Advanced Pixinsight Processing Done The EZ Way

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hey everyone welcome back to entering into space and for this video i'm going to do another processing tutorial i love processing tutorials why because i can just set up in the office and do them i'm just dragging that stuff out and go outside and deal with the neighbors and the four-wheelers and the dirt bikes and the screaming and the kids and the dogs and all the other noise and the jets flying over and forget to turn my microphone off i don't have to do any of that stuff i can just sit here and do this because processing is an extremely important part of the astrophotography initiative yeah anyway uh so i've really changed the way that i'm doing the hubble palette here in pixel site i've discovered some easier ways to do advanced techniques let's get into it all right so here we are i've actually got some data it's not on loan because i'm not giving it back but uh i got some data here from a buddy of mine named uh mark carter out in kansas city he shot some heart nebula data here the core of it merlot 15 you can see um subs for six minutes he's just over 16 hours all the filters that he used were the antalia antalya i don't know if i'm saying that right but they're really awesome filters if you haven't checked them out really good price point especially the hydrogen alpha 3 nanometer great stuff so all these were shot with those make a keyboard adjustment here all all his uh sub or these uh master files here this is uh sulfur and we've got oxygen wait let me uh spring stretch oxygen here so really really good signal and then obviously the aha is going to be popping popping so let's go through a new process to to get to the hubble palette and i don't have a an example to show you because we're starting from scratch here so obviously we've got some some rotation some offset artifact artifacting i don't know that we want to crop out and so what we're going to do is we're going to come in here to process geometry dynamic crop doing this individually let's choose this hydrogen alpha data set here let's click the reset tool so we are connected i'm just going to bring this in probably going to shrink this image up which is going to help some of the processing times we won't do the whole entire thing here look at that pop it out right there that's a good frame i like that so let's drag this instance off of dynamic crop let's put it down here in our little little cubby hole we're gonna close the tool yes and we're just gonna drag and drop you know the routine you've seen it before let's push this over here and we're going to drag and drop one more time so ha sulfur and oxygen so we got them all they're all cropped really well i'm gonna do one different thing because he has gotten a really good signal with all three filters we're going to create what i like to call a super luminance so we're going to come in here we're going to come to process uh image integration and image integration all right so we're going to click add files we are going to come to the easy processing we're going to grab all three of those files here place them in we're going to leave everything at default basically how it comes in a combination average normalization additive with scaling we're not going to worry about any pixel rejection because he's already done that he's already stacked everything um and we are just going to hit uh apply global what that's going to do is it's going to create a super luminance so if he's at you know seven or eight hours per filter you know why only choose the um hydrogen as a luminance let's let's choose it all let's have a full let's have every or all three of these filters contributing to the luminance layer that we're going to put on top you didn't see in the process explorer but what it did is it basically took an average and each individual filter contributed a percentage of an amount obviously probably ha and sulfur contributing a higher amount than oxygen to come to this uh what i call a super luminance so let's drag and drop our dynamic crop and we can rename that lume so we know what it is let's minimize that we're going to push it up on top we're going to save that one for a little later here we got our h8s203 so here's a divergent from one thing i used to do next step would be a background extraction cleaning up the background get some getting getting some getting rid of some of this uh haze in the darker areas and i used to use dynamic background extraction but i found that with images that are mostly nebula like this we're going to come here to process and we're going to choose automatic background extraction yeah that's right we are i've got a function degree in the interpolation output let's reset the tool just so i can show you everything's pretty much default it's going to come in looking something like that so the interpolation and output let's drop down that list comes default to four let's bump that down to a one okay that's one of the changes one of the only changes i make to any of the default settings and that's and i want to make sure you understand not only are we going to produce a great image we're going to produce a great image with a lot of tools with a lot of default settings today we're not going to go in here and have to do deep dives into these tools and tweaking them a lot of default settings i know you're going to like that so the target image correction let's do that drop