AEW Live AEW Revolution 2024 Full Show Reaction

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and we are live for aew revolution 2024 the final match of Sting is here tonight the singer will retire thank you for the like rnie uh what's up Joseph oh nice nice Ronnie of course you did for my day's not been bad how's your day been I am [Music] ready Foodies has blessed us with his presence as of today I am so ready that I could destroy a buffalo I don't know what I to do with anything but I could destroy a buffalo good let's go uh injur dealing with uh his injuries yeah you had a couple of nagging injuries going into whatever pay-per-view we lost is about at hopefully he'll be back on the next few weeks but they were quite some of them were more serious than others so okay I'm good yeah for okay and who's that Ronnie potentially well the advertised to show coming up talking about boss time so I I think she'll show up on there like a special Dynamite next week or the week after it's like a big Dynamite show they've been advertising on fa on like social media going to this place get tickets I think that's when she's going to debut because they used like some te's of s Sasha Banks for the ticket sale for okay Onnie yeah they are interesting oh prediction there Ronnie that's a bold prediction that's Bailey fans will get you debatable that is debatable hey Gregor welcome back how you doing for of course it is it's aw they always do good pay-per-views The Sting is there for the last ever time Jade aligning with Bailey I mean it's possible Ronnie it's completely possible for exactly I agree with Chris no Chris that's a lie Bailey can trust me and you we are team Bailey to be fair I've always liked Bailey out of the four horse women of WWE she's by far the least annoying although ding-dong hello was terrible hey hockey dude welcome for exactly nobody El I wouldn't trust any of them though Ronnie also Bliss isn't even there dude Bliss is not there holy Lord wait now is that 159 that's what I thought 116 all right hcky dude uh if you want to know about Mr Kennedy uh go check out my latest gaming video Kennedy uh he's uh literally involved in the latest story on my gaming channel yeah the title is uh Mark Henry is Mr Kennedy's [ __ ] I'm gonna give no more away from the episode than that it's a good episode okay to be fair Ronnie they've been saying Bliss is set to return since a Royal Rumble dude like the rumors have hey RJ welcome the rumors have been saying Bailey's going to be returning uh sorry Bliss has been returning for the last two months so personally I don't believe the rumors on her because it keep saying it every week damn good win for the coyotes d not surprised about Kings went in that much good win for Kings though sure Ronnie you can have credit for uh it is hen it is indeed the final day of Sting's career the 3D of March 2024 it's the last day sting will ever wrestle do you really think he's going to go back to WWE mate the after the way they treated him the first time the difference is sting literally had to retire the first time because he got injured in WWE and they didn't treat his career with any respect he did used to be in WCW and he's an absolute Legend he also was in TNA the only company that didn't treat him with the respect he deserved was WWE yeah and they trashed his legacy dude hello B I'm glad that you have made it to the stream I got a worried that you got lost Foodies Triple H was the one that booked himself to beat sting at WrestleMania fair enough B like the guy that was B that booked him to lose was Triple H thank you thank youen sting is retiring he's not going back to WWE he wouldn't be retiring if he was going to leave to go to WWE he wouldn't be doing this entire whole thing of this is my last match the dude is 64 years old he has put on Banger matches but he doesn't want to do it anymore he's already in the Hall of Fame he has literally no reason to go to WWE and like there's zero reason for him to go there he's having his last match he's already in the Hall of Fame like he has legit no reason to go well not all but yeah they own a lot of his career yeah that doesn't mean he should go what he's going to go there sup so the appre starts in seven minutes Tiffany's nothing she's a plastic bimbo doesn't make her any less of a plastic bimbo dude I don't like plastic pretty my ass she's Faker than freaking she's Faker than bloody orange carrots bro really does the best moon ever belongs CH oh no she's angry oh no I don't like Cody rhods either we know my opinion on Cody rhods he also doesn't have balls that he did that he did let's go them though right four minutes remaining for uh sure go for it B go for it dude for oh that's a flat out Li Onnie yeah they really are just not even that good like I'm not even sorry but she's not even that good rign rign Reign Roman Reigns r r Reign Roman Reigns for yeah doesn't make it good though rnie just say for for nice Ronnie nice so yeah we got Chris Tander and will Nale versus Julia Hart and Sky Blue on the on the Zero Hour we've got a 12 tag team 12 man tag team match of uh the bullet Club gold bullet uh gun go whatever the hell the gun club gold combination is versus Jeff jar and his loads of cronies it's chicken fried chicken I have Fried Chicken so I have actual dinner on like money I know no I know I just pointing out that I have because he can and wants to okay popcorn definitely is not dinner should save that popcorn for tonight's events for e oh taking time off why what is wrong with him oh for for for for yeah I don't know means stve you I can't tell if you just messing with them or not you know B that I destroyed the railroad last night add victorium although I'm yet to actually joined the Brotherhood of Steel yeah that's one part of the gaming stream I went and took out all the railroad because I could it was surprisingly easy she's like oh who are you I'm like who are you I'm just like oh no she's like who you answer first I just shot her and killed everybody in the room one day I may actually like the railroad and actually might do a playthrough with them one day leg yeah don't worry B want do a gaming stream after this pay-per-view oh yeah I'm being completely sarcastic don't you worry once this pay-per-view ends I'm going to bed hell no am I doing a gaming stream after this this won't end till like 5 a.m. 4 5 a.m. but if I can get home from work early enough we might do one before hockey tomorrow but that's all subject to me being able to get home from work uh no it's just we can't close the kitchen till a set time it all depends if I can get all my stuff done before before we close or if I'm busy enough to have to do it afterwards if I can get it all done before we close I can finish it the time we end if I have to do some afterwards I'm going to be later so it all depends on what I can get done before we get close the kitchen I'm hoping to get all of it done yes we are res evil who are the Bruins playing tomorrow somebody who's going to wreck that [ __ ] dude probably oh you face us so yeah you're going to face someone who's going to wreck your [ __ ] I will will be War tomorrow Ronnie War I tell you yeah I should probably make the nails for tomorrow just to save myself the time I got a minute while we're still on the pre-show do we have to be in bosted I know we're in Toronto tomorrow [Music] sweet but not Boston Boston well you're going to clean up all your tears and brush up all your crap when you lose uh tomorrow tomorrow's the [Music] 4th next [ __ ] joke Ronnie way too overconfident about his team we have Joseph wall okay and the Kraken are in Calgary we're in [Music] caly for uh I'll look for you uh we've only faced each other once we running a new wning shootout at the very beginning of the season when Le had a really rough start so I'm going to be honest that means absolutely nothing because we had a damn bad start of this season yeah we we we did start quite rough so oh when you beat us in OT as well you've won both times this year rnie so which means we're bound to get the next couple Let's Go Leafs [Music] Fair unlike last night where we did pretty well done well good in that Sho out I got a can of Dr Pepper apparently the now the new slogan now is try more weird what kind of slogan is that bro hello Beyond well what the hell got look this try more weird how dare you insult Dr Peppa just because you insulted it if you're talking to me I've been well if you're talking to Ronnie then Ronnie is a man who has been well as well okay fair enough yeah R's had a rough night yester that uh if I can find it I'll try it I do want to try it to be fair I tried Dr Peppa Cherry that stuff was nasty it honestly