Adrian Rogers: Four Lies That Ruined the World [#2460]

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Oh welcome to love worth fun with pastor teacher and author Adrian Rogers reaching out with God's love bringing people to Christ touching lives around the world and helping you find the answers you need today join us as we prepare to open God's Word and discover how your life can be changed forever by his great love worth finding find God's Word Genesis chapter 3 we're continuing our series on challenges to the cross things that we meet in today's world that we need to have Bible answers for the title the message today for lies that ruin the world I was talking to Janice my baby daughter she said daddy what he will preach I said on four lies that ruin the world she said well let me see what are they would that be communism humanism new ageism I said no no none of these bigger lies than all of those and the lies beyond those lies these are Satan's four biggest lies Satan's whole system is built on a lie Jesus said in John chapter 8 and verse 44 to the unsaved Pharisees you are of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he is a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth and when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it that is every lie that's ever been told has been spawned by the daddy liar the liar of all Liars the father of all lies who is the devil himself Satan is a liar Jesus said he is a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth now listen his motive is murder he method is the lie never forget that his motive and his method there in John chapter 8 and verse 44 Satan wants to be bring death to life to joy to peace to happiness but the fruitfulness he wants to bring physical death he wants to bring spiritual death he wants to bring eternal death and he does it through deception he is a dirty liar and we're going to find four of Satan's biggest lies these are foundational lies and their lies out of which all other lies come now remember that Satan is the he is the master liar and because he's the master liar his lies are very good Satan knows how to tell lies his lies are very clever let's look here in Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field just underscore that word subtle now Satan's lives are not lies that are obvious lies on the surface you have to look beneath the surface to see his lies because he's very clever now let me tell you something the best lies sound the most light the truth and so there is some truth in most lies a clock that doesn't even run is Right twice a day isn't that right but now wait a minute if a clock is only right twice a day you look at it and you say that's wrong it may be right twice a day but it's still wrong what is more dangerous a clock 12-hours wrong or o'clock five minutes wrong a clock five minutes wrong is far more dangerous than a clock 12 hours wrong when you look at will clock this 12 hours wrong you say that's wrong somebody tell me what time it is a clock five minutes wrong you miss your airplane now there's a difference and Satan's lies are very close to the truth and yet so very far from the truth now out again Satan had rather you think a wrong thing believe a lie than to do a wrong thing why because the thought is the father of the knee it is more dangerous to believe a wrong thing than to do a wrong thing you can do a wrong thing by mistake and the next time do the right thing but if you believe a wrong thing you keep doing the wrong thing over and over again for the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he and so the devil is they he is the original liar the devil is the master liar and the best lies sound the most like the truth and those that are nearest to the truth and still a lie are the most dangerous now Satan being a very clever liar Satan being the master liar Satan warning to do his work through lie which is murder will tell a lie about the biggest subject haze it and he's not interested in telling lies about little things he wants you to believe lies about the biggest subject what is the biggest subject God God is the biggest subject now if Satan can get your mind twisted about who God is and what God does and what God is like then he's got you because the thought is the father of the deed aw Tozier a great leader in the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church said and I want to listen this quote no religion can rise higher than his concept of God that is so proved no religion can rise higher than its concept of God now Satan in the very first tier of book in the Bible the very first pages of history is going to tell four big lies and all of them are going to deal with the character of God because Satan does not want you to understand who God is that may surprise you to learn that Satan is an evangelist what Satan wants is not casualties he wants converts over to his own ideas and so Satan comes as an evangelist to Eve to evangelize her for the devil's religion Eve was his first convert and rather than for spiritual laws there for spiritual flaws for lives that he won't Eve and Eve takes the bait and these lies are not just what God what Satan has done Ian's ago these are the four lines that you meet today and tomorrow they're very fresh they're very up-to-date now Satan really he may be double faced but he's not double minded he wants to do the same thing today that he has done always so you ready for these four big lies all right lie number one God is not good that's the first lie now notice again in chapter 3 and verse 1 now the serpent that's