down list here and we're going to select division okay let's just drag and drop the instance over onto the aha see we got much better much much better nod your head if you agree right i can see you out there uh let's rename that h a should we get those little banners a little smaller this is our h a push that up here so we're just going to close down the background model that are produced and we're going to close down the old image we're going to open up s2 same thing drag the instance over see we got here see we got oh i like that all right so let's open it back up double click on the banner and we're going to call this s2 i'm going to call it s2 because that's what it is um close down the old image last one is oxygen you can see some of the darker areas of oxygen here uh you watch it it'll really uh provide better contrast it's what we're looking for all right so a screen transfer function of that much better looking image i like it click o three more eye there oh i that's what it is all right so we're gonna close the background and we're gonna close the old image and we can just uh close the automatic background extractor oh let's open up our super loom let's do that let's open it back up what am i thinking uh background still set everything's still set so that's a background extract that super luminance we're gonna hit the little nuclear button here in the screen transfer to see i like it and if this is your first time in pixel site you're trying to learn how to use it all this screen transfer function does is just give you a preview of the stretch if i hit f12 goes back to what it is right now which is in a linear state so we're just doing a preview that's all it is let's push that over here close the old image all right now we can close it down all right so now we're going to use an easy tool first easy tool we're going to use we're going to come up here to script and if you do not have these installed these easy process suites and you get six of them here to choose from watch some videos i think um shawn nielsen visible dark arts got a great video on how to install this uh but definitely watch this video on getting this in if you don't have this as an update or into pixel site definitely need it and you're also going to need the star net tool here you definitely got to have those two tools to follow along with what i'm doing here to do it the easy way like easy e man and dr dre negotiators with attitude that's what they were called uh okay so first tool is the easy soft stretch let's open it up and it's always going to give you a warning it's under heavy development you could lose everything my god make sure you save it um so what we're going to do is where it says no view selected we're going to hit this drop down list here and we're going to choose our aha so what it's doing here is it's giving you a stretch preview and once again everything's pretty much default if you want a little lot you know you want to adjust some of these sliders you see how that kind of darkens it up let's just reset the stretch i mean that's default that's your default stretch right there i like it so we just click this little button here that says run easy soft stretch so there look at that bam so now our aha is stretched it is non-linear let's open up our s2 let's see what uh kind of contrast stretch we get out of this one so come back up here to script easy processing sweet easy soft stretch everything is easy man let's see let's uh click our sulfur look at that look at that that's awesome let's run look at that really does a great job of providing contrast but yet boosting the brighter signal areas so oxygen we're going to do the same thing script easy processing suite easy soft stretch and we're gonna drop down list here choose our oxygen that's our stretch preview we're gonna accept it by hitting run easy soft stretch and we're done now we're not going to get funky you can see down here i've got a 4x i've got a lot of pixel math um combinations i'm not going to do that today because we're doing the things the easy way anyway we're going to open up a tool here called channel combination and if you don't know where all these tools are these are the these are the tools they use the most often and if you want to find anything you can come up here to process all processes and everything's right here alphabetized uh so let's reset the tool let's do the hubble palette so h a and the green drag and drop s2 in the red drag and drop o3 into the blue you like it i like it and we're gonna hit apply global just like that bam we got an image and in typical hubble palette fashion here uh we got a lot of magenta stars so let's uh go here to image come down here to invert and now see all this green in here we're going to take care of that we're going to open up scnr which is in our noise reduction subcategory we're gonna push the amount of green this is color to remove green the amount is a hundred percent i'm gonna drag and drop it over here and everything that was green is now pushed back minimize the tool come back over here to image uh invert inverted back voila just like that magic uh awesome image okay we are stretched and we've got a great great great start here but we've got we've got decent star color and we don't want to over saturate that star color because we're going to start doing some masking and color manipulation to the nebula and so what we're going to do is open up our star nut tool we're going to make sure create