Afghanistan (Full Documentary) USMC in Sangin 2010 - 2014

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they said he was doing something fishy yeah they just came out uh one went up the road uh going north and that one's going up the pass yeah 450. i'll play i'll play if they got you still got eyes on him uh no the one that went up the path i can't see in that dead space but the guy the other guy he's with won that tree line all right let's go [Music] saw the vehicle hit because it turned orange from the flash of it hitting it around the vehicle appears to go to the engine block yeah cause he [ __ ] said i got nothing man he's gone hey goody amanda black man dressed rolled up and dragged one of the bodies off we couldn't hit him we should have stayed over here [Music] yeah i couldn't see on there behind definitely but i did see it all right foreign hey is that our rounds outgoing or the receiving rounds the two groups maybe a hundred yards sure they don't two or three one two four one nine and one five you're telling me two or three rounds you're about 100 meters off [Music] [Music] i got one of still there [Music] final attack heading south to north road 421 through 424 ground planners call climb deadbeat one six and uh i have to get approval from deadbeat six and from chosen eight one i'll let you know once we have approval at six two five seven zero line seven talk on line eight my closest friend south line nine right pull back to your head remarks final attack heading south to north rle 421 to 424 drown commander's call signs that beat one six holy [ __ ] that was awesome [Music] give me a head wreck to try [Music] [Applause] everybody [Applause] right eight eight nine nine six five seven three how copy hey from there dude ah ah we got no more movement over there sir man building hey johnny we're no longer taking fire from the building to our west here excuse me we need up over here [Music] i can't really tell which yard line they're moving on yep [Music] throw a grenade in there that's next door it to us hey two or three up hello heads up all right i got one all right stand by for shot stand by the shot i had three in my sights two went running the opposite direction where they came in got a moped moving east to west at about you'll catch him on that uh on the right side yeah in a couple seconds there he goes yeah don't engage that now dude start getting off the moped see the penis-shaped door right in front of us if you go right behind that that's where he is [Music] one all right the road is right there you're two two yeah [Music] right here hey up six one [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i mean [Music] yes [Music] so so oh okay so okay foreign okay all right here we [Music] welcome go you appreciation [Music] [Music] is absolutely [Applause] right here standing right in front of us there's some uh very brave men here and women with the third battalion fifth marines uh they these guys are bringing the fight to the taliban you know yesterday were reported from marjah which is a real success story a much calmer place than it was several months ago tonight we're in sang it this is where the comma down the marine corps general james amos wanted to come because these are the guys that are in the the thick of it right now and uh and colonel jason morris is a company commander right i mean uh commander and and you guys are are in the thick of it tell me about that yeah we've been here for uh almost 90 days and every day has seen multiple fire fights and that's all the taliban is bringing well we wish you and your your men here a merry christmas uh please stay safe out there because as a group would you like to saving i would like to thank my wife my children and all the families from third battalion fifth marines that are supporting us here and also uh the larger fifth marines first marine division and marine corps family and all those american patriots that are supporting us and i just want to wish you all a merry christmas uh we're in good hands uh keep the prayers coming and keep uh those uh little goodies coming too and with that uh merry christmas and jets let's give them a little uh three five action three five get it up get up all right thank you very much guys we're the warriors here in sang in afghanistan thank you tennessee you know with all the marines okay all you young guys we got guys crotch did it break looks good got it okay that's it okay man i did just to show you what a dirtbag i am i was getting hugs and stuff from all the ladies back there three five [Laughter] okay i've got this is amy harper amy murray and oh ann harper yeah right here all right there you go just to let you know that i enjoyed doing the hunt for the first time [Laughter] all right kelly barclays [Laughter] not about where they're at [Music] north west are good continue [Applause] either on this one or that one so i could get 240 faces [Music] i'm going to give you okay [Music] them [Music] that's what i'm saying i got this i got this one in a lifetime deal here man they follow me all right i'm gonna sweep out that one pushing towards that building so at least we got those guys covering that sector and have half this one kind of along this and to the left whenever you're ready uh what the plan was to go to building seven we had our main element they set