Adoniram and Ann Judson: Spent For God (2018) | Full Movie | Dr. Reid Trulson | Rosalee Hall Hunt

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in the early 1800s a young couple still in their early 20s felt the call of God to embark on a journey to Burma as missionaries their hearts burn with love for their Savior and the souls they hope to reach their mission would result in lasting eternal for it and the Scriptures translated into the native language it would be a glorious future but one that would come at the utmost price at an IRA medicine was born in 1788 in Malden Massachusetts to a denier of Judson senior a Congregationalist minister and his wife Abigail he was the firstborn of three children and from an early age little AB Niram showed great promise one time when his father was away preaching his mother did some special tutoring of him now Adonai arm is three years old so his father comes home and his mother invites him to bring the Bible in and read to his father and to his father's astonishment little ad Myron opens up the Bible and reads one full chapter of the Bible and his father's just amazed and said son someday you're going to be a great man and apparently that statement really stuck with adoniram because he tells later on that he actually would think about what what does it mean to be a great man being an avid reader and having a voracious appetite for knowledge pre-teen adonai Arum taught himself greek in lenin it was at this young age that he had an experience that affected his preoccupation with future ambitions he had an illness that kept him in bed for many weeks many months and during this time he was actually thinking through what he wanted to spend his life doing and there was there was a moment where he he thought of the verse not to us but to your name be the glory that got him thinking about his the vanity of his worldly desires to pursue self greatness and he he realized that giving himself for eternal greatness would be the most satisfying thing but that nudged him in the right direction but it didn't actually push him to where he needed to be that where he was later on in life attempting to ensure a successful future for his son when ad and I room was 16 years old his father enrolled him in Brown University where he was accepted as a second year student and just as he had excelled in his earlier education he excelled at brown one of the people who ended up becoming probably his closest friend at Brown was a young man named Jacob iams and this friend Jacob was also quite a good scholar but religiously he was a deist but the deists believed that God was like a clock maker a clock maker would fashion a clock wind it up and then set the clock on the shelf and then have nothing else to do with the clock he didn't deny that that there was a Creator God but certainly this Creator God was not involved in people's lives fascinated with Jacobs views and an IRA adopted his friends unorthodox ideas which caused great sorrow to his devout parents while considering what to do with his life at an IR M established a small school and authored two grammar books while these accomplishments would have brought some satisfaction to any ambitious man at an IRA remained restless and then he thought I don't want to do this so he decided he wanted to see the world he was going to be a great playwright so he told his parents he wanted to go to New York now he might as well have said he wanted to go to Sodom and Gomorrah his mother was horrifying New York she thought that was a sinful place while their aunt and I were met an acting troupe and join them now theologically at NARM is still a deist but he was also an ethical person and so he was rather surprised for instance when they would be in a town they would be putting on their play and they'd be staying at an inn and then early the next morning before the innkeeper was up the acting crew would slip out of the end and slip out of town leaving all of their debts unpaid and he did this for that summer and he became disgusted with himself he said this is not greatness this is not what I want to do so he left and he went back to the edge of Massachusetts where his uncle Ephraim lived and where he had left his horse and his uncle wasn't home and there was a young minister filling in for him at the time and he talked with that young minister that night and he was pretty astounded there was something unique about how this man spoke of God that gripped Judson's heart but his mind wasn't sold and so that opened up another door for another divine encounter that God was going to seal the deal deep in thought Adonai Arum decided to leave the next day and headed west he's travelling it's getting late he needs a place to stay there's a small village with a in and so he stopped to see if there would be space for him for the night and the owner of the end said well I I've only got one room left and I'd be happy to rent it to you for the night but you need to know that there's a young man who's very sick who's in the other room well adoniram says oh don't worry about that I'm a I'm a sound sleeper it's not going to bother me at all and sure enough it was noisy and during the night that you could hear the footsteps coming up and down the stairs and whoever was sick and the next groom began to moan and groan and this voice began to say God God lost lost dad and I thought lost God I don't know God what if I were to die well finally at nerim was able to get to sleep I wakes up earlier the next morning he's ready to pay his bill and leave and the innkeeper is settling up with him and and adoniram says tell me how's the house the young fellow that was in the room next to me it sounded pretty quiet when I came down this morning and the innkeeper said well he's dead he's dead oh my goodness