African Art - The Market of Masks (Documentary of 2015)

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] the freakin Asian African mask is a phenomena the mask is always a spirit master you give me money and I go for bush and buy and buy a very beautiful piece for the pool in order to get to know African art the Africans have to travel to Europe it's the only place they can see the really interesting items you're both losers I don't I don't have any money on me my wealth consists of my collection that's a piece of you these sculptures are a disease often smears sometimes it gets too much from war too full but the collection is a lot of work [Music] [Music] masks from Nigeria in Bavaria girge stove is a collector of African art in his hotel by the Kooning's II he exhibits masks sculptures and nail fetishes from Nigeria next to the Barak Madonna Odessa mainly leap and these are my favorites I bet she sculptures they were made after the death of twins but because the Yoruba believed that the souls of twins were inseparable funds feeling and Kyle Bachus collectors like the hoteliers doll make every sacrifice for their collection yes I'm black a collector will often be driven into ruin because he desperately wants to obtain a certain piece dr. Shetler has traveled to Africa many times for decades the collector has been a popular expert at art auctions America Africa some of its the thirst for adventure and he grow dances that's what they were called that's what everybody wanted to see it was a matter of desire Africa knows you fell in love with it third demand Philippe his most recent acquisition his neighbor mask from Nigeria the mask weighs 30 kilos and was held above a dancers head by two sticks this was only possible while in trance Ali Khan's art collectors are like hunters basically children that desperately wants a certain toy and the moment they get it they put it away a gallery in the heart of Zurich specializes in antique sculptures and traditional masks from Africa enriching everyday life with images of fascinating distant places collecting art is a status symbol though antique art from Africa promises more than that xeno people long for this native black old an extinct consonant distant places and the unknown the darkness and the magic on Maggie sure moment is it what you know why people collect the arts and cunning tradesmen will use this knowledge to his advantage and provide the customer with the appropriate selling points mental even deemed as vulgar found an catalogue a catalogue suddenly gains importance and origin is added all this increases the value and with that the gallery owner promotes himself for the gallery or the auction house an ecology or a nocturnes house that viadon Sotheby's and Christie's invest millions into marketing market just to make their name standout is an armoured Azhar Sharif so cleansed [Music] Brussels the trade fair for non-european art showcases antique art from Africa a few years ago masks cult items and everyday tools were considered to be primitive tribal art since then their reputation and value have grown the Art Fair is a meeting point for traders and collectors from around the world this year brussels gallery owner dee da Claire's is once again running the event since mid year I started my business about 20 years ago when I travel to Africa in search of various items soon I realized I was 40 years too late to be able to offer a high quality standard on the market I look for old collections belonging to important families to collectors that have been bringing back items to Europe for more than a hundred years that's it I think that is our pleasure is hunting yeah you know you find you find the piece you could know that there are at least 10 to 20 people who were fighting for it you have institutions you have museums you have collectors you have dealers it's lebesgue a well everybody's fighting because we all have you know a very constant taste whoever pays the most wins [Laughter] [Music] karl friedrich schiller was a collector and like many others he became a dealer and an expert middle man approaches him the masks are in his suitcase and he's hoping for a good deal for the experience Shetler is skeptical there's nothing left in Africa it was bled dry more than 20 years ago he polluted this he could not of course you could go down there for a few months and plow through the bushes you might even find a mask but the good ones are already in Europe or America you know it all part would be in America in the street cafes collectors show each other their trophies they compare style material and patina they examine origin and age and estimate the value [Music] Zachary akan undo has traveled to the trade fair in Brussels from Cameroon he's meeting collector anita order from munich in a hotel rooms where zechariah has spread out his treasures but the expert isn't making business easy for him it's interesting where's Terrapin I would say eight to ten thousand really I give you four four thousand four four thousand okay inna Gary maybe it could be more that's it don't dona also you all know you think very old very old yeah but this style i don't know to my intuition is that this also not so old I'm sorry No [Music] the gallery value in Zurich is a family business the father traveled to Africa decades ago and the art he bought back is now a profitable commodity for his son Jean David the last couple of years haven't been easy so the art trader is exploring new markets Jean dahveed relies on internet retailing nowadays this is a scene with my father in Togo looks like he's greeting some model many and I'll probably buy something like [Music] what's called from good well in fact that this is where my father sets up the first museum in Africa his goals to exhibit items from