African Bible History: Ethiopia, Kingdom of Aksum, African Jews, Ark of the Covenant in Zimbabwe

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hey so ethiopia the first utopia when you think of ethiopia what do you think about what do you see ethiopia was the first utopia in the world and ethiopia is where we get the pan-african colors or the pan-african colors are in ethiopia this is a country that uh however you look at it it's either the country that got its emancipation first or it's a country that was never colonized because it was occupied but not completely colonized it was occupied by italy ethiopia is one of the most interesting countries in the world it's mentioned in the bible and when it's mentioned in the bible it's crucial to understand that ethiopia refers to africa ethiopians are africans ethiopians are africans africans are ethiopians everyone in africa is an ethiopian this is why we have the same flag like with these colors like the green the red the gold these are the ethiopian colors to be ethiopian or to have to be ethiopian does not mean that you're physically in that place because it's an understanding just like having zion doesn't mean that you're physically in a certain city made by god it's an understanding it's an agreement it is um it is knowing true dominion and territory so ethiopia is a place that can be anywhere this is why jamaica is ethiopia the people in jamaica are ethiopians people in africa the negro so-called negros they're ethiopians so ethiopia is a generic term that is used for all africans and this is how it's applied in the bible so when the bible is speaking of this place called ethiopia speaking of a place where the people call nubians these nubians are like noob actually comes from the egyptian which means gold so this is the places of gold and nubian also means just black skinned these people were burnt skinned so all of the ethiopians were black people so back in the day to get an understanding of this if back in the day if i were to go to germany right germany didn't exist in but then if i were to go to germany they would just say hey check out that ethiopian dude so ethiopian is just referring to these people and the people come from a certain continent and within that continent of course you have different types of people so it's just like how you'd see like european people as being the same but irish is different you know but they're all european so this is the ethiopian um understanding of it ethiopians are africans so ethiopia was the first utopia uh these ethiopians actually encompass also these egyptians so all of this all of the land was just uh generically referred to as ethiopia just like how europe is just referred to as ethiopia but if you think of like england uk uh britain these are different but they're the same okay so the first utopians were these people who had this understanding and they were able to uh teach people this is how people came to africa they used to learn from these new beings so they used to learn from these burnt skinned people so this happened for thousands of years but slave trade happened the thing is the bible was used as a means to enslave the people's minds so when as it as it happened is that like the people came with this idea this ideology in order to get people to to to be subjected to them according to the principles that they were interpreting in the bible so one of the reasons that they justified the slave trade was to say that uh africans are not human because they are the sons of uh because because they're the sons of ham so ham if there's a story in the bible where noah is drunk and then one of his sons apparently in a mystery uncovers his nakedness so people believe that ham slept with noah's wife or did something of that sort and then ham had a curse but the curse was put on his son called canaan so canaan is cain cain and abel this is where the curse is this is the person who was cursed in the beginning but anyhow kanan went and settled in the middle east while the other sons of ham so ham had four sons ham had four sons and these ones came the three sons came in africa the one son went to stayed in the middle east and these are the canaanites and when you're referring to the canaanites you're referring to them so when slave trade happens it was actually based on this biblical principle that was saying that since these people were cursed by ham then they're supposed to be our slaves so you have to understand that this happened 400 years ago and now it's time to set the people free it's been 400 years of slavery so it's now time to leave that paradigm it's now time to leave those pyramids that they've been building in the minds of the people these hierarchies that they've been creating with this false ideology it's now time to leave that and go through another red sea go through another rebirth because everyone comes out of the water just like how the israelites came out of the water so it's been 400 years since they've enslaved a whole nation and it's up to us if we want another 400 years of this type of slavery you know so it's just about understanding that the truth is in the bible but when you know the truth is in reality that ethiopia was literally the first utopia this is where people were developing skills mathematics they were developing engineering they were developing science they were developing engineering technology mathematics astrology everything and these things are what we still use today so believe it or not it's weird but these things are this is the the the the holy grail of western society of western civilization things that were discovered thousands of years ago by ethiopians so these ethiopians as i said these are just people from this continent of africa and it's actually not called africa it's actually called ethiopia that's the thing africa is the name of a conqueror a roman general who was skipio africanus who defeated hannibal when he defeated hannibal africa took its name and um there was also another greek person who used to sign his letters like he used to research africa and people believed that this was a black greek because the first greeks were black the first romans were black the first they were ethiopians but anyhow this person was called africanus so he always used to write his name after his letter afrikaner so this is also where this name is derived but the word for it was ethiopia so ethiopia is referring to the skin of the people ethiope so these atheists were people who were uh black skinned and they had woolly hair these people were renowned for their uh irritation and for their skills and learning so understanding that uh because 400 years is a long time to be a slave to be trapped you're bound to lose your humanity when people treat you as being sub-human i was watching so many documentaries about how people view africans and it's actually the prevailing point of view that european media wants to postulate the fact that africans are so so subhuman as if the problems that