well did you happen to know who he was yeah the end keeper says the man's name was iams Jacob Iams well that was admirable cost rent that was the man who had led him to his deism and jetson was frozen and he saw death square in the face and he heard his good friend Ames suffer unto death and he was terrified that he could be next that God was on his trail and that proved to be a decisive moment in his life where he finally took God's reality and deaths eternality for real deeply affected by the experience at and I am returned home where he encountered two of his father's friends founders of the Andover Seminary a non-denominational theologically rich and Evangelic a passionate institution though I had an Iram stated his misgivings about their faith the men saw something in him that prompted them to extend an invitation to the seminary as a special student in that era they started what was called the conversion narrative and they loved to tell the stories of great fantastic conversions like say Wesley's or bunions or Luther's conversion but even Judson's preeminent biographer Francis Whalen says that his conversion was not Bunyan like his conversion was more of a process he was limited by what he understood intellectually yet God was not limited by what he understood intellectually God and God had the means to convince him theologically that the truth of the Bible are absolutely authoritative and inerrant and sufficient seminary proved to be the incubator for that spiritual life to be born but it wasn't it wasn't immediate it was it was gradual and by the end of his first semester he was he was submitting to the Lord he rejoined his his dad's Congregational Church at the end of that first year in May though he committed himself to God at an item was unsure of what to do next taking a prayer walk near the seminary one does per day a verse from the Gospel of Matthew flashed across his mind go into all the world and preach the gospel pondering the event later at an I am wrote and I decided against All Hazards to obey the command adding further to this new burning desire for missionary work or two books that add an Ironmen come across Michel Symes an account of an embassy to the Kingdom of Ava which was an account of life in Burma and a sermon by Reverend Claudius Buchanan called the star of the East which underscored the need for the gospel in Asia somehow he knew this is where I'm supposed to be spending my life it's not as a pastor here in the United States big church or small church but it's to be in Asia now about this time and I remind that a very interesting experience had taken place at a nearby college Williams college several young men students at nearby Williams College were on an outing and suddenly caught in a thunderstorm looking for shelter they found it in some haystacks and while they were there under the hay they began praying praying that God would use them in some way to bring the good news of Jesus to other parts of the world after the storm was over they sort of formalized their group they began to call themselves the Brethren at nerim in the neighboring school of Andover heard about the experience of the Brethren oh this is interesting I'm not the only one that is believing that God may be calling them to bring the good news to another part of the world now about this time three of those brethren from from Williams College transferred to and over and so adoniram Judson joins the group there were no missionaries overseas then no one had ever personally answered the call of the Great Commission so for God to work in so many in that place and bring them all to Andover was certainly undefined calling and Andhra Nam recognised it as such Judson was taken by the by the thought that maybe he could use his linguistic skills and his giftings to to translate scripture into a not yet known language for the westerner and a combination of Claudius Buchanan's sermon his walked behind and over in the woods in that time of prayer and reading Michael Sims s book and his involvement with the students at Andover in the in the student missions fellowship those four things alone are the four factors the four the four legs of the stool that God propped up for Judson to finally rest on knowing that this is his calling in life understandably his parents were shot when he told them of his decision to become a missionary to Asia just before he went home to tell his parents about his missionary call they learned that the pastor of Park Street Church in Boston when the most prestigious churches won an ad an arm to come as his associate and Oh his father was so thrilled and so was his mother her son was going to be famous and close to home and they could be around him well he said I have much further to go and he told them about his missionary called and they were stunned but what could they say his mother wept his sister Abigail wept to think of him being so far away because the concept then and his idea was this is mission for life when I go I will not be back home they were going to move who's there son seeking the help of the Congregational Church the young men were invited to share their ideas of foreign mission work at a large church gathering in Bradford Massachusetts after the successful presentation in which the church agreed to their proposal the group was invited to the home of a prominent church member a mr. John Haseltine he had a sixteen-year-old daughter named Ann the youngest of seven children brilliant young woman she studied Latin Greek she studied the languages but she loved to party and she was literally the belle of the ball but when she was sixteen years old she began to consider the condition of her soul she went one weekend with some friends to a nearby village where an aunt refers a very fine Christian woman lived