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and you're back on my channel this is heart once again and we have another episode of adulting 101 with of course what's your name again with of course cheese hi nice to meet you hi darling i was gonna talk to you about that so how have you been during the lockdown and with everything that's been happening um busy um given that i'm now the governor of the province of sur sagan i have to make sure that our province mates are well taken cared of and are protected from this virus family more okay okay so there's just so much going on now and i thought that parents would be perfect for us to do another sit-down talk with you aside from the fact that i really need you at this point in my life and you've been away and i think a lot of when i said that yes um and i feel now a lot of people also that are watching on youtube who have seen our previous episodes are actually also curious on certain topics that we will be discussing today every new young questionnaire so um so let's talk about the internet what about it not youtube because youtube are they're pretty chill on youtube let's talk about like twitter world instagram and like all the ranting and all the everything the chaos that's been happening on social media like for people different generations are all like on instagram now on twitter talking about the different topics that's going on in the world and especially in our country my first question would be i will happen to know what do you think about the internet i grew up without the internet and we only used to play game and watch it's this small device that's battery operated and there's only one game in it my friends were my friends and i didn't get to see places that i did not actually go to unless i saw it on tv now through the internet vicariously you can actually live through a person see the same things that the person is seeing [Laughter] having said that um suffice it to say that if it's too hot in the kitchen then leave yeah if you're out there if you're parading yourself on the internet saying things doing things showing things that you're doing then you better take the good with the bad but if you can then don't kill a bit of it okay a little bit okay like what do you mean chill a bit like then chilling if it's getting to be too hot then take a break no it's not all negative neither is it all positives have to take the good with the bad and learn to ride both well he does tell me that he said that you you know you're out there you're a public figure and that's just part of it and you can actually you know educate yourself from the different comments that you see take the good and the bad it's like the movies whenever you do a teleserial whenever you do a movie you don't get to please everyone some will be some will really like what you did your acting and everything some won't and you will never hear the end of it as well with respect to their interpretation of their of their opinion of your movie yeah because this happens not just for people not just for you know celebrities or artistas or politicians this happens also for normal people that have social media because in the internet opened it up to everyone now you get to see someone who's not relatively known and all of us haven't become popular because his or her video went viral yeah before i used to memorize the names of the actresses the actors and the singers there were only a handful of them now um you can't even count and i don't know most of them anymore okay so my followers where do you draw the line okay between freedom of speech and basically you're just out there to hurt somebody with your comments the generation is different so they feel that they could say what's on their mind i mean what makes it is there a wrong or right i mean what's the balance well now there's a law that says cyber libel is a crime um before libel could only be committed by writing a piece on the newspaper or or for a newspaper or saying something on tv or radio now anything you post can be the subject matter of a cyber libel case but in any libel case the best defense would be as they always say among lawyers proof of the truth okay so however hurtful your statement may be you cannot be sued for libel if you can prove that what you said was true okay i see um but for example for example for example um [Music] seriously i don't know um if they fault you for your acting and it falls under the category of an opinion okay then nobody's right nobody's wrong there's no such thing as it being a truthful statement or a false statement because it may be true to him but false as to another person viewing it if it's not a factual thing then exactly um but also oh really yes but i mean it's still happening people are still like i mean people are still saying a lot of comments like these um i grew up what if somebody says that's his opinion but for me i took up political science and then law so i subscribe to the statement that says or the saying that says i may not agree with what you are saying but i will always defend to the death you're right to say it oh that's nice so you can go ahead and say what you want to say um as long as i'm not affected by it or even if i get hurt i will never show you that i am so as not to give you the pleasure of knowing i love that actually sometimes that's my fault i really do i'm not as strong as you i mean it's not a question of being strong it's a question of learning to look the other way you know because sometimes when they they swinging off super sake i think ever since texting was invented and all the apps through the internet for about two or three birthdays of mine my birthday gift to myself was to simply leave my phone in the bedside drawer and not touch it wow and that gives you the feeling and sense of freedom although i do get that because i do like detoxify myself from the internet and social media i think that's really really good for your mental health learn to let go yeah but it's piece of it'll give you absolute peace of mind because whenever there's some there's a problem you'll get to know it at night very much like how we used to live our life yeah we had a phone at home we had a phone at the office our school had only one phone yeah so if there were any problems there was no way by which our house can call me while i was at school yeah if you're working from the time you leave the house until you reach the office no you're incommunicado so that in a way gives you peace too here now whenever