all over the continent as kazamia - we took over the gallery in Zurich while my father ran a museum and a gallery in Africa in Africa museum under and a gallery in Africa treatment as Yeshua very nice this was a swimming pool after extended to the bedroom gallery owner Renee Davies second marriage was to nmuk / a togolese woman CIC and traditional arts never interested me they never taught us anything about our culture in school when I met my husband he became my teacher Rene helped me understand voodoo cult objects dish did learnt a lot in the past the people of West Africa were inspired by nature and their gods believing in the immortality of their ancestors in Togo and Benin the old voodoo religion lives on to this day [Music] Salman is obsessed I didn't know about the cult items visited the voodoo temples and spoke with priests he was initiated and familiar with the Voodoo right abuse attempt it isn't usual really at first I was apprehensive with Christians and will talk to avoid such things Ramona creeps here usually so when they show need to respect these items there in September to early vote less fear Bishop Pierre de New Year South End shows is if you magnification the couple has been living in Togo for decades and they know how to present themselves anam devide is a businesswoman the trade in Togo is flourishing and there are no strict regulations and the import of art from neighboring countries the capital is a hub although according to international laws the items would not be allowed to cross borders it is estimated that nearly 1 million people in Africa live off manufacturing and trading carvings and masks skillfully crafted replicas and simple copies included salut surrey key is the manager of the market in LA may he can hardly show any local work because the business thrives on contraband from Nigeria Benin and Mali oz will be there are about 600 art dealers most of them from Nigeria general man but it's possible to obtain art from other countries as well because lo mein is a crossing point it's where traders stock up on goods for your lumisi and Caillou you only have to declare the things you want to explore but it's forbidden to export human skulls if they can't you doing that you will be arrested and punished the data table that been a DJ the market for fetishes LeMay Gert Kesey a photographer and collector from Tyrol has been living here for 50 years long it before he had it long before I even owned a decent mattress I was collecting sculptures in my flat second wall in Manorville no baby had seemed so P in 1964 I was working at Albert Rice's hospital died I was introduced African art for the first time this s tamale man helium in Kentucky common bean meat African dish a kunst owned demotivate she found these items to be so exciting and beautiful that I want it's all in the I wanted to live with these objects making a decent thing and leave [Music] he found 3,000 objects and a dream he wanted to give the people of his hometown schwarz and in tow an understanding of the foreign masks and beautiful sculptures he dedicated himself to this cause for decades until he was able to open his Museum de Fuka in 1995 in the first years the reactions in tirol towards African treasures were mixed but Gert KZ stayed true to his mission in Murph s ooh I have always tried to understand the beauty of the world and to show it's in my collections would be lean [Music] [Music] house - in my opinion there are no differences between mascots worldwide people in the countryside live in dreading fear of nature their battle nature in its hostile form constantly in FPPC has fainted - thus is this used to be the case in tirol and is still partly the case in Africa don't you hate denying every case [Music] jalebi my love for Africa started with the Tarzana movies when I was about 20 it fascinated me the natives with the old things the shields the weapons the spears off median it was with the dogon mask dances I brought cigarettes and cigars African men always respond to that a beautiful old dancing master that was actually used I was even able to take a photo with a dancer himself and his son sold it to muddy river called the land of the Dobbin is located in the west of Mali a paradise for tourists longing for masks and myths we draw our inspiration from sacred objects and the tradition the copies icon are based on them but of course they're not holy themselves today the masks of the Dogon film museums and living rooms of rich collectors overseas old masks haven't been discovered here in a long time entire villages live off carving masks for foreigners but the village elders still know how to differentiate between junk and the heritage of their ancestors [Music] and the masks are only brought to the light of day on special occasions when our senior priest dies the masks are used for dancing at his funeral for five to ten days just like our ancestors taught us the masks in cult and ritual only while moving the masks come to life a sculpture and it's masks are inhabited by the spirit it brings the ancestors to the present the spirit is summoned into the wood and its body moves dynamically and frantically although the face remains static in trance the spirits rise that aren't visible to the human eye what remains in the museum is only a dead fragment of the actual mask only the upper layer is visible the substance and netting underneath are missing and the dancing fever and the trance are gone masks in ritual on the other hand can make ancestors speak and give advice for the future beyond its cure we currently own a fantastic Dogon collection from Belgium a big problems is the collectors are getting a bad name for depriving the culture of these items a song that could do this a opaquely until this was see a museum was a moral decision