they caused in africa are not the fruits that we see today that a person would come into a country and just say that hey all of this land is now mine and i'm going to kill everybody who is living in this area and we are going to be mining for the rest of our lives and we're going to start building with your labor and as if that's not enough um other people are gonna be like all right now we're gonna go to this city we're gonna raid it and all of these people are gonna go and live in america as slaves and uh they wouldn't just take like just this skinny little dude but they would take the the strongest bind them whip them beat them and keep them for years under servitude and some of these people were actually kings some of these people were royalty nobles wise men but if you were a person of wisdom they would kill you so so many so many so many ethiopians were murdered nubians were murdered because of their knowledge because this was war it was a conquest so um if you justify this as war then this is so barbaric that uh they would say that we're giving them this word of god we're giving them this knowledge and understanding of god but let's first kill them and uh this let's uh let's let's kill the barbaric and they don't deserve the same thing as us and this is something that was ingrained in the people's mind something that i still see with my own eyes today that uh people still have not left that colonialist mentality because they believe what they were told that they were nothing so when you read the bible this is a book that was used for a certain purpose in order to trap people because it's that powerful but when you look at it when you look in the bible when you look at in reality you'd realize that ethiopia through aksum which was a kingdom which a queen of sheba reigned who is uh makeda shiba means wisdom the queen of wisdom so this is why she was looking for wisdom she went to find solomon who had wisdom so she found wisdom but she also had wise questions to ask him which shows that she is wise so queen of sheba makeda and she went there and she actually used to reign in a certain place um that was um adjacent to like that is on the red sea which is the kingdom of aksum today it's eritrea and somalia and a little bit of ethiopia because these were just lands no borders and she used to have that kingdom on the african continent and in the middle east because this is how they used to roll so her kingdom was part of saudi arabia oman and yemen this was aksum so we know that it was at least that uh big this is how she was just able to travel north and then to go and see solomon so through this she was actually controlling trade through the red sea uh ethiopia was actually controlling trade in the whole asian and african continent which was also linked with the european and western countries this is actually the silk road the original silk road is the ethiopian trade route so if you look at the ethiopian flag right now it has this stock this star is what they what they want to recreate as the silk road in terms of china but this is originally ethiopian so they had all of this wealth and this control of this trade route because this was before the swiss canal so for anyone to transport goods to through the middle uh the mediterranean to go to spain and europe and stuff you'd have to go through egypt for a shorter route unless if you want to go around the world so this is how the red sea was so important for aksum so aksum um was very dominant in commerce and in all of the international transactions and through this it was able to interact and to trade with different countries all over the world so it was a major major city in its time and it was one of the most renowned cities in its time this is um kingdom sorry not cities aksum was a kingdom and this was the place where christianity actually started within the african continent that the first people who were convicted into christianity were in this kingdom of aksum which is in eritrea and uh this uh spelled over to ethiopia and today ethiopia has the oldest churches in the world has the oldest bible in the world which is called the ethiopian bible for some reason but should just be called the bible but it has all this bible and it has the biggest bible by the way and it has the understanding of the scripture because they were able to actually transcribe all of the scriptures into a language an african language an african language this is important to understand that they'll tell you that in africa they didn't have language communication skills literature but they have g script and through this language they were actually able to translate the bible which is not an easy task because what you're doing is you're you're translating this in terms of meaning resonance and metrics versus our metric compositions of words so you need to have the understanding of numbers and words and letters and resonance and all of these things so they translated the bible into g-script and so many countries in africa actually had their own languages even liberia had its own language like uh cameroon they had their own alphabets like literally all of them because these people were ethiopians so an ethiopian is a person who is referred to as being of black skin with woolly hair right so this is not uh um something that is uh given to a certain one country but the reason why everyone is ethiopian is because ethiopia is not conquered and ethiopia or was not conquered um this is the understanding of what haley selassie did on fourth through this is the hypocrisy of the of the league of nations and off the u.n that was exposed through his reign because this is these are the people he will fight he was fighting against mussolini actually went to ethiopia and occupied it for six years and the eu and the league of nations didn't do anything about it they were actually uh just saying that oh it's bad but they didn't do anything about it and this is one of the reasons why the league of nations didn't work because they failed selassie so um ethiopia was a major major uh key party in the whole world haley salasi was an actual emperor who traveled like over 100 countries in his reign he went to over 100 countries in the world as the king of kings and his name means the one with the power of the trinity so ethiopia has one of the oldest churches ethiopia so when you read the bible and you look at the book of acts you're going to discover or come across the story of philip philip is in an area he's healing people he's he's he's raising uh paralyzed people and now they're walking the lame can now walk and stuff like that and the spirit tells him hey go to this desert area and you're gonna see someone there he goes into a desert and then he sees this ethiopian eunuch this eunuch is like a person who works in a kingdom right a eunuch so he's in a court and uh he's a person of wisdom obviously so he's actually in israel he's traveling the world he's an ethiopian a black person and he's actually in a in a chariot so