Adventures In Guatemala: Exploring Antigua, Lake Atitlan, And Casa Del Mundo

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[Music] hello I have missed doing travel Vlogs so much so tomorrow we are packing up and we are going to Guatemala this is my first time in Central America outside of a cruise setting but I am starting in Boston I took the bus from New Hampshire to here and I decided that I was just going to book a hotel tonight instead this was like happened last night on my night shift that I was just going to stay in a hotel cuz it my flight's like 6:00 in the morning and I couldn't find a place to park and it was just a whole big deal so anyways I had some Hilton points and I booked this hotel and I was just like booking it by points and I was like oh this hotels like pretty cheap as far as like points it was like 70,000 points and I was like cool um when I looked online I found out that it was like expensive after I booked it whatever and it was pretty expensive it's right at the airport I literally walked here from getting dropped off of the bus that was supposed to be like taking me to the airport um and when I walked in I had my backpack and like my front pack and everyone was in suits and dresses and I was like I look like a scrub um so I came in here I threw on some mascara and some blush and a little bit of eyes Shadow and I I need to go get some food but literally this is all I could come up with I have like clothes that are dressed for the warmth and not cuteness so I just have these pants on super funny but um maybe I'll go like meet her husband or something we don't know um anyways I will see you guys tomorrow morning when we start heading to Guatemala I'm going to go get a drink get some dinner and go from there so I hope you enjoy the rest of this vlog [Music] I made it to the beautiful city of guatemal well beautiful country of Guatemala but beautiful city of Antigua I just had the most perfect lunch in the cutest little cafe I had some fish and they even put like a little flow on it and now I'm just kind of sitting in this beautiful little Park here so gorgeous it is kind of like looking like it's going to rain the forecast says it's going to rain in like thunderstorm so I'm kind of just enjoying this little spot here and walking around um there's also super cute little architecture here old architecture and yeah the hostel is super cute I'm so excited for a little trip here so I'm going to show you some clips of this cute little city and welcome to day [Music] one after I walk back from the park I end up seeing a Manny peny for $30 so guess where I am I got some apple tea I got my feet in a nice little green soak right now and I might not get my hands done cuz I literally just broke two nails but I am definitely going to get a pedicure so like I said $30 did not expect this uh this trip so far is really [Music] good good morning it is dios in Guatemala it is so beautiful here I promised that I would show you the hostel um because it is abnormally gorgeous um and and this is my little room we'll start here I guess it's my little spot here there's a bathroom back there and then there's no one in here except I had a new friend that came last night and then this is what the outside looks like so I'm going to throw some clips in here about how adorable this is and we'll go from there [Music] [Music] I'm now walking to downtown in Tia it is so pretty here so so warm and yeah let's go explore the little city and see what it's all about I did see a little bit of it yesterday so we're going to see a little bit more [Music] today I was walking down the street and I saw this gorgeous Cathedral so I decided to stop and just look at this so beautiful I the entrance SE was like $3 and I also did a little tour that was like $20 so I learned a lot about the history this actually used to be not in Ruins but there were three earthquakes that happened that overall led to where it is today so I'm going to throw in the cliffes here that you can see and it is so awesome so please enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after the cathedral tour I end up going on a jade tour and I learned that my Mayan sign is emo which means water which if anybody knows me I absolutely love the water I joke about being a fish in my past life um they also talk about how emoes help other people that's like they're calling in life and that the two colors energy colors are black and blue which is funny because these are the colors that I chose to wear today most of the colors that I wear anyways but anyways Jade has a very rich mine history and it was really interesting to learn a lot about that so I am going to go explore the rest of the city I'm going to meet up with two new Pals and we're going to go to these little hobbit places hopefully you can still hear me I'm totally on the side of the road but that's my plan for the day so so we will catch up later [Music] totally phone vlogging now but I am going to to a pub crawl tonight so we'll see what happens didn't end up going to Hob The Hobbit Place just kind of end up saying around saying keep saying s Antiga so yeah join the for bar [Music] Oda we are finally together remember me yeah this is all the way back from Puerto Rico and we are on the bumpy roads of Antiga right now because we're going to our first stop un like atalon which