up the sbf right there and they had the security team uh that was gonna take one team in there now what we're doing is setting up an spf for them so they got the north northeast covered we're taking the north northwest to the southwest kind of so we're covering all that right now and we got a but so it looks like the 33 don't want to go to building 7 no more for suspicious activity i'm not sure but right now they're pushing across building two which is over there so our main element should be coming up behind us and we're going to provide basically spf for them they're going to go out to building two and once the setting over there we'll pick up and they take a team or two go inside a building or whatever they have to do to check out and talk to whatever they gotta talk to for now we just speak after security for now see if we take contact now but i doubt it hello oh radio or whatever they are trouble is dance dance is foreign oh all right okay um um [Music] the purpose of this patrol base is so we can uh disrupt and interdict any taliban or insurgency that is moving south down to the uh the district center so that we can uh establish a good government in this area atmospherics in the area are very negative um the people don't really uh stay stay around in the morning they'll leave in the evening they'll come back and then all through the day it's just us and the taliban up here fighting so the atmospherics aren't where we'd like them we'd like to get them a little bit higher where people would actually like to stay in the area but right now they don't uh the routine for our platoon at this time is uh reaction we use bounding overwatch everywhere due to the engagements that we have here um support by fires lots of support by fires while we maneuver to another support by fire which will allow them to displace and maneuver behind us we utilize mortars uh a lot of hedp uh overwhelming fire superiority uh wall charges to make entering the compounds to allow us so we don't have to walk through uh danger areas and such that's normal for us to to maneuver around this area the fighting in the area is getting better uh before we couldn't come up here without getting engaged by a lot a lot of individuals 15 20 guys would be engaging from several different locations uh they tried to get you in a u-shaped o-shaped ambushes [Music] but recently uh due to the we we've been taking the ground faster and faster they've had less time to set up so we're getting engaged by three four guys at a time and they only shoot a couple bursts and then they they leave because they know we're gonna kill our mission is uh to disrupt not to allow the enemy to maneuver as much as they would like they want to maneuver around us setting ied belts they want to attack our mission when we patrol out of here is to disrupt that catch them in the act of putting an ied in catch them before they can shoot at us shoot at them kill them before they can come kill us up here there's the three block or the three stages clear holding build down in the southern portions they're starting to move into the build phase up here we're still clear so that's our mission up here we're clearing this area [Music] in four five five positions along these buildings my couple would all stick he'll be pushing along the buildings over here clearing out these buildings and that's basically just the plan it should be a short patrol but uh no anybody knows what happens out here we're probably gonna take contact we take contact it's gonna come a little longer and we're gonna have good support by fire set in so we're gonna suppress the enemy and that's about the gist of our patrol we're gonna push back to the pd yeah and i'm going to go up here and i'm going to try to find a way under the street so we get a rifleman on this roof to cover out back here all right doors shut so you can get like maniglia mendes on the roof we can have them cover the door and to our uh southeast high robbery and i got this door and you'll take turns covering this door we got posts over here all right there's you can at least see some of the compounds and some of the tree lines and that i don't think there's another place [Music] as good as maybe not and friendly's in the tree line between three six and three seven copied our friendlies in building three six and three lines between three six and three seven all right we're good as soon as this target gets spun up we all can maneuver you guys need to uh be prepared suppress for them and then we're going to fire this target they're good on the roof they keep it on this room so it's no one coming out of this room rim i need you on that roof all right [Music] that's okay huh roger you guys have security all right cool we're gonna move them um [ __ ] one right i tried breaking the wall because you can't stamp it right here pull this gun okay really not good at all was to locate and establish a new patrol base to allow us to operate patrols at him uh we moved the troll base to kind of change it up a bit because if we keep the patrol base in one central location at all times besides the main patrol base then it allows the enemy to establish uh finding positions and see our avenues of our avenues that we usually travel to um and place ieds and that kind of thing so by moving the patrol base it kind of changes it up and kind