Advanced English Speaking 10

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hello everyone welcome back to another fun-filled lesson of genui actual speaking it is time for lesson 20 and they will be talking about food in general we may talk about your favorite types of dishes your favorite food whether you have a sweet tooth meaning whether you like sweets or not and also find out which words or phrases you can use to talk about flavors and tastes of food that's all waiting for you in today's lesson now it's very interesting I was actually amused when I heard someone talking about the taste of curry they said that it was nice and sturdy now usually when we talk about furniture for example you can say that it is sturdy but this person was saying that the curry was nice and sturdy and that's why I was amazed let's find out how we can talk about foods in general in today's lesson are you ready let's get started then welcome back everyone I sure hope that you had something delicious to have because we are going to be talking about food and food-related expressions and phrases throughout the 40 minutes of our lesson so when someone throws the topic at you let's talk about food what is your favorite food what would you say now how would you carry on a conversation or an interview talking about food it may sound simple but then again you need to know exactly what to talk about and that is why we'll begin with our warm-up segment with brainstorming cues as always these will help you talk about any topic out there let's take a look at the five W's and he'll the first W is who so brainstorm on your own now imagine you're talking about food what could you talk about ask yourselves these questions to get you going who or whose cooking do you like most now if you tend to go to a restaurant to have your favorite dish you can say a certain chef's cooking is your favorite but of course I know that for me for example I loved my mom's cooking so I love the way she cooks I could say hmm whose cooking do you like most I would probably say I love my mom's cooking I love her dishes I can't live without the food that she fixes me let's take a look at what what is your favorite dish your favorite food your favorite snack or dessert now just because somebody asked you what your favorite food is it doesn't mean that you have to talk about a specific dish you can also talk about a snack or a dessert as well like chocolate cake that could be your favorite so what is your favorite dish now here a dish we're not just saying the plate or the bowl hmm we're talking about dish meaning food so dish and food mean the same thing I could say for example my favorite Korean dish is peeping butt okay so in that case means food remember that moving on what can't you live without eating what can't you live without eating mmm you can say I cannot live without bibimbap meaning I love giving puffs so much I have to have it I cannot imagine living without giving bell okay let's move on to what kinds of food do you enjoy eating this is another way of asking what is your favorite food or dish right so think about that as well now what does it taste like what does your favorite dish snack dessert food tastes like now in order for you to freely and naturally talk about this topic food you need to know how to express or talk about the tastes and the flavors of food we'll do some more on that later on but for now think about this question what does it taste like move on to when now when did you last go to your favorite restaurant or when did you last have your favorite dish think about that as well moving on to where do you go to have your favorite food is that did mention briefly it could be a small mom-and-pop store it could be a store on the corner of a building it could be at a street vendor it could be at home it could be at a fancy restaurant so think about where you go to have your favorite dish or meal or food moving on where is your favorite restaurant located add some extra information okay it's always important to add details so think about this question as well now why do you like that dish the food the snack or dessert think about the reasons as to why that dish is your favorite now how long has it been your favorite since when was the dish the snack the dessert your favorite since when did you like it moving on to how often do you have it now how often do you have in this case have means to eat right so how often do you have it and then finally let's move on to our last H Oh W how it is how is the dish or the food the snack or dessert made so perhaps if you know the recipe if you know how it is cooked or made you could add that information in your talk as well so we are done brainstorming the queues please do keep the five W's and hell in mind and the questions in mind to make it easier to talk about today's topic which happens to be food now then let's move on and listen to today's actual talk food food food I love to eat what is your favorite food that's such a hard question cuz I love to eat too but if I had to narrow it down I would say any kind of breakfast foods those are like a main breakfast foods I love pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon and waffles and real maple syrup those are my favorite my mouth is just watering thinking about it I love breakfast food yeah you do too but the best part is that you can eat breakfast foods whenever right my favorite is eating breakfast foods for dinner or late night out for a night on the town yeah exactly and it's just so delicious because breakfast foods it's a mix of salty and savory and also sweet so you have that great combination together what about you Peter what's your favorite food well I love breakfast foods as well but I kind of have a sweet tooth okay and I'm a big fan of ice cream ice is eventually the the specialty flavored ice cream shops that you can find around the Midwest okay so is there a particular ice cream shop that you like um we like to go on tours to all