now Ann and her parents both went to church the Congregational Church there but they were just there were any members they were just nominal they don't they believed in morals they believed in the ten commandments but a personal faith no so she lived a visit this aunt and she tried to sound real casual and flippant and she suddenly burst into tears and said I'm miserable what's wrong and her aunt talked to her about following the dictates of her heart and seeing what God wanted her to do and she went back home and she did she accepted Christ she told her family she went to church she made it public and all of her family came to faith after Ann made this decision she read about a David Brainerd and she read the works of Jonathan Edwards and Bellamy and she thought we're not we're not doing anything about the Great Commission and aren't we called so she was going through this in her own life at the time that she met a Tanner as I deny remand his companion sat down to lunch and help serve the meal and she was sort of disappointed when she first met him because she was serving the table and he kept sort of dawdling with his food and glancing around and looking back down and she thought I'd heard so much about this fabulous young man and he's not even talking and he told her later that he was so stunned by her beauty that he was sitting there composing a poem to her while he was trying to eat not long after the courtship began per the customs of the day and Judson and haein would write back and forth and to see the piety and the spirituality in those letters is very revealing and one thing that we know about his letters from this time that is fascinating is he would when he would write the and he would say whatever you do always ask is this pleasing to God though they had only known each other briefly at an IR M sensed such strong Christian commitment and add that within weeks he sent her a letter proposing marriage understandably and was somewhat surprised not only by Adhan Aram's quick proposal but what he offered her in marriage a life of sacrifice on the foreign mission field now at an Iram was no ordinary young man and to his delight he discovered that an was no ordinary girl she consented to be his wife provided he asked her parents first if a deny arms proposal to his bride-to-be was unconventional the way he went about asking for her hand was even more so I have now to ask whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring to see her no more in this world whether you can consent to her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of a missionary life to every kind of wanton distress insult persecution and perhaps a violent death can you consent to all of this for the sake of him who left his heavenly home and died for her and for you and hope of soon meeting your daughter and the world of glory with the crown of righteousness brightened with the acclamations of praise which shall read down to her Savior from heathen saved to her Meads from eternal woe and despair and it really says something about John and Rebecca hasil time that they were willing to let and make the decision and she made the decision if this is what God wanted her to do the way God wired her was she was one of those wild-eyed radical women and that just loved the deep things of God and she wanted to know God and make him known at whatever cost she was the perfect match for Judson and she was equally passionate for the the mystery and the the romance of the mission of filled lacking experience in mission work the newly formed American Board of foreign missions decided to send a tan Iram to confer with the London Missionary Society in England hoping for a partnership as England was at war with France the ship was intercepted and had an iron was taken prisoner no doubt the harrowing experience would have caused a tan iron to consider the dangers that lay ahead in his work as a missionary nevertheless he continued his journey eventually reaching England where the London Missionary Society informed him that a partnership was impossible since their support was for British missions so I had an IRA had it back home he had been gone for seven months undeterred the board decided to move forward with their goal and at an iron and his companions were appointed missionaries to Asia soon thereafter he married an her pastor pastor Allen in the wedding ceremony committed them to God's care and committed them to the grave in other words that wedding ceremony was also something of a funeral service because there was no expectation that they would ever be able to return to America there was no expectation other than that they would live out the rest of their lives on the other side of the world the very next day February 6 at the Tabernacle Church the Congregational Church in Salem Massachusetts there was a ceremony of ordination and commissioning the five young men were in front pew they were kneeling and there were five clergy standing in front of them ready to lay their hands upon and pray God's blessing upon them as newly ordained and commissioned missionaries and as they were about to do that and Hazeltine Judson a bride of one day slipped out of where she was sitting slipped out of her Pew moved across the aisle and knelt at the end of the Pew in line with the five young men because she felt that she is being commissioned and sent as well On February 19th 1812 the missionaries bid farewell to their loved ones and departed the United States aware of the hazards of sea travel the group boarded two different ships the Judson's and the news and a cargo ship called the caravan and the others on the Harmony departing from Philadelphia yet the four-month journey also allowed for times of preparation and study resulting in a tan iron coming to a life-altering