Advanced Casting: core metal... bones horns and teeth

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foreign so just make sure it fits once you got that done rough carving foreign okay so the wax assembly has been put together the original components here here and here had a bunch of remaining drops that were cut out that's what was used to build the rest of the skull this is acting as a scaffold so the first metal is going to be cast and then a secondary metal will be cast over this is not completely finished usually what happens is you'll make your contouring and your parts and then you'll thin the area out so it can be clad in a secondary metal so everything that was wax welded will need to be cleaned up with a burr or a file to get to its final point before the first component in the assembly gets cast okay so we gotta talk a little bit about fluid dynamics here we're going to have our sprues coming in on the top here as well as here and then the rule here is you want the average thickness of the piece so the thickest part is where you want to put your sprue and your screw should be the average thickness of your piece some of these horns are thicker than others so the main horn and these two back horns are going to be our feeders and hopefully between point A B and C we will have enough material to fill the remainder of this scaffold all right okay so here we are it's Captain metal cast in ancient bronze and the spruce system looks as simple one two three and those can be removed
Channel: Bowman
Views: 94
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced casting, complex jewelry, nested object casting, clad jewelery, cast in place jewelry, dual metal casting, casting multiple metals, bronze dragon skull, core scaffold for casting, how to make dual metal jewelry, casting with multiple metals
Id: 8IDDtg2T-pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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