you are wherever you are people can actually reach you whether for good or bad news and it affects you one way or the other i guess because sometimes i feel like if i ignore sometimes i feel that they feel like i'm looking the other way even god rested for a day babe so you can always rest too you can rest a bit i will take a day or two a week or a month okay wait okay although you said that you don't want it to come out that you're affected but of course you are a human being and even if like me i don't really know what affects you because you're just like this all the time and but what was the most hateful comment that you have ever gotten i've gotten anything and everything like what anything and everything especially after we my god magnifying glass is or lgbt um i've been accused from being a drunkard to an addict stupid i mean i mean everything but i don't they also said that you're an adult i don't know app oh my god you should totally hire chase to be the voice of what does that mean i love it yeah i heard that too that's less hurting than i like that actually because you're a guy turn right turn right turn left knuckleball okay um so how would like people like me because i always ask you this i still have to master the art of doing this like like sincerely doing it or other people that are on social media which basically everybody is on social media how do they deal with hateful comments or bachelors does it matter i mean do you have to allow them to educate you because now but i know educator you know usually once in a while once in a while i put them in their place those are far and apart yeah if at all that i do yeah because usually um you have as i said you have to learn to respect what their opinions are very much like how they're disrespecting yeah well some are also respecting yours again if you're out there then take the good with the bad if you don't if you can't take the bad then don't be too out there and just limit your exposure to your friends yeah who love you what are you doing um again if you want to grow then you have to take the bat as well you won't grow if everything you get with are the good comments see i'm taller now stop wait okay i know you i'm not you can answer it we can edit it out i don't know i was a bit vocal well you you did you tweeted something about it it has a lot to do with freedom of speech it has a lot to do with what makes a person good or bad or what makes a person a terrorist i want to know your tape or what do you think about the anti-terrorism bill i took a position i have serious reservations about it especially if i remember correctly section 25 which says that you can be arrested even if you're simply a suspect as determined by the anti-terror council or the atc why is that significant because under the constitution and under the law you can only be arrested if they have a warrant for your arrest issued by a judge yeah now if they don't have a warrant of arrest issued by a judge a warrantless arrest can only be affected under three circumstances one if you are in the act of committing a crime um they can arrest you on the spot without a warrant of arrest two they are in hot pursuit you just committed a bank robbery you escaped the police are hot on your tail and it takes them two three days even a week to catch you but then they can arrest you without a warrant as well but it requires that the crime should have been committed fairly recently third would be if you are an skp or you escaped from prison they don't need a warrant or assisting case because you have an existing conviction and in case outside of those three they cannot arrest you without a warrant so that's what makes the law in a way problematic it's not so much the period of detention of 14 days plus 10 days but so much can also happen during the 14 days yes but some safeguards to be fair were placed in the law with with respect to informing the judge informing the human rights commission but still they can still arrest you that's the problem without the warrant now my question is they're saying that this is fake news i've read about it and they're saying that oh that's not true or not because i feel that like first when i heard about it i read up on it i wanted to speak up and what but i had to do my own reading my own understanding about it but when i had questions you were the first person that i thought that i could ask that make me understand it in layman's terms so that's why i'm asking you the fake news is no it is in the law and the problem is the anti-terror council does not have or did not the law did not provide for the quantum of evidence or proof that the anti-terror council should have before they can consider you a suspect neither were there any procedures laid out as to how they will vote do they vote unanimously before a warrant is up before a person is arrested is it majority there be a quorum is it a majority of three out of five whatever um none is stated unlike um the probation of the constitution which is very very specific when you don't have a wart of arrest and you totally did not know what you did technically if ever that is the case if you fight back that's also another issue well if you fight back it'll be a totally different issue if you are in self-defense for example because you did not know you did not commit anything wrong as you usually see on tv right now in the united states and they tend to fight back not follow disobey orders then you have a problem and then you have a confrontation most probably the reality is this is going to pass most likely i think and most likely to it will be questioned before the supreme court and the supreme court will have to decide on the constitutionality not only of the entire law but specifically of that provision which for me runs counter to two constitutional provisions which is to inform you of the nature and cause of the accusation against you they cannot just pick you up and not tell you why they yeah and two because of the constitutional provision on warrantless arrests and the issuance of a warrant which is very specific as well if they provided for certain standards and quantum of proof in relation to a judge issuing a warrant all the more to someone who is not a judge on and is a political appointee and all of the members of the anti-terror council are political appointees co-terminus whoever the sitting president is or will be for example it's konwari you're part of like the sparcada right and then you're no longer friends with them but