the devil was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden now what's he trying to do he's trying to get him to think negatively about God to get the idea that God is withholding goodness from her therefore God Himself is not good that God is severe God is cruel here's the beautiful Garden of Eden and God made it and then God said you can't touch it you can't eat of it of course God had not said that they could not eat of the fruit of every tree of the garden that was a lie what had God said look in Genesis 2 verse 16 you and the Bible just turn backward one chapter and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat do you see it of every tree I miss free me now what did Satan say now the serpent was more subtle in the beasts of the field and he said unto the woman that God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden God said help yourself Satan said God says you can't have it now what what what is what is Satan trying to do he's trying to get Eve to think negatively about God that God is cruel God is harsh God is unloving he wants to deny you Eve of any ultimate joy anything that brings pleasure is a no-no any time God sees anybody having a good time that God moves in to break up the game the truth of the matter is that God had said a resounding yes yes to their joy and to their pleasure when God created Eden in all of his luxury all of its beauty all of its bounty God said to Adam and Eve their children that is for you help your self now there are a lot of people today who have the idea that God is some sort of a cruel God a vengeful deity sitting up there on his big throne hurling down laws to make a squirm like a worm and hot ashes trying to keep them that God is a cosmic killjoy that God is trying to keep things from us that is not true God loves us let me use some verses I've given you these before but jot them down some 37 and verse 4 delight thyself in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart in that great what your heart yearns for you'll find in him some 84 verse 11 the Lord thy God is a son and a shield the Lord will give grace and glory now listen to this no good thing will he withhold from them that walk right now no good thing if it'll make you healthy happy Holi wholesome God says help yourself every time he says thou shalt not he say don't hurt yourself every time you says thou shalt he's saying help yourself to happiness God loves you listen to this one 1st Timothy chapter 6 verse 17 charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the Living God who giveth us now listen to this phrase who giveth us richly all things to enjoy isn't that great now if the devil can get you thinking negatively about God he's already got you that's the very first thing you did when he crawled his slimy corroding path into history to get Eve to think negatively about God why number 1 God is not good all right I want you to say that loud God is good don't you ever let the devil tell you anything else God is good all the time all right line number 2 line number 2 first lie God is not good light number 2 God is not truthful God is not truthful now notice he said in verse 1 hath God said now that's about the doubt leads to denial now notice in verses 2 through 4 and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden she knew better but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said he shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die verse 1 doubt now in verse 4 denial you'll not die you don't have to worry about God man see what she's trying what Satan did first of all was to get Eve to think negatively about God then the next step is easy to think to get Eve to think skeptically about line number one God is not good line number two God is not truthful now what Satan had done in verse one is to put a question mark after the Word of God I want to say clearly and plainly that anyone who causes skepticism concerning the authority the accuracy and the acceptability the impeccability the infallibility the authenticity of the Word of God is doing the work of the devil that's the work of them I don't care what seminaries in I don't care what degrees he has if he puts people it's a doubt a question mark or denial after the Word of God he is of the devil the devil the devil is out to destroy the truthfulness of God now we today in today's society we have substituted many things for God's Word and all of them are based on the devil's lies let me mention some of these first of all relativism what is relativism relativism is the idea that there's no fixed truth a professor in the university stood up and said students I want to tell you there is nothing that you can say is absolutely true there's nothing that you can be absolutely sure a student lifts his hand and said professor are you sure of that he said absolutely relativism everything is relative that was that that roots back to a philosopher whose name was Henkel H E GTL and he is he had sort of a dialectic what Hegel said was over here is a thesis belief and over here is an antithesis or an antithesis that says I argue with that and these two get in a big argument and then they come together to a synthesis thesis antithesis synthesis and so maybe the thesis over here's capitalism antithesis is communism and then the synthesis is socialism and then that synthesis in minds of many becomes the new thesis now this is true and then over here you get another antithesis and then after a while you get another synthesis do you see what is happening everything is relative there's nothing fixed there's no anchor there's