the little different mom-and-pop shops ah and try their specialty ice cream flavors flavors like chocolate coyote which is a really really dark chocolate with some cayenne pepper in it that gives it a bite that sounds kind of like a weird combination it is so succulent and amazing I can't believe it but it works well my mouth is watering right now it's just thinking it is I love ice cream too I have a sweet tooth as well I love chocolate chocolate I will crave chocolate all the time every time so chocolate is one of my go-to foods my comfort food kind of things like that really yes someday I want to try some kimchi ice cream oh do they have that yeah I've heard that there's a new ice cream shop that's got all kinds of funky flavors in Seoul so we should go check it out let's go okay how did you like today's actual talk between Peter and Rachel I thought it was quite fun now what did Rachel say hmm she's got her favorite and what did Peter say he's got his favorite too but for example Peter said that he has a sweet tooth he said I have a sweet tooth which means he loves sweets sweet foods let's take a look at the actual talk line my line then now Peter begins by saying food food food he loves food right he says food food food I love to eat so do I and then he asks what is your favorite food so he's asking Rachel about her favorite dish or food or snack dessert it can be anything that she enjoys eating and she says wow that's such a hard question now of course this is not a difficult question it's an easy question but when would you say this that's a hard question you usually say this when you have so much to say okay the list goes on you have so many things to say and it's hard to put it in one simple sentence you would say well that's a hard question any L she moves on by explaining why cuz or because I love to eat too but if I had to narrow it down I would say a kind of breakfast foods now of course she said foods here with the S but first of all let's take a look at narrow it down now narrow means what like a narrow passageway it's long it's not wide so if you say narrow something down it means to lesson something so she's saying basically I have so many things to say but to make it simple simply put to narrow it down I would say any kind of breakfast foods any kind of breakfast foods now usually generally we do not add an S to food okay but if you are talking about many different kinds of a variety of food you can say foods so keep that in mind so she loves breakfast food right food we have for breakfast for example and Peter says I love breakfast foods too now she gives an example of what kinds of breakfast foods she likes she says I love pancakes scrambled eggs and bacon and waffles and real maple syrup now waffle as we may know we all know what a waffle is but usually I think in Korean pronunciation we tend to pronounce it with a p whap put right but keep in mind it's an F so it's not waffle its waffles waffles okay and then moving on to maple syrup now maple syrup is usually the kind of syrup we pour on to pancakes so when you have pancakes you will most likely have maple syrup so she loves these kinds of breakfast foods and she says my mouth is watering my mouth is watering thinking about it now water is of course we all know whew but if something is watering water is being added there is more in more water so you can say my mouth is watering meaning when you think about something delicious or when you see something so good yeah what happens in your mouth hmm it becomes filled with saliva my mouth is watering is it's me Linda okay so you would say that's usually mm when you want to have something delicious so just thinking about it thinking about breakfast foods my mouth is watering I'm getting hungry in other words the best part is that you can eat breakfast foods whenever right hmm my favorite is eating breakfast foods for dinner okay so you can have something for breakfast something for lunch or something for dinner okay keep that in mind for something now she says whenever because usually I think a lot of restaurants or cafes these days have brunch menus right so you can go to a brunch restaurant and have breakfast food there so any help she says that and then Peter says or late night after a night on the town so Rachel said you can have breakfast food whenever mm-hmm breakfast food for dinner is my favorite and Peter is adding extra information he says yeah for dinner or at late night meaning late at night pom Nikkei after a night on the town a night on the town basically means a fun time you usually celebrate outside at night and it means that you have a night on the town so he's saying you can have breakfast foods when even late at night or when you're outside partying with your friends of course during the evening hours now exactly and it's so delicious just so delicious because breakfast foods now keep in mind I did add in it's and are there if you say food okay keep the tenses together yes you can say they're okay a mix of salty and savory we're saying it is a mix of something meaning it is a combo a combination it has the a taste and the B taste salty we all know chef Ted and mutt right but what is savory savory is very delicious another word for delicious often times juicy and delicious so she says it's a combination it's a mix of a and B salty and savory and also sweet so it's got a combo of all these flavors it's salty and savory and sweet and she says so you have that great combination there we go and then she asks Peter Peter what's your favorite food now Peter says I love breakfast foods as well but I kind of have what a sweet tooth remember I did mention a sweet tooth you can say I have a sweet tooth meaning that's right I love sweet foods mmm I love sugary foods so he says I kind of have a sweet tooth and I'm a big fan of ice-cream a big fan of a huge fan of something means you love it I love ice cream I'm a big fan of ice cream let's move on and of course Rachel sounds like she loves ice