Adventure Time Is Tragically Horrifying...

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yo ladies and gentlemen we are here another episode of Adventure Time I I don't know man I don't know man I don't even know what's going on the last episode we had the whole weird rapist werewolf in the history of time I I don't even I don't know what's going on here I don't know what I'm ready for however they're getting copyrighted and I'm not really making money off these so uh support me on patreon link in the description uh for more and hopefully I won't completely end the series called turkey hopefully so let's see what we got leave a like bye all right princess monster wife God I wish that was me god dude oh dude every oh [ __ ] God I wish I had a princess monster wife all right oh no what is go how does it start a woman in distress my arm wait did she lose her AR what the freak that Turtle Princess lost a quarter of her head dude are they frankensteining a princess no this isn't going to be Ice King frankensteining a princess literally stealing body parts of princesses don't tell me my face she's still cool with it cuz at least she has one oh my God this literally is what's going to happen she's going to be missing legs there we go literally a Frankenstein princess situation dude am I good at this or what I can totally be wrong and then you you won't be able to say pre-at but when it turns out I'm right and you'll say pre-at I'm just saying happens sometimes no it doesn't don't say that okay what the [ __ ] huh wait what oh my gosh how many oh my gosh no a ly Space Princess what did they take I bunch of crippled princesses show up what the many times do I have to tell you somebody broke into my house and stole my Lo [Music] LS [Music] peo that's rough okay calm down how am I supposed to calm down Plumping thever out there getting fresh with my lumps getting fresh with my lumps no no Slime Princess no dude Lumpy Space Princess started to show off as like my least favorite character but easily became one of the greatest gross bro don't just say haha gross okay Princess Bubblegum got lobotomized okay she watched one episode too many of jujuu K whoa whoa gals we'll find this crazy freak and return all of your body parts God please let it be Ice King please let it be Ice King please snow snow waa whoa gals we'll find this crazy freak and return all of your body parts I love how Finn is like actually just the resident hero that all the princesses con conly go to and they need help it's so thank you so much V did did they steal her butt like is the Frankenstein going to have a butt a hot dog butt I shall give you a kiss uh uh it's it's okay hot dog princess yeah we'll be right back that's fine yeah it's ice it is Ice King let fre yeah you can say pre-at now you can say pre-at dude I guessed it from frame two of the episode literally frame two oh God at my base dad I don't know I have nothing to do with this never mind I wasn't pre-at I wasn't Ice King God damn it well I was close I love how they just went to him they knew he's the most the most common suspect they're like okay so we have eight princesses they're all missing organs and limbs hey Ice King how you doing bro I feel like it's been so long since we've seen when when was the last Ice King episode it has been so long did he even show up at all in season 4 he literally wasn't in season 4 yet yo we haven't seen him since the the Simon Petrov reveal bro stop lying we found your fingerprints at the crime scene what really uh no dude that's what every every cop show in the world every single cop show has that one episode where that's how they catch the bad guy well we know it was you because you got your fingerprints off the knife and he'll be like that's impossible I wiped my fing fingerprints off that knife and they're like oh God dagnabbit oh well then why would you say that Ice King we know you did it thenn I'm as concerned as you are there's no evidence innocent to proven guilty listen just because I'm a Minecrafter with the history of assaulting women and children that doesn't mean that it's my fault this time there's some sicko out there what if he comes after my princess my princess is going to be Frankenstein no you can go back to the pre-at no princess yeah let me introduce you to my new [Music] wife I can't believe it I predicted the Franken princess for the first [ __ ] scene no oh my God I'm so sorry Chad just I love this show so much ice King be like [ __ ] is [ __ ] oh wait you mean I'm the guy stealing all the yeah okay I get it now it was him I just got debated like six times in three seconds literally in 3 seconds I went from oh it's Ice King they find Ice King I'm like wow it's not Ice King and then oh it's Ice King oh my god dude this is the worst thing I've ever seen what the triple mouth what would they do ice gake [Music] no happened to them husband husband I love how the the the lumpy space prison the the LSP voice is just louder than everybody else's wow they're sleepy he used dog foot dog's butt as the second foot what a giga ched there are limp sleepy children come Ice King no Ice King no why would you just why would you just leave them there you know they're going to come kill you bro oh my God bro like let's let's be reasonable here for just one second let's let's take a step back and recognize what we're looking at objectively that [ __ ] would be crazy Anyway come on wife let's have a nice family meal oh God no he's keeping them too man is actually delusional it's like after watching the Simon Petrov reveal at the end of season 3 or whatever like this just hits so different it hits so crazy different he just doesn't get reality at all he's like living in a different world poor guy like he's in a constant state of delusion cuz the crown keeps [ __ ] with his