no standard Playtone his Republic talked about some sailors who having lost a chart and compass put a light on the bow of the ship and steered by that that's what we're doing in today's society number one relativism number two subjectivism what is subjectivism well I feel this or I feel that let me tell you about my experience it used to be a time when preachers would stand in the pulpit and say the Bible says then they start saying the church says and now they just say well it seems to me or I feel as a kind of scratch the head subjectivism another substitute for the Word of God is rationalism rationalism that is we bring logic we bring our computers we worship at the shrine of our intellect and rather than saying the sat the Word of God we say thus saith the mind of man we try to put God on our scales put God in our test-tube put God in our cyclotrons put God in our computers but God will not fit there where you say pastor I think we ought to be reasonable sure you ought to be but friend where reason cannot wait faith must swim what we believe is not contrary to reason listen it is not contrary to reason it is beyond reason beyond reason God is not an unreasonable God but can a man by reason find out God absolutely not and so we try relativism and subjectivism and rationalism and if that doesn't work what most Americans like is pragmatism what is pragmatism pragmatism doesn't even bother to ask is it is it true we just asked does it work we're very pragmatic about it but the most dangerous of all and this is the is the thing that is happening in the society we live in is something called PO modernism post-modernism now modernism what would would argue with conservativism about what is right what is wrong the post modernist doesn't even bother Dai Dai Gyu the post modernist doesn't even believe there is anything called truth and so the post modernists are he might believe that truth is everywhere but no one truth is over against another truth so somebody might say look you're into Buddha I'm into Jesus what is true for you is fine that's your truth what is true for me is fine that's my truth and this is called post-modernism and it's a big word for a lot of silliness and foolishness but the devil doesn't want you to believe that God is the God of truth now if you have children and you're raising those children your children have been infected by these other forms substitutes for the truth of God and the big daddy liar is behind it all and you're going to have difficulty raising your children unless you get them to believe that the Bible is the inerrant inspired infallible Word of God and when you talk to them and say you should not commit fornication you should not commit adultery you don't say because it's bad for you or because society you say because God says so you don't tell a lie why because God says so it's wrong to steal because God says so you worship only one God because the Bible teaches that the devil does not want a society to have a fixed standard of truth God is good same in God is truth say Amen now if you don't believe that the devil's got you going his way he wants you to think negatively about God then he wants you to think skeptically about God line number three line number three God is not righteous God is not righteous look if you will now in Genesis 3 verse 4 and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die that is God is not really going to punish sin there is no God of judgment you'll have to worry about facing a judge now I want a friend God is good but God is also righteous God is loving yes God is loving but God is righteous and have you preached the love of God to the exclusion of the wholeness in the righteousness of God you only preach half of the truth and when you take half of the truth and try to make half of the truth all of the truth that half of the truth becomes an untruth now Satan is moving them along now since you don't believe that that there is the God of the Bible who's good and loving and since you don't believe that the God of the Bible is is is truthful are the Bible the word is true then you don't have to worry anymore about the judgment now when God gave the Ten Commandments God was not giving advice he was giving law and law without penalty is only advice now there are a lot of people today who take these things of pragmatism rationalism subjectivism and they do away with the idea of eternal punishment I would be unfair to you as a preacher if I did not tell you there is an eternal hell if you die without Jesus Christ you're going to die and go to hell is it Oh pastor not on Sunday morning you and say yes yes there is a fiery burning hell h-e-l-l-o those who reject Jesus Christ as their personal safety law you say well that's on American it may be I have an idea that if the Supreme Court of the United States of America could vote on it they would outlaw hell as cruel and unusual punishment may God has no right God has no authority to do that but God is a righteous God and God will not let one half of one sin go unpunished new ageism comes out of the idea that you will not surely die you know the new age is it's just a blend of Eastern religions that's come into America today Satan knows that man fears death that's the reason we have the son believe in reincarnation you'd be surprised how many people in evangelical churches say they believe in reincarnation as you just keep going around and around and you get as many chances as you need and the New Age has no personal God who's going to judge who is the High Priestess of new ageism in our days Shirley