of throws a curveball towards that uh the reason why we did that is because um since we've been operating so far up in the north we've kind of been neglecting the western portion of our uh a piece that we've already cleared and our establishing google relationships with people uh trying to find teachers to to work at schools and those kind of things what we did was with patrol base further south to allow us to easier interact with those people and also it's just to the uh just to kind of the west bar patrol base along a true line where we know there's a enemy activity trying to in place ieds by keeping a presence in this general area it'll hinder the enemy and actually place these ieds on us so keeping us safe and safe at the same time we get released for livo when we get back i'm buying a [ __ ] ride with 7 11. you see that guy in that back tree line yeah i've been watching him i thought that was a new guy that just walked up oh god yeah he's always to the left he just like got down yeah hey you walked into that tree line students huh uh i don't know um right now we're clearing cluster and popping on yankee for taliban gear things of that nature and uh so far nothing found out so my personal safety uh we're gonna blow some trees up take the tree lines out right here so we can observe down the uh taliban highway uh once we clear that out we're gonna move back up here we're gonna blow a couple of sets of trees up um so we can have better observation from our post into that tree line and then we're going to come up here and look for uh some ieds that some uh the locals gave us the other day saying that there were some ieds over here off to the uh off over by building 24 over here back in the alleyway so that's where we're gonna go today [Music] patrol for me [Music] and then you guys can go to work we're going over right now yeah but we gotta wait for it we gotta wait okay i'll put mezzo right here then so we can watch all the streetlights i'll watch that back at that compound all right [Music] five [Music] five [Music] [Music] half the times when we popped them at the end like that [Music] [Applause] at this uh today's mission was uh the first part of our mission was to destroy some trees that were blocking our observations a crossing point that we use uh quite frequently in that area uh just south of our pb or just west of the pb uh and then the second portion of our patrol is to uh we got a local national tip that there were some ieds right next to the patrol base and we're out here with eod to take care of them uh we took some c4 uh and just blew him out a little bit uh tried to destroy some of the shrubbery with some of uh like a big flame ball destroy some of the uh the undergrowth that'll uh cause us not to be have good vantage point on that bridge that we cross and now we can see it from our post and be able to cover it that way it doesn't get ied in the future hello [Music] back up this guy's missing a finger [Music] is it dripping all you gotta do is put four drips for me you don't like me walking through your field yeah huh foreign i hear the dog and stop any vehicles that come down to the pathway so is that better oh outside those compounds are two compounds building three and building five and you're looking right into it once you grab a running start starting brother that was good because you thought a lot of stuff huh yeah [Music] yeah we're gonna hold up here a second how do you need those going to the shirt tomorrow some [ __ ] i'm going to feed you for free i know you guys have fed me enough for free you coming with us man there we go [Music] [Music] yes yeah the mission of the patrol was a basic security patrol in the sectors of quebec 5 hotel and apollo 8 romeo basically we had a psyops attachment with us spread the message about it we did we did reach the brink of hollow up we've had some uh some contact there and as we reached it we saw a lot of people leave there was no reason to push any further we got the message out from the psyops and from then on we just continued down south [Music] [Music] that was good that message definitely got across uh he has a backpack with a big stereo in it and it broadcasts uh messages we had our turf record the night prior there's there's multiple messages there's one of an anti-drug message that they got out today as well you guys recording him hitting the shots oh sorry you already had the shot when i was leaving the hab he was just getting dressed do not get a comm check with me just change it there that's battalion's channel if smoke starts coming out of the two holes where the safety used to be just say smoke and you're good if it doesn't you're gonna push back in twist again and pull again if it doesn't go the second time you're gonna do it one more time if that doesn't happen just put the igniter down and walk away you say five dot one five seconds that was probably about fifteen all we effectively did just now was reduced roughly 30 pounds of hme it was a that was used as ied main charges out in town um to effectively make uh both sangin and the base at this point safer hey what's your call sign brother 2-1 roger i'm sucking up all this [ __ ] baby you look hot man problem i don't even know what the movie's [ __ ] called right now hustle and flow there you go make sure the other guy with the black one he [ __ ] had the cell phone the guy with the black one had the cell phone and then the old man on the back had a [ __ ] bluetooth piece but uh no [ __ ] uh like no cell phone good you over here all right let's take them over and hide them cell phone it is get back to them and we'll let the gunny over here [ __ ] get this about the rush the rest of the guys just hold there don't let him leave until i'm done all right all right we're held in a vcp on taliban checkpoint road uh we have with us the jpec guys i don't really know what they do but they have got some slobbing and stuff like that to collect dna off all these guys these four individuals you see here [ __ ] drove up in a truck uh everybody else there is pretty old i don't suspect any wrongdoing by them but these are the younger males so i'm going to put them in the height system and we're going to get their dna and if they come out clean we'll let them go so don't we're going to arrest why were you watching us in english how many of those kids do you got that's how we do it i don't know how you do it yeah same way brother i just always like to hear something more than just one name you know i guess that'll work there you type it in [Music] zero nine or no eight i mean two five six we're trying to lie to you right it's all right [Music] mucho so where we meeting up with them pretty much where you want me the same place we were yeah do one send it our mission today was to uh set up a vcp on taliban checkpoint road and then the other half of the patrol was going to push up through quebec one charlie and quebecois bravo in order to recon areas for a possible squad pb upcoming we had a leap behind element they were probably uh hiding in the corn about 15 meters off the road and they were there for i'd say 45 minutes they didn't see anybody at that time so that's when i pushed my element back there once we pushed back we immediately start hiding an individual and uh at that point a truck showed up with like 10 to 15 more guys and basically the gates open and there's just motorcycle after motorcycle and we had more guys than we could deal with for my side we didn't capture we just brought in a person who meets the description of one of our high value targets he had a pretty lazy eye and a messed up finger so when we after we got done hiding him we set him aside and we brought him back to the base with us um usually if they haven't done anything extremely wrong to where we need to flex the cuff them and blindfold them on the spot we'll have them lead our patrol back just for you know marine safety and they can pick whatever route they choose and yeah they're probably not going to choose a route that they planted an ied on so that's why we do that uh we haven't confirmed or denied anything about him yet we're still processing him and doing our gsc investigations and stuff but uh like i said he mentioned the description of the hpt that we have out and we'll see where that leads to [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] of distance what's going on out there going three blackwood two two two to uh just north of the mississippi uh in this thick tree line same place we took contact from last time uh we're going to be uh sort of maneuvering out that direction i need you to see all of your fires uh orientating towards the northeast all right hey if we take fire from there like that freaking place up dakota three's nowhere near there they're on the south side of kola all right you guys good yeah we're good it was pretty close though how crazy is that stopped directly north of the corner alright uh [Music] all right [Music] um [Music] [Music] alpha to push up to uh rebecca and bravo kind of lose all the icon traffic is coming from sitting there waiting for us rainer to pb so they can start shooting at us bravo is going to push it alpha's going to push to 92 93 and they're going to hold there once they get set in we are gonna [ __ ] start moving from seven to six we're gonna unmask start pushing down along the mississippi down south stay into the depth blade push out to the back side of it back in compound where we've gotten down that guy come down south and these guys start opening up on us alpha's going to start uh maneuvering on them as that's happening it's going to look like we're going inside the pb but we're not going to go into bb we're going to [Music] if anyone's trying to egress alpha's going to block them off we're going to push towards the this tree line over there this id belt used to be see if we get anybody pushing out that that direction we could catch him you know so we'll probably start taking fire by then i'll get signal uh i'll be communicating with alpha i'm gonna try to get a blimp on top of that and that's what's gonna happen let's take yes seven people um right now hey okay um hey are you ready yes sir where do you want me to shoot it all right right there yeah that's the plan [Music] wow [Music] i just don't know we've heard all that uh [Applause] oh um standby well that was interesting i think what's up okay all right foreign you need the light holy [ __ ] shine your light down in there what's it for where's the tripod what's down there nothing normal-sized room he's on the ground he might care for a trolling fight let's stab the children is foreign hey that's the case foreign pushing yeah we're the