Advanced Filter Excel (And, Or, Between Conditions for Criteria Range)

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In this lecture, we're going to take a look at  Advanced Excel Filter Options. This is   our sample Dataset, though in the previous video  we saw how to put a quick filter on this using   the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+L. Now, the one  disadvantage of the normal filter is that   if I for example, put a filter on this and let me  also just select these two, but you don't exactly   know what the filter is on until you hover your  mouse over it and then you can see that Channel   has been set to Store and Product is set to Pants  Black-Pants Blue. If you want to have full control   over your filter criteria, you might want to use  Advanced Filter because there you actually put   your filter criteria in separate cells, so you know  what they are. To do that, go to Data to Advanced,   let's just take a look at the options that we have  here. We can either filter the list in place, which   is just like the way we've been doing so far, or we  can copy the results to another location. You need   to define the List Range which is normally smart  enough and it picks up the correct range, then we   can define the Criteria Range. So, this is where  you are going to type in the cells, you also have   the ability to extract Unique Records and that's  something I'll show you at the end of the lecture,   but let's see how we can use this Criteria Range.  What you need to do is to always start with the   Header of the Criteria that you want to filter.  So, let's say I want to create a filter only on   store here, okay I'm just going to unfilter this by  pressing Ctrl+Shift+L. What I need to do is to   put the Header where Store is in, so in this case  is Channel. Now, you can either type it in or copy   it over, it's not case-sensitive. Underneath it,  I'm going to type Store. Now, we're going to go   to Advanced Filter, the list is fine we're going to  leave it to also filter the list in place. Now, the   Criteria is this one and this includes your Header  because this way Filter knows where to look. Okay,   that automatically filters the list based on Store.  The great thing about this is that you can use   And/Or Conditions you can also use Wildcards  here. So, let's take a look at an And Condition   first. Let's say, I want to filter for Store and  for Pants Blue, I'm going to put Product because   that's the header and I'm gonna put Pants Blue.  When you put them beside one another, it means   it's an And Condition. So, let's go back to Advanced,  now we need to expand our Criteria Range to both   of these, and say ok. Ok so, that filters for Store  and Pants Blue, now you can also say if it doesn't   equal Pants Blue. So, Smaller and Greater Sign  here, and press Enter, and now let's reapply the   Filter and we get the list of everything else  that's not Pants Blue. Now, let's take a look at   the Wildcards, what if we just wanted to look at  everything that has the word Pants in there? We   can put the StarSign+Pants and then StarSign  after. So, this means that Pants could also be in   the middle of our label, and if you just reapply  this we get everything that has the word Pants   in there. Now, let's say I wanted to look for Store  and Pants or Store and Shirt White. Okay so, this calls   for an Or Condition, this means that I need to type  the Second Criteria below this, but I also need to   make sure that I have my other criterias also set,  because one criteria is Store and anything with   Pants or its Store and anything that has the title  Shirt White in there. Okay so, let's apply Advanced   Filter again, our range needs to be updated to this  and we say ok. Okay so, we have Store and Shirt White   and Store with anything that has Pants in there.  Okay so, just remember that typing in below is an   Or Condition, typing beside an And Condition. Let's  do something else, let's look for Sales that are   greater than 200, I can expand on this. I can add  in Sales Value should be greater than 200, okay   and also for this one it should be greater than  200, unless I want to define something different   for this combination. What does this mean now? It  means it shouldn't show this and it shouldn't   show these and that's it right? So, you should be  hiding these two lines. Let's go back to Advanced   and let's expand our Filter. Okay so, they're gone.  Now, let's take it one step further as well and   say don't show me anything that's above, let's do  above 400. So, basically the List Filtered should   show these values that are between 200 and 400.  Okay so, we can copy this here and just change   this to less than 400. Okay so, let's see which ones  this one should hide, this shouldn't be there, this   one shouldn't be there. Okay so, let's test this  and let's update this to include all of these.   Okay so, that's how you can use Advanced Filter, you  can also repeat the columns like we did here and   put in different conditions in there. As long as  they make sense and the And Condition applies to   them, like it does with numbers or with dates. What  I'm going to show you last is how to copy Unique   Records into a separate location. So, for example  let's say you were interested to get the Unique   List of Products out of the entire list. So, let  me just clear the filter that we have in place   and let's go back to Advanced Filter. We're only  interested in Products, so I'm just going to highlight   that entire column where I have Product in. Now,  criteria range in this case, I don't need to define   that because my criteria is unique records only.  Now, let's say I want to copy into another location,   so let's copy it right here, and say okay, and I  get the unique list of my products. So, these are   the different ways that you can use Advanced  Filter in your Excel reports. I hope you like   this video, if you did, don't forget to give  it a thumbs up, and for more videos like this   one, don't forget to subscribe to this channel so  that you can get updates when new videos come up.
Channel: Leila Gharani
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Keywords: advanced filter or criteria, filter criteria range, advanced filter between two dates, advanced filter between two numbers, advanced filter examples, excel advanced filter, excel advanced filter copy to another location, excel advanced filter multiple criteria, use AND OR BETWEEN, XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Excel 2016, copy unique values, Excel 2013, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, excel for analysts, advanced excel tutorials, excel 2010
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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