for me as well then a man said other people to participate in the message such a collection conspiracy he braked at de l'homme Kernan masks spread fear and respect masks are an expression of power originating from the world of natural spirits and ancestors in many parts of Africa people lived without clothes before the Islamic and Christian missionaries arrived only the chosen ones all masks they were a symbol of power [Music] ich bitte I see my collection as a personal game art is often a form of disorientation to live somewhere else where you don't actually live a person that lives somewhere else in his or her head needs the unusual the foreign does friend I always stayed here and never travel to Africa but in my head I've always been in Africa I need this so called disorientation despite immense of for me it's a different country in some way a country of miracles Underland [Music] the art historian dr. Ramon Chavez own studies in Germany today he travels back and forth between Berlin and his home country Burnham Chabot so is researching the perception of African masks and items in Europe the first time I saw two additional African art was in the ethnological Museum in Berlin a darlin [Music] the lost bird wanted when we were young we were forbidden to get too close to these kind of objects because they were sacred I got this sorry we were afraid to get near them so we didn't have the chance to appreciate their value on ecclesia locality [Music] [Music] [Music] dr. I shall I do was born in Niger in West Africa she spent half of her life studying in Germany and earning her PhD in Berlin she rediscovered the cultural treasures of Africa of course you see some art as a child that's just part of life over there this good alpha that's what was there leaving we mostly don't see it as art know it as our way of life our traditions and our culture our tradition was a little too uh what's the art doing in these museums why they being exhibited here and not in Africa but commissioned you can't say that African art isn't highly decolonized Africa's treasures were being preserved in European museums a hundred years ago traders and scientists fought fret asurs cultural and everyday items to Europe from the colonies often they considered themselves saviors they believed they were saving the items from decay in Africa not only nature but mainly the invasion of civilization had endangered old cults and their sacred items the it'll be a poofy Europeans benefit from the arts we are wealthy and can afford whatever we want even things belong to other cultures does good of yours we can afford to own this exotic part of Africa it's [Music] Toula must cover all the significant masks of left Africa Africa itself doesn't own any originals anymore veritable 'madam Astra original donc less d'Afrique a if Africans want to see traditional African art they can only do so through the Western portrayal and presentation gruffy de la cocina [Music] Alice T dude I was the first African who worked for the department of art history at the Humboldt University in Berlin Rajesh I have been researching the perception of traditional African art because I want to understand how people see the art today most Europeans transfer their own perception on to other cultures in 1979 journalists wrote about African art calling it children's art at the most see they're not done for [Music] [Music] rommel Chabot so in a village in his home country Benin he has been following the tracks of old masks and has found that they are still being used ritually in the countryside people still keep simple but important masks important me but the items that remain nothing compared to the items that are gone [Music] Gallaudet is a mask dance of the Yoruba the head of this mask represents the way the people in this village perceive their environment and how their environment is controlled any collectors only consider masks that have been used in a ritual to be genuine 120 years ago cultural scientists from Europe had taken away these symbols of old beliefs museums were created to store the African treasures he have occurred first in I was told that a temple in Bernina was for sale apparently the family that maintained the cult and owned the temple had converted to Islam in aerica some Ted assume Islam Ubik III at least with the marabou a marble an Islamic missionary was asking them to sell burn their old costumes actually he said they had to beg and lick is Optimus to see for Brennan ever done the family heard those someone who might buy the costume Asian and that's how they came into my possession easy costumey so me Akiko men obviously hear me soon likewise Christian missionaries attempted to destroy Africa's cultural assets because any form of Arts especially with the ritual connection pain is part of African identity identity at this come on GTR dudes in Moscow it's obvious that the older the masks are the more interesting they are there because you get the feeling you could experience your own history and culture through that are you gonna cool toward are not married are Ducie also a far fellow Christians Islamists and colonizers tried to destroy African history try to make it seem like a penis didn't have any ishtam that's xxx we're gonna kind of get used to her bus we don't coach is wrong seeing that Africa is the source of history all together that's why old art can still be found in West Africa mr. speaker excavations in Nigeria the culture of the knob states back nearly a thousand years before Christ the discovery of their terracotta figures made them famous but not already extracted iron on and made tools from it as of yet they're statues and amulets belonged to the oldest form of federal art in Africa south of the Sahara these advanced civilizations are still mostly