you had pictures of them and you were part of that you can be a suspect again there are no definitions it's too broad and that's what makes it worrisome yeah now if they place limitations procedures in order to constitute what they call a valid delegation of legislative power to the atc yeah then probably it can withstand constitutional scrutiny by the supreme court but then again the supreme court as they say is the court of last resort if the supreme court makes a mistake it nevertheless becomes part of the law of the land and because they have they're the final arbitration i mean i want to point out that in other countries their laws are actually more extreme yes but it's done in a way that it's safe for it's a question it's not really safe it's a question of confidence i guess it's a question of the level of confidence of the people in their government the level of confidence they have in their institutions yeah how independent and free are our courts how independent and free are our uniform personnel will they obey an illegal command so on and so forth so it depends how long these institutions have been working and how high their level of confidence is that these institutions will actually be able to balance two competing interests on the one hand prevent terrorism or any terror attack on the other protect innocent civilians and those who may be falsely or wrong or wrongfully accused because of whatever motive those in power may have because i'm for a safer country of course i'm for that but then what do you think they can do like if you can revise it how would you revise it just that provision and that says it all you can extend the period of detention um before a case can be filed against you because sometimes it's difficult to um gather evidence especially if you're really a good terrorist but um i think that should suffice without giving necessarily the power to arrest quote unquote suspects or the very least provide procedures by which a suspect is defined and determined and transparency rules as to how these suspects are being identified or will be identified again it's a question of confidence building i think government should instead of fighting or arguing with people saying you're wrong you're right it's fake news they should just simply build confidence that this law will not be abused yeah that this law even if it should pass will be subjected to constitutional scrutiny by the supreme court and that they will obey okay so i mean but we're not them so what can we do um can't do anything i think a lot of people will be filing cases before the supreme court to question certain provisions of the law for sure that is almost a certainty and like for some people because we feel of obviously that it will be passed what can you say that would probably ease if there's any way to ease their frustrations and their fear about this bill as with any law that you don't like or as with any law that you initially like but later on turned out to be bad law then you go to congress and you make known your position or opinion so that congress will be convinced to either amend repeal or um abrogate the law in its entirety yeah okay so this is like it can be about that bill it can be about everything that's going on right now in the world and in our country and a lot of people are feeling frustrated and you know these are really really hard times and i mean like me i i acknowledge being privileged and there are a lot of people also out there that are watching that what can they do like how can they have a voice or how can they help or what can they do to have a purpose in someone's life with what's going on today i mean what can make your actions matter seen or not seen a simple phrase it always adds up so if you think you're minuscule that anything you do won't really matter and if everyone thinks that way then nothing will really happen but if you do it in your own little way and whatever you do will add up to what i will do what this other person that other person will do and um if indeed it is worth fighting for and if indeed there is a just cost then you will find yourself together with millions or hundreds of millions all over the world fighting for the same costs very much like what you're seeing perhaps in the u.s right now nobody's organizing these rallies all of a sudden they just sprouted in each and every state um people from various persuasions various ethnicities come from a spark in their heart coming together simply because of what they saw and it's struck um a bone in their body that says this is unjust and all of a sudden they came together so same thing and if like for example people that are aren't really out there that are afraid to be out there you know some people have reservations of joining a rally or you know being really active with the political scene like for me i mean i'm very frustrated because you know i also have my political beliefs and stand and sometimes we don't clash but you know you're also very careful for me and yet like there are some people that are watching that are you have parents that are worried how can they make a difference with what's going on in the political arena for those who can vote vote for those who can speak for those who have a voice and the internet gave each and every one of us a voice now unlike before only politicians only popular personalities had a voice now actually internet empowered everyone through your voice there's a saying about growing old when you were younger you wanted to change the world as you grew older you wanted to change only your country or your community as you grow further older or down the line all you wanted to do was change yourself and you still couldn't do it so the same is true here you can always start either at the top try to change the world or start at the beginning change yourself first yeah so in so far as despite this concern or any fight for that matter if it's a lonely quote-unquote fight then you start with yourself and you don't have to be out there you just answer when you're asked if you're not asked then you don't answer you keep the fire burning in yourself keep it in your head and then hold firm to that belief in those principles because who knows you may be given an opportunity sometime to voice them out makes so much sense like okay for example i'm so excited with my next question it's about voting before when i was younger i didn't know how important it was to vote in fact i didn't even register myself to vote i was totally like lost