conclusion and for an and adoniram they were particularly studying the question of baptism remember they're going to India they know that the British Baptists are already in India with their missionary team with dr. William carried they're eager to meet them and I'm sure adoniram is thinking the subject of baptism is probably going to come up since we Congregationalists baptized babies so let's be sure that we're able to give the the solid argument for infant baptism by the time they arrived in India in Calcutta ad Meryem in particular was basically coming to the conclusion that at least on this issue he was more of a Baptist than he was a Congregationalist now in their conversations and always took the Congregationalist infant baptism side and they would argue it back and forth and reason it and go to scripture and things but both came to the conclusion that baptism of professing believers fit their understanding of Scripture this is a major demotion in their eyes demonstrating the fiber of both an and adoniram to obey scripture as an says at whatever cost we must obey the text and so they encounter William Carey and his group and they are baptized there in Calcutta and Judson preaches what William Carey says is the greatest sermon on baptism he had ever heard and and a Dan IRM were baptized and a few days later the second sailing ship arrived with the rest of the Judson's companions no doubt the Judson's may have been uneasy as to how their fellow missionaries would react to the change in their new doctrinal views but it turned out that luther rice a single young man aboard the incoming ship had also been contemplating the issue of baptism during the voyage and had arrived at this same conclusion as the Judson's Judson wrote back to explain their change of views and to separate from the society they agreed that luther rice as the single man would return to the united states and visit the baptist churches which he did so in the year 1814 in May people from fort area from 11 states and the District of Columbia met at the First Baptist Church in Philadelphia and they created an organization that they called the general missionary convention of the Baptist denomination in the United States of America for foreign mission very catchy title at that organizing meeting they also adopted and an admirer judge sim as their first missionaries making the decision to become Baptist losing financial support was not the only hurdle the young missionaries encountered there was also the matter of the powerful East India Company the East India Company from Britain was this huge economic entity the company had sailing ships going different parts of the world bringing in commerce to to England and because of the wealth that the East India Company was able to bring in to England the crown began to give the East India Company monopolies so India became one of those places that the British East India Company now had the monopoly on trade no other sailing company no other merchant from England could work there it meant them that in India the East India Company also began to have semi governmental functions so the company was not interested in any missionaries coming to India the company didn't want anything to disturb the local population under the threat of deportation had an IRA man and prayed desperately for a solution to complicate matters the local missionaries were dissuading them from going to Burma William Carey's son Felix was based there and the news was that Burma was an extremely difficult place for a Christian mission but meantime and was expecting a baby so they needed to get settled as quickly as they could so adenine would go every day to the docks to try to find a ship that was going and by this time they had said it may be awful but we feel God directing us to Burma anyway and would you believe the only ship he could find eventually was a ship going to Burma but travel on that ship and trying to survive in the stench and filth and crowding with all the crew members around was a very stressful kind of experience and before they arrived in Rangoon and delivered her baby which was a stable one the first child the first son was buried at sea so they arrived at Rangoon with a sense of [Music] fulfillment then God is faithful and they're entering the place of their ministry but already with deep personal pain and they got to Burma she couldn't even stand up she was like she was her health was so bad at this time she was in sad shape and here they had heard about this wonderful golden land of Burma and they get there and it's the most bedraggled filthy looking place they had ever seen it was foggy was rainy it was smelly it just it smelled like rotting compost because it was such a big swampy area and judson and were discouraged and it wasn't they an exciting landing but it was it was a test of their devotion to God's calling their life and was wearing a bonnet and she tells of how they they started taking them through the street and the the man carrying her wanted to stop and smoke a cigar so they put the chair down oh the people began to gather around and took a chatter chatter looking at this strange foreign woman and and sort of lifted her head up and smiled it oh they all began to talk and it is how wonderful this strange person so she was fascinating to them the king of Burma had kept his realm rather aloof from much of the rest of the world yes there were merchants that were coming into Rangoon but this was not a well laid out city you didn't see thoroughfares of HUF people riding horses back and forth this this would they knew instantly that they were in a very different setting Felix Carrie was delighted to receive them brought them into the house that Felix had built so now you've got the Judson's and Felix living together they were