MacLaine and she she said in her writing we can eliminate all fear of death because she believed in reincarnation you just keep coming back again and again she said one time she was a princess in Atlantis Atlantis another time she was in Inca in Peru another time she was a child raised by elephants she believes this stuff only she says she does you see these people believe that that men and animals we're all interrelated and and we all transmigrating and if your karma is good you keep moving up high and if your karma is bad you you move down so in your next life you might be a worm that's right or you might be a cow or a spider that's a reason many of them are vegetarians they they won't go to McDonald's afraid it might be eating the grandmother they believe it's tough because as Shirley MacLaine says it's like show business you keep doing it until you get it right and finally one day if your karma is good enough you reach nirvana but they reject the idea of a righteous God a God of judgment they're little in their little imaginary God says that God is too good to punish sin friend God is too good not to punish sin God is righteous say righteous God is righteous the devil would have you to I have the idea that you can send with impunity friend God is good God is truthful God is righteous but these truths are being taken away from our society it's a big lies on which the other lies are built line number 4 ah God is not gracious God is not gracious look if you will now in verses 4 and 5 and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God does know that in the day that you eat thereof then your eyes will be open and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil now what he was saying in effect is since God is not good since God is not truthful and since God is not righteous you know you need not to fear him you need to be your own God you need to experiment a little bit you need to work your way up until you are like God now if you can never be capable of being all that you ought to be until you become autonomous you don't need to depend upon God this idea of God is cramping your style Eve you need to be liberated Satan's FIB Adam's rib Satan's fib women's lib God came to set every woman free and every man for every boy and girl free because he is a God of grace but notice I said the best lie sounds so much like the truth think of he said God does note that in the data sheet then your eyes will be open and you will be as God that's what Satan one dude to begin with he wanted to be as God but you see the Bible teaches we'd be like God not as God small and difference.i Satan says you'd be your own God your own little autonomous God you have your own way well what does God's grace want us to be God's grace wants us to be like him God created us in His image so he could have fellowship with us as talked about in Revelation chapter 22 and verse 4 and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads what does that mean his name in our foreheads that means God likeness what is God prepared for us 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him but what say twas saying all you don't have to believe in God is a God of graciousness and God has a great eternal destiny for you why God has a monopoly on this thing of being God and God doesn't want you to get in on it God is heading you off at the pass you can never ever be fulfilled until you do your own thing Eve what you need to do is experiment try it you might like it how do you know it's wrong because he said so because he said so how do you know after all experience is the best teacher friend when it comes to sin experiences not the best teachers the West worst teacher sin deceives those who know the least about sin are those who the deepest into it the Bible speaks of the deceitfulness of sin but what Satan is saying to Eve is Eve you create your own little God you will be like God again that's new ageism all the New Agers believe that their God they they believe however that everything is God they would say love is God now God is love but love is not God listen to it carefully God is over all things and God is in all things but God is not all things and all things are not God people today have the idea that they are all a part of God in some way and that this this this new ageism has pervaded and perverted our ways I mean let me illustrate how it goes today in our schools in the springtime we do not mention Easter in the resurrection of Jesus Christ but hey what we can mention is Earth Day we can't mention father God but we can mention mother earth why because they believe everything is God the birds are God the trees are God the sky is God the air is God I'm God your God their God we're God dirt is God we're dirt wait a minute if God is dirt and I'm God and God is dirt and makes me dirt the animals are God this this new ageism it doesn't elevate men it it humanism really animal eise's man but you see Satan is behind all of this now you say pastor why why you saying all this friend is in the air like a fungus every ISM as dr. Lee used to say ought to be a wasum they all go back to these four big lies they deny a the goodness of God be the truthfulness of God see the righteousness of God and be the graciousness of God God is gracious a gracious God loves you God wants you to be like him God wants you to enjoy eternal fellowship with him now let's come to conclusion how are we going to deal with these lies how are we going to overcome them as a pastor glad so you take off your watch and lay it out there man went to Baptist Church the first time and