tasted like I was drinking pure chemical I don't know why but it just did not work again never got a chance to try it they never released that over here I really wanted to try orange Vanilla Coke I never got it over here and I never managed to get myself a can we do however get a nice chocolate pies at McDonald's and Kit Kat mcfl Flores I really want to try it dude I do like Dr Pepper I like cream I like strawberry I want to try it I call of the ingredients your mom loves cream my God does she lap up cream every time I get any out we're kicking off with the women's tag team match thank you [Music] I have three words for you ghost of tashima boobs is only one word and boobs is the correct answer to 90% of the questions the other 10% is bacon the correct answer to any question is boobs or bacon and occasionally cake U there's a way to play on PS5 you were so close yeah boobs or bacon and occasionally cake depends what mood you're in I love bacon who doesn't love bacon have I tried going live on shorts no I have not vegans here vegans are not people I've seen I've seen the thing I have really no interest of going live on mobile kind of not the kind of content I do I don't know I think he's just vertical dude that's it yeah B yeah I know but we but we've got to remember B vegans aren't people you can do multiple lives on one channel hey Austin welcome hey painkiller as I living B I've been good how have you been has been a while I'm glad to hear that nice nice that's fair dude that's fair we are going to get dessert which is as probably B already knows ice cream yeah it's going to be a good paper view we got some ice cream Well's um knockof B Jes no there not especially when Ben Jer is nearly six pound a tub dude this is too quid Ben and jer's is six like I cannot afford six pound a tub of ice cream exactly nothing wrong with Walmart ice cream uh no because it's still pre-show dude uh the main Show's not up for an hour I'll let you know when the main show starts and the pre-shows are free on YouTube yeah I need to let this ice creen melt a little bit because I kind of left the house so it th a little bit yeah I could see Joe retaining I think swer and hman will take each other out kind of thing Joe kind of like laps up the the mess that those two make of each other that's fine dude I'm doing well today Aus how are you doing uh swerve would also be a good choice uh you think wo comes into play somehow uh no I don't think he'll poke his head around the world title until mjf returns sv's house honestly the only person I don't think deserves the Bel as hangman yeah he he doesn't need the Bel again much as he was a solid champion and he's he's great right now he really doesn't need the belt yeah it wouldn't surprise me Foodies J was a smart man it's true yeah I could imagine that happening got the tissues ready don't bro I'm not emotionally ready for this I'm not emotionally ready to say goodbye to sting don't want to say goodbye don't want to say goodbye ah nice one Kurt angle's retirement kind of got the sting taken out of it when he had a really bad last match oh was it any good I Haven really been kept up with any other the ti stuff soon as they boted out Scott deore I kind of just went you know what I have no interest now like you've taken away the one guy I liked ah yes Joker sting was a great version of Sting do you want to know a fun fact though one of my first ever remembered feuds was Abyss versus Christian Cage which is why Christian Cage is in my would personally be in my top 10 I would love to see jerob he wants to go as the crow I guess uh sting was one also one of my M main favorites back then as well but Chris I really remember that Feud especially when he tried to drown him in his own ball yeah that's going to be sad when AJ retires a b really was oh yeah abys was creepy as hell I loved Abyss though they ruined him as soon as they started doing that stupid um Hall of Fame ring gimmick and then the Joseph Park stuff they just basically ran him straight into the ground that's fair I watched more TNA than WWE though B so I tended to watch a lot more of Sting Christian K jais AJ Styles that kind of stuff because TNA was free and WWE was not also TNA aired like a 9:00 whereas WWE aired at like uh well it was 10 for Smackdown but like 2 am for raw so I only ever got to watch Smackdown because raw was on like 2 am. oh Main Event Mafia what a team a is an eight that was also a good faction oh all good all good resters aming rare machine gun I agree with that OB actually was a beast in TNA uh I remember Christopher Daniels but he also was Cory man I actually really liked Cory man okay Ronnie he goes oh howls not how but okay first Feast off five match I even I really lik Jeff Jared back in the day yeah it's very small stage you know what I agree yeah I want Shark Boy sh you how do you watch it for free wow that is a good question the show is not on yet so you cannot currently watch it for free but there is a way uh let me get it up for you uh is it on this link please be on this link uh right here my friend uh I would recommend fight alt no worries anyone who needs it there it is and no what no worries dude enjoy the show the only Tom oh yeah oh I remember uh Tom Co I really lik that dude Jambo I remember Tom what a guy I like that dude he did up Lily adopter pepper just slaps think I picked my fa new favorite soft drink at least for now that was a really good match although on the contrary sting versus Jeff Hardy was one of the worst matches thanks Jeff it really is yeah that was terrible wasn't stink fault though he was not happy yeah there we go 12 man tag yeah the exision really was UN unmatched back in the day me too dude yeah I've seen a bit of luch underground it was good yeah the beautiful people were already good I really liked them as well Ronnie yeah I watched a bit a luch underground it it was fun and beautiful people are very God how's my bin all again they really were they were amazing heal t team [Music] she's a bit old now Onnie to be fair she couldn't do really any impact at her age now oh yeah V was always more attractive than Angelina I think you're thinking of Velvet Sky dude is it what's it like I have I haven't looked at it because I don't go want only fans he plays with BS cream pies bro what is life all to promote a movie John seen is crazy oh yeah how was that oh d yeah imagine it was I'm not surprised Mark Henry's been in he's in aw hey it was on the ramp page this week talking about the time for the main event they literally pay him to say one line on One show they literally pay him just to do that sound see you soon dude dou safe sup oh you're crying I don't think I have a tiny violin today Tiffany I'll play if I find one for you though do I look guy how have shots yeah come on bang mang s gang we can do it for for for yeah just paying attention to the match I love watching daddy ass for hey there's nothing wrong with having a daddy for Foodies a sugar daddy's always fun hey you're the one who wanted to make something of it I will make it weird and I don't even care of course I did let make it as weird as possible dude I don't care for it's not bad not bad at all and JY picks up the victory for the bang bang scissors again okay for yeah it is oh be interesting if you can rning oh right for for for for Cy wants to do it by himself tonight that be a good thing or a bad thing come on let's get to the next match oh I think I'm going to pee before we do that back in a couple minutes just before we fully get this for for I've returned yo how you doing for man no it's just chatting up everyone's mom uh bang bang scissor Gang has won uh their match and that's about it that was fair Foodies oh that's fine that's right dude uh no it's 25 to1 uh no it was um half an hour before the pre-show and the first half an hour was just talking remember they're doing that hour and a half pre-show thing where the first half an hour is talking yo welcome Eddie I do have a long night no worries Foodies and here we go time for our second match the tag team match Willie Willow Nightingale and uh I forgot who her partner is they're facing Julia har and sky blue anyway I L forgot who her partner is yeah I am Eddie yes oh it's Chris statlander yeah Willow n and Chris statlander facing off against Julia Hart and sky blue in Tag Team Action live on The Bu it 26 more days you know I'll let you have that Strat is definitely mummy of of a I I will have to I I'll give you that one I know I just forgot what the match I don't know the full match card KK you know me I don't look at match cards Chris overa yeah yeah hello sky blue she looks like an emo vampire and I'm all about it like what she's got