stunned when shortly after their arrival Felix informed them that he was leaving Felix had gotten involved with the government and in some ways lost interest in mission work as he headed to Ava and a post the ship was overturned and as an entire family drowned soon after he left the country altogether adoniram already knows that his first task will be to translate the Bible into Burmese so they begin working with a Burmese tutor adoniram and Ann turn out to be skilled linguists the Burmese language at that time there was no paragraphing there's no punctuation their adjectives and adverbs were all different their sentence and structure and their syntax was completely unique and completely foreign to English linguistic theory one of his first things to do was to write a grammar and it is still you can still find copies of that grammar that he wrote to make sense of the language and it was a wonderful help for the missionaries who came in later years and she wrote the first catechism in the language and she even studied Siamese and translated the first part of scripture that was ever translated into the Siamese language because there were Siamese people in Rangoon and she wanted them to have the gospel too so they are they're learning Burmese adoniram is starting the work of translating the New Testament and is beginning a school and so she's also doing teaching and characteristically and makes sure that young girls are included in the school as well as young boys she initiates co-educational education in Burma while at an i room remained in his western clothes and adopted the local dress her winning way soon brought her to the attention of the viscera the wife of the local governor and a friendship followed that proved to be important to their work soon they learned the value of accommodating themselves to local customs the Burmese had what they calls the yachts and it's a little sort of a way house a rest stop up on stilts and often the Buddhist monks would sit in the sea otter and people would come by and hear the scripture or talk to them so they decided to start a Christian say yacht and they built one quite close to the Mission House which was facing on the road going to the great pagoda the great way to go Buddhism they don't they don't believe in a single creator God they don't believe in the same problem of sin that we do and so Judson's work is cut out for him he asked you in a sense educate them in the Christian worldview before they can even understand the gospel and so he writes a track called a view of the Christian religion this is 1816 was when this is first published and that is his first apologetic for Christianity for a Buddhist worldview and he's using a means that is effective because in their public squares the the Buddhist monks would would often express their ideas through through written literature and they would they would hand out their version of tracts of the day so this isn't judged in going somewhere and using tracts as a means of communication that is completely uncommon to the people he's actually using the means of communication that the Buddhist monks would use day after day at an Iram called out to the people walking by who gathered to hear him teach for two years the Judson's labored alone with word from home then on September 5th 1812 letters arrived and they learned that day not only the news of their families but they learned that Baptists had organized mood the rice had gotten back and he had gone from Maine to Charleston and organized Baptists and that they were appointed as their very first missionaries so it was a great day of rejoicing and six days later on the 11th roger williams johnson was born beautiful little blue-eyed boy and their cup of joy was overflowing and nothing like this baby had ever been seen in all of rangoon the vice arene was just enraptured by this pale little boy with the blue eyes and a tan adorned arm were so thankful and so thrilled and they kept up with her studies all day and anne said we would put him on a little pallet between us and said he never cried said he just followed us with his eyes the whole time and then in the evening they would pick him up and play with him and take him outside and he got a fever when he was seven and a half months old no doctors no medicine and three days later he died there is meaning and significance to the sufferings of the jetsons on multiple levels God is always up to something indeed 10,000 things that we don't ever see and he's he's working his own sanctifying work in the Judson's in helping them to trust in his as Judson called his infinite wisdom and infinite love in in governing over and ordaining all of the trials that the judgments are going through that's the first level but then on another level God is using those sufferings of the Judson's to open the eyes of the people around them to to see the endurance of faith lived out in these Americans lives why in the world with these Americans of higher rank of privileged status leave the comforts of family and friends in New England and come and willingly choose to live here paying the ultimate price at complete cost of themselves not even charging for their services why would they do this and this was God's Way of innocence opening up the callousness of the hearts of the Buddhists they were paying attention to the gospel being lived out the Incarnation 'el gospel being lived out by the Judson's preparing their their ears and their eyes to see the good news of Jesus Christ while their personal suffering had been great the jetsons persisted in their mission six years after their arrival they had cause for great rejoicing their first convert the deciding to factors in Justin's final conversation with mom now that preceded his public baptism were these two things mum now