star mask is checked drag it over drop it and we're going to pull out the stars okay i was busy on the phone anyway uh so let's minimize that this is our star mask all our stars have been extracted and saved here in the star mask and i'm telling you man i don't know what mark does different but uh starnet works way better on his data pulling out those uh star spikes on his newtonian oh yeah this was shot with a i think a 10 inch um orion newtonian man don't get mad at me mark man i pay attention i swear 10 inch newtonian anyway uh great great great looking image here uh but we want to do some color work on this thing for sure because we want to get some of this teal and aqua out of here we want to transition that worn to blue and some of this green we want that to be red now you know in some of my other previous videos i would do a lot of star mask or star mask but uh color mask and i still might with this image but one thing i want to start off doing which is i didn't like it at first but i found in moderation it works pretty good that's to bring the sc r tool back up here and we're gonna drop the percentage down to maybe sixty percent of green that we're going to remove from the image let's drag and drop it over here and that to me that gets you really close to where you want to be now it's a matter of just adding some saturation uh to the image so what we'll do is we're going to first mask we're going to create is just a luminance mask with this little icon up here i like it here but let's let's let's uh introduce a little contrast this mask so we've got our histogram transformation tool open up here we've done a real time preview we're going to click this check mark so we can see our histogram peak here just going to bring this black one in right about there you can boost the brightness just a little bit something like that and let's drag that mask over and apply it to the image and we'll minimize our mask i can right click on the image here come down here to mask and say show mask so let's manipulate some of these colors with the curves transformation tool let's open it up click the little circle button here for a real time preview and the first adjustment i want to make is a good s-curve with the rgbk so about two thirds of the way up i want to lift and then i want to pull down i like that i'm just gonna click that saturation tool and find out our saturation points are right dead center actually so let's just boost just like that now this is personal preference but i'm a firm believer that a little bit of green is needed you know like in these areas right in here as a good transitioning color a lot of people can't stand it they want all the green out hey man rock on that's your thing but i like to have just a little bit of green that's why when i did that scnr i didn't pull all the green out pulled 60 percent of the green out so let's uh let's just do that one more time let's create another s curve in here something like that bring it down let's just boost boost it bam for the purposes of this video i'm not going to spend a teller a ton of time of color right now you saw a really quick way to get your blues and golds in here you can uh you can come back in here to the curve transformation tool you can open up another real time preview take that c component click it one more time and that's really gonna emphasize the yellow here if you think that's just a little too yellow you can boost the red just a little bit if you want something like that yeah i'm gonna tell you right now i'm gonna call that done you see how fast that was i mean really what you're doing is you're pushing that green back and you're really just enhancing the colors naturally there you're not really manipulating color which is kind of what i like about this new process so let's right click on the image let's remove the mask we're going to call this color done um and we're going to put the stars back in so we're going to open up a pixel math here okay and i was messing around with some other stuff so start kind of from scratch here we'll reset the tool and the use a single rgbk expression is checked we leave that checked we're coming here to the expression editor we're going to come over here our image is image 20. so let's double click on that we're going to say image 20 plus open parentheses star mask double click on star mask because that's the star mask we pulled out remember and we're going to say times 0.9 close parenthesis and what i'm doing effectively is i'm beginning the initial stages of star reduction de-emphasize the stars ever so slightly right so that's our formula it's a real simple one we're basically taking the image and we're adding a percentage of the star mask back in so let's click okay to that the destination drop down list the only thing we want to make sure is it has replaced target image checked which it does and then it's just a matter of dragging the instance over and putting stars back in stars back in hello stars i mean you guys digging this you better be digging this if you ain't go away no you'll dig it eventually just stay sit down uh so anyway we got a great looking image in here we've got a little bit of chrominance noise if you zoom in that's what i call chrominance noise um so let's correct some of that prominence noise really quick because this is just color data we can just correct it with the convolution tool convolution it means to blur so we're going to open that tool up let's reset the