Advanced interactions: Horizontal scroll in Webflow

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Horizontal scrolling is an advanced interaction  that fully engages users. Scrolling up and down   actually scrolls right to left and gives  a more appealing and memorable experience. But, here’s the secret - it’s not actually  horizontal scrolling. It’s vertical scrolling   with a specific animation - an interaction -  that moves stuff in our viewport as we scroll. And. We can create this in five steps. First,  we’ll make our track (this is what will hold   everything together). Second,  we’ll create our camera element   (which sticks to the viewport while  someone scrolls through our project).   And third, we’ll make our Frame element that  horizontally aligns everything inside. We’ll   then create the stuff inside that everyone  sees as they scroll through. And lastly,   for the fifth step - we’ll create our interaction  (where we create the horizontal scrolling effect) So, let’s take a look at  it. Let’s create our Track. In the Add panel - we’ll | use a Section.  Let’s drop it (here in the Navigator)   between these Sections we already have. In our Selector field - let’s name it ourselves  because it helps us understand our structure,   but we can name it anything we like. Now. In our example, we’re going to be scrolling  horizontally...through four things. We can always   change this, but for four things, let’s choose  to set a height on our Section...of 400vw. And   we’re using vw...viewport width because we’re  scrolling horizontally across four things. We’ll   cover the math as we go along, but all that’s  important that the height is 400vw. Step one. Done. Now, step two. From our Add  panel - let’s drag in a Div block into our track.   Now, in the Selector field - let’s give it  a class name (pro tip: we can always press   Command + Enter to get to the Selector field  of an element). But, let’s call it Camera. And because this is serving as a camera  (something through which we’re going to see   the stuff scrolling by)...we want it to be exactly  the same dimensions as our viewport. That is..a   width of 100 vw (100% of the viewport width)...and  a height of 100 vh (100% of the viewport height). And two more things we want to do to make  sure this is visible (to make sure our camera   is visible the entire time that  we’re scrolling)...First thing,   we’ll make its position sticky because the Camera  is going to stick to the Track as we scroll down. The second thing we need to do is we need  to define where the Camera will stick to   inside the parent element (the Track).  Let's make sure it sticks to the top since   we want it to stick there when some scrolls  through. So let's go in and make this 0px   because that's the distance we want the  camera to be from the top of the Track. Step two. Done. Now, step three. Let’s create  our frame. And this will be our quickest step.   In the Add panel. Let’s drag in a  div block right into the Navigator   (inside the Camera) Then in our  selector field. Let’s call it Frame. Now, remember - our frame will be  used in our scrolling interaction   to move our items. And what we want is this:  we want to align the stuff inside horizontally.   So. Flexbox | set. And horizontal  is already set by default. But, it doesn’t fill the entire viewport. And  that’s okay. Because all we need to do is make   our height 100% so that it takes up 100%  of our parent element (the Camera element). That’s step three.   Now, step four. Let’s make all of our items  (the things that we’re going to scroll through). For our stuff inside the Camera - let’s  go to our Add panel. Find our Div block,   and place it right into our Frame. Give it a class  name (and this can be named whatever you want).   And our goal is this: we want our  items to completely fill the viewport.   In our Size property - give it a  width of 100vw and a height of 100vh. [Grímur] Hey Micah, don't forget to  set the items to not shrink and grow. Otherwise, they'll all try to fit in  the camera. And, we don't want that. [Micah] Thanks, Grímur. Now, we're putting in images that take up  the Item's space, but you can put anything   you want in your Item. Feel free to pause the  video and put any content you want inside.   But for this example, we're using Images that take  up the full width and height of the Item. And to   be able to more easily differentiate between  the Items, let's add some padding all around. To not have you sit through  me making this change for   each Image. We’ll cut to Grímur, who is  enjoying a his favorite cup of coffee. [Grímur] Oh this is a cup of my favorite coffee. [Micah] Thanks, Grímur, but I’m done now. And we can see here, if we scroll from  left to right using our mouse or Trackpad   (holding shift while scrolling on  PC), we can preview all of our items. Now, our items spill out of our camera view, but  that's not what we want. We want to only see the   stuff inside that view when they’re pulled in. To  do that: select the camera element (or whatever   you named it) - and in our size properties  - set overflow to hidden. Now when we try to   scroll from left and right, we can't, because  everything outside of the Camera is hidden. And with this, we’re ready for our interaction  (what will move our frame from right to left). In the Navigator - with our Track element  selected (or, whatever we named this).   