Afghanistan under Taliban Rule (1996)

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[Music] that posted image<font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> delta</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> plateau Delta</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the ilaria I'm</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> not they do have a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> still</font> ask you <font color="#E5E5E5">Delta bed amongst our adult Olympus dune</font> over at Livadia gonnigan be<font color="#CCCCCC"> monstrous</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">alumina Omkara the ology said</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it distill</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">our Foreman said give Aramis</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Nizar the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Munem say that come card</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">islamic</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> gear up a whole to not appear</font> embody the<font color="#CCCCCC"> piranha lady has a still</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> a</font> core<font color="#CCCCCC"> mantle</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> brother Kerry</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Nevada welcome</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">for the Akashi Sippel Eric am selecting</font> instead us <font color="#CCCCCC">superbunny Thank You Teresa for</font> interruptions<font color="#E5E5E5"> and Anna</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> will know</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> particularly<font color="#E5E5E5"> dupa</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> jalalabad Quixote that</font> value to the super chewy fish new<font color="#E5E5E5"> Havana</font> masala<font color="#CCCCCC"> ha ha masala have read to be</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> most</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">relatable helices are all other hairs</font> are all the Hawaii halasana<font color="#E5E5E5"> upon duality</font> anosmia discipline the recommend to prove very<font color="#CCCCCC"> phallic</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Paula Kurata feminism</font> a toga our true<font color="#CCCCCC"> kerkoff anonymity</font> [Applause] [Applause] yeah <font color="#CCCCCC">I'm getting it</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ikana</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> don't mock me thank you</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">did me thank you the choregraphy</font> tomorrow at la llamada home cellular level<font color="#E5E5E5"> Karim</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Allah for libel defamation</font> raju sundaram<font color="#CCCCCC"> honor him</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">shintaro</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> chief elder with me</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Slavik logical toroidal magnetic and</font> more<font color="#E5E5E5"> inspector</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> cunipic dear did you</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">catch a the club across</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the shock</font> similar genetically<font color="#E5E5E5"> do you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> read</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> other<font color="#E5E5E5"> part was a</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> clever</font> [Music] for<font color="#E5E5E5"> one</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> thing I was born in this house</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and we stood</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> here up to the last four</font> here<font color="#E5E5E5"> a while the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Mujahideen come</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> into</font> the Kabul<font color="#E5E5E5"> and unfortunately this area</font> was<font color="#CCCCCC"> the first place real Mujahideen</font> involved in battle with regime Rashid Dostum forces the<font color="#E5E5E5"> butter was so heavy</font> and they used heavy guns and cannons<font color="#E5E5E5"> for</font> the few days it was<font color="#E5E5E5"> very difficult to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">come out of whom's we estate and</font> basement for about three days<font color="#CCCCCC"> and nights</font> then we could see a<font color="#CCCCCC"> little how is what</font> is going happen here at<font color="#E5E5E5"> the time we saw</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">many</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of our neighbors were killed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> even</font> we know and they had buried<font color="#E5E5E5"> their family</font> member in their houses<font color="#E5E5E5"> following that</font> the area of<font color="#E5E5E5"> fell to Rashid Dostum people</font> who were actually<font color="#CCCCCC"> they I can say there</font> aren't<font color="#E5E5E5"> Afghans their wealth people and</font> they they do<font color="#CCCCCC"> not spare any</font> discrimination<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the local</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> people</font> therefore<font color="#CCCCCC"> we escaped from</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this area I</font> left everything<font color="#E5E5E5"> here</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> I managed to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> go to</font> Peshawar <font color="#CCCCCC">what has happened to you a family</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">previously two of my</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> brothers were</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">jailed during the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> jeep</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> out during karma</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">when</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a common government when karma</font> wasn't on the part two<font color="#E5E5E5"> of them were the</font> member of Students Union were in jail <font color="#E5E5E5">one forced sex year the other one for</font> one year<font color="#E5E5E5"> following that they left to</font> push our and they treat people<font color="#E5E5E5"> in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> very</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">strange people</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> as as a wealth animal can</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">dance</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> so people were happy when the</font> Taliban<font color="#E5E5E5"> came for a while years because</font> the<font color="#E5E5E5"> Taliban could bring peace here but</font> as<font color="#E5E5E5"> you see they have imposed some laws</font> on people<font color="#E5E5E5"> that I can put the people in</font> trouble<font color="#CCCCCC"> for example for the woman who</font> makes one of the very act<font color="#CCCCCC"> activists part</font> of<font color="#E5E5E5"> our society</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">as if as if I each Krishna stinky idea</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">madam at our money can you</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Felicia</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> harem</font> I'm sure a<font color="#CCCCCC"> table</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> llama