is San Marcos um yeah we're going to San Marcos and we're partying in San Pedro tonight so we have a 2-hour car ride and a 30-minute boat ride so it should be fun we'll see what goes [Music] on and then that's a rose spider and Nicole almost grabbed it yeah anyways we're going up this Road here well that has to be the sign to write that yeah we're looking for little orange dots on the ground little yellow yellow just kidding so [Music] yellow Ola we made it to our first hostel um your first hostel my second hostel and um after quite a journey quite a journey um Nicole flew in this morning at like 6:00 so it's been what you have been traveling literally for like over 13 hours no it' be longer it' be like 15 hours I don't know how to do math it's way too late right now how do we start how do we start uh Uber we took an Uber it was it was should have been like 2 hours mhm it was 4 4 hours and we took to many so many wrong turns so many times we like pulled over to ask like where we were going cuz I think people on the side of the road yeah we went through these like little towns and stuff like that and it just like didn't work out but we finally got here after like these windy roads there was like rocks on the road there were trees down dogs roaming like a pack of dogs chasing us yeah actually yeah and um so finally we made it to the general location of the hospital and there's a big hill and we were like we're going to do it we're going to we're going legs you know we're going to hike it um no no we were not hiking that we got a Tuk Tuk and we needed a running start so we had to like back up I'll throw this halfway down the street rev it up and go and then at one point I had to get out cuz only one person yeah only one person and I like slipped and like scraped my arm it hurts really bad um but yeah that was a wild ride then there's more then we had to walk this like path there was tons of stairs and we saw a huge spider Nicole and I almost grabbed it yeah it look the spiders here like look like they're part of pictures cuz I almost just grabbed another one right over here so yeah this one was teeny though the other one was big um but yeah we hiked and then this dog had like followed us up here and now we're here and it's beautiful and it's in the dark so we might do some yoga tomorrow morning yes we might do some yoga we're going to call in early night because to be honest we're exhausted yeah and I am didn't even do as much as she did today but I am like ready to but yeah um that is where we are right now we're in Eagle's n San Marcos so yeah anyways we're here it's going to be great super excited and that's it so buos snow Chase we'll see you in the morning [Music] morning us we are officially in the sun part of like atlon it looks beautiful here I'm just going to pan out really quick but anyways Jess slept late today so she missed the sunrise but I was up miss the sunrise yeah and we went to early morning yoga and we tried yoga Big emphasis on the try big emphasis on the try it was so nice though I think that was the first time I've ever intentionally taking a yoga class and the view was just gorgeous it was just it was really nice it was like an hour and a half right yeah yeah it was a long yoga class but perfect but we got food yes we did get food so breakfast I believe they were tala's day chiplin I believe that's I'm not sure how you say it but and some cucumber juice somebody liked it more than the other person yeah I didn't I wasn't a big fan it was very interesting but we are staying here just for like a little bit longer we packed up our stuff and then we're going to go to our next stop which is going to be absolutely gorgeous we'll keep it a little secret for now but um we're going to hop we're going to figure out how to hop on to the boat yeah we don't really know how to get there but we'll figure it out so stay tuned and yeah let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] about to head on the boat we're kind of rushing Witham okay try do a taste test on camera [Music] hello after a very short boat ride on the lake we made it to one of the most beautiful places I think I've ever seen and it is Kasa del mundo yes now we're going to go look at the Aquatic activities maybe go snorkeling paddle boarding just jump in the water see what happens yes so tons of footage um we're trying to beat the rain it's going to start raining at 4:00 rains pretty much every night here so we're going to go explore and then maybe eat after that and go from there so please enjoy the rest of this Vlog life is a Winding Road no telling where it goes driving through days and nights won't stop for traffic lights and I I really want to know really want to [Music] know if I never figure out where the road [Music] goes even if I'm falling down I will keep on searching for my eyes you can say I lost my hello we just got done paddle boarding and uh we're down a watch dropped my watch in the water so it was fun though yeah it was a lot of fun it's a little rocky but it's nothing worse than a Jersey short so no complaints there no I'm us to likees being a lot calmer than this and she's like in the bay it's not that bad and I was like no this is we were both standing up you know yeah we actually were I almost like I kind of felt I didn't fall but like I pretty much was about to fall and I was like just I