We’ll go to our Interactions panel.  And this is what we’re trying to do:   we want this whole thing to animate  while our track is scrolling in view. So. While scrolling in view, we want this to  play an animation. What kind of animation? A   new scroll animation we’re making right now. One  that we’ll call - horizontal scroll animation. And how it works is this — As  someone scrolls through our Track   (that’s what we’re controlling here  in Interactions), we actually want   another element to move. (We  want our Frame element to move). So how do we do that? Well, as we can see  here, the trigger is already created on the   Track...we just need to select the Frame  (and we’ll select it in the Navigator.) Back in our Interactions panel -  click this plus icon, and select Move. We’ll start at 0% (this is when the track is just  coming into view as we scroll down to it). Let’s   set the movement on the x-axis to 0 vw (because  this is where our interaction will start). Then, we’ll set the other action.  And for that, let’s set it to -300vw.   So how do we get this number? We know that our track is 400vw, and we know that  we first see the entire viewport (100vw) when the   first item becomes visible. So what do we want?  We want this to be -300vw (That will ensure that   we move our frame to the left) because that  takes into account the first 100vw we see. Now. Using Live preview - we can see that  our interaction seems to already be starting,   and it’s moving onto the next  section too soon. And that’s okay. To fix that - let’s change our  start animation to begin at 20%   when our track is fully visible. Previewing  this, works perfect, but there’s a better way.   Instead of calculating the percentage,  let’s move this back to 0 percent. And save. What we're going to do is this: change  our animation to start when the Track   is fully visible. Click “Is fully  visible” and now when we Preview   (clicking the preview icon) - we can see that  it starts right when we want, but it still ends   too soon (because it reaches the end of the  track while our interaction is still moving) So, with our Track element selected -  let’s go back to our Interaction. In   our animation boundaries, let’s offset when the  animation ends (let’s offset it by about 15%). Now, when we publish our project - we can scroll  to this Section. And it horizontally scrolls   (moving everything inside from left to right),  moving our items until we reach the end. Now, one thing to keep in mind is this kind  of experience for tablet and mobile users.   If someone on a mobile device tries to move left  and right, it won't work, because the interaction   only works if you scroll up and down. Not a  very accessible experience for mobile users. So, if we only want our interaction to occur  only on desktop, we can do that. In our scroll   interaction, we can deselect the devices  we don't want this interaction to occur on. And because the interaction is removed  from those devices - we’ll need to do   three things to optimize our layout for vertical  scrolling on tablet and smaller devices. First thing, with our Track selected - let’s  head over to the Style panel and select our   tablet breakpoint. Remember, changes on  Tablet cascade down to mobile devices,   but won't cascade up to Desktop. Knowing  that, let's change our height from 400vw   to auto (so that it automatically  fills the space of the stuff inside). Second thing, select the Camera (using the  Navigator) - and change both the width and   height to auto (so that it let’s the  stuff inside fill out the space),   and then set our overflow to the default - visible  because we don't want to hide the items anymore. And finally, the third thing, select the Frame   (using the Navigator again) - and change the  flexbox direction from horizontal to vertical. From here, we can edit the Item's  style properties to better cater   to the vertical scroll experience however we want. Remember, because we made these changes on Tablet,   it won't affect Desktop, but it will affect  Mobile landscape and Mobile portrait. And that’s it! We made our track (the element that  held everything together). Second,   we created our camera element (which covered  the viewport while someone scrolled through   our project). Third, we made our Frame element  that horizontally aligned everything inside.   We then created the stuff that  everyone saw as they scrolled through.   And lastly, we created our interaction (the  thing that powered the horizontal scroll). And that’s horizontal scrolling in Webflow.
Channel: Webflow
Views: 39,938
Rating: 4.9778128 out of 5
Keywords: web design, webflow, web development, content management system, css horizontal scroll, scroll horizontal, horizontal page scroll, how to make horizontal scroll, horizontal movement on scroll, css, css tricks, css scroll item, horizontal scroll, how to create a horizontally scrolling website, how to make horizontal scroll on page, responsive horizontal page scroll, responsive horizontal scroll, scroll div horizontally, interactions, webflow interactions, web interactions
Id: B6aVtifYScg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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