African Leaders on Homosexuality

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we equally reject attempts to prescribe new rights that are contrary to our values norms traditions and beliefs we are not gays [Music] one of the major issues and it's a holdover from sort of colonial victorian is the issue of sexual preference in many african countries africans have never been homosexual we have never seen homosexual frogs i have cattle i've never seen homosexual gay cattle and homosexuality is it is detrimental to human existence in kenya to be gay the lgbt community is illegal they just want to have equal rights the same privacy and equality as all other kenyans do is that something that you aspire to for your country i want to be very clear i will not engage in a subject that is of no it's uh it is not of any major importance to the people and the republic of kenya this is not an issue as you would want to put it of um human rights or this this is an issue of society of our own base as a culture as a people regardless of which community you come from this is not acceptable this is not agreeable this is not about uhuru kenyatta saying yes or no this is an issue the people of kenya themselves who have bestowed upon themselves a constitution right after several years have clearly stated that this is not a subject that they are willing to engage in do you personally dislike homosexuals of course they are disgusting what what sort of people are they how can you go i don't i never knew what they were doing that's how i've been told recently that what they do is terrible disgusting but i was i was ready to ignore that if there was proof that that's how he's born abnormal but now the proof is not there it's unafrican it's unethical it's ungodly it was already attaining to end if that is how you're going to bring your heads then i'm afraid the western can leave us alone if we accept homosexuality as a right as is being argued by the association of sodomists and sexual and sexual perverts what moral fiber shall our society ever have to deny organized drug addicts or even those given to bestiality their rights they might claim and allege they possess under the rubrics of individual freedom and human rights we are saying no to homosexuality why should you say we're going to be civilized if we only allow it i'm saying we are very primitive now because we are frowning upon homosexuality even animals don't do it why should we be forced to do it because we want to be seen to be smart to be seen to be civilized and advanced and so i don't care what they feel about me i didn't introduce the death penalty here i found it here and the british brought the death penalty to the gambia before colonialism there was no death penalty in africa don't you know that go to history but it's also said that it is also said mr president that it was the colonials who brought in the laws against homosexuality into africa and africans have maintained and kept those laws so to be truly african would be to remove those laws forbidding homosexuality and to remove the death penalty are you activating that homosexuality is africa there are some africans who say so uh yeah yeah now in this lecture it doesn't africans get captured people in the bush so those are the same type of africans that we still have that they use against us so i wouldn't be i won't be surprised yeah but homosexuality is unafrican and i let me also make it very clear even if the whole world accept it aye aye will not accept it in the government let them go and tell me whatever they want to say do i care i don't i have to be honest with you and that is the position that we have always maintained those are the laws that we have and those are laws that are 100 supported by 99 of the kenyan people irregardless of where they come from so i it's a very you're going to get yourself into trouble they require help obviously for me i think they're sick that's why i see it but they need help the fact that they went to jail probably is one thing but help should be relented to them a pattern could be considered but not in the manner that the ambassador is coming out like like he's out in the collective wisdom of the zambian people or the sovereign uh the revenge of this state you don't know that what is your message to western human rights groups to president obama's respect lesbian gay bisexual and transgender respect african societies and their values if you don't agree you just keep quiet let's manage our society the way we see if we are wrong we shall find out by ourselves just the way we don't interfere with the others
Views: 254,041
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Keywords: Yahya Jammeh, Robert Mugabe, Uhuru Kenyatta, Edgar Lungu, Yoweri Museveni, President, Gay, Gay Rights, debate (quotation subject), africa (continent), lgbt rights (activism issue), cameroon (country), barack obama, african leaders, president barack obama, eye gambia, eye gambia africa and the world, eye gambia first interview after her dismissal, robert mugabe speeches, africa continent, uhuru kenyatta, gay (sexual orientation), homosexuality in ancient greece
Id: TziYTwrsD38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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