore the problem was because the creator he give them a piece of land or habitat to live or survive on the hippo was not a water anymore the animal like a frogs crabs crocodile fish they were making toy toy if they were asked as a human being they will be having it carrying a signboard saying no more people no more people no more people but because it was that time so the animals they send a complaint to the creator that what a big animal like a hippo is doing here in the water he's disturbing us he's too big he's got a big mouth he's going to eat all of us here and then the creator asks to hippo what happening down there people why don't go back where i give and then a hippo he asks a creator that he doesn't want to spend his time in a water because what his friend did to him he burned his hair so like now if he go out during the day in the water he feels so sensitive from the sun and to other biting insects so he only asking god or a creator to give him a chance he promised him that he's not gonna eat anything inside the water he'll be there only during the day time but to prove to everybody and to him as a creator he does not eat anything inside water while he's there in the water he will open his mouth to show everybody that is nothing there there's no fish there's no frog there's no crocodile there's nothing and then he closed it down and also when he go out from the water in the afternoon he will spread his tongue outside the water so the dung pickle they must come and survey whether they found any bone off in any animals live in the water and then a creator agreed on that was a good agreement and then he said okay hippo you spend the day in the water in a promising that you're not gonna eat anything there when you go out you drop your down outside water and you spread it so i can see there's nothing or i'll ask the dung pickle to come and check for me whether you eat anything for now you can easily see as how the elderly used to tell us those stories we end up having that belief and understanding how creator created his nature because you can keep on asking yourself why the people spend the day in water without having a story from the elder you will know that without have those believe you will know that but let us pass what the elder told us to our young generation maybe they will take it somewhere thank you see you soon
Channel: Safari and Surf - Wilderness Adventures
Views: 28,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: african story, african folklore, hippo, why hippo don't have hair, animal stories, african culture, rabbit story, hippo and rabbit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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