going on tonight [Applause] [Music] working absolute working I only need two I only need two Foodies yeah me too painkiller uh yes there's aw event is on pay-per-view I'd say so I'd say um I'd say car and cross could have been if he just shut up like Karen cross could have the Vibes of The Undertaker if they actually bucked him correctly like Karen cross just needs to come out kick ass not talk and and like you could make him the you could make him a new Undertaker have you tried like dude it's just it like just make him a creepy character like generally the same as Joe gayy Joe gay is the Fantastic character they really have tried way too many styles with this hair yeah rest in peace Bray it really isn't Ronnie [Music] uh caring is CH yeah that's more of what he is I agree uh the fiend had potential to be it and then just obviously Bray passed away this whole w six stuff he was doing uh was going to be the next like Undertaker thing but obviously Bray W passed away tragically before anything could r already become of it but uh I think Bo Dallas is going to come do it because Bo Dallas has been teasing returning to WWE and the same writer who wrote for the fiend and the white six is still there yeah I give you that Damian is the uh Undertaker from dark Ministry of Darkness fire 666 yeah uh I would imagine maybe the raar after Mania nice no Ronnie no she won't be in W there is no Wyatt six they're going to do something based off Wyatt 6 but Wyatt 6 is dead dude Bray died they'll do something to bait around it with some of the characters that were going to be in it but the entire concept is gone now oh interesting yeah a doesn't promote their women the best I give you that I mean the the most promoted was BR breaker and I don't know what the hell she's doing anymore uh oh yeah uh they they promote some of the stuff you've just mainly got to watch the show to get the promotion though they don't really outward promote them [Music] true yeah but the thing is dude I talked about like you wouldn't know WWE wrestlers if you didn't talk about them the thing is if you don't watch the shows you don't get it like nowadays there's just no Stars G like granted WWE do more to promote themselves than aw does I give you that but the thing is the budgets more for WWE to do that because they've got the network backing in a lot more money like aw is not trying to be in your face they're like we're a brand if you watch us you'll understand what's going on but we're not going to be everywhere on social media exactly uh dep yeah unless it's Mania Mania wins everything like I don't care what event you are Mania is the only thing that would beat anything to do with aw that and the Royal Rumble they are the only two WWE events that I would watch over a exactly Foodies that is competition's always good sure um what I like this year uh Pete dun returning I've been invested in that the whole the Bailey story with damage control I'm very invested in uh and Judgment Day Judgment Day damage control basically everything to do with the tag team around Judgment Day all of that entire s with the Ms and our truth and all all of that entire stuff DIY Pete D all of that that I like and Bailey probably Foodies probably people are fickle and forget even though they shouldn't oh yeah and Gunther I really like Gunther sorry I said his name wrong G I do love that dude it wouldn't surprise me Foodies if it was really wouldn't hello Sunny everything is going well but they already passed a company so I don't know what benefit it has well the thing is it's not better without Vince because so far the product's not any better I'm not shocked either dude Vince is weird this is the same man that's pitched an incest story with his own daughter three different times no definitely not they both know I've I already said this to KK I think Triple H and Steph were also sleeping around I don't think it was just Vince I also think that some of the talent were probably sleeping with both Stephanie and Triple H to get up the ladder I personally think so that's my personal theory is I think Triple H slept I think Triple H slept with some female talent and some male Talent s with Stephanie oh I 100% believe the Steph Macho Man story you don't just cut off the Macho Man from your entire company until he dies for no reason it really wouldn't surprise me if you banged Kurt it really wouldn't have hey Renzo welcome rest in peace Owen heart I think so nice yeah probably also do you want to know a fun fact Foodies uh the Owen har stunt before that before over the edge pay-per-view was the one stunt Vince McMahon didn't show off to people if they didn't want to do it every other stun Vince McMan has demonstrated if requested even the one where people threw themselves off the roof in Money in the Bank he did it the one where Rob gronowski went off the balcony at WrestleMania Vince did it the one stunt he never did was the ow and one he if anyone asks him to do a stunt because they're uncomfortable he will do it Vince never did it he never did it because he knew it was unsafe dude he killed Owen like I blatantly it was ignorant he killed Owen and I will I will die on that Hill he killed Owen uh sting was doing that stun for years dude like Sting used to do that stunt all the time he did it in TNA he did it in WCW he's going it was his last appearance on Dynamite he's going out the way he did his career yeah because they're both descending from the ceiling literally it's the same stunt like how can you lower yourself from the ceiling different from somebody else dude but sting did that for years even before the Owen har even before Owen har ever did it sting was doing it nice yeah oh if you wanted to know uh sting had a a blessing for Martha heart to do the stunt just because of the in uh just as you said just because of the the situation around it um yeah Martha heart gave blessing for sting to do that to do it yeah really I'm glad phones didn't exist then I really don't want to have ever SE seen that clip of Owen falling thankfully that's not when he died died on the way to the hospital but still yeah that's thankfully not the same though you don't really get much from audio less disturbing I think it was just the commentators doing the job W it mostly don't surprise me that the videos there um they cut the camera feed there is video there is video is in the WWE Vault same with the um the harnesses in there as well uh in the WWE Vault thing with the tape that the harnesses there for um legal reasons uh it's on VHS it's it's literally it's literally on physical media Foodies it's not digital it's only physical oh yeah he didn't want to do it you are you are 100% correct there Ronnie he didn't want to do the stunt Vince told him to do the stunt and look what happened just PSA to everybody who's watching if your dob makes you do something that looks very dangerous and could potentially kill you you have the right to say no if you get fired being fired is better than being dead so if you are doing something I have no idea they they settled out they settled so they were found guilty and the heart family got like $12 million from it they were found guilty of causing the death of course I can sunny I know that was that that's the one like I lost respect for them that night Vince 100% Vince because it wasn't safe KK it's 100% Vince's fault yeah basically for yeah basically 12 million to go away oh we know he needs to be in jail Oh Renee is really attract active I didn't send it yeah me too Foodies okay if you want to get into wrestling conspiracy theories um I should oh uh Chris benoir setup or real do you think Chris Ben did it or do you think it do you think it was full murders to take him out cuz I'm I'm still on the fence of whether Chris actually did it or not a lot of people do think it was Kevin Sullivan a lot of people do think it was I don't know I just don't know how man goes from being a loving father to Let's murder everybody within the course of 24 hours yeah about say he stole his wife and he never let that go I just I don't know how how someone would could just do that oh yeah how that go KK uh I'm just determining the best one at the moment currently this is the one I'm using painkiller uh on this website yeah I wouldn't surprise me either Sonny on there dude and I'm using uh fight TV fight ult so the second one okay that's fair dude about say a lot of people thought that was real yeah about say that ruined the entire angle uh they're just showing highlights at the moment of Sting's career a aou ker can't I mean they can show very very little stuff of his original career to be fair but there's not much they can show of his WCW days CU you know for obvious