Adrien's TRUE feelings revealed for Marinette? | Adrien's Subconscious Exposed?? | Frozer Analysis

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do you feel that adrian is secretly in love with marinette but doesn't know it because we all know it's true right our sunshine boy adrian has just really given us so many clues that he likes marinette but it could be he just doesn't know he loves her one of the main points that leads me to believe adrian is in denial is from the episode frozer and the thing i want you to take away from the episode is that adrian is more focused on marinette than the actual girl he's on a date with you heard me right once again adrian is giving special attention towards marinette so are you ready to analyze well let's analyze but before we start don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified of when i upload let's get started so we know adrian begins to have a crush on kagami and wants to spend time with her you anyways adrian invites marinette on their date because he is nervous to be alone with kagami marinette accepts and decides to bring luca with her so they arrive at the rink and everything is fine but then here's where this whole adrian liking kagami thing gets confusing adrian is with kagami but then slides over to go talk to marinette so he has the opportunity to spend time with his crush but then goes away to talk to another girl aggressed does that make any sense to you and here's where part of my theory comes in could adrian sliding over to marinette show that he subconsciously wants to be close to her because why is he ditching his crush to go talk to marinette who he considers just a friend like he's giving more attention to marinette but it does not stop there y'all the t is still being spilt okay so here's the next point as marinette and luca skate away adrian's eyes track them like why is he so fixated on them like what is this look adrian are you jealous that marinette is skating away with another boy i truly don't know but this look is definitely suspicious like look at his eyes just follow them what does that mean that is it just it seems off like it doesn't seem like a normal reaction to your friend skating away like it just i don't know okay but let's continue with the t remember how i said adrian subconsciously wants to be near marinette well keep that in mind because once again adrian focuses his attention from kagami to marinette when marinette falls and both luca and adrian rush over to help her i just want to say adrian she already has a guy to help why did you rush over to her so could this be again revealing adrian's subconscious desires because he is not focusing on his date as well as he is his friend how is he giving more attention to a friend than a crush this must be like revealing adrian's whole soul or something like he must really want to be by marinette because his actions are speaking way louder than his saying of she's just a friend okay so you might think that adrian has like already exposed himself enough no so the thing about this episode is that it is really repetitious in the fact that it shows adrian focusing his attention to marinette like something about this episode just shows that something is off like he just keeps going back to marinette like what is this boy doing but guys like seriously think about like if something is repeating itself think of how important it is like it's not just one time that adrian went to go talk to marinette like he is constantly like going over to her so he must want to be near her right so when marinette leaves to the bathroom adrian goes after her and you know leaves kagami and i don't know this is just weird we've already discussed that but following this plague senses that adrian has a crush on marinette but of course adrian rejects the idea of having a crush on her but listen to this just listen to adrien say this you're supposed to be in love with ladybug and now you ditch kagami to go after marinette me going after marinette no she's just a friend does he seem confident in what he's saying yeah i i don't think so like the way he is saying these words he sounds very unsure and it sounds almost as if he's questioning his feelings for marinette okay but not only does plague sense adrien has a crush on marinette but so does kagami because she gets curious as to why adrian decided to invite her in the first place and she gets pretty jealous and decides to show off her figure skating skills because she wants to impress adrian and then at the end of the episode she assumes that when adrian states i'm not changing my target that he is talking about marinette so both plague and kagami since adrian has a crush on marinette so they must sense like a chemistry between the two of them or that adrian acts differently around her because both of them think that he likes her so he probably does okay next point and i'm excited to share this so you know at the end of frozen when marinette tells adrian we should go and skate at the ice rink more often that's all good right but look at what adrian does next adrian asks you mean just you and me okay but emphasis on the just you and me adrian she did not say that part adrian assumes the last part was about it being just the two of them he could have assumed she meant him kagami her and luca but he didn't he assumed she meant just the two of them is that what you truly want adrian to be alone with marinette is it to make matters even more obvious as adrian asks this question he tilts his head and according to this website tilting the head sideways can be a sign of interest which may be in what is said or happening it can also be a flirting signal as it says i am interested in you okay that's enough if you want to read the rest link will be in the description so as to touch on what i said earlier is adrian's question in reaction with the head tilt revealing what he truly wants subconsciously like does he want to be with marinette but doesn't know it or is denying it because everything is adding up you are being exposed adrian plus he even touches her shoulder before he leaves physical contact yes a sign of having a crush you want a reason to touch them so now i'm going to discuss why adrien is possibly denying feelings for marinette so in frozer we know that marinette invited luca as her date but the problem with that is it opened up the idea in adrian's mind that marinette has a crush on luca which she slightly does but of course it's nothing close to adrian we can see as we go to the episode stormy weather 2. as adrien considers who the valentine's day card is from he rules out the idea that the card is from marinette and part of that is because he thinks that she likes luca and adrian goes through this thought process where he actually considers marinette likes him but denies it because he thinks that she is a friend who likes fashion and assumes she likes luca so first off marinette kind of messed up cause she hasn't been open with her feelings with adrien and she invited luca so he thinks marinette likes luca not him and watch adrian's facial expressions as he goes through this thought process no marinette couldn't possibly be in love with me she's just a friend who loves fashion besides there's luca adrian looks sad thinking she doesn't love him and it kind of looks as if he is giving a fake smile when he says besides there's luca okay so what if adrian is not more open about his feelings because he thinks that marinette doesn't even see him romantically i cannot take the stress because adrian seemed open to the idea that marinette liked him until he recalled in troublemaker when she said she did not see him in that way and then he remembered in frozer when luca and her went ice skating together because look at his face he looks sad thinking she doesn't like him guys i can't do this you know i no okay we're done
Channel: MiraculouslyLazy
Views: 617,715
Rating: 4.9390159 out of 5
Keywords: Adrienette, Adrinette, adrintte, miraculous, miraculous ladybug, adrienagreste, adriennette
Id: lFXef9Zak0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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