tool this tool does have a real time preview we're going to open that on and we're just going to push this lower standard deviation slider see the images get blurry right about there that's about all we need to do accept it by clicking the little square button there get rid of the real time preview so let's zoom back in here and you see it's blurry but it's smooth we like that we like smooth okay so let's minimize this image image 20 let's push it down here all right so let's use another easy tool and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to open up our luminance image that we created here we're going to this little square icon up here that has absolutely nothing in the center of it we're going to click it and it is to create little preview boxes so let's put one right here preview one and let's go right here preview two so we're gonna create two preview boxes this is a non-linear image or excuse me linear right because it hasn't been stretched f12 i did that with f12 by the way click click click let's minimize it we're going to come back up here to script we're going to come to our easy processing suite and we're going to come to easy decon so deconvolution is one of those like you know it's like a running joke and picks inside it's like scary as hell and who knows how to use it well i know how to use it but i've never really liked it until now um using the easy decon so with it open it looks pretty daunting but we're going to walk through the basic functionality of this tool so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to hit the drop down list we're going to signal we're going to click on this loom abe that was our master luminance image right push this over and i don't want to bring i could bring this and fill it up but i like to see my process explore the percentage right here so i kind of try to split the screen just like that so the first step with masking selected we want to create a new process star mask so this takes just a bit so hang tight okay so the star mask has been created and it looks like garbage but don't worry it's fine it's working well we can click back into our standard luminance image here we're gonna bypass all the stuff we're going to leave it all we're not going to convolute that or boost it or do any dilation to it we're going to do anything here we're going to come back down to this background protection with it checked this is all default the blending strength is set to 50 and we're going to create a background mask you can see up here in the separate tab there's our image there's our star mask now here's our background mask so this is a little counter-intuitive because typically this would be reversed we're protecting them we want to protect the background from the deconvolution but the background's not red i don't know man dark archon can explain that to you he's the he's the developer of this but guess what it works so rock on so we've got a star mask main we've got a background mask made we want to come back over here next thing to deconvolution and we're going to generate a psf so what this tool is going to do is going to take an average of it'll tell you down here 133 stars take an average and it's going to build a star shape out of those and one little bit of advice you see how quickly it created it but in this tab over here if you see like a pink uh fuchsia block pop up it'll say cannot create a psf adjust the sensitivity and what it's talking about is this setting right here you want to push this down not up down once again pics inside counter-intuitive i know that like pixel site gang is gonna find where i live one day and they'll be like stop talking bad about us don't but come on people seriously why would i go down if i want to adjust the sensitivity or be more sensitive anyway you want to push that down and keep lowering that uh sensitivity level until it actually produces this and doesn't have any pink boxes okay so cool here's our original image it has not been deconvoluted or sharpened or whatever that terminology is it has not been adjusted it's our star mask our background mask and our psf our point spread function so now those three things are made let's go back up in here where that drop down list to choose our images is and we're gonna do the drop down list and let's choose preview one and one thing i forgot to point out is in these images mark did not drizzle these because his sampling rate and his pixel size and all that stuff is spot on so he didn't have to drizzle it uh so things go much faster file sizes are smaller anyway so what we're going to do right here this evaluate easy decon run i like to start it at about 30 push the pixel math iterations to about six decon iterations we're going to leave them at 34. let's just run it and what we're looking for is any heavy ringing around these stars if we've got some big time ringing we're going to back down the iterations uh so it's done because it's super fast so let's zoom in right here and you can see here's the here's the decon run one there's the old image so original sharpened original sharpen so let's bump the uh iterations up to 50 in the pixel math iterations up to like nine let's run it again it's gonna come for a landing it's gonna it's gonna just keep creating tabs here that you can compare until you like it right so now let's look let's uh zoom it in here look at all that sharpness that it brings in so unsharp sharp unsharp i don't see any major issues here what's up