reasons no not really yeah there's nothing to say bad about stink the dude is a gentleman and a and a and a professional Class Act through and through through his entire career a man is a professional here's one man i' would love to meet yo David I'm glad you made it man uh there you go I recommend using fight alt so the second link in there oh dude uh where's Hogan under WWE contract uh there was never heat uh sting doesn't blame Seth he never did there was there was no heat between those two for for the accident that caused his uh his injury uh those two never ended it on bad terms yeah he he to he chucked it down to one of those things that happened uh Seth like it happen so sting never took it personally thankfully okay I think that was more storyline dude than anything for if the link stops working just try the norm the normal uh fight Link on the website I gave that one's working for me oh we're kicking off with Christian K versus Daniel Garcia it does look like that Ronnie [Music] why is my uh C ly seeing Christian Cage respect sacrificing devoted father patriarchy fair enough Ronnie and we see Christian Cage kill switch um Nick Wayne's mother I don't actually know what her name is and Nick Wayne mother Wayne is that what she goes by no we really don't Ronnie we've seen Edge versus Christian enough times already I really don't want to see Edge versus Christian again shanea way thank you there's not much going on to be fair for playby play I just wanted to make sure that you are in sync I'm guessing that's what you were doing maybe maybe he does for why do you want Nick Wayne versus Edge it's a weird match to one oh you know we could just stop having Edge do the same matches let do something else for uh no William just going to be the main event so in about three hours time yeah you got a long time to go for the sting match come on me too for man me too uh wouldn't surprise me if mjf returns tonight Ronnie it really wouldn't I mean I would Mark out if he [Music] returns for that would be great for Gary ass me too for man me too dude sounds fny I can't remember dude I noticed yeah I don't believe it dude someone kept trying to bot me a while ago and I think it's still the same person it'd be nice if they're but I generally don't think they are I prefer 626 a bit Stitch yeah I remember that as well dude I didn't forget I haven't forgotten that I generally still think it's the same thing so can we just ignore the view counter cuz it's not real okay how am I the worst Rob uh sure I can uh sure I can dude there you go use the regular fight TV of course a self-promotion yeah that it's not real dude it's not real someone attempting to B no worries dude yeah it's all it is dude is oh someone attempting to bot me pretty much give it 10 minutes and it'll just go back to a normal level uh Daniel Garcia and Christian Cage having a decent match so yeah Rob why am I the worst I don't have a thousand pairs of eye on eyes on me KK yeah none of them are real for the 15th time none of them are real they're all bought yeah 1,500 fake accounts should be well pleased insert an ad if that does anything G is a [ __ ] he gets no ads yeah I'm also YouTube premium it really is dude I love my YouTube premium especially since I use it from music as well so I use YouTube music mostly every day and then I use premium every day so worth it for me yeah oh nice Ronnie fair enough uh he's retiring Resident Evil yeah that's kind of how age works I'm already on limited ads dude don't matter if I run them I ain't getting them YouTube Bloody doesn't like this account hello Bill yes you are green you were one of the lucky 10 people to get a free membership for the month oh thank you I appreciate that uh at the moment yes you are KK uh Ellie's I don't know what Ellie's doing this weekend busy I'm guessing uh BS lurking uh spaghett spaghet in oh yeah you do technically have a check mark yes but it's not a wrench yeah it is old I am Brown and not bold Jesus five three 12 well no matter there's a lot of food KK uh you cannot watch it on YouTube premium Niles unfortunately uh you can go and pay for it on you on their you can pay for it on their official YouTube channel if you're not in the United States or Canada or I have an alternate website you may use if you want to yeah I'm definitely dead there you go Niles uh simply click that uh and it should it should uh it will load and then you just got to click play it might load a popup uh just click off it but that should work for you a damn I don't have an Instagram I only have YouTube sorry uh oh she's got oh kill switch he's having a fight he's having a fight they should be on there but you know me I can help you out if you need to watch uh the sabers only he thought he was going to get it then that's going to do it one 2 3 and joy TNT Champion Christian [Applause] k hey Prince welcome he isn't Mary I'm good how are you well here comes Ryan [Music] Danielson I'm glad to hear you good uh the bang bang scissor gang uh won their match uh on the pre-show and Willow Nightingale and Chris statlander won their match on the pre-show and then Christian Cage just won the first match on the main show to retain his TNT championship no worries try it again nor normal fight TV I have got alternates if it's not working for you let me know because it's working for me fine try this one as well dude if that one stops working for you try that one probably Mr gaming works it's for me but painkiller saying he's having problems uh that was more for painkiller dude you stick with gay Mr gaming the same the same time so you don't need to faf nice let's just remove them okay good let me know if you have any issues well there's the Continental championship match uh the triple threat World title match uh stings tornado tag team match uh I think DNA pazo versus uh Tony Storm's going to be a good match and that's about the only three matches I actually know what's going on I guess Cassidy and strong will be a very good match um not the I mean FTR versus Moxley and cardia will be a good match I mean Osprey should have a banging match I'm looking forward to that one yeah they've got to take off off cidy at some point and I think given um Undisputed Empire a tag team uh a title would be a good idea thank you yeah hopefully it will be Prince Undisputed Kingdom I took a shot in the dark I forgot what their tag team name was so I took a shot in the dark thank you for rec KK I forgot what my name was I guess I've got will El spr on the mind do you know who you mean by doctor BR Baker these nuts hey Robbie disappointed at the Kraken this season it's not been as strong a season as it was last year has it dude still not playing bad uh the moment uh Aiden it's just a rumor there's a high chance she could debut but I've also seen ticket like they've teased her for a show in uh next week or the week after it's like something like it's now like kind of like kind of teasing Sasha in the in one of the ticket sale pctures so I think she'll debut in a couple of weeks time at whatever show they were teasing her in with the ticket sales no worries dude B oh KK cringe that is what that was cringe I know it's still cringe though dude it's still cringe yeah there you go that was the tease I knew I knew they've done some tease about about it I can't remember what the exact te was so yeah they yeah they said Boston that's the show I think she's going to debut on still cringe though dude it's still cringe o to the outside side boo Bruins nobody likes the Brews apart from [Music] Ron uh no Shakespeare that's uh rumored to be the main event we're on the second match so you have not missed it yet that that's fair dude that's fair it is kind of cringe I don't think he will though mate as much as it be a nostalgic trip I really think he's just going to end his career in his most famous slash longest gimmick which is the crow you miss red I want Joker sting to come back well you know what sting just doesn't retire how about that how about sting doesn't retire he he he continues his career they retain the tag titles and they continue to have a rain because he just won a damn title and the make it and he's leaving it's not fair God damn it it's not fair been waiting for years for sing to win a title and they finally give it to him and he's retiring it could definitely happen that'll be interesting I'll be up for that oh Lord I really really dude if Sting came to London I was so go I really want to meet sting you want me to cry tonight that's not that's kind of sus bro I'm not going to lie Su s Su AF I mean that's possible Ronnie you want to see me SE I cry when I have to look at your face that's suffering enough really want to meet the dude uh