marines that are actually live across the street we're gonna be here uh working with the a and the people [Music] who is how to keep hey somebody just go in there 30 minutes ago taliban came by set up the roadblock so uh just four guys on two motorcycles right when you hit that spot you got a tree line that comes like this and a cave in a building it's a murder hold you got a cave shade of head and a tree line textbooks and ambush hey careful what afghanistan which one door [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i'm corporal kevin ice i'm a machine gun squad leader all right uh alpha company's mission uh here in sangin is to uh secure route 611 so that they can transfer a turbine up to uh kajaki dam to provide how uh power for all of helmand province so we're just uh running patrols out getting making acquaintance with uh the locals establishing a base of friendship letting them know that we're not here to hurt them that we're here to provide them with security uh also we're working with the afghan national army uh developing a friendship with them getting familiar with them working and making friends uh so that we can all work together to uh accomplish the one mission uh the terrain uh differs um it's a lot especially in uh in the brown zone it's it's a lot of you know mountains and stuff uh but in the green zone you know you got corn fields ditches canals uh it it all depends on what area you're in uh the corn should be coming down soon so it's gonna be a lot of open openness but it's a lot a lot of trees a lot of you know farmers working constantly so uh sometimes sometimes it's a pain you know uh you know you got the water or the wadi's here the canals are not too deep most of them but when they irrigate their fields and stuff like that it's really muddy so it makes it harder to maneuver the corn is a kind of a pain too sometimes but we can also use that to our advantage for cover and concealment so kinetics with the taliban so far i've been in one firefight having all the locals here say that the taliban doesn't really bother them much uh but uh so far you know we you know we've only been here for about a week i haven't really seen too much uh hopefully that stays that way you know but uh we'll see as of right now uh all i know is that we're here uh pb georgia and uh our mission is to uh you know make sure like i said that we secure our ao in the route of 611. um other than that i couldn't really tell you what the future holds for alpha company but i do know that while we're here we are gonna do our best to make this place uh not only safer for the locals but you know better uh style living as well so [Music] don't do the job really don't like these time related [Music] oh yeah oh [Music] foreign do you think he could talk with them and see if they can open up the canals from the north and from the west there's a good amount of different types of meds here right here um is he interested in uh first aid you know just you know tylenol over here training a lot of vitamins over here so vitamin a and d we need to come up in um this area uh right behind you we have a lot of like child and infant medication she has to come over over there um like here's vitamin a indeed it's actually pretty much 400 small dosages for infants um vitamin c drops for uh children also small dosage for children right now [Music] okay what kind of what kind of treatment could they do with this medication also a lot of this is real basic um like i said there's a lot of antibiotics and vitamins um pretty much you guys said he's really just a pharmacist he does real real you know small injuries like cut scrapes and stuff anything else he sends down to like uh says kandahar or even north to like yesterday um so what are you trying to buy huh what are you trying to buy just some baked beans rice foreign foreign all right we're good to push don't talk okay my name is uh landscaper brian archer i'm a squad leader with third platoon alpha company one six all right current operations would consist of uh security patrols along uh route 611 in our operational box that uh that runs along with the other platoons so we'll walk up and down conduct census get a feel for the local populace we do counterinsurgency operations more in the west towards the helmand river where uh where there's some enemy activity we try to keep them from penetrating through and messing with the local populace and also creating harmful situations as far as improvised explosive devices and roadside bombs on route 611. interaction with the local populace is actually is actually going great i think they feel safe with us being so close to them being right on the road a lot of them have even started to call us neighbors so we'll go around talk to the local elders mullahs morabs and even just the little kids there's a bazaar right up the road that will visit frequently they've learned to start selling mountain dew because we buy that and just going in buying rice potatoes little things that will be like comfort items to us and it really is an enjoyable experience while you're providing security to the area obviously we're not going to be here in helmand the entire time so we try to help the people become more self-sustaining there's a small pharmacy just up the road who sells uh anything from your basic vitamins to valium we