Adrian Monk - A Case Study in OCD

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obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by worry or unease followed by repetitive behaviors to relieve such worry the obsessive thoughts or impulses are intrusive and inappropriate they cause anxiety and distress these are not simply excessive worries about real life problems the person attempts to ignore or suppress such impulses or to neutralize them the person also recognizes that the thoughts are a product of his own mind compulsions are the repetitive behaviors that the person performs in response to the obsessive thoughts these behaviors are aimed at preventing or reducing stress but are unrealistic and clearly excessive in the United States the lifetime prevalence rate of OCD is 2.3% in adults and 1 to 2.3% in Children and adolescents under 18 there is a fairly substantial number of subclinical cases of OCD around 5% of the population where symptoms are either not disturbing or not disruptive enough to meet full criteria pediatric OCD is heavily male dominated with some studies showing that there is an evening out within the genders by adulthood and some showing that the numbers reverse and females become predominant this is Adrien monk he is 51 years old and has obsessive compulsive disorder he shows no physical ailments or other health problems however Adrian reports that he has 312 phobias and continues to accumulate more these phobias range from common fears such as Heights or germs to rare fears such as milk or mushrooms these fears prohibit him from completing everyday tasks such as driving shopping and social interaction obsessions are involuntary seemingly uncontrollable thoughts images or impulses that occur over and over again in your mind you don't want to have these ideas but you can't stop them unfortunately these obsessive thoughts are often disturbing and distracting compulsions are behaviors or rituals that you feel driven to act out again and again usually compulsions are performed in an attempt to make obsessions go away for example if you're afraid of contamination you might develop elaborate cleaning rituals however the relief never lasts in fact the obsessive thoughts usually come back stronger and the compulsive behaviors often end causing anxiety themselves as they become more demanding and timec consuming just because you have obsessive thoughts or perform compulsive behaviors does not mean that you have obsessive compulsive disorder with OCD these thoughts and behaviors cause tremendous distress take up a lot of time and interfere with your daily life and [Music] relationships my sister suffers from depression it works that way sometimes just overwhelms you I didn't really know her did you have any family brother in St Louis I think excuse me excuse me um my name is Adrien Monk and this is shirona Fleming my assistant col colleague my assistant/ colleague colleague SL assistant um I know this is a very difficult time uh just want to ask ask you a few questions are you a policeman Mr Monk used to be um I'm a private consultant now I'm uh just helping the department with their report were you all here when Miss landow died that's right the students were taking their SATs we were procuring the tests so so you were all together no we were in different classrooms Adrien excuse me what are you doing um just making them even but you're mixing regular with the decaf but they're even but they're mixed together they're they're even but they're mixed together they're even but they're mixed together but there even so the test was in [Applause] [Music] progress right [Music] play ball time [Music] out [Applause] playall out time out time [Music] [Music] out [Music] Adrien it's okay it's clean [Music] enough okay guys uh we're going to be here a while so if anybody's got any homework they need to do they might as well get it out now [Applause] [Music] how long will you to be Mexico 2 to 3 days I'm not a drug dealer pardon me I'm not a drug dealer uhhuh I want you to park over there and meet me [Music] inside are you opening a restaurant here Mr Monk no I'm not opening a restaurant he's kind of particular we have bottled water in Mexico seor monk many fine Branch well all he drinks is Sierra Springs something from the bar you have a nice tea thank you me too please that sounds good okay and for you seor do you have any Sierra Springs no um we have perer no thank you do you know anyone in town that sells Sierra Springs I'm afraid not seor we have some pelo no thank you we have Aquafina I don't think so we have Polaris no Arrowhead no thank you dear Park we have Evan it's delicious seor it's our best seller it is no thank you I'm sort of used to SI Springs we have Aqua fresa it's owned by the same company that bottle Sierra Springs they use the same water salute no but it's the same water seor it's just a different label Adrien the same water no I I I'll be fine how long can you go without drinking I don't know watch the record just put them anywhere thanks a lot I see you've want some water yeah what are you doing thirsty no no don't don't don't drink that that's my emergency stash you have like 1,000 bottles here 5,40 here drink this that's fresher Mr Monk Is afraid of many things including being contaminated by germs and of not having the things that he needs he's also an arranger he is obsessed with order and symmetry treatment for Mr Monk would include exposure with response prevention cognitive therapy and an anti-depressant may be prescribed to help increase serotonin levels with exposure response prevention therapy the therapist would help Mr Monk to confront his obsessive thoughts and not perform the compulsions that would only temporarily decrease his anxiety for example the therapist might start with a moderate fear of contamination such as shaking hands with a therapist once Mr Monk agrees they would work on a fear hierarchy allowing Mr Monk to rate how anxious just the thought of shaking hands makes him after they shake hands he would then rate his anxiety about feeling contaminated and not be able to use antibacterial wipes or wash his hands although Mr Monk's anxiety level will increase and make him uncomfortable it will eventually plateau and then decrease this is the important part because Mr Monk needs to feel the natural decrease in anxiety that is not a result of the compulsion but is a result from confronting his fear starting with moderate fears is also important because smaller less intrusive fears will dissipate once moderate fears are conquered [Music]
Channel: Professor Caleb Lack
Views: 82,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychopathology, Dsm Iv, Case Study, monk, ocd, case, psychology, compulsive, disorder, Abnormal Psychology, obsessive, Case Study Literature Subject, ocpd, Dsm Iv Tr, abnormal, study, Mental Disorder
Id: 0s6fTrSnoIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2012
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