the choir director stood up and said what does that mean said the choirs going to sing so there just came forward said what does that mean they're going to take an offering pastor took off his watch and so what does that mean it doesn't mean the thing in the world how are we going to come to conclusion of this thing just leave revelation and I leave Jennison go to Revelation Matt a the two books the devil hates one is Genesis and the others revelation because in Genesis the devil doom is pronounced in Revelation it's carried out look if you will in Revelation 12 verses 9-11 and that Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent now we've already seen him battle who'll serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world those are his four big lies he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him that's the reason we have such mayhem here on earth and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come the salvation and strength and kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ listen to me friend here's how we're going to overcome these lies for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night and they overcame him here's verse 11 by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death now how you going to overcome these lies how first of all by Calvary's conquests by Calvary's conquest by the blood of the lamb on the cross satan's back was broken his lives are exposed he's shown to be what he is a fake a fraud and impostor and you're never going to overcome Satan and his lies until you come to Jesus have you been to Calvin has the blood of the land the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ become a covering for your sin I know again it's politically incorrect to talk about the blood today we're supposed to talk about feel-good religion Bible says without shedding of blood is no remission of sin Billy Graham when you first started preaching had a professor from Cornell University come to him and say young man you're gifted you're great speaker you're very persuasive but if you want to go places you're going to have to leave out that blood stuff Billy said I determined to preach on the blood of Jesus more than ever they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb have you been saved number two by the word of their testimony what is the word of our testimony not just standing up saying I won't tell you what Jesus has done for me this is the word of our testimony the Word of God bring the Word of God against these lies make certain that you say no the Bible the Word of God that pulls the veil of Darkness away and exposes Satan's lies like we're doing this morning and they loved not their lives unto the death what does that mean not only Calvary's conquest not only courageous confession but complete commitment they loved not their lives unto the death they said I'm going for God every ounce every inch every nerve every fiber even if I die serving Jesus I love not my life unto the death until a man is no longer afraid to die he's not yet ready to live friend do you know Jesus are you saying listen to me let's look look look look look right here see if you've got any of these ideas in your head have you been thinking that God is not good running from God you ought to be running to him God is good have you been thinking that God is not truthful that the Bible perhaps has errors some how you can do it some other way it's a lie from hell God is truth have you been thinking that somehow that you can just skate on through and that you will never come to judgment look up here let me tell you God is righteous have you ever been thinking that perhaps God doesn't have a wonderful plan for you he does God is gracious for by grace II saved through faith I want you to know him and you can know bow your heads in prayer heads are bowed and eyes are closed and if you're not certain that you're saved I want to guide you in a prayer right now and you can ask Christ to come into your heart would you pray this prayer dear God I am a sinner and I need to be saved and I know that the wages of sin is death but Jesus I thank you that you shed your blood on the cross for me thank you that you paid my sin debt and now by faith I receive you as my personal Lord and Savior begin now to make me the person you want me to be and Lord I'll make it public I'll not be ashamed of you we pray that God has blessed you as you've watched this message if you'd like additional copies or information about other resources write to us at love worth finding Bo box 38 300 memphis tennessee 38134 @l w fo RG in the US you can place Visa or MasterCard orders by calling 1-800 two seven four five six eight three Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time thank you and may God richly bless you
Channel: Blanket Tomcat
Views: 68,526
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Keywords: four, lies, that, ruined, the, world, challenges, to, cross, garden, eden, Adrian, Rogers, Dr, Pastor, Teacher, Teaching, Preacher, Preaching, Evangelist, Prophet, Prophecy, Truth, Praise, Faith, Worship, Gospel, Grace, Word, Minister, Ministry, Ministries, Love, Worth, Finding, God, Jehovah, Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Yahweh, Messiah, Saviour, Savior, Lord, Holy, Spirit, King, Lamb, Ghost, Bible, Bellevue, Baptist, Church, Saved, Salvation, Sermon, Fellowship, Trinity, Preist, Missionary, Revival, Lost, Sin, Satan, Backslide, Help, Forgiveness
Id: -O3rQ9LdCe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2016
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