uncharted cultures and realms have been forgotten due to the lack of written documentation and hence any memory of them the men are proud of their findings which can enable them to track the roots of their own history African art is proof of an advanced civilization I always tell Africans it's proof that you had one of the greatest cultures in the world the p1 captured on a moon we often speak about the objects the masks and the fetishes but the art of the royal courts in the 14th centuries have got you not even to mention Nigeria and Benin where you can find items more than a thousand years old that's evidence of a very ancient culture maybe the Western world was still living in caves while Africa already had kingdoms a throne in the Berlin Museum the masterpiece from Cameroon has been in the museum for a hundred years back then the King had to settle for a copy of his own throne the German emperor and the king of the balloon Sultan Goya his kingdom was assigned to the German colony of Camery only a couple of years later the Germans deprived the king of his throne there is also the old art that was brought to Europe by the colonial masters these things are still here they are missing in Africa they're pieces of African history - oh she took from Africa initiative the conquerors were deeply impressed by the craftsmanship of the balloon museum directors in Berlin and Leipzig raved about the king's throne man do you pressured by the colonial administration no Joya agreed to consider the throne a gift to the Emperor the throne was moved to the Museum in Berlin and the Sultan was given a mechanical Orchestrion in return today his grandson the bombuh new Joya sits on the replica from the colonial days over there you can see my grandfather's actual throne well My Kingdom is 600 years old you can't simply erase 600 years with a stroke of a pen girl [Music] it's global and for justice I believe it was plain robbery it was to show I in this land and I am powerful who should emerge dish just long ago hurt me out for me colonization in its purest form and that's undeniable [Music] the Swiss gallery owner Rene David is familiar with these allegations due to historical experience European art dealers are considered art thieves by Africans but dahveed wanted to make a change and he opened a museum right at the hub of the West African art trade Rene David really is a man with a great passion for house pulip Judah he loves African cook he probably devour it so Rupa Gatewood I'm suddenly mr. David had opened a museum a museum you stopped my mama here shortly after our wedding Rene suggested buying a house and setting up a museum I was scared but I said don't hesitate it's going to be great do you think you could go shows it provides us with the possibility to educate people to show them what African art really is I own a lots of original masks from Africa I'm going to bring my entire collection from Switzerland back to Africa [Music] that's a work after all the museum is for you as far firkins and not for tourists [Music] being the only museum that exhibits a large collection of items from all over the continent it has become a magnet for collectors and traders in the villages in Togo the Voodoo belief still lives on objects of nature serve as a vessel for ancestors and spirits the Swiss dealer Rene David was a welcome guest for the villagers whose sacred items present a connection to their own ancestors the voodoo priest is an Oracle therapist and confidant for the most intimate concerns his tools are very sought-after by travelling dealers Jeff oh boy I've been on many shopping trips for a single object you have to hit the road five times by doing it today we traveled to pennines Ghana and Burkina Faso if you want to purchase decent items you have to travel a lot and for something really good you sometimes even have to risk your life the traders Omar battery and Orsini bida travelled from the capital to the distant village of Seco they specialize in sacred items set villages he'd done the least we saw today is at least 100 years old donate do some mean I offered to pay 300 euros but he declined the family notices when you replace a fetish he can't do that dunk in a booth battle affair he told me to forget about it otherwise it could lead to someone's death your item already does my death for his Eva Marie on ahead shizzi sometimes we buy objects for a hundred and fifty euros and sell them for 450 euros Enda for decisive continue and then after subtracting the costs for transport etc we're left with a small amount to live off the little Jay get a prices puzzlement sometimes you read in the newspaper that the items we sold are going for 7,500 euros in Europe say Danny a video I'll pair up replacing fetishes and objects that you can purchase here for about 1,500 euros can easily be sold for 200 times that's announced in Europe these are media ABBA the delivery I've known mr. Rene Devine for a long time yeah Casey and I also know mr. Casey who has been living here with us for quite some time you never feel on time we need to have a pool or occasionally he leaves but he always comes back he's a good man and he buys our items he isn't complicated very nice Casey's next spurt on the scene traders like him organize transport across the borders often bypassing the export regulations of neighboring countries real or fake people fear Casey's experienced eye is that your warehouse you have a lots of things yeah look at my Betsy from the Yoruba are these originals or are they fake there in between that's an interesting answer I can learn something from you that's a great bond give away this one is a fetish from Ghana from the Ashanti it's supposed to be from the Ashanti the woods too light for the Ashanti no no it's in between some of them are