I wanted to fall in but I just didn't want to fall at that point so anyways lots of Clips to come actually you already saw them after you see this piece but we're going to go get ready for dinner and we're going to go from there so we'll see you pretty soon you iost my mind I will keep on holding my head high even if the sky is falling [Music] down we had amazing lunch we were going to go to the hot tub but end up being like a private hot tub for an hour so now we're just hanging out here while it's literally downpouring out there but it's still very gorgeous view and it's going to be great so maybe will go to the hot tub if it's not downpouring we'll see good morning it's Monday it's my first weekday here and I can't stop thinking about work it's crazy but we're getting breakfast right now and then we're going to go take pictures cuz this grounds are absolutely beautiful and this morning is just so calm and just perfect and and that's so far what our is going to look [Music] like but we get up and from the ground and I I really want to know really want to know if I never figure out where the road [Music] goes even if I'm falling down I will keep on searching for my eyes you can say I lost my mind I will keep on holding my head high even if the sky is falling down even Is Falling Down is falling hello y'all we just took a surprise dip into the water and our dresses as you will probably seem see yes and now we are going to hop on a boat to San Pedro to check into our next hostel and it's going to be great [Music] we made it to San Pedro La Laguna Yes we made it to the hospital and then we walked around the city a little bit and now we are getting lunch yes and we have this gorgeous Mountain View here at the top we have this entire little place to ourself up here it looks awesome but we're about to enjoy some really good lunch and we'll see what the rest of the night takes us there is beer pong tonight at our hostel so that's what we're going to be doing so we'll catch you later [Music] [Music] this is the EO EOD part of the Vlog yep end of day end of day what a day it's been uh we're taking the Vlog now because in the morning we're not going to be this happy I'm not going to be this happy because we're getting up at like 3:30 to go on a hike if she wakes up that's that's a yeah that's a fair argument but we are getting up early we're doing the Indian nose hike with some of our new Aussie friends and then we're going to go to Brey yeah which is the Australian version of breakfast in case you wondering but yeah uh good night for now we'll see you early morning in the a.m. [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] morning we just made it back from our amazing Sunrise hike and we're going to take a nap soon yeah they just dropped us off and walked inside and then there's a lady selling banana bread that just completely ignored and then I came in and I was like I'm going to go get banana bread just like get me some too so I acquired two loaves of banana and chocolate banana bread which we going to enjoy so good and like I said take some naps and then we're going to go from there so we'll see you a little bit later [Music] morning part two we just got some lunch at a very cute place that was right on the water gorgeous I got some bracelets from a lady who makes them she came up to us and offered us some and I had couldn't say no so I have some souvenirs yeah you she also got a little scarf put on her too I'll throw that in there too cuz it was kind of cute but uh now we're heading to PA yeah P um to do the nature reserve and what are we going to see hopefully monkeys hopefully some monkeys and it's only supposed to rain for 2 hours today which hopefully it'll be that way but yeah we're going to get on a boat we're going to head to paana and yeah that's my last full day [Music] [Music] [Music] here it is TV tour [Music] time our ATV tour is awesome now we're at the hot springs yes it is gorgeous just so much fun the lake is beautiful mountains are beautiful and we are going to head back soon so [Music] [Music] I missed my flight obviously and I'm back we're reunited yes we were apart for a little bit I end up coming back to San Pedro and then we took a flight back or not a flight I wish it was a flight a long bus ride back to Antigua and yeah hopefully I'll get home soon but I have no service so we're working on that but uh yeah this is Nicole's home for the next few days yep so uh we going on the sidewalk yes this might be the last piece of this Vlog so I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully I'll be home soon and Nicole will enjoy her hike tomorrow which is going to happen but yeah peace out y'all [Music]
Channel: Jess Niebauer
Views: 4,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lake atitlan, travel vlog, central america, guatemala travel vlog, essential travel, lake atitlan guatemala, san marcos, panajachel guatemala, antigua guatemala, guatemala tourism, central america countries, lake atitlan guatemala travel, visit guatemala, travel guatemala, central american countries, travel to guatemala, la casa del mundo guatemala, la casa del mundo atitlan, la casa del mundo lago atitlan, mr mullets hostel, eagles nest lake atitlan, panajachel
Id: n-RMAwjA6NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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