yes audio gets copyrighted yeah it really is expensive nice booies yeah audio or visual it's all copyrighted by aw I mean I don't think we even need Ric Flair there and Ric Flair really doesn't need to do a heel turn honestly if you're gonna have a turn let's Derby do it on his own and not muddle it with Ric Flair I don't like RI Flair the blind light hogging [ __ ] washed up has been B yeah basically why I don't have respect for Ric Flair anymore he had a legendary career and now all I can think about is all of his crap that he's done over the last few years not all the legendary stuff he used to do exactly I mean you had you've had three retirements already St uh Ric Flair how many more [ __ ] retirements do you want let's sting have won uh Hey Tim yes uh bang bang sciss a gang one uh Willow Nightingale and Chris statlander one and Christian Gage retained his TNT title I know probably Prince he does have a history of stabbing sting in the back so I don't know why you'd bring him in just kick him in his old balls take him out yeah I could see him doing that the thing is I don't think they need a manager uh yeah the three I just said to the bang bang says the gang one enough Shakespeare that you're not wrong there sting gets turned on by basically everybody you're not wrong there no Ric Flair does not need an aw match Ronnie he had a [ __ ] match already and it was terrible uh Willow Nale and Chris statlander defeated Julia har and sky blue and Christian Cage defeated Daniel Garcia uh yeah when he was Joker when he was Joker sting in TNA and I guess a bit of his Crow stuff in t uh WCW was kind of one between the lines but the Joker thing was definitely full heal in TNA uh looks like they're pushing Willow Nale more than they're pushing Julia Hart to be honest uh I really really really want sting and Derby to go out on a win but they're going to give it to the Box what you're saying Joker thing wasn't good Ronnie uh not that I'm aware of unfortunately Shakespeare if Sting lost it's not a Triple H move it's a it's a wrestling move unfortunately tradition goes that you go out on your last match losing and be fair it was a good match mate I'm gonna have to say Chris Christian versus Daniel gar was a good match yeah they could have done more with like every single story Ronnie like that that's really saying nothing like I thought it was it was a good run he had he did things it was entertaining what more do you want like leave sting alone sing will had take you you know what I'm booking you in a one-on-one match with the Undertaker get ready yeah I think they will David uh I don't actually know it's just he's retiring from wrestling as an in ring competition so there's nothing to say he won't stay on AW Television but nothing's been said about that I don't know Foodies I don't live in America we don't get Girl Scout cookies I mean if Sting wanted to he could have a any any more matches he wants he's CH this is the voluntarily retirement like he's choosing to retire uh Foodies they wouldn't sell because I can go to the shop and buy all the stuff they buy they sell there for cheaper in the shop you know the Thin Mints you can get I can get them all year round in a shop so they just really wouldn't sell dude then why do you buy them you you you you're agreeing with slave labor I don't know we haven't had the mcrp since I was like 16 you can't listen live for some reason how are you trying to listen live yeah it really should have that would have been nice but who knows yes Foodies waffle the Girl Scout cookies uh the eight man tag yeah that was the bang bang scam match I mentioned to you oh with Brian Cage and Jericho no uh no that one has not happened yet no uh the allstar scramble match is not happened yet no yeah that one has not happened that would be interesting dude I think Bor has been kidnapped you know what I give him that this has been a really good match between Danielson and and um kingstone I've actually really enjoyed this one so far uh I think uh Samo Jo is going to retain uh yes Keith Le's injured yeah I agree with you that Tim I don't want hangman to win it so ether swerve or Joe I'm happy with yeah keithly is currently injured I mean that makes literally no sense Ronnie he really should have uh the pay-per-view started 45 minutes ago Edward bro he retained yeah they seem to be uh which one did you try was it the Mr gaming because try this one uh painkiller don't need to click anything to should just load yo spaghet how you doing man uh yeah Tony storm I definitely think is going to retain I'm glad to hear you doing great dude I don't know is that is that one worked for you painkiller I tell you're doing great dude okay give me a minute all you try that okay yeah you try that dude uh I tried to I messaged you about that catchup spaghet and you just kind of told me you playing video games she probably will Prince yeah it's [Music] fine that's fine mate that's fair man that's fair uh Wednesday Thursday no I didn't KK KK I know nobody cares about me there's a difference yeah we'll definitely have to planner I'm not in a delusion like you that people like me uh hey baby Lord uh oh that is definitely not the one I wanted uh this one should work for you yeah the match is finished brce uh Eddie Kingston retain is hul Tim it's the eight-man match you were talking about oh yeah every only the one that they cancelled because nobody was interested that's not how a match works that they've advertised um without the Ring of Honor they have main belt uh two midc card belts tag belt so the men have four uh the women have uh two no no it wasn't uh I get 10 free memberships a month to give away uh you got one of the free memberships that I gave away so basically you get a free month no worries dude no uh your membership hasn't renewed on the gaming channel nudge nud wink win hint hint uh this is the eight-man uh scramble match where the winner gets a world title match um yeah all star scrumble match Chris Jericho Wardlow Hobs uh Lance Archer cage hook Magnus and Dante Martin you're getting get laid paid fair enough dude no worries yeah so far spaghet um off this in the last few days the gaming channel has made uh six pound about say I W mind getting laid either it's made6 including memberships literally since I got monetization It's Made six quid uh it's six pound I didn't have before and that is what between that is literally from the 24th to now so in the last 10 days so that's not actually bad obviously the more people watch the gaming live streams and the videos the more I get obviously Revenue about to say dude I can actually start making some profit honestly dude these G this wrestling Channel still gets demonetized every time I go live gaming channel does not the gaming channel actually makes some Revenue so I can actually afford buy things for the channel and not completely fund it out of my own pocket yeah about say because this is becoming quite expensive to run so a little bit of money would be nice to go towards buying things I say even in out would be nice dude it's Chris Jericho yeah even in would be bloody nice I'm going to be honest hello back let's try that again there you go painkiller uh qu the standard chat yeah the 1.6k watching no no it is not we normally average about uh about I'd say 15 to 30 this random amount of load of people watching is not normal uh yes Danielson lost you're winning the scramble match well Joe's going to kill you Ronnie what's your bad news spaget Jud in my mind uh DM it to me then yeah yeah that sound D just delete off WhatsApp no worries h uh for I think I need to use the toilet at a moment my lack of food has now be done you know I didat that's not to build up I think yeah I definitely need to use the toilet I can to say back for e for I'm back no worries baby Lord uh no idea if this elimination or not I'm very confused as well KK should have the answer but no no no he wants to only be a know- at- all when he wants to be a know- at- all well I'm busy watching other more amazing content yeah it's not the only content I do though for uh I watch more WWE than I watch aw I do enjoy watching both though but I tend to just manage to watch more W than a on a weekly basis or a monthly basis favorite wrestler really like Gunther in the moment yeah my favorite rest of all time is Sting but if we're talking WWE currently I'm really I really like um really like Gunther um that's not just s there loads but what what they're doing here for is who for I don't even know who I want to win this match maybe hook that would be cool to see him get W match I don't see you out there though Ronnie for ah hello Shirley thank you for that thank you for joining membership welcome