cream - she says ice cream now Peter says especially the specialty flavored ice cream now what is a specialty mm-hmm specialty itself means something very special distinctive if we say specialty flavored you are saying that this flavor is hard to find it is a special flavor okay he says these ice cream shops that you can find around the Midwest of course perhaps in the States he's talking about a special ice cream shop or an ice cream chain now she says so is there a particular ice cream shop that you like he says okay we like to go on tours to all the little different mom-and-pop shops or even more commonly mom-and-pop stores now mom-and-pop stores are rather small stores okay I think in Korean we say clunk again it's very similar to mom-and-pop stores but why is it called mom-and-pop mom is mother and pop is for father so usually if there is a restaurant or a shop or a store that's passed down from one generation to another so basically a family runs it it's called a mom-and-pop store okay so he's saying we like to go to all the different mom-and-pop stores and try their specialty ice cream they're very special flavored ice cream okay and then flavors like chocolate coyote which is a really really dark chocolate okay with some cayenne pepper in it it gives it a bite now here always say give something a bite a bite is that's a bite right you can take two bites out of a sandwich two bites cut then again here we say something gives something a bite it means to add flavor hmm so he's talking about a very rich a really dark chocolate flavor with some pepper in it so the pepper adds that special flavor to it okay he's saying the taste is very interesting now rachel says that sounds kinda like a weird combination kinda is of course just a casual way of seeing kind of kind of kinda kinda kinda now weird here means strange but she's not saying it in a bad way she's saying mmm perhaps it has a unique taste to it it's a strange a weird but unique combination yeah chocolate and peppers moving on it is so succulent and amazing now here is another word succulent okay we'll take a look at some more phrases and words you can use when talking about the flavors of food but he says it is so succulent and amazing we can say that a person is amazing a picture is amazing meaning it is beautiful but if you say that the taste of food is amazing you're saying it is delicious mmm very yummy succulent means delicious appetizing and very juicy okay it's very appetizing in other words simply very delicious I can't believe it oh my mouth is watering once again mouth is watering right now just thinking about it okay so just thinking about this ice cream hmm my mouth is watering I want it so much now rachel says me too I love ice cream I have a sweet tooth as well so I have a sweet tooth as well and I love chocolate she says I crave chocolate all the time so chocolate is one of my go-to foods my comfort food lots of expressions in this one sentence let's take a look here I crave crave now if you say you crave something you want it so badly okay like this intense desire for something if you really want to have chocolate ice cream right now it's all you can think about you can say i crave chocolate ice cream i crave chocolate ice cream but she says i crave chocolate all the time so chocolate is one of my go-to foods go to whatever means that it's reliable it is important a sports player can be a go-to athlete or a go-to sports player but here we're talking about go-to foods which is basically food that you will always enjoy any time and comfort food is what I think the closest expression in Korean is mmm something that makes you feel very very comfortable it's like a mother's cooking that is comfort food food that makes you feel very relaxed and comfortable okay now Peter says really someday I want to try some kimchi ice cream oh I don't know about that but he wants to try kimchi flavored ice cream now rachel says oh do they have that do they have kimchi flavored ice cream and Peter said yeah I've heard that there's a new ice cream shop that's got all kinds of funky flavors in Seoul so we should go check it out check it out means to go there in person and perhaps check it out see it with your own eyes and try the food yourself but here funky what's funky funky funky could be used to you I guess Express something that's not so good but in this case you're saying that it's very unique as well it's not strange in a bad way but it's funky it's strange it's weird or even better very special very unique so he says I heard that there's a new ice-cream shop that's got that has or that's got all the funky flavors all the very special flavors in Seoul so we should go try it out we should go check it out we should go taste the flavors the funky flavors and she's up for it so rachel says yeah let's go all right that is the end of today's actual talk everyone take a listen to it one more time with a subtitles and see how much more you understand food food food I love to eat what is your favorite food ah that's such a hard question cuz I love to eat too but if I had to narrow it down I would say any kind of breakfast foods those are like a main breakfast food I love pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon and waffles and real maple syrup those are my favorite my mouth is just watering thinking about it I love breakfast food yeah you do too but the best part is that you can eat breakfast with whenever right my favorite is eating breakfast foods for dinner or late night out for a night on the town yeah exactly and it's just so delicious because breakfast foods it's a mix of salty and savory and also sweet so you have that great combination together what about you Peter what's your favorite food well I love breakfast foods as well but I kind of have a sweet tooth okay and I'm a big fan of ice cream ice is eventually the the specialty flavored ice cream shops that you can find around the Midwest okay so is there a particular ice cream shop that