Aer Tech Pack 3 Review (2 Weeks of Use)

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this is Eric from pack haacker and today we're taking a look at the Air Tech Pack 3 which I've been testing for the past two weeks let's dive [Music] in so we've got two material choices for this new version of the tech pack and this one here is the xack version um as you can see it is very you know X Packy lightweight water resistant um and just I think very Sleek looking I really like the um x pattern that comes with xack gear um but there also is let me make sure I get the specs right here a 1680d Cordura nylon version with an 840d nylon face so we've seen other materials like that from air before we also have that one on hand as well so that one's going to offer you I think I would say a bit more durability it's going to hold its structure a little bit better but it's not going to be as lightweight or water resistant SL weatherproof so I really like the look of both of them but I think the xack version for me just looks a little bit sleeker especially this considering this is a tech pack it just your Tech is heavy so maybe use a little bit of a lighter material to incompass it or you could also go with the um Viewpoint that you want more protection and I think you're going to get a little more protection from the Cordura but enough about that we have YKK zippers we got Aqua guard um seals on the zipper um tracks there which adds a little bit more weather resistance to this pack they're YKK they do what they're supposed to do got duroflex hard plastic adjusters here and then this is from wuen the magnetic Buckle but we will get to that later we got three handles on this pack we got a handle here on the top and then two on the sides I will say a few times when I'm going to grab this handle I think it's going to be up here and it's not and it's back here so a little bit of a learning curve for me personally enough padding here to be comfortable while using it padding on these side handles as well so this is nice if you're putting it in the overhead Banner underneath your seat you can grab it from pretty much everywhere anywhere except from the bottom so we do have an air logo down here in this corner it's hypalon like it's just pretty sleek and kind of out of the way there's another one on right here on the shoulder strap so not a ton of branding on this thing but I again I think it looks really nice whether you go with the xack or the cordora nylon um front faed version there is a water bottle pocket here on this side it's got a piece of elastic there as you can see I don't have a water bottle in there right now because if you've watched this channel before you know that I carry a 32 oz n and that does not fit inside of here cuz that's a really big water bottle but any small to medium think you know up to 16 even you know a 24 oz bottle if it is maybe a taller and skinnier one is going to fit in there fine but if you have a ton of stuff in the main compartment it kind of can't push in so you're not going to be able to fit as big of a bottle in there either so that is something to consider not for people who love big huge bottles but overall really dig the exterior of this thing but the insides where it really shines so I'm really digging the sleekness of this Harness System I think it is a big upgrade from the previous iteration that just had a lot more going on I think this is just as comfortable and does a really good job of carrying your gear that you sto inside so we have um curved shoulder straps here kind of conform to your body at least they do for me I don't know if they will for everybody but everyone in HQ is is kind of digging these things they're pretty comfortable got a pretty good amount of padding here on the back panel and they have a little luggage pass through right here as well which makes it convenient to throw on your rolling luggage and irration here too so that's going to keep things kind of chilled out on your back it will get a bit sweaty but pretty much all backpacks do I've never really worn one that didn't have a similar amount of padding and um Iration here on the shoulder straps just again it keeps you a little bit cooler than it would if it was just no mesh and just a little bit more comfortable as if there was no padding or less padding so pretty happy with that we have a sternum strap here that is on a rail so you can make micro adjustments get things just how you want then we have this magnetic Buckle here it takes a little bit of getting used to if you have not used one of these before um and if you have really big hands or maybe you have limited mobility in like your your hands or arthritis or something like that it might be a little bit harder to do this Buckle because it is very small you can kind of see it just compared to my hand there to my fingers it is very small if you have big gloves on in the winter time you might struggle with that but overall this is very comfortable in my personal opinion we also have strap Keepers here on the sternum strap and uh down here actually came out on the bottom of the shoulder strap but keeps things looking nice and overall I think that's where this really does well it it's very comfortable but it also looks very nice so now I've got the pack on and I think this pack fits me personally very well you obviously saw my you know my dimensions in the video uh on the screen there um but I think maybe if you are a bit shorter this pack might not be perfect for you I think it'll still be comfortable just cuz it'll kind of probably sit a little bit lower and it might just rub you a little bit the wrong way but again we have that padding and we have that ation which I think is very helpful no matter what your body size our body type is and we don't have any of that like hover back that we experienced with previous itations of packs from air and just that was never a huge issue for me personally but just sometimes the back panel would kind of like be hovering