to the stream yo how you doing Jay I mean yeah I agree WL is probably the most disappointing out of all of those mate I agree uh was he gets a he gets a future world championship opportunity I think they're building up for mjf Wardlow mjf returns soon like kind of tries to go for the batt and then I guess they might have a feud is my guess is orange [Music] Cassidy I need to make sure my alarm is set correctly tomorrow yes w low one for miss you as well FS uh it's currently the uh title match uh rodri strong versus orange Cassidy for the global Championship is it called uh uh International Championship I was close with global yes I am bro I just just C my and stuff like a WWE video game yep but how do you know you w botch kicking my ass and then The Botch would be turn around on you well they can't of all just I mean that's what Championship n essentially is it's just a prop the best damn prop in the world but prop nonetheless yeah nuca video thank you Ronnie you really bed nuca but thank you I I agree with you KK they really need to make them separate completely separate no bouts no people like yeah I agree that they need to keep them separate if you want them to dual show then have them do aw stuff on AW like granted if you want if you want them to be on both shows but don't have a Ring of Honor stuff and storylines on the main show like yeah I agree they just they need to be their own separate thing uh can't say I've seeing them I'm enjoying it KK nothing's been spectacular but nothing's been bad I think you're just being critical there calling it [ __ ] every match has been at least average if not better I mean granted that last match was a bit me ah uh hey D welcome uh orange cust versus rodri strong sure for and a kick out yeah I'm fine come on rod come on rck it would be nice to meet them ronning they're a good tag team when they're around uh it was Rod strong versus orange Cassidy for the International Championship but the match is over now and here is your new aew International Champion from the Undisputed Empire rodri strong yes I meant to say undisputed Empire that okay I meant on disputed Kingdom I just wanted to wind you up a little bit we knew Rod was going to pick it up Klo royy is back it's Klo royy col Roy just rejected it what the hell he just turned down the Undisputed Kingdom potentially yeah so who might make an appearance I w't hold your breath on that one though that's for for uh Hey dude I watched the pay-per-view here August we're about to have the John Moxley and claudo versus FTR match no worries August enjoy the show yeah uh in MMA at the moment oh I'm glad you're enjoying the show I'm really glad to hear you enjoying the show yeah strting has had a phenomenal career oh thank you Ronnie here we go Tag Team Action FD versus the Blackpool combats clubs J maxley and Claudia uh K Ry just rejected it Bobby fish isn't here either yeah that's you grew up in a Great era then for yeah I don't think she has no for come on John and claudo uh how do you know the PlayStation 6 is coming out in 2026 for what's on money let's go claudo let's go claudo let's go John the new GTA doesn't come out till 2025 and they're not going to present it and show it off on the end of the year they don't do stuff on the end of the year they've already confirmed the game comes out in 2025 also the game's not going to come out on December 31st 2025 because that's not how games work that you don't release a game on New Year's Day or New Year's Eve they would release it probably October or November for the holiday season where they get all their sales because if you release it on the 31st of December no one's going to buy it because people go back to work literally like two days later definitely miss the walk on that one dude for for for for who's that yeah Kenny could return definitely come on FTR come on claudo come on Olia somebody win well you easily could dude cuz he's not part of the story and he's injured yeah K is not doing well dude not healthwise so you could easily have it without him ah yes B is alive I'm not surprised dude you did seem a bit tired welcome back mate spaghet showed up uh as in terms of aw uh Carlo Riley returned and Ric strong won the International Championship but kylo Riley rejected rodri Strong's offer by the look of it yeah also Batman beats Mojo but we don't know what he said CU he whispered in his ear gave him the shirt back and walked away so we don't know what Carlo Riley said to rodri Strong exactly this was more visual though you could actually kind of see his lips so if you could read lips you could figure out what he said I I don't know someone's probably going to figure out what he said on the internet we're all going to know by tomorrow oh thank you uh thank you Nat welcome uh yeah uh let's go FTR I mean it could be a good victory for them uh it's currently happening literally still in the middle of it so far it's been really good no winner as of yet uh I believe we've only got a couple matches left uh let's see we've got the will Osprey uh DNA match uh the women's tag team match sorry the women's title match uh the men's title match and sting match so we've got like what's that four matches left oh Claudio just saved the match yeah it is thank you thank you Ronnie neutralized pile driver to the outside oh no no it was going for power driver flip through roll up roll through paradigm shift and a kick out rer one two oh submission it's called the death rider when do they change it when do they change it to the death rider because I'm going to be honest I yeah last time I checked it was like the paradigm shift or something that's it that's it that's it it's over okay fair enough you're winners of the match Lio and Jean mixl that was a pretty good match solid four I would say so you never watch on honor again oh thank you hey RJ thank you for the update dude for Mar SC said he'll never come back to a to uh Ring of Honor uh he's already expressed his lack of interest of going to one of the big BRS like he's already said once Tony K took over he has no interest in returning to Ring of Honor Marty scroll doesn't want to work for a big Corporation he's already said this so we won't be seeing him back uh oh uh B if you wanted to know we're coming up to the women's match next so that means we've literally just got after that uh the willos spray match the men's uh Triple Threat title match and stings match uh di perzo versus Tony storm for the women's title so it's going to be a good match yeah I'm looking forward to the those two games RJ yeah she's been here for a few weeks dude yeah this isn't just an impromptu match they've been building this Feud up for a few weeks yeah it really is it's been a good Feud so far for my I've seen there you go I really hope no I really hope he doesn't CU he doesn't deserve it because he's done nothing to earn this story that's fine there you go [Music] nice what is with this finishing the story there is no story like priest have a briefcase there's your story there's no story he doesn't finish his story because there is no story no worries like I imagine priest will probably cash in but I'm imagining he's GNA cash in on Seth because it's all he's been teasing is cashing priest has not C teased cashing on Roman once yeah that's what I'm imagining Nate he's not going to cashing on Roman there's been no buildup for him to cashing on Roman whatsoever definitely cashing in on uh Seth or Drew or whoever's the world champion yeah [Music] sorry B you know what I'm going to find I think I might have something in here Oreos Oreos hell yeah we got some Oreos it's always fun when I go shopping because I actually have food for like few two three weeks to actually eat it's like exciting well you know he could cash in on Seth afterwards I still don't think they're going to do Seth Cody Roman rock as a tag team match when Seth meant to be having a title match and I don't really see them putting two World title matches on one night when they can split them over two nights oh nice good for them let's go Tony let's go yeah I agree it definitely needs to be EO and Bailey uh Main Event in night one not freaking Nia Jackson Becky not sorry freaking Ria n Jax Becky anybody they don't need a main event it needs to be Bailey do we though Ronnie do we really want Brit Baker we really want Brit Baker Lord I'm old yeah about say why are we included in your Wii smell the Oreo goodness for maybe needs to sleep soon dude but you can't sleep until stingers out his final match yeah yeah do you ever wake up in the middle of the night book and get random Cravings cuz I'm not going to lie like three four days ago I woke up at like 6:00 a.m. after going to bed at like 