head like it's so tragic right cuz if he'd be rational at all he would obviously uh he would get rid of these guys right like he would be like oh these guys are going to try to kill me uh let's kill let's you know lock them up freeze them in place throw them out the window I don't know but no he just he keeps living on in this weird delusion to the point that he made his own princess from the body parts of other princesses like he's an unwell man bro why if you sit right a what a gentleman a the Ice King RZ Ice King RZ isn't this nice oh dude just wants a he wants a life he wants a life he wants a wife he wants kids he just wants a family [Music] a uhoh I mean that's good oops oh my God this is like so tragic now like do that God what an insanely well-written character dude Ice King is one of the goats the goats of fiction honestly like think about it right this is a horror story this is a guy who literally lobotomized decapitated [ __ ] chopped the limbs and organs out of princesses across the country to build a bear a [ __ ] Frankenstein princess and he has these two limp children that he just are keeping there to watch but it's so sad he wants to eat his d nuggies with someone he loves like he just did something that is one of the most horribly cursed things any villain has ever done dude MOA dropping a meteor is not nearly as cursed as a guy that that [ __ ] lobotomized an army of women to create his Build-A-Bear Frankenstein human centipede and he's like oh she dribbled [ __ ] on her because oh she's eating with a triple mouth so he he does it too to make her not feel bad like he makes it look wholesome because in his mind it is wholesome in his mind he's not a bad guy H how fun you're so fun he wants to make your feel good you know oh man bro this is like tragic oh marriage is fun yeah see when you wash and I dry we get done faster then tomorrow night why why why is there a potato in this microwave we switch a [Music] here let me show you a trick my darling see you let it so and then we'll wash it in the morning enough chores bro it's like it's so sad he's like treating her so well you know like this is obviously the most cursed conglomerate of [ __ ] body parts in the planet but like he's treating her so well he loves her come along dear I want to show you something special why is she holding a banana where did that come from wait a second oh my God I I know things now oh no no no oh God why oh show you something [Music] speci okay what the [ __ ] I can introduce your parts to something new oh my God I'm going to get copyrighted from this song but I'm going to get copyrighted anyway Le to survive every moment now is oh my God it's so sad just as long I am all right that's gunter's child from that one episode dude this is gunter's Kid the egg I don't even know man this show is wild that it kept that kept it around just as long as I am I love how they stole they uh they chopped off just the right the part of of of lumpy princess and he stuck it on to his Frankenstein just the right shape to give his wife boo with her lumps like you and you and you and you and you and you there is so much Beauty in this land of eyes yeah dude I still think these guys are Mega cursed like you see all their organs but the rest of them is I oh those guys are all new they just saw [ __ ] Frankenstein princess fly across every and spin remind us where we've remind us we something special bro this is so like beautiful and then you rem remembered that this is a [ __ ] lobotomized monster US Special A that was beautiful like that was a some Disney princess [ __ ] better love story than Twilight for real for real yo what the hell why was that so good be like it a he made sculptures of them and he made himself buff H you like is there something wrong with me oh no no the way I am it's not normal is it oh pretty baby wife you're the most normal thing in my whole life oh that's like actually sort of true oh oh we're like two normal jelly beans sitting at the bottom of the jar floating in a sea of Olives waiting for somebody to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar which I mentioned yeah none of that made any sense but okay I don't think I understand no don't worry no one does the guy's crazy just look into my eyes and know that everything is okay oh my god dude he why does he keep them why is he keeping them are you feeling normal yet is he just holding a stress Gunther being normal is overrated that's why I had my videos with stay weird fam because if you look exactly like this and you're watching my content I want you to know that I appreciate you okay that was the the opening credits see that we're normal just like the normal people are lady don't take my no [Music] go are you saying Mama what are you hi it's so horrifying like I I feel like Adventure Time is the only show that can perfectly incapsulate like the insane horror at the same time as just like this strange wholesomeness monster a oh that's so sad don't mind the kids it's just a phase I love how he's just keeping them he's keeping them like in his weird demented mind even though he knows that they detest him I need a glass of water oh I'll go get no it's okay I'll get it of water I am a monster you are not normal you are a monster dude I freaking love the princess the LSP hey hey hey monster a monster what's going on in here nobody's a monster all I see in this room is a young kindhearted intelligent hot looking I husband King that was close I knew he was going to do that a nice hot young looking intelligent husband and his beautiful princess bride that's you sweetie I don't feel beautiful I feel like a freak I will prove to you that you are beautiful a dude just sewing a lot of [ __ ] together he's like this is exactly what you would wear is that a pizza box to me my Penguins G