took our corpsman up there took a look at what he had we also invited him to come back to our patrol base and learn more about combat related injuries and also just uh treatment in general so that way he could better help uh his clients he takes about anywhere from 50 to 150 patients a week so he has a pretty big clientele going through there and the more the more that he's able to help this village um and not have to send them you know a couple hours away to lashkagar even further away to kandahar uh the better it is for the economy and the better it is for the for the local populace issues when we first got into the area it was a fairly kinetic they were coming out and engaging us in firefights and honestly we were winning that battle uh you know pound for pound um because because of that they've turned uh to the alternate which is uh improvised explosive devices in the roads um trying to fight us with indirect fire and ieds there's been a couple instances now because of the coin operations the locals have told us about a few possible locations of ieds they mark it with a rock formations and dead grass when we get a local tip like that we'll go out investigate the site we've had we've had times where we have got good tips and bad tips but we treat them all the same approach with caution do a thorough investigation uh to make sure it's safe not only for us traveling uh up and down the main supply routes but also for the local populace there's tons of families tons of kids and it's just it's not a good i just think the highlight of my day is you know obviously if everybody comes home safe that's a that's a good patrol but i always look forward to interacting with the little kids i feel like they just don't have as much as uh as i have and that we have so i always fill up my drop pouch full of candy and uh that's just a part of part of my highlight is just handing out candy and sometimes it turns into a riot but uh but i love it especially the little girls because they're kind of in the shadows and in the backgrounds when i can approach them and give them candy is i feel like i just made their week you know so it's fun i like that yeah i mean a lot a lot of the elders in the area know me by name um sometimes they'll come here and they think that i actually run the patrol base and i'll quickly introduce them to my platoon commander platoon sergeant but um yeah when i go out they'll say ace ace you know and they'll want to sit down and talk and sometimes drink tea and discuss problems in the area usually the problems consist of not having enough water running in the canals and also the electricity going in and out and all that as a result of the of the work up in kajaki doing repairs to the dam but just sitting down talking with them you know they always say people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care i really feel like in this counter-insurgency effort with these people getting to know us as neighbors and friends the more that they see that we're really here to help um the more the elders begin to like us the more the uh the fighting age males that are on the fence whether it be for the taliban or whether you know to be for uh for the the judicial system and afghan government you know when they see that that we're here to actually help unlike you know the wars that have been fought in the past here where uh i was talking to an elder just the other day and he said you know i was alive and uh and i was an elder when the russians were here and the russians never tried to help us he's like but i want to help you because i see that you're helping us he's like so i mean just little things like that you know help me understand that that this is a real effort to win hearts and minds and it really is effective so when i get a chance to talk with guys like uh like uh [ __ ] uh taj mohammed who's an elder up north near the bazaar or huzzat ghoul who's a morab and controls the water flow and those guys know me and want to talk with me and want to discuss things and talk about family and security and and anything you know just besides normal conversations it really says a lot about what we're doing here and uh and the lengths that we're going to ensure that we're doing the job right and setting the afghan people up for success this is my uh third combat deployment in southern afghanistan and uh my posture uh grows i think with each with each tour i forget it and then i'll relearn it but uh i can i can sustain a mild conversation without a without a linguist obviously the introductions uh salaam alaikum salaam singh and you say which is a which is the greeting synga is like how are you how is your health and then you respond with either shay which is good or jewelry which is you know yeah i'm doing all right um uh you can i can ask people like where is their house uh chertarera corps you know where is your house the basic things like stop stay there come here woodruga hotarasha delta russia things like that for you know controlling the roads and and and traffic movements um de la hoyman goodbye uh you know i can float in and out but uh i think especially when i can initiate my own conversation with them without the linguist a lot of times they're impressed and they'll start to smile and and know that i'm not just uh just here kind of wasting my time and i'm actually