he's actually a person of riches and of wealth but what's important is he's actually reading or oh yeah he's actually reading he didn't know that people in from africa could read right but this is like um the same year that jesus died so this is 2 000 years ago so um just jesus has just died philip is in the holy spirit and this guy is already reading us a scroll of isaiah that he got so first thing he's rich okay he's a eunuch so there's a kingdom somewhere because the there is an actual queen mentioned in his kingdom so he's um part of that uh regime so he's with other black people because he's being escorted by these people and he's he speaks to philip and he gets baptized in the process and and the story goes on so this happens in the new testament right in the old testament we we all know the story of solomon and how the queen of sheba went to to to him so she was an african woman an african queen so meaning that there was already this kingdom there was already a queen of wisdom she was the wisest person before he came that's why she had to go to him and see if the wisdom was true so she was renowned for her abilities because this is in back in the day when women didn't have the status but she had this queen status anyhow she creates this uh offspring like with solomon they have a child and this child ends up being um menelik who ends up being a great great uh and then solomon is the descendant is is the father haley salasi is the descendant of this person through menelik and through solomon this is the understanding of the um of the end of of of how haley selassie came about and that was his claim to the throne and all of that so one thing to understand is it's important to realize that there are roots of christianity all over africa so the the missionaries came with the bible with a certain false dogma according to this doctrine which was intended to to trap people's minds africa was not actually meant to be evangelized by these people because there was already evidence of christianity within african continents so within within african even the african territories so through exum this is where the queen of sheba was through ethiopia this is where the the eunuch met philip so this eunuch is already reading this eunuch already has the possession the scroll of isaiah is already in his possession so these people are already reading these things this is how they're able to like have the g-script bible they have their own bible the oldest bible the biggest bible the oldest churches in the world okay so so this is crucial to understand and if you even look further down in zimbabwe there's actually a tribe not a lot of people know this but there's actually a tribe of true true hebrew israelites true jews jews who say who claim that they came with the ark of the covenant and they're actually hiding it that's why people don't know about them because they have their secrets but they are actually the people who live in them they actually live in zimbabwe and this is in the heart of southern africa these people are jewish they're called they're a tribe called the chilemba lemba so they actually they actually they actually uh the people who are associated with um the the areas like the great zimbabwe they're associated with them so they actually married into those families when they came from israel and these people are black right obviously they're black so um all of these and in ethiopia you also have hebrew jews that live in ethiopia some of them live in israel and all over the world so all of these people had this understanding of christianity and they could read they could write they could reason and what we're told is that they couldn't read they couldn't write they couldn't reason which is not true so in the bible you see that this eunuch is a rich dude who works in a court and he's already reading this so just the thing to understand is what philip asked him and this is the whole point of this video the question is do you understand the book of isaiah when philip approached him he asked him do you understand what you're reading so the same thing is he was reading the book of isaiah the book of isaiah is so important because this is the book that jesus was quoting most of the time so do you understand this book because this book is the key to understanding what is happening in this world so the book of isaiah is speaking about how the people in this world are deluded how the people in this world have been lied to this is why philip asks them do you understand what that that this book is talking about you ethiopian do you understand the book of isaiah it's talking about the ethiopians so when he talks about egypt it's actually talking about rome when it talks about judah it's actually talking about africa because these hebrew african hebrew israelites identify as judas as jews the jews are everywhere in africa these people are actually the ones who have the ark of the covenant so when you ask the ethiopians they say that they have it when you ask the the other ones in zimbabwe they say that they have it so this is just the thing that they know certain things that people don't know they know so people who are telling you certain things are missing certain elements that distort your view of the africans of the ethiopians of everyone who is off this continent or off that continent so having the right perspective is knowing reality and applying it to the facts so so when you see that this ethiopian was reading the script the scroll the scriptures and uh you see the queen of sheba is already engaged in terms of wisdom she actually has these wise questions to ask it makes you wonder why it is that you don't see the side of this of africa or of this continent in such a way that paints a perfect picture or paints a tolerable picture or even just a considerably close picture to what the reality of the people is to what the reality of their way of life was that there were people who were humble people who were actually so smart that it's startling to even consider some of the things that they achieved with the means that they had because some of the things that these africans ethiopians did nubians did we can't even do it today with our modern technology so the next time you read the bible read isaiah and ask yourself if you truly understand that is talking about you
Channel: Hippy Vibes
Views: 628,522
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Keywords: Ethiopian history, kingdom of ethiopia, christianity in africa history, kingdom of askum axum churches, ethiopian churches, chilemba zimbabwe jews tribe, african history, zimbabwean history news facts, african christian, philip meets the eunuch bible story book of acts, ethiopian bible verse acts, mind over matter, first african churches history, colonization of africa, scramble for africa, know thyself, queen of sheba king solomon, knowledge wisdom, stay woke
Id: sg9t9Uve5pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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