and doing my own thing i guess i was still in that stage at the bottom where i was still getting to know myself and now that i know how powerful my vote is can we talk about that like the next elections i mean i mean everybody spends so much money i mean i'm sure you know this with ads with whatever what can they do i mean for me a mere ad or a recall of the name for me obviously because i know better now it's not enough what can they do to make sure that the candidate that they're going to vote for is really deserving to be there because at the end of the day we choose our leaders so we can't really you know older politicians meaning two generations ahead of me used to believe that good news or bad news is still good as long as you spell my name right that was the time when you would write the name of the candidate in the ballot and i just said yeah beside the circle of the candidate's name i'm now with the advent of internet um bad news is bad news yeah and sometimes it's the bad videos or the bad news that goes viral rarely if at all you see a good video about the politician that's going viral yeah if it's good but for those who are not interested in voting and yet keep on complaining remember we deserve the leaders that we get i often hear people who are well educated who are rich who live in the big houses and expensive villages why did he win you know the people are so ignorant they keep on saying that yeah then if they are then you should have gone out of your way to get out of that bubble to educate to teach people the way you do because at the end of the day um that's why it's so wasteful whenever people don't vote whoever they vote for doesn't really matter whether i'm a candidate or not because at the end of the day it is only during election time and i'm yet to find out another time that if at all we would be equal it is only during election time that we are truly equal whether you're a heart evangelista or jacka or rusty or all of you have one vote each whether you're rich or poor sexy or not male female lgbtq all of us have one vote each young or old as long as you're 18 and above your vote if counted properly and correctly of course would be equivalent to one yeah even if you're a candidate even if you're the candidate for president you still have only one vote even if you're a popular actress that can endorse products it will sell a million pieces still you have one vote so it's a shame to say the least it's completely wasteful if people don't vote and in political science we were taught i was taught by my political science professor because i asked what i thought was it was a stupid question at that time i go in elections in a democracy why does majority win why can't the right win why can't the intellectuals be given the chance to decide what's best for the country why do you give um each and every person one vote yeah the answer he gave me was that um it's not a coincidence that you follow the rule of the majority because in most countries it's the majority who are poor it's the majority who need help yeah and if it's truly one person one vote then you owe your victory to them and hopefully if you win you will serve them as well so it feeds itself which does not happen all the time though with the remaining 2020 what do you think is gonna happen last time when you asked me i said you should adapt to change now this one of the biggest changes discovered 19 thing pandemic brought about one of the biggest changes in the lives of everyone in the entire world with the lockdowns and all with the recession that's um upon us it will change a lot of lives and it will change a lot of things what you were planning for for the rest of the year for example traveling um is over over so um i guess what you should expect in 2020 would be for the rest of 2020 would be to adapt to the new normal to adapt that covet 19 will be here that we have to protect ourselves against it until a vaccine and or a cure is invented for example tuberculosis which kills thousands hundreds of thousands of people in the world it's actually contagious and there's no vaccine against it up to now but people have adjusted to the fact that that disease is there they know how to deal with it and they know how they can possibly get it yeah so they try to minimize opportunities by which they would get it the same is true with dengue every year more people die of dengue in the philippines at least i know the stats here than so far covet 19 but that does not mean we should ignore kovid 19 as well but we have lived with dengue we use it so adjustments were made already that are part of our lives already yeah so i guess the same is some true for club 19 we will adjust this new normal will be part of our way of life and we will ignore it ignore it in the sense that it won't take too much out of you to actually address the problem of kovit 19 because it's part of who you already are looking forward to 2021 like i've seen our cure to put it into all of this madness yeah for you what do you look for in the life 2021 always peace of mind same me too oh my god yes struggle yeah peace of mind forever always peace of mind um why however successful or unsuccessful you may be in any undertaking as long as you have peace of mind meaning to say your success wouldn't change you for the worse the absence of success also won't make you feel depressed then you're good the why is the ifs the house and what's by my boyfriend jesus oh my god thank you so much for this you always make my content so great and i hope that a lot of people will be enlightened from this adulting with cheese and for those of you that are going through something and so many questions i hope anyway we were able to brighten up your day and answer a few questions um this was absolutely fantastic thank you so much for your time and day sir it's so nice to meet you i'm such a fan ever since 2007. anyway if you want to become part of our family you could like and subscribe this has been hard evangelista escodero i'll see you again next time god bless you guys
Channel: Love Marie Escudero
Views: 2,427,630
Rating: 4.951858 out of 5
Keywords: Love Marie Escudero, Heart Evangelista, Love Marie, Vlog, Philippines, Lifestyle Vlog, Q and A, Heart and Chiz, Adulting With Chiz, Chiz Escudero, Sorsogon, Anti-Terrorism Bill, Politics, Freedom of Speech, Online Hate, Advice, Heart Evangelista Chiz Escudero
Id: 1vrwQWHZsJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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