let's check out and see how it's working on preview 2. hasn't done anything yet so let's run it let's do an evaluation on preview too and then i'm gonna tell you something man this this little uh dark nebula section of the heart nebula here look how sharp that gets i mean boom boom boom all right awesome stuff i like it i'm not gonna mess with it any more than that so i'm gonna say run easy decon okay and it's finishing up so it's done so you see up here it has new means that's the new image let's minimize it we're going to minimize our star mask we're going to minimize our little psf uh background mask that was the original image here's the uh let's just push all this you're getting a lot of crap over here i end up deleting it all okay so we've we've done the decon next step is to come back up here and descript easy sweet and denoise and this man oh my gosh oh this just works so well ah hold on oh okay uh once again drop down list loom abe drag it over get as big as we can uh this is like you don't do anything it comes default at 1500 iterations i think i may have boosted the strength just a little bit it's gonna leave it alone for the most part i don't touch any of this stuff okay um i'm going to come in here to the let's do preview too all right so let's zoom in here you can kind of see got a little bit of noise a little bit of noise let's just evaluate the easy denoise let's run it on this uh and create a little preview you can see in the percentage that's why i keep this thing kind of over to the right hand side so i can see what percentage we're at here so i know it's doing something doing something sorry about the glasses i can't see i gotta have glasses so we're almost done here uh butter butter you can see a little bit of noise right here smooth it out but you don't lose your details cool right let's come back in here to our preview one this is a good one because oops 3b1 it's evaluated on it you got all this dark area right here that can be a little noisy and you've got a lot of great sharp details in the stars and especially in this twisty tornadic cataclysmic event transpiring here in merlot 15 and the core of the heart nebula um i'm going to salvage all those details but we still want to reduce that noise in the background and this thing does it fantastical all right so right here in the dark area look at that four after whoo all right that's about it that's all i do i come down here and i run easy noise it's going to create three almost bleached white masks and zero idea how that works but i don't care because it works so i'm gonna pause the video and uh we'll be right back okay we are done and we're back uh that takes a moderate amount of time it's not too bad but with me i drizzle a lot of my stuff shooting with the 80 millimeter to upscale it and that does take a while so let's move all these extra little masks and files and stuff let's highlight them all do a little house cleaning delete selected icons click yes a whole bunch of times i know you're like why is this a part of the video okay so we have our image image 20 all right let's do a preview around it around the on the cool part here looking at that preview we got good color didn't spend a lot of time on the color we've got our luminance here and so we are not stretched remember we're still linear so now here's one thing that easy soft stretch tool that i used a bit ago works great but i find it's a little too aggressive for this softer luminance layer that you want to that you want to create here or that we are creating so for this i think i'm just going to use old school screen transfer function i'm going to open up the histogram transformation reset the tool and let's see we are on the right image here the loom abe i like it um i'm gonna drag the triangle up here place at the bottom of the tool you see the uh the curve stretch it puts in it f12 to kill the stretch preview and we're going to bring that over and drag and drop it on and now we're stretched i think what i'm going to do right off the bat here is create a real-time preview with that i'm just going to drag this black one over just a little bit right there right there okay and we're going to hit the square button to accept that minimize that let's do one little thing here to kind of sharpen up some of this brighter nebulosity let's see if we can't tone that down just a hair um to be able to get a little more detail out of that first thing i'm going to do is create a clone so i'm going to drag that off right and i'm going to open up the histogram transformation to this clone here open up a real-time view preview and i'm going to bring that black point slider way in i just want to focus on the brightest parts of this nebula i like that see that and oh i just reset it i guess apparently you didn't see it the first time so you're gonna get to see it again right there square button accept it and close it down let's blur that let's introduce a little bit of smoothing between see how we got kind of a harsh effect here let's open up the real time preview on our convolution tool blur just a little bit more accept that with the square button and let's apply it so we've applied this mask to our non-linear data our stretch data and we're going to go in here to preview one delete that preview delete this preview process wait previews delete all it's creating the preview right around this little really bright spot here one of that preview we're going to open up hdnr multiscale transform