Aesop's Fables "The Ant and the Grasshopper" Short Film

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[Music] Aesop's Fables the Ant and the Grasshopper [Music] There once was a grasshopper, who liked to play with his flute. [Music] Then one day he met a large group of ants, all of them carrying loot. What are you doing? Asked the grasshopper, wanting to know. We are gathering food for the winter, they replied, before it starts to snow. But the grasshopper played with his flute, without a single care [Music] while the ants had to carry apples and peaches and even a pear. [Music] Then the grasshopper saw a berry and took it in one go. That made the ant angry, but then it started to snow. The ant took the berry back and quickly ran away while the grasshopper took his flute and continued to play. [Music] Then a blizzard came around and the grasshopper had nothing to eat. So he went to the ants home, hoping to meet. He looked through their window and what did he see? He saw ants laughing and eating and all full of glee. So he knocked on the door and it opened to show, the ant he met earlier, now wondering what the grasshopper was here for. Can I have some food? Asked the grasshopper, hoping for a bite. You did no work, said the ant so nothing for you, and it serves you right. So the grasshopper walked away with nowhere to go. But he learned his lesson next summer and was now in the know. Today he helps with the work and has made amends. and now spends winter with the ants, his newfound friends. [Music]
Channel: Animaza Studios
Views: 947,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animaza Studios, Ant, Grasshopper, Aesop, Fable, Animation, Short Film, Fairy Tale, Children's Book, fairy tail, stories for kids, Fables, moral stories, The Ant and the Grasshopper
Id: _svBrlehmMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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