4: and went I really want Oreos and I just sat there at an entire pack of Oreos before going back to bed craving for cereal is chly I don't have any decent cereal like you need to get so allos are childly h hey awesome Kev thank you also Kev uh I finally found those sodas you were talking about remember them Warhead sodas you mentioned to me or whatever they were I found them yeah I managed to find them so I'll be doing reviews on them probably in the next couple of months yeah I saw them in a a local shop and I went Kev mentioned them to me so I bought the uh all the flavors they had I think they had they had a couple of different ones so yeah I've uh found them finally so I get to actually try them I think that's one of the ones I might have I have to let you know what I think ah for I appreciate you're going to try and R your membership Kev but yeah like said I got them I've said um yeah I appreciate you wanting to renew your membership let me actually go tell you what flavors I got back in one sec dude so I can tell you which ones I got they're in the kitchen for uh yes she is book um the ones I have Kev are green apple watermelon and blue raspberry yeah those were all the ones I was managed to pick up I can't wait to try it dude maybe I will also whoever mentioned Dr P pepper uh strawberry and cream I have it I'll have to try it Kev I'll have let you know my opinion on more yeah I actually have the strawberry and cream Dr Pepper it's literally in my fridge it's in the review fridge I've already bought it so yeah it's amazing what I buy and forget that I have an existence someone mentioned it yeah it was beyond uh so yeah we were talking about it earlier it wasn't you cev yeah I get to try that one as well I even I have a couple of fanta flavors that are interesting I have Peach Fanta pineapple Fanta for for I Fair Kev yeah you're gonna have to watch it Ronnie don't worry the some of these reviews won't be for a very long time is ton toosha okay I need to find [Music] that I did I need to try more flop pop T flavors they're just hard to get dude we just don't get many over here and here he comes the world's greatest wrestler he comes [Music] from I just take come from walk comes from England come from where where does he actually come from in England actually don't know where where Mr Osprey is from no Ronnie we don't have the new McDonald Source it's us only where is he from oh London just London guys that's not really descriptive okay that part of London for do you know I I get to have the privilege of saying I have seen Mr Osprey wrestle live granted it was in like 2016 but still where walls uh I've heard it's interesting I've heard I've heard good things about it Kev I've heard the first few minutes are a bit but it gets a lot better apparently I need to check I need to check it out because I have heard some some good reviews about it but yeah did you know B that Ben has the privilege of being called a fat bastard by Will Osprey yeah literally when we were at the show we like looked at Ben and just called him a fat bastard it was brilliant honestly he even back in 2016 he was a damn good heel honestly will L bra fantastic he was he was banging in 2018 2016 and he only got better from there mate honestly he was fantastic in 2016 for yeah come on will CU takes that off spray yeah I agree Kev I've seen Hocus Pocus it was all right how can you be sleepy it's 10:30 yeah I do think they're making a third one want Olaf Olaf isn't real H Olaf isn't real it's also not snowing huh wait really that's a new Descendants movie I need to check that out I really enjoyed the three descendants movies you sure Ronnie yeah it's been a very good match no the fourth one one is called the rise of red Ronnie you definitely got the title wrong I'm literally looking at now the fourth one is called Descendants the rise of red a me rest in peace thank you for that update there RJ for it's also a spinoff so I probably won't want to watch it I Haven got half the cast in it yeah it's nothing to do with the other ones uh I do not listen to his podcast now I'm glad to hear like them damn Oilers are killing the Penguins yeah very to be a penguin oh what a knee by the ca for potentially it is a Disney plus exclusive most of them are and it's been a really good match but I don't if I'd go five star it's been really good so far though bam HPR just got leveled oh my God stop Styles Clash Styles Clash Styles Clash bro just kicked out of the Styles Clash boom hello yeah that's got to be it one two three Banger of a match five star not quite I'd say a solid 4.5 but not quite a five star a very very solid match though by far by far match of the night I have seen Jesse yes and I'm aware of who passed away on it dude I I know the I know the kidy passed away yes I'm aware of him he passed away which is very sad because he was actually a really good actor really you're going to bed before Sting's retirement might be why we're getting new cast members night B I mean you're going to miss Sting's retirement [Music] bro Kyle Fletcher hey rest in peace it doesn't matter if he's going to lose it's [ __ ] stin a damn it B go to bed get some good rest and I'll see you tomorrow for back to back hockey I know mate go to bed I'll see you in I'll see you literally see you for bad to bad cocky for three don't s all right here comes SW stre a for love of God thanks for the update RJ I swear to God if there's a manyi t of Swift bloody stupid swifties would never shut up hey Jim con I'm kidding it's Jim Ross Jim con I fooled you there for a second for for for yeah I was mocking more there it's nice to see Jr back for uh no he's just been having some health problems recently so you had to take a step back for yeah he's he's getting on a bit for for for I'm not sure off the top of my head Ronnie for for for I don't think they are Foodies e for okay rnie for uh I won't imagine he is Ronnie we never welcome about Resident Evil probably aren't I Big Daddy Cool's not coming out Ronnie he's already said he can't show up if they under WWE contract they can't show up Ronnie even a Legends deal or Hogan Kevin a people that can't show up Ronnie no to count pin there um did you miss the part where rodri strong won a title yeah that one Ronnie just to put this out here right now if you're not allowed to be on this show if Scott Hall's under contract and comes out here aew and Scott Hall get sued like if he's not allowed to be out here he can't be out here it's against the law I don't know if Scott Hall's under aw under WWE contract but just to clarify that for you Ronnie if if he is under WWE contract and coming out here is illegal good luck dude orange cass's belts one of the best ones like the amount of times that man had defends it it's much better than the TNT title in my opinion but the International Championship always gets defended in Banger matches in my opinion that's what that's the Intercontinental Championship of this company it's the Workhorse belt uh I mean I don't know how I've so many Banger matches that you have still not taken the man seriously page Taps page TOS page TOS yeah but now you got rodri strong as Champion dude like rodri strong is going to be a really good International Champion I couldn't get it I mean I wouldn't recommend doing that they're quite expensive and I feel like the uh they won't be happy if there's a random TV in the street I mean Joe's only just won the belt yeah but you're not though Ronnie like dude Joe has only just won the the belt let the man have his rain he's old he didn't lose he'll get an opportunity and he'll win it go say that is me B to his face I dare you leave him alone and Al enjoy his last title rign s if will get the about yeah I was also going to point that out you're not that wrong then yeah Scot Hall's kind of dead Ronnie yeah that slipped my mind for a second but yeah Scott Hall's dead dude I don't think Scott Hall's gonna show up for uh if you wanted to know a fun fact uh I think I actually have given sting a five star match in his uh like aw run uh I have uh aw Revolution 2021 Brian Cage and Ricky Starks versus Derby alen and sting in a street fight I believe that was Sting's first ever aw match and he got a five star for it you know I think I have to do it I think I have to do Thea will off spray five star CU that was a really really good match for it's Ricky The Dragon steam you know yes screw it i'm giving willos versus theer a freaking five star I really enjoyed that match uh special timekeeper and you know he happened to be like in the career of Sting it's going to be loads of Legends dude like there's a few around the ring uh can't say I've seen DDP yet I'm just going to go turn my