not afraid not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">freshman</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Mahad</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Michonne he grows by job rafting</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">share a couple</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> hurried an auspicious</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">permit</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> under Fordham lift I'm sure she</font> got<font color="#E5E5E5"> Pascoe</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> frita but could automatically</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">a job if the job enemy</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Javas the</font> Guerrera zippy job she's<font color="#CCCCCC"> never showed</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">any better check at the market I'm sure</font> made in a just on<font color="#CCCCCC"> another in the Kannada</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">shman</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> jarred Estella bicycle sheesh</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">T if Dean Islamic Appalachia need my</font> laptop<font color="#CCCCCC"> SAV goosh me freedom</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> GU share</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">up my QE</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Ponzo cerca de would pass up</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Mario fucker Gooch the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> hook make it a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">transducer push the hair up Makeda</font> points<font color="#CCCCCC"> dozer move the more ambush to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">hook up at people I got shampoo cheese</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">gap another I'm</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> goosh the commodity code</font> on my<font color="#CCCCCC"> part Kasim Ultima ratio good</font> distributor<font color="#CCCCCC"> sucio would start with cushy</font> generality of some shots<font color="#E5E5E5"> those who</font> didn't yet not parted optimism<font color="#E5E5E5"> cattle a</font> woman<font color="#E5E5E5"> I saw gusta gender differences are</font> too much enough no<font color="#E5E5E5"> mr. Sherman</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> - naked</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">everything with passion mop another</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Jewish the supermarket I could push the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Hoover</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> because I'm a high emotions the</font> meeting because<font color="#E5E5E5"> I could push the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Harappa</font> me fake ones that<font color="#CCCCCC"> calculate under</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> static</font> the static moaning but she's a<font color="#CCCCCC"> Pesce</font> circulate<font color="#CCCCCC"> elections a</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> charcoal kishimen</font> at Baskin [Music] [Music] [Music] only for two<font color="#CCCCCC"> days</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we find the 12</font> anti-personnel mine and<font color="#CCCCCC"> 10 anti-tank</font> mine<font color="#E5E5E5"> is this area also covered with</font> mines<font color="#CCCCCC"> yes</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> sir</font> deep this setup demands all this<font color="#E5E5E5"> area</font> and also up<font color="#CCCCCC"> to that corner</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> all of this</font> video this<font color="#E5E5E5"> video</font> we pull out<font color="#CCCCCC"> 20 sorry</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> 12 anti-personnel</font> mines<font color="#E5E5E5"> payment</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to mines</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from this corner</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">and we put on the wall</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to call</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> UD people</font> to destroy these mine or to shift them from this area<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> dust</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that places but</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">unfortunately the other people are</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">coming and take out</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> these mine and</font> carry by<font color="#E5E5E5"> themself</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the other people being</font> the Taliban<font color="#E5E5E5"> yes sir yes they told us we</font> need<font color="#E5E5E5"> these mines and they carry</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with</font> themselves what do that what do they need these mines for maybe they were set up<font color="#E5E5E5"> some</font> other places<font color="#E5E5E5"> for the protection or for</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the security for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the saving their self</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">self but how</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> does it feel as a person</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">risking</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> your life doing</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this kind of</font> work and then somebody just<font color="#E5E5E5"> picks them</font> up to use them in<font color="#E5E5E5"> another place we have</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">problem</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> with these</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> guys but we don't</font> have enough force to fight with these guys or<font color="#CCCCCC"> to say something else if it</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they</font> will punish<font color="#E5E5E5"> us we have to say</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ok</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> can</font> carry this the problem<font color="#E5E5E5"> of Afghanistan is so</font> complicated<font color="#CCCCCC"> and there are many internal</font> and external forces<font color="#E5E5E5"> interest in</font> Afghanistan and they do anything according<font color="#CCCCCC"> to your</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> own vision</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> according</font> their own benefit<font color="#E5E5E5"> therefore for the</font> present<font color="#E5E5E5"> I'm not so helpful</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> otherwise if</font> the United Nation<font color="#E5E5E5"> do something</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> about the</font> people<font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Afghanistan and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> be and show</font> some type of sympathy otherwise I'm not super<font color="#E5E5E5"> full and the future might be as</font> dark as it<font color="#E5E5E5"> was in</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> previous in the past</font>
Channel: Journeyman Pictures
Views: 62,312
Rating: 4.6568627 out of 5
Keywords: Mujahadeen, Taliban, Afghanistan, Poppies, Kabul, Un, news, documentary, current affairs, journeyman, journeyman pictures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2007
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