taking the effort to kind of learn uh their language and customs so it's fun is all right so so um especially because where we're setting it's gonna change compared to the fourth of july are you serious got something [Music] oh yeah motivate you got it that was pretty cool real guys already seriously nice i was up in here a little bit you saw them okay here [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] so ah okay uh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign oh that is the target okay foreign well with just a few days till the elections here in sangin the commander himself has decided to lead a clearing operation in this area we'll be taking fire from some positions around here so after some artillery support we've headed over the wall and foreign just this morning this village was in the hands of the insurgency now the men from 2nd brigade 215 corps have fought according around the entire area you see over here the ied clearing team are moving in and the commander himself is walking through the village [Music] standing up here you really get a sense of the scale of this operation pretty much as far as the eye can see is in the hands of the a a right now who've managed to find and defuse 12 ieds we are in the opening time for the election we try to clear this area make sure that people can freely come to the polling sites and use their rights to to choose the candidate so this will help them to feel free and come to the pudding sites from eight years i've been sang in destitute eight years yes in my battalion also stay here for eight years in sang uh that's a two big change uh when the first time i'm come here uh which we're talking now here uh this area was the pomegranate area that was the garden uh that time we learned here about the british troops and the british army and we together learn from the helicopter here and from the foresight of the sangin we come under attack of the taliban and slowly slowly they built here and small operations and a lot of damage and they sung in bazaar in the area but uh that time we see too much casualty and also care of the anus soldier and also the british troops uh when after four years or five years after and come the first battalion which come to inside the sangin that was the 37 marine battalion uh we has very good friend in that battalion and we spend very good time together and strong operations and very strong fight we here together also a and the marine forces and marine forces especially the 37 battalion do a lot of job here and very good job here and then clean the all of road from the ieds and then diffuse the also destroy the cache of the enemy them uh destroying main headquarters of the taliban and also the main personnel of the taliban that's kill and uh i'm remember that time four months after we opened road of from here to sarwankala uh to becoming uh the 15 or 20 meter 20 kilometers in that area the marine opened that a wind that wrote roads open and slowly slowly come peace and the economic especially economic there was are too much population and come here but now we see that success to inside the bazaar uh from this eight months no anime marine gone out in the bazaar no for patrol no for another thing only them were inside the base that was the big success and too much big change especially the marines i have when i am life i am never forget them uh because we spend very good time here like the two brothers or two friends because friends the friend friends then good from the brothers which i think in marine corps i have a lot of friends and we have very i'm remember them non-forgot yeah we hope for the all afghanistan to come peace same we our children our why ladies and our young generation spend time like the another countries to them has peace them has college them her school them has the beautiful roads and them has that thing and we also hope to we has this thing too yeah thank you sergeant major thank you any more questions first day of april 2014 this appointee will observe and follow such orders and directions as may be given from time to make it all right however he continuously strives to be the best in everything he does not for himself but for his marines and confidence in the fidelity and the abilities of dylan a row i do appoint this marine a sergeant meritorious and you know require all personnel of less agreed to render obedience to appropriate orders as a sergeant of marines you must set the example for others to emulate your conduct and bring the discipline of the armed forces united states of america give it under my hand headquarters first marine division the second day of maine march jordan jordan what do you know that was hard thank you very much [Music] then the pphq uh foreign damn [Music] um so so foreign [Music] um [Music] they think we're a lot more interesting to the network we at that time he was the shadow governor i'm sorry i can assure you that we would provide them any kind of support any kind of thing is [Music] foreign okay so baby so foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign you
Channel: ZapataRome
Views: 857,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y0YTaB3pTAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 37sec (8857 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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