bedroom light off which I stupidly left on and prepare myself for this moment of the end of the most legendary career I've ever witnessed minus Undertaker I don't know there's a debate which one's more legendary anything everything here we go it's Doby Allen I don't think so I'm not going to cry you you're kind of weird KK you know that bro the final Showtime no for you're a bit late now Ronnie to say don't go for should on oh my Lord as I live in brief whoa they've got people dressed up as different versions of stink I've seen a lot of things uh WCW run it was very very good and here's the man the icon the legend [Music] sting you want to know a fun fact KK sting had more matches in 2024 I think the Roman Reigns there we go the match is underway stier splash stier splash oh that's who they are the the other stings are sting Sons that's a nice touch uh yeah that's a very good match I love his stink sons are all tress S I thought he looked very eer like Sting young books are getting dominated yo how you doing dude just watching Sting's final ever wrestling match really does dude he's won 28 matches out of 28 matches is an aw he is undefeated in aew yes you did Ronnie yeah I remember that it was a good that was a good that was a very enjoyable match still still should have won that match in my opinion Triple H winning it was a bit was the final nail in the coffin of look we're better than WCW that died in 2001 that's all it was was literally let's let's embarrass WCW one final time I don't like how WWE treats thing oh they just ranked his eyes have you if nice I mean it made the point squash matches aren't great dude but it made the point Ron breaker beat the guy very very quickly it made him look strong right now you need to make the guy look strong it's a good way of doing it and it was an NXT Talent so at least some people knew who he was yeah that's brw breaker for you though dude like you ain't getting up after that guy's spear I liked it for the pure reason it made him look strong I'm all about brw breaker that kid is amazing and I love everything he's doing right now is that a [ __ ] panle of glass what the [ __ ] bro like bro what the [ __ ] is this yeah I'm glad you like BR breaker dude he's amazing dude has literally just set up a paint of Glass on six chairs this is insane y holy sugar Mi like hell no do I want to deal with the sting is not messing around no you got it wrong Ronnie it's a a dub adubb a dub not EC dub adubb yeah the only difference between him and Goldberg though void is Goldberg could wrestle and Brun breaker actually can for that pure reason if Goldberg is more Talent was less talented than Braun breaker Goldberg was over but Goldberg couldn't wrestle BR breaker can actually have a decently competitive match there's a difference thankfully we want hymon I know but we can't have Haymon holy no no no holy [ __ ] through the damn tables uh I said Goldberg can't wrestle and Braun can no no no no no oh he's raking the ice oh my God through the damn table oh thank you for the update RJ I don't think the crowd likes the young box yeah well we're going to have to see how he leaves it tonight dude for oh knocking looks into each other lovely flip I mean to be fair dude is against stink like the the whole story is built the young books up to be bastards and they've done a very very good job of building themselves up as a really despicable heel tag team so far this match has been amazing this is not going to end well for somebody holy [ __ ] [ __ ] tomby just went through a [ __ ] panel of glass that is legit the first holy [ __ ] you have got from me in a while like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] bro I know it's sugar glass but [ __ ] me I say it's sugar glass have you seen Derby's back [ __ ] hell that stink yeah Ronnie I don't know why they ever ended his streak to be honest they kind of ruined it with a stupid Stone gun holy [ __ ] bro do is insane stin find his way out stin find his way out oh yeah that's kind of how wrestling Works Ronnie Goldberg's undefeated St was only because they wanted him to have one it's kind of how wrestling bucking works unfortunately oh no Sting's GNA put him through put the guy through the table what is Sting done uh wouldn't surprise me if it was oh no no no no no through the damn table but stinks back up yep uh I'm a massive sha fan void but saying sha never had a bat match is ridiculous holy [ __ ] he just went through that glass about to say Sean had a load of bangers but he's he didn't have all Flawless matches scorpion death drop and a kicker by St he stays alive Al Crow 2018 didn't happen we we don't acknowledge that match please yeah no Sean every wrestler has bad matches [Music] oh oh no Ricky steo no idea oh maybe don't say stupid statement and you won't get cooked just kicked in the head yes knock out red flly the old [ __ ] boom Ricky The Dragon SE boot has been taken down oh but to the top of the head one two and a kick out by stin is Doby Allen live or not we haven't seen Doby Allen in ages for for for no Ronnie no for Doby Allen just sent him through the damn table and a kick out uh no he's not actually that is a lot of blood on Derby coffin drop I don't know he's going into a scorpion death look eights eights eight UPS they retain sting is Victorious 29 and0 in his aew career no idea no idea on that one I knew he was do it it sting you know what I have to do it for him gets a five his first match got a five his last match gets a five to everyone involved in that match that is what you call an entertaining match how Doby would no KK Derby was out for half the match nobody carried anybody in that match Doby Carri nobody carried anybody in that match see you tomorrow Onie don't stick around for Sting's final moments or anything just sting win the match and go like next joke like don't don't don't stick around for the end of the guy's career on he just go as soon as he wins his match not even finished celebrating yet I mean it's easy to carry you I me physically not mentally because physically you weigh nothing uh Trish did it though didn't she she won the women's title and then retired probably let's try for thank you sang yes you ating you risk everything kid you all [ __ ] it yes you have still got it bro and that's it a you ends at five oh we'll get the rest of it on Dynamite dude you'll get you'll get the rest of that speech probably on Dynamite or social media in like 10 minutes okay little quick wrap up because yeah that that was a long pay-per-view and I really do need to go to bed um payview most of it picked up for the last three uh three or four matches I'd say uh Danielson Kingston was a decent match uh the FTR John Moxley uh claudo match was decent uh women's title match wasn't bad uh Triple Threat T World title match was decent uh will L spray versus Desta five star very very good match I'll see for raw uh and the main event was a five star for yeah that's you KK I thought I'd give the overall pay-per-view a six out of 10 and that's mostly for towards the end yeah it wasn't it it did it wasn't their strongest pay-per-view there wasn't anything overly bad on it just most matches were average with a couple of exceptions to being really good it was a solid night of wrestling just nothing spectacular although to be fair that sting Derby young books match holy Lord that was good so as I said sting started his aw career with on this channel with a five star match he ends his aw career on this channel with a five star match he has won 29 out of 29 matches and has had I believe two fstar matches for me in those entire 29 matches just double checking I haven't given him a festar anywhere else no I have not yeah going to bed uh yeah thank you sting I love you bro one hell of a career you will go down forever is my favorite I'll see you all we'll probably you'll probably be here for dite knowing this anyway guys I'm going to bed see you all tomorrow Jo yank
Channel: All Things Wrestling
Views: 3,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aew revolution, aew revolution 2024, aew revolution 2024 full show live stream, aew revolution 2024 full stream live stream, aew revolution 2024 stream, aew revolution 2024 live, aew revolution 2024 live stream, free aew revolution 2024 live stream, free aew revolution 2024, free aew revolution 2024 stream, aew revolution full show live stream, aew revolution full stream live stream, aew revolution stream, aew revolution free, aew revolution live stream, aew revolution live
Id: kDbUW5hOJFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 364min 32sec (21872 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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