we're going to select two lightness and lightness mask drop that down to eight let's drag it over and drop and see see it's subtle it did just enough to kind of enhance the brightness a little bit by toning it down really let's see how much more we can get away with that just put it down to seven i like that really made it pop all right let's apply that to the image aha i like it i like it let's kill the uh delete preview right click mask remove mask so here's our image we're done let's push it back up here and open up image 20 again remember we had the preview going on here we're going to apply this luminous data over top of this image here we're going to do that with lrgb combination let's open up the tool reset it let's take our luminance here we're going to drag it over into the luminance and we're going to turn off our red green and blue we're going to push down our saturation slider to increase saturation and we're going to boost our lightness slider to increase contrast i know i know anyway uh let's drag and drop see we like oh that might be a little too dark but i like it that's a lot of detail so here's one thing if you do this and you think man it's a little dark guess what it's easier to brighten an image than it is to unbrighten an image so if you feel like it's a little on the dull side it's a lot easier to create a luminance mask and boost the lightness so for right now we're going to rock on with this but we are not going to forget to check chrominance noise reduction because that's another really key function when we apply our luminance to the whole image so let's click back out of the preview go to the main image and we're going to drag that instance over and apply our limits this should go pretty quick super quick so it's doing the noise reduction now process of it it's done and we're done so let's delete that preview complete sweet i know about you guys i said a lot that's awesome good work mark uh so let's create a luminance mask all right we're going to leave that limitless masculine and we're just going to reapply it okay we're going to brighten this image up it looks just a little dull when we put that luminance on there so we're going to use curve transformation let's click a real time preview click our rgb and let's create an s-curve oh yeah bring that down oh lightness that's really going to boost it right about here sorry right there oh yeah reset it and we can also come in here that lightness and just drag it down just a little bit okay kill the real time preview that's a great looking image man i mean look look at this thing look at the details in it right seriously it's just 16 hours how fast we did that cool uh okay so let's open that uh luminance image that we just made let's uh open up the histogram transformation open up a real-time preview because we're going to manipulate this mask mask manipulation push that black point slider in we're going to darken that up in the background back in here bring up the highlights just a little bit click okay to that let's minimize tool and let's blur it so that our transitions are smoother open up a real-time preview we already had it set to a pretty heavy blur so let's just accept that blur smooths out the transitions remember the key to good astrophotography imaging image processing is depth and smooth transition let's reapply that mask now that it's been manipulated we're going to do a preview in this darker area because we're going to text our background um noise reduction and we can do a preview kind of over here somewhere there like that we're going to use this for some additional sharpening uh so let's click in here actually let's click on the mask and say invert mask so the click mask mask show mask basically everything that's bright is now protected like the stars and the background is not mask show mask because we're going to do some additional noise reduction this thing is going to be like slippery saying slide right out of your phone when you go to send it to somebody all right so you see we got a little bit of noise in here it really is not much but it's enough that we can come on here to uh process come down to noise reduction tgv denoise now it comes always set to the rgbk mode we want to change it to the cie lab mode luminance selected it's pretty aggressive let's just reset the tool remember all defaults i was playing with it earlier uh so all defaults we're gonna leave it alone let's just drag and drop the instance over and see what it does and there's a strong possibility that watching this video you're not gonna be able to see the before and after difference maybe look at that how much it cleans it up it's like glass damn back back out of it just apply it tgb denoises uh runs on it's another iterative process so it does take a little bit but it's a smaller image and it is not drizzled so you can see it's uh already on the second step of three steps here processing yes so it's almost done with the last one i think you can hang out god so impatient all right so minimize that tool push that over here so we've got a nice clean background so let's come in here to right click on the image and go mask and invert mask so now we're protecting our background i'll prove it i'll prove it to you uh show mask see background is not protected because it's solid red highlights are not protected mask show mask let's come in here to look at that dude that twisty detail man right here we're gonna open up the tool unsharp mask because