Affinity Photo How to (A Composite Tutorial)

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This was amazing. Subscribed. Going to check your other videos as well.
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[Music] welcome everybody welcome to another affinity photo tutorial this week we're going to have a look at the composite that I posted on Facebook a few days ago thank you everybody for all the comments that I got on this composite it was absolutely fantastic there were some comments suggesting changes to the photo maybe will incorporate those in the tutorial today but I would ask you to view the tutorial from the point of view of what can I learn today rather than whether the shadow was in the wrong place or the birds are too big let's just view it from the point of view of a learning tutorial okay with that said everybody this is where we're going to start off today with this photograph here we're going to add some train tracks we are going to add a bit of a different sky we're gonna add some birds we're going to add a shadow you're gonna add a person and we're gonna add some little brush overlays here for the end so this is where we're hoping to end up today as usual let's get started let's get rid of everything that we've done so far and start fresh okay so this is our background photo this one that we are going to come to is going to be the railway tracks and I'm going to use my pen tool doesn't really matter what the settings are for the pen tool all we want to do is make a really quick selection so I'm just going to start right here we're going to mask a lot of this out anyway so we're just going to start right here go around and we just want those tracks once we've gone around with our pen tool is going to come up here to this box here it says selection and click on selection that should put a selection all the way around the railway tracks here but the next thing I'm going to do is go to command C I'm over to our background picture and go to command V up to our move tool so we can move it into place and I'm just gonna make it a little bit smaller yes placing it in what I might do is just drop the opacity on this layer just so we can see the horizon there and what I want to do is just place the tracks just as they're turning around the top of the horizon there so as I said all this is very subjective let's bring the opacity back up again let's put a mask on the background layer here so put a mask on here we're going to come over here to our brush tool we are going to pick a nice soft brush and we want to be painting on the mask in black and to zoom in a little bit with our black we want our flow and our opacity to a hundred percent so we're just going to come in painting on black we're just going to take away the tracks there and we're just going to go around we might make our brush a little bit smaller and if we hit X on our keyboard we can swap to white and we can put the tracks back up stuck to the top there as they're going around the corner we'll be back in there back to black hitting X on our keyboard and we're just going to blend this in we can leave some of the stones here if you like I'm just going to blend the rest in make my brush a little bit smaller because I want to keep this little railway piece here nice and easy just blending it in make my brush a little bit bigger again as you know I'm doing this quite quickly guys I know you take a lot more time just using my right and left bracket keys to make that brush bigger and smaller okay and over to the other side again I'm right up to this back I think I'll just blend it all in the way up and let's reduce that a little bit and have a look not looking too bad this is not really adding anything so I actually just going to take it out a little bit make it look like it's going into the grass there okay so not looking too bad once you're happy and you think you've blended it in pretty well might just add a little bit of a blur in the filters blur Gaussian blur hey the next thing we're gonna do is come over to our sky we're gonna base the sky a little bit we're gonna use this one here and I use my marquee tool the rectangular marquee tool and I'm just going to drag out and I just want it to go above the waves here just about there come and see back to our picture and command V again a move tool and I'm just gonna keep moving this down all the way to like get to the horizon it's below the horizon there if you want to have a quick look to see where you're at with the horizon you can just drop the opacity a little bit and just be right on that horizon that's pretty good so we'll just we'll bump the opacity back up again and then on this sky I'm gonna change the blend mode to darken with the background here of the sky you might just see just about here where you can still see some of the sky coming through onto the picture so what we'll do is add a mask we'll grab our paintbrush tool by painting in black we should still have a nice soft brush and in black I'm just going to go across that line to get rid of it I'm happy with the sky so the next thing I'm going to bring in is the bird so I've got this bird picture here and all I'm going to do on this one is going on see back to the original picture command V and change the blend mode on this one to multiply come over here to our move tool and we're gonna move them in position and I'd have a look at these ones the birds in this other picture make them about that size I'm going to come up to filters and go to blur and I'm going to add a motion blur of about nine point one and apply that I've got