Gunther G G come on to me penguins it's like he's summoning the [ __ ] the redum to fight the Orcs gther g go go frer follow what is even going on right now he's trying so hard to make her feel beautiful it's like so sad don't rearrange your chairs please you're all going to clap and cheer I'm going to smack your buns like every dude this is every captive audience at like watching those like tonight's show at Jimmy Fallon tonight's Show with Jimmy Kimmel any tonight's show with a Jimmy this is the audience laugh or I'll smack you they're all just like [Music] who yeah the Ice King voice didn't know how to pronounce Gunther so he did a bunch of takes there's no way that is how they kept they kept all these names clap louder you got to be all W yeah it's a pizza box that's sewed to the back that really Nails [Applause] it if we look at her with these mirrors her ugliness will have no effect on us yeah that's that's not how they they think she's a basilis where is she oh I think she's right [Music] over I cannot believe where this episode went and it's beautiful they all just killing themselves no Jimmy Fallon was never funny [Music] no baby you want to talk about it a you should just find another princess to marry I'm unlovable girl I love you as much as all the other princesses in the world don't say combined don't say combined combined but he really means it you don't really mean that I'll prove it the thing is he really does mean it that that's what's so wild about it cuz he's like actually demented uh-oh see you have elbow princess's hips and Dr princess's heart and intestines slime princess's bottom you have all my favorite parts of my favorite princesses I'm just a bunch of stolen Parts oh the parts don't matter you are the sum of your parts isn't that the moral of the story of like every single like a sci-fi fantasy Trope it's you that matters who am I you're my wife and I will always love my wife no matter what that's the thing dude cuz he misses his wife oh my god dude this is so this is like so tragic and horrifying at the same time you love me even without these other princesses Parts sure baby even without all your fine lady parts now give us a hug hey Ice King huh your wife's face can't make us faint anymore don't listen to them babe they're being negative no don't listen to the haters don't listen to the haters mute your comments mute your tweets close Twitter log off don't look at what the haters are saying run my happiness I'll distract them with ice smic I no ice Ki though ouch he's not good at this he's not good at this you know what the hell was that was the greatest fight scene of all time dude Ice King fight scenes in Advent in season one literally destroying mountains and [ __ ] Ice King fight scenes in season 2 you scratch his face you pull his hair you flick his Crown off yes I give up finally let's get those Princess Parts back to ladies yeah mans wait where'd your wife go oh God just puts them back it's as easy as that see well nothing's wrong there it was supposed to be a wholesome moment and it's just [Music] not we put the lumps what about the [Music] lumps huh oh let me go let me go this just the lumps no no my parts be scattered I shall always be your wife oh my God that's so tragic she she gave away all my stuff no woman moment woman moment woman moment woman woman moment that's the moral of this episode no you dare end the episode that way I have never been this mad oh my God I can't believe this it's like it's so beautiful it's tragic the joke at the end how did the cloak float back in here what magic is carrying it what happened to the the lumps the lumps the missing lumps this is one of my favorite episodes so far in all of Adventure Time um Adventure Time is a great show uh and I I would love to continue it and unfortunately if for the copyright claims are really dissuading me right now because by the way everyone's getting copyrighted sarcastic chorus just got like all of his Big Adventure Time videos copyrighted too it's been brutal um it's it's rough out here boys it's rough out here but it keeps happening and I really want to keep going thank you for all your support on Kick and on patreon uh you guys are amazing uh and if I ever have to stop I will try to keep going even once in a while just for a patreon upload uh or maybe just live on Kick so definitely check me out there Andor guys thank you for your support this was one of my favorite episodes of Adventure Time ever like the The Ice gang story like the tragic mixed with the the actual just app horrid [ __ ] that was going on this this episode was Peak this episode was Peak like a 10 out of 10 episode top five episodes in the whole show so far maybe like wow definitely top 10 damn bro what a freaking episode like the the philosophy behind it of what makes someone happy being themselves versus uh just being a sum of other people's part Parts like the way he actually treats her well and like The psychosis that goes on in his mind actual Peak stay weird F if you made it to the end click one of these two videos which also will definitely get me cancelled see you live on cake stay weird fam
Channel: Nuxanor
Views: 38,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, nuxanor, nux taku streams, adventure time, adventure time ice king, adventure time Finn, adventure time Nuxanor, adventure time reaction, adventure time funny, adventure time princess bubblegum, adventure time lore, marceline, lemongrab, adventure time ice king lore, susan strong adventure time, adventure time simon, flame princess, adventure time nightosphere, adventure time marceline dad, daddy's little monster, adventure time bear, adventure time lich, hug wolf
Id: s8hi4kbHgfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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