and you'd have to adjust the um Stern TR to really get it perfect and no matter how I've worn this pack it's been very comfortable it's been flush against my back and it's going to depend how much gear you have in here too this is a tech pack so you're going to load a ton of tech inside of here and I have quite a bit in here right now but the heavier the pack the more likely it's going to be uncomfortable but no issues for me here so we've got three secondary compartments to work with here and I'm actually go from the back to the front I typically go the other way um but I really like this front one so I'm going to do its last we have a laptop compartment up here really dig the inclusion of those Aqua guard zippers on all these compartments because it keeps your gear safe but as you can see a very amply sized laptop compartment this is a 15-inch computer and you might be able to fit a 16in in there um I think just depends on how thick your laptop is so so I would just check the dimensions before you purchase if you're worried about it if you have a thicker laptop obviously computers are Getting Thinner these days so you probably don't have to worry about that so much but in addition to a laptop compartment laptop slider I should say we have a another pocket here on this side that goes all the way down to about right here and then a middle pocket that goes all the way down to the bottom so if you want to bring more than just your laptop you can do that if you you know documents book tablet whatever I should note that this laptop compartment is very padded on both sides so obviously on the back panel you have this extra padding from the you know to make you comfortable on your back but we have padding on this side as well not super super thick but thick enough for my personal preference but on this side here with this material here we don't have a ton of padding so if you are sliding like if you wanted to bring a second computer and slide it in there um there's not going to be a bunch of padding or if you're using it for a tablet or whatever but for documents books whatever I think it's a pretty good shout and the lapt compartment is raised so if you were to put your computer in there it's not slamming on the ground every time you go to switch things up moving forward once more here or for the first time I should say we have a phone pocket but as you can see I don't have my phone in there right now and I just wanted to show that you can fit things that are other than a phone in here this is my bat ancher battery bank that I bring with me on pretty pretty much every day and also on every trip so it slides in there it's pretty big and long and it fits in there without any real issue but this is meant for a phone as you can see it's kind of got let me show you a bit closer there it's got a soft lining material and it's also padded so it'll protect your phone and your phone screen I typically like to keep my phone in my pocket so I have a bit quicker access to it I can just grab it and take a picture answer a phone call or whatever but if you are not someone who needs to have it all the time like some trips I really don't need to have my phone on with me all the time and I kind of prefer that you can store your phone in here so you still have access to it if you want to but it is zipped away um it we have a little zipper garage right there as well to make sure that water's not going to sneak in through the hole at the end of the zipper track which is is a um Stellar thing if you ask me but where the real party is at for this pack in my opinion more so even in the main compartment is this front compartment so this is really where all of your Tech organization is going to go and as you can see these zippers go down pretty far on this pack here and you can fold it down like this to get really good access to everything that you've got stowed inside of here so from top to bottom we have quite a few different um mesh Pockets so down here I've just got my GoPro inside of a case and it's actually got some uh little dog chew marks on it that was a little fresh thing that happened recently a GoPro uh tripod and um just like way to hold it to take videos which typically I don't put this in an organizer when I sto it but this pocket is big enough to accommodate that so I really like being able to put that somewhere so it's not moving around and rattling around but I mentioned this in other videos as well but this I really like this new mesh material or stretchy material that air is using it's not super stretchy but it holds on to gear pretty well and just kind of make sure it doesn't move those are bigger items but smaller items it works as well up here we have I would say these are two large Pockets two medium pockets and a small pocket so in here I've just got my two um wall Chargers that I plug in to charge things in the middle small pocket I've got my Joby grip tight one microand this would also work for pens pencil stylus then over here a mouse to use with my computer we have a zipper compartment here and that's actually where I have my headphones my wired headphones I should say and then my three charging cables that I bring with me pretty much everywhere so I can make sure that I can charge my various things I need to charge also got a key leash inside of here as you saw that just popped out I don't really ever use a key leash but it is nice to have if you're going on a trip and you're just like I want to lock my key up I don't want to be carrying it with me I just want to be safe you have that if you want it and then we have a liner pocket here which I just have a book that I picked up recently on a trip to Boston inside of there nice and safe in there and this pocket goes down to about right here so you got quite a bit of good space inside of here and you can really remove your Tech pouch so long as you don't have a ton of tech stuff so for me personally this works pretty well cuz I don't have a ton of tech um but you might