you like um we like to go on tours to all the little different mom-and-pop shops ah and try their specialty ice cream flavors um flavors like chocolate coyote which is a really really dark chocolate okay with some cayenne pepper in it that gives it a bite that sounds kind of like a weird combination it is so succulent and amazing I can't believe it but it works well my mouth is watering right now it's just thinking it is I love ice cream do I have a sweet tooth as well I love chocolate chocolate I will crave chocolate all the time every time so chocolate is one of my go-to foods my comfort food kind of things like that really yes someday I want to try some kimchi ice cream oh do they have that yeah I've heard that there's a new ice cream shop that's got all kinds of funky flavors in Seoul oh so we should go check it out let's go okay now we're back everyone are you ready for some actual talk expressions once again today we are talking about food in general perhaps your favorite dish your favorite food snack or dessert we did briefly talk about chocolate even ice cream in today's actual talk but the next time you happen to talk about your favorite foods try to use these expressions let's take a look at the first one it is I can't get enough of fried dumplings so you can always add anything here even a person for example but we're talking about food and when you say I can't get enough of fried dumplings it means I can have it every day no matter how many times no matter how much of these dumplings I have I do not get sick of it bajo de modo to Nityananda how do i Pena okay so even when you say Adubato chilies onions ham you can say I can't get enough of you okay so keep that in mind it can be used on things and a person but here we're saying fried dumplings I can't get enough of fried dumplings means I love fried dumplings I can have it every day for every single meal and you say they're mouth watering here mouth watering could be written as one word or in - could be used between mouth and watering now remember my mouth is watering we took a look at that you can say they are something is mouth watering meaning if I think about it my mouth waters okay you betcha me going Jimmy kwinda so I can't get enough of fried dumplings I love them so much just thinking about it makes my mouth water they're mouth watering my mouth is watering right now for some reason moving on chicken tenders are finger licking good what does that mean this is actually a slogan used by a specific chicken chain you may know of it I will not name it on our lesson but this is a slogan they use now finger licking good what does that mean it means it's delicious that usually finger is of course our finger licking something we lick for example ice cream or lollipops so if you say something is finger licking good it means you have it with your fingers and you cannot help but lick your fingers because it's so good so if something is finger licking good it is very delicious okay moving on to another one my all-time favorite is fettuccine alfredo I think it's divine hmm we often hear this word divine in games as well but divine means perfect mmm it's perfect so you can say that a dish or specific kind of food is divine meaning it is delicious okay just in case fettuccine alfredo you want to say this let's try it out fettuccine alfredo fettuccine alfredo it's divine mmm it's delicious moving on nothing can beat my mom's recipe for cheesecake it's the best here's another one you can see it's divine in place of the best but yeah simply put something is the best meeting it is mmm very delicious nothing can beat so-and-so it means nothing is better than in this case we're talking about delicious food so it means nothing is tastier than my mom's recipe for cheesecake okay that's not recite its recipe recipe okay moving on to another one I've always been crazy about chocolate crazy about something means you love it I'm crazy about you means I love you I'm crazy about chocolate means I love chocolate it just melts in your mouth EBA sauce has a lumen de perak opilio it just melts in your mouth it's so good it just melts in your mouth another one my go-to foods uh-huh here we go my go-to foods right food that you tend to always crave always want to have are anything healthy with low calories of course if there is not a specific a particular dish that you want to talk about you could perhaps say my go-to foods my favorite food is so-and-so anything that is in this case healthy with low calories moving on durian is one of my favorite fruits you all know this fruit I don't see why people like durians but durian is one of my favorite fruits it is certainly okay UNAC weired taste okay now an acquired taste we say that something has an acquired taste especially if it's something that you try first it does not taste too good it's either too spicy it's too bitter it has a strange taste but the more and more you have it you become addicted to it a lot of foreigners say that kimchi has an acquired taste oh I think it's some opposite cool all right skate as of it has a strong acquired taste so definitely durian has an acquired taste we'll take a look at that again later on okay moving on to some more I can't help but Gorge myself with sweets Gorge it means to really indulge in something eat like crazy okay I can't help but Gorge myself with sweets meaning I love sweets I have a sweet tooth I eyed the chocolate cake but didn't indulge here we have two words now I means of course our eyes but when it is used as a verb it means just to look at so I looked at the chocolate I eyed the chocolate cake but didn't indulge meaning you didn't dig into it you didn't really have all of it moving on I often crave Italian food late on weekends crave is once again having that strong intense desire for something and I absolutely relish vanilla ice cream it makes my mouth water now relish here we're not talking about pickle relish if you say you relish something it means you really really enjoy