heavy and some of them are like we've seen the one issue basically I'm saga Li's I used to be your uncle's customer you've been working for me for 40 years packaging the ID signs and handling customers I evict led to an LOC comb sir nutria a primo guarantee on something how do you carry on trade with Nigeria welcome our own fair Boudreaux you can't just leave the country don't you have to take forbidden paths to bring the goods - lo mein they should make you gonna hate daddy I wonder a village on the border to panini the cava a magician team works here with his family what year I can sell you this mask for seventy five euros I have two wives and eight children one here and one in Cameron we live off this work don't abuse yourself business isn't going well the dealers come to us and always talk about the crisis but when will this crisis actually end and it's about contest series Volvo Feeny we the artists asking you Europeans whether you've run out of paper to print your money over there if you skip - no - have been strange developments especially in the field of Arts he baked in an ITV ports or traded for a pair of sneakers 20 years ago might now be worth thousands of euros does Khan hide did thousand the Irish vets in every collector has his trusted dealer Kurt Wagner from Munich has built a friendly business relationship with the gallery owner Jean Dawid the auction expert advises his customer before the auctions there are lot of tricks this one is worth about two to three thousand euros I can't buy everything so what do you need what do I need well you do know that that's there have been auctions where I was sitting at the back well a friend of mine was bidding at the front to get some wood leviticus tag and when I coughed he would put his hand down handler and the dealer in Africa tells me that if he sells me the objects for 100 euros I can resell it for 1000 euros and I say the same thing when I make 1,000 Sotheby's makes 10,000 the spiritual feeling that the carver has imbued into the figure transcends any categorization of African art or fang sculpture it gives the sculpture kind of universal presence which any lover of art can immediately recognize their mock draft there is lots of money in the business of African art worldwide so obviously clever marketing is a necessity this includes catalogs nice pictures all great exhibitions international organism in the end it supporters in like a products in any line of business if Nestle wants to launch a new yoga they will try to sell it to the best they can forego and if they succeed the product sells well for example you can buy mineral water one to ten euros it's the same water in every bottle it's the marketing that makes the difference and it's the same with African art off by Africana der kunst the auctions my auction houses obviously play a big role so there are different ways to manipulate the value of an item they don't be and this is often done shamelessly smear charmless Jima is comped afforda sometimes dealers rebuy their own items as a high price in order to have a reference price in a reference price [Music] and if they stick an authentic piece has to really catch your eye the first glance has to be enough visit fake or real even for an art collector it's difficult to get the hang of these things correct often [Music] the club of collectors travels to Europe's events in the prestigious bookshop fish buffer they are greeted by a familiar face Heinrich Schweitzer is head of the African Department at Sotheby's in New York and has just released a book about the splendid collection of a rich American visions of grace also depicts the origin of the sculptures and masks needless to say it improves the value of the collection the fact that it is shown in a book makes it a famous collection and it was written by Schweitzer everybody is interested in it so the bees is interested because its name appears in it and because the boss roses the collectors are interested because their items are made public and that raises the price of the collection a collection he considers goods for the North American or European certificate to be valuable I'm thinking about Sotheby's or Christie's these are stock based companies they make a turnover of 10 billion the companies are backed by stockholders who probably don't even care about the Arts maybe the employees put in a lot of effort because shareholders want to see your profits benzene this is that's the number see that's 10 billion burned with arts and that's only the amount they officially declare you know the people up there don't mess around they take it damn seriously they don't think it's funny you've hidden doesn't let Steve Sotheby's spent 42 million dollars alone on the sale of an African art collection belonging to a hairdressing empire the jewel in the collection a female sir Nouveau figure that was auctioned off for a record price the ancient sculptures of the knot were once extremely expensive the collection of terracotta busts is Girt Kesey's pride and joy when the knot were discovered it became a sensation however years later the market was flooded with NOK figures and as a result the value decreased uses these sculptures are all broken when they are found there is lots of confusion in which you can only understand if you know the excavation circumstances it's a politically restricted area if you will sit you'd better keep doing this earlier half a century ago the United Nations established rules to regulate the exportation and theft of art but the illegal traffic across the borders of Nigerian Togo has not ceased as a result of this uncle is a little they dig holes and collects the broken pieces you might find the hand while someone else finds the body and yet another person finds the arms and legs afterwards you