need another small pouch or something like that if you do have a ton of tech in the main compartment if you're finding this video helpful make sure you throw a like on this video And subscribe to the channel so we can continue making content like this to help you travel smarter so moving on to the main compartment typically um especially with airbags but just bags in general that's where I say the real party is but we already had the party so now we're moving on to the Afterparty or maybe it was the pre- party depending how you look at it but one thing to not is this Tipper goes all the way down to the end here and actually going to close it back up and come over here so nothing comes out but this zipper over here only goes to about right here because of the water bottle pocket so this is me being extraordinarily nitpicky but um it's just something that bothered me a little bit because when you go to get in the zipper comes down to here and I wish that I could just pull this pack all the way open but I can't because that zipper does not go all the way down so when I'm trying to like open it it just kind of stops there and folds and it's just a little bit awkward for me personally it's not the biggest deal in the world but it's just something that I don't know I just wish that went all the way down I like having a water bottle pocket um but I just wish there was a way they could have done that in tandem to where maybe even just have this one come up here and then make this more foldable I don't know again I'm being super nitpicky there it's just something that bothered me personally in use it still works very well you just have to get used to it and it was just like the first time I was like what but now I'm very used to it and it operates just fine but as you can see I have quite a bit of gear in here but also quite a bit of extra space so typically I would have to bring a tech pouch but all my tech was in this front compartment so I didn't need to so that kind of saves me a bit of space I do have my ere ear headphones in the main compartment I could slide these inside of this front one but I just didn't like that they were kind of just loose in there because it wasn't really a good pocket for them to fit in so they're just kind of loose in there and I didn't really like that cuz that is the front face there so there's not a ton of padding here and there's just more protection back here and these aren't expensive headphones but I don't want to be a trip and have my headphones break so I did I liked to sto things that I was more worried about maybe getting hit or something like that inside of this main compartment so I've got my toiletry pouch in here as well and then a ospry straight jacket compression sack packing Cube um just to kind of compress all my clothes so they don't take up a ton of space and just slot them nicely in the bottom there but there isn't a ton going on in this main compartment and I really like this from Air so basically you're getting a ton of organization from this front compartment for it doesn't have to be Tech you could really organize a ton of your stuff in here just daily use items you could even throw a couple toiletry stuff in here if you wanted to and then you just have a big open compartment where you can Stow the rest of your gear whether that be packing cubes um another tech pouch if you need to bring extra Tech just various travel things that you want to Stow inside of here so I really like that that you have one super organized area and one that isn't as organized we do have a pocket here on the bottom bit hard to show you cuz that divide I was talking about but it goes down just to this right here so it's a pretty good siiz pocket you fit a book in there tablet um just flat items do better it is that mesh material so you can put larger items in there if you wanted to you could put some clothing in there really whatever you needed to but it does better I think personally for flat items because it doesn't affect your packing so much and then another interesting thing about this pack is we have this I've been calling it almost like a frame sheet here so if you pop this open you can see there is some hard plastic you can hear it in there and it kind of acts as a barrier between these two compartments and helps the pack stand up more on its own and especially I think this helps with the xack version of this pack gives it a little bit more structure and just doesn't let these two compartments kind of become a meshy area where you don't know which where one compartment starts and the other compartment ends so I really dig that you can take it out if you want to obviously because there is that zipper there but I just dig that inclusion I think it really does a lot and doesn't add a ton of weight or anything like that again just really adds that structure that not that this pack needs a bunch more structure but I do enjoy that but overall really like the Inplay between these three kind of major compartments then obviously we have that phone compartment up there as well it's going to depend how you travel and really how much Tech you bring if you don't bring a ton of tech you might not find this as useful as I did but if you're kind of in that fall into that category of a medium amount of tech I think it'll suit you really well so there you have it the Air Tech Pack 3 thanks for keeping it here to pack haacker your guers motor travel we'll see
Channel: Pack Hacker Reviews
Views: 20,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pack hacker, pack hacker reviews, travel gear, one bag travel, carry on travel, gear, travel products, travel essentials, minimalist travel, travel backpack, sling, Aer Tech Pack 3 Review, Aer Tech Pack 3, Aer Tech Pack, Tech Pack 3, Aer Review, Aer, Tech Pack Review, Tech Pack, aer tech pack, aer bag review, aer pack 3, aer tech collection
Id: N10NIseUMv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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