we're gonna do just a little more sharpening to that um target is lightness uh let's set default here yeah or reset the tool yeah so let's push that down just a little bit just drag it over and drop it on the image and it's not much let's get aggressive with it you know what i mean look at that now you can really see some of these little it's like a snake man twisting in here like it click back out to the image here drag and drop it and our background is protected mega sharp right here preview we're going to delete all our little preview boxes so we're going to do two more tools both of them are scripts i'm just gonna hear the mask and remove the mask we're gonna come up here and some of this darker area here we're gonna enhance it very quickly by coming to script utilities and dark structure enhancement comes default to four i like to push that down to like a heavy two 2.5 2.7 click okay i think four is a little aggressive for me so you can see what it's done here in this image um or after man you can really see right here boom i like oh my gosh [Laughter] oh yeah that makes you snort vanilla's gonna make you snort damn that's all i can say uh okay awesome image all right last tool last time we're done and then you can go practice okay and then uh in the comments below let me know how you're doing oh my god and guess what should i wait should i tell you now i'm gonna tell you now i just hit two thousand subscribers like holy freaking crap two thousand subscribers two thousand of y'all are like subscribe yeah i'll see what that dude is doing i'll i'll get a notification see what he's up to next 2000 people thank you that's all i got right now thank you you know that face anyway uh oh yeah last tool another one of the easy tools here script easy processing sweet easy star reduction what so remember we're going to select our image 20 and i believe it comes default to 5 but i have it set to three i think three is plenty so let's just run it let's just run it just click click creates a mask you see that and now this one takes a little bit yeah because it's having to create a star mask and basically what it's doing is what i did manually you create a star mask you create a star mask again you create 17 more you create one more and then you create 27 more of those and then you create five and then you go to bed and then you wake up the next day and you create six more and a week later you create two and then the next day you finally are satisfied with the last of the 17 that you created then you apply that mask and then you run morphological transformation but maybe it was too aggressive and you run it again that's how you do a star mask seriously all right so it is what is it oh it's done oh okay let's push this down here so it happens so quick that you don't really get a chance to see the difference but let's click back and forth look at that zoom in just a little bit whoop stars fell on star's gone stars fall on stars gone i mean as a whole i like the stars they're not really overpowering but dim back like that might be a little too aggressive you know i would have to say to each their own i might i might leave all the stars in there i think they really don't detract from the nebulosity but if you like the stars being gone how you do it man you know whatever or you can pull them all out and just have a starless image it wouldn't make a great starlord's image uh okay so probably the last thing i'd want to do here is open up my histogram transformation tool reset it you know we're not far off the left hand side you know sometimes i've had my histogram peak like push way over here and uh but we can create a real time preview we can offer a little contrast by bringing that black slider in just a little bit and we definitely don't want to clip we can probably push it to maybe right about there right we can do that yeah okay uh i'm done i mean i was explaining to you but if i were to sit down and not talk to anybody and just do it 30 minutes 45 minutes somewhere in there just depends especially with data smooth like this that doesn't need a lot of background extraction it isn't drizzled and you can burn through some stuff and i mean honestly you got a great looking image here um but yeah i hope uh i hope i didn't speed through this too quickly because i'm excited this is it excites me if you can't tell you know especially it's really cool being able to collaborate get somebody else's data in here and process it it was a really good data set to work on really really enjoyed it and um you know if you if you're watching this video and you're like man i'd like to see steve do some some of my data send it over to me i'd really uh i'd dig it i'd make a video out of it heck yeah i can i give you lots of props too and shout outs shout out and uh yeah and by the way again 2 000 subscribers mega megadittos i really appreciate it i love it i can't believe it super awesome super happy and can't wait to see who else gets on board so until next time clear skies clear minds and i'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go
Channel: Entering Into Space
Views: 5,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pixinsight, How to process in pixinsight, astronomy, telescopes, space, enteringintospace, steve miller, astrophotography
Id: HMSpZluY2cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 50sec (2990 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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