take the individual pieces to a restorer and he combines the pieces in order to complete the sculpture there was a very famous sculpture that was fantastic and had great artistic value after a couple of years that completely changed color so it became noticeable that it had been altered a lot about one ultimately it's fairly easy to do so you pulverized the old broken pieces that aren't worth a lot mixed them under water and create sludge from which you can create a new object based on form tannoy was so say that they would obviously you have to support the structure somehow x-rays can help you detect if the sculpture contains iron or wood for instance from scrutiny justice bestie that literally like piston fire a CT scan layer by layer is revealed the expert can then determine the age of the materials used and detect patchwork [Music] in Nigeria everything is forbidden like here in Togo if you want to knock object I can bring it to you in a couple of minutes it was like getting bread in Nigeria on the other hand everything takes place secretly if I yet I have been to the digging areas twice I could never get anything it was impossible and then suddenly the object surfaced in Togo it was very exciting because they brought them there using onion trucks hiding the objects underneath the onions he hummed er fats we lost making 13k property mom although it wasn't really hiding it wasn't forbidden it football it's fascinating you can't find a certain item in one place but suddenly someone offers its you a thousand kilometres away the song people middlemen hand out Sotheby's and Christie's catalogs to Carver's and artists who then use them as a reference documents of origin are then written by the middlemen in the capital or overseas whether or not the work of a carver becomes a fake is determined by the paperwork falsely dated documents are used to deceive the buyer should prevail every month I work with the entire world I have customers in Germany the United States France and everywhere else what else are we supposed to do without the copies we wouldn't be able to survive yeah kudos again don't run uni much come sauna the ideas come to me at night I take a photo from the catalogue this one is a Sanji statue from gaboon with the missing feet Sanji do cabo Jesus I would replicate it perfectly only adding the feet watch you very pretty who never shows you the metrology Danka when the statue surface is on the market I can prove that it is not the same one no I can replicate every single piece in the museum and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart the post comes they do when I Lucas are welcome Camas evolution 1 if my chickens help me with the pattern for the first and second layer I use go do some good cause anything I put the third step is chicken feces you saw the chickens right it goes on top of the objects and the whole thing is left to dry in the Sun even using my voice yet you've woken up a teenager via you refer salty Association you Soleil the feces stay on the objects and eventually they end up looking holding love you you either every collector no matter how much of an expert he is has fallen for a replicable falling the phone I can't name a single one that hasn't seen a death and II feel my anger furless Oh Musa spice here does he hear that oh yeah it's happened to me before I bought some objects with great excitement and then realized a month later that I'd been conned very funny now once I finish and as to the authority [Music] I'm flattered my own ideas my father was one of the first people or even a first person to open a museum in Africa by bringing back items from the Western world bangles it was great dedication on his part and oh and stick and and I'd say he was very proud the one person to actually do something everybody else just talks about doing returning the cultural goods to Africa mr. Devine suddenly said he wanted to close down the museum said that comes as the irony just like that and nobody knew why Kelly Rizzo he shut it down and soon everybody knew met the building is still there but without the items belonging to mr. dahveed he took them with him to Switzerland and we missed them here al she's is student mother [Music] when I do Phil Miller music we had to close down the museum due to health reasons Rene's weak vanilla lot he couldn't stay in Togo to carry on the museum so he shut it down I love me--don't gone that you feel me the object element meant father had that big house christened my father closed the museum down due to health issues and the majority of the objects were returned to Europe we did salute mapo-gu : old masters discovered an exhibition in bonds art gallery exhibits masks from workshops on the Ivory Coast finally visitors realize that old African art is not simply random tribal art these artists have their own handwriting and names the colonial point of view starts to expand this mosque nevertheless whether something is beautiful or of good quality and high value this is still determined by the Western art market yeah many schools and shops emerged in Africa that allow us to admire the art today but the most important masks have left their home nope one could say right because you've taken away all our authentic masks we're gonna take the waste you send here to make new masks and sell them back to you [Music] we are [Music]
Channel: wocomoCULTURE
Views: 68,113
Rating: 4.6674261 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Heller, Aissa Halidou, Jean David, Gert Chesi, Amidou Gentil, Karl-Ferdinand Schädler, Anita Schröder, Gert Stoll, Musée du Quai Branly, African Art, african culture, ancient african art, Nigeria, Markt der Masken
Id: E5NEm5qwTAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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