it in this case I absolutely relish vanilla ice cream means you really think it is delicious okay so please do keep those in mind all right let's move on to quickly a more I dig greasy food especially Chinese dig means you really really like it dig pocket and dummy you really enjoy it greasy food key d'ampton I'm Chiquita and one more I find juicy steaks appealing appealing means attractive right attracting it means you find it very delicious juicy steaks you to be mine and stick em my stuff so in that case you can see I find juicy steaks appealing so keep these expressions in mind everyone we're now going to move on and get move on to our next segment you welcome back everyone it is fun Lee time for a breather so sit back and relax and enjoy today's idiom attack now we are talking about food today so I have picked selected chosen an idiom that has to do with eating it is to eat one's heart out eat one's heart out eat one's heart out it may kind of sound scary but actually it has a very different definition a very different meaning let's check it out with a sentence here it is she's still eating her heart out over breaking up with her boyfriend so when you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend how do you feel oftentimes people will feel very very sad you will feel sorrow in pain that is exactly what this means you know people say that the heart is the core the center of our emotions so that's why we even say I am heartbroken meaning I am feeling so much pain so here it is the definition of eat one's heart out is in Korean - Tata in modern usage but mama pada Cosma pata you're in pain so the definition is to feel extremely unhappy about a hopeless situation to feel sorrow or longing for something but more in modern usage it also means to be jealous of someone okay so it is used to express jealousy as well here is another sentence I'm getting my new sports car delivered today haha eat your heart out so in this case we are trying to make the other person feel jealous I can say on getting my new car today a sports car ah you don't have a sports car haha eat your heart out so it's used in two different situations please do keep that in mind and that is a wrap for today's idiom attack talk about some foods you enjoy and why you enjoy them describe each food in as much detail as you can how often do you eat them when was the last time you ate them and with whom I like eating billy-bob which mostly represent Korean traditional food it is good mixing with various kinds of vegetables we can usually put a spinach bean sprouts mushrooms and mix them with red peppers and rice you can make this food easily and the color of this foot itself is really pretty so you can treat them you can treat it to others I really enjoyed this but because of those reasons I usually eat this first three times a week yesterday I invited my best friend to my house and we decided to have this food together so those are the reasons why I like this food very much the yummy name come up Sumida thank you for the wonderful interview today we are talking about favourite food let's check out what she said the good points first of all what was your favorite dish she said she likes beating but she said I like eating kidding but which mostly represent or represents Korean traditional food so she's talking about a special Korean food that she enjoys eating she's adding extra information which is wonderful moving on to another one yesterday she's talking about her experience yesterday I invited my best friend to my house and we decided to have eat this food together so wonderful talk about your favorite dish and give an example of what happened in the past a few up seas here the first one is it is food mixing with various kinds of vegetables wonderful back here but then again yeah the intro the beginning of the sentence kind of sounds awkward we're talking about people but it's better to say it is food or a dish mixed with various kinds of vegetables you are not saying the food is mixing with something you are saying it is a special dish mixed with various vegetables another one we can usually put a spinach bean sprouts mushrooms and mix them with red peppers and rice now these are the parts especially a spinach now you should say you can usually put or add spinach the all is not needed that should be omitted so you can actually add or put spinach bean sprouts and mushrooms and then mix them with red pepper paste now red peppers Kooyong kuchela and Ganesha we're talking about kochujang and that is red pepper paste so please do keep that in mind and rice so you mix vegetables and red pepper paste and rice all together and enjoy the delicious beeping Bell thank you so much for your great interview and that is a wrap for today's interview job well done everyone thank you for sticking around for the 40 minutes with me talking about food today now I did mention that it is important to know which words and phrases to use when talking about flavors and the tastes of food will have the extra info up on our homepage so please do check it out and try to use as many different words when it comes to expressing the taste of food especially your favorite dish now to come next time in less than 21 we'll talk about relationships and then on 22 we'll also talk about relationships but we're going to divide it up into good relationships and bad relationships so please stay tuned in for those lessons as well in the meantime you're more than welcome to come to our homepage come to EBS e dot C or kr and type in to any point actual speaking I'll be waiting for your messages everyone okay that is all for today enjoy your meal healthy meals or your favorite dish and I'll catch you again next time bye everyone
Channel: EUN-YOUNG Jung
Views: 34,256
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Id: rms7yR81WVQ
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Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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