a little bit of a motion blur on that one and I am very happy with that that's looking at quite good now we have to come to our last picture here of our traveller again we're going to have to cut the traveller out like I'm going to use my pen tool for this as well and use my command plus to zoom right in I'm using my shift key to drag through I'm going to start right down here on the feet and I'm going to make a selection with my into all the way around and I am going to turn on guys is the add new curve to selectively curve objects up here I'm going to turn that on and I'll come back a little bit later to show you that that we're just going to start right down here on a feet by the way I have smart mode turned on as well and we are going to make a selection you can use a selection brush tool for this if you like as well and go all the way around making a selection what I do is I'll speed this up now and come back once I've gone all the way around so we completed our selection all the way around our traveler here zoom out so you can see that we've still got this area here that we have to select as well in a zoom in a little bit and remember I told you we needed to have this one on here add new curves to selectively curve object we can keep continuing with our selection in this area because we have its turned on here okay so we'll just quickly do that as well okay we've completed that so we're going to hit selection up here and give us marching at all the way around one thing I am going to do is just come over here to selection brush tool but I can hit the refine button here and I'm just gonna make my brush a little bit bigger to do that refine on a hair here and any other little spots that you think affinity may need to take a look at I'm going to smooth it by two on this one and feather it by two as well it apply our traveller here all selected again it is command C back to our original picture and command V that we need to just to resize now for perspective and again this is subjective you can do this to whatever size that you like whatever you think looks the best and I'm happy with that on our traveller layer Here I am going to add a curves adjustment rag it down just so it affects just the girl here the traveler I'm just going to make a u s-curve drag this one down a little bit looking a little bit like that hey we can have a look at the difference very very subtle but I think it just blends her in a little bit better now you can add a mask layer to a traveller here newly optional you can zoom in and you can grab your brush paint in black like your brush really nice and small and you can go all the way around and just clean up any bits that you think need a little bit of attalia I'll leave that up to you I'll just leave it as is for now so it will come back to air travel a layer here and ago command J on this top layer here and up here to arrange and down to flip vertical grab my move tool and you've went all the way down just on to her feet yeah now this is one of the suggestions from one of the comments that the light source is over in this direction here so maybe her shadow should be going off to the side here let's do that and again everybody this is subjective I'll let you decide where the shadow is going to go I am no expert on shadows so let's put it across the track like that for now on that layout let's come down here to FX let's put a color overlay on it let's take our Gaussian blur as well and let's put about we just see it start blurring a little bit maybe about 8 on that it's close it it's come up here to opacity let's just bring the opacity down to let's about 50% maybe a little bit more okay let's leave it at that so we've got the shadow there you can move it around a little bit if we want to if you're not quite happy with it again pletely subjective I'll let you decide where you want the shadow okay so there's two more things that we are going to do we're going to add a pixel layer this pixel layout and grab my eyedropper tool up here and drag it and I want just sort of a light color from the sky here click on it to activate it onto our brush tool are going to pick a nice soft brush again going to bring our pasady down to about 40 also our flow up to 40 gonna make the brush quite big on these areas here and it's gonna sweep through on each side on that layer I'm going to bring that down to 50% and add one more pixel layer I changed the color on my brush to white so I'm gonna hit D on the keyboard to get my colors back to natural again Oddie percent on each one about 40% nice big brush again even bigger and I'm just going to sweep over the whole photo white and again I'm gonna bring that down to 50% well there we go everybody that is the tutorial for this week this is where we started this is where we ended up I really do hope that you have learned something in affinity photo this week I really hope that you enjoyed the tutorial if you did please give thumbs up please consider subscribing to my channel and until next time I'll say to you be brave go out and do something amazing and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Michael Wilson
Views: 13,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AffintyPhoto, Affinty photo by serif, affinity Photo tutorials, How to, Affinity Photo help, Affinity Photo composite, Affinity Photo composite tutorial, Affinity Photo How to, Affinity Photo Sky replacement, Affinity Photo Blend modes, Affinity Photo Masks, Affinity Photo layers
Id: 19jfrhSykhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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