said I am willing to be persecuted for Jesus sake and among now attested to the fact that he was willing to submit to the Scriptures at all costs and in Jensen's mind the combination of those two things a deep love for the Word of God and they devoted commitment to Jesus Christ in spite of suffering and persecution were evidence that among nouse heart was truly regenerate and so at that moment Judson declared to his colleagues I believe this man is now a brother and he is suitable for baptism and so they duly baptized him not long after that they were so excited it had been six years this was 1819 Burmese people stood and watched the strange foreigner down at what they called the tank pool of water take a Burmese man and push him under the water and bring you back up and that was a time of great rejoicing for them the beginning of harvest as they called it Hmong in is another man who comes to faith and he is he is an evangelist at heart and he he becomes a loyal friend to the Judson's and follows them and helps them wherever they go and he is used greatly by the Lord in going to other villages in Burma to preach the gospel and that was that was really when things started to take off as when the Burmese own the faith for themselves and they were not just following in the footsteps of the missionaries only they were they were taking it to the remotest parts of Burma for themselves and that was when it was evidence that God was gripping the Burmese in a very unique way that was indigenous to them hoping to make things easier for the new converts a tan I arm arranged for an audience with the King to petition for religious freedom by that time they had been joined by another missionary couple who had brought a printing press at an iron had parts of the Bible translation printed on gold leaf as a present to the ruler and together with his fellow missionary made the trip to the capital the King heard their petition took a look at their gift and tossed it aside their petition was denied and it was only by God's grace that they were able to leave without incident having failed in their request the missionaries contemplated leaving to another city so they thought they might ought to go to a place where they could not endanger the believers and by this time there were about 10 believers and the believers surprised and they said no don't leave don't leave wait until there more of us and then nobody not even the king can stop us for safety reasons the decision was made to take the printing press and the that worked it to another part of the country once again at an IRA and an aura loan years of laboring in Burma took their toll and it wasn't long before an became quite ill without proper medical attention available at an IR m sent and to Calcutta their doctors recommended she returned to the United States via England for a time of rest taking advantage of the time and wrote an account of their missions to Burma which became very popular bringing attention and support to their work finally after a two-year absence in which a tan IRA had continued the mission work alone and returned besides the work of evangelizing and education the Judson's realized the need for a medical missionary to assist in their work so they wrote the baptists board and eventually welcomed a new missionary from overseas now jonathan pryce had particular experience in the removal of cataracts and so very quickly his fame his notoriety if you will began to spread as people were coming to have cataract removal surgery and all sorts of other kinds of of medical conditions it did not take long for news of this medical doctor to reach the ear of the king a royal invitation was sent to the missionary doctor asking him to work in the capital city where the king resided so even though he was not part of the invitation ad Merriman am moved to ova with dr. price by this time adoniram is coming to the conclusion the celebration of having completed the New Testament but political affairs begin to intrude on their life experience war broke out between England and Burma Britain is desirous of expanding the colonial empire remember that most of these advances of the colony are not primarily being made by the king they're being made by the British East India Company they're being made for commercial reasons which have political implications the result of this is that the king orders all spies to be thrown in prison The Jetsons were about to sit down to dinner when to their horror gods burst through the door violently through Adoni room to the ground and then bound and dragged him away while an shocked and distraught was left under guard had an iron was taken to the notorious death prison to join other foreigners accused of spying the prison was run by the much feared spotted guards former criminals placed in charge of the prison they were ruthless one of the personality characteristics about adoniram that comes into play here is that from early childhood he had absorbed this sense that cleanliness is extremely important even as a teenager he had a college student in the seminarian he was very fastidious now he is in a filthy prison human excrement there there are no windows there in darkness the climate is hot and it is humid every day every afternoon at 3 o'clock a bell rings a gong rings and spotted face comes in and looks around and picks one person and that person is taken out and executed the minute comes to the end of the evening they've got heavy iron shackles on their legs the guards come in with a big long pole and they passed the pole between the men's legs and then lift the pole up and hang it on a rack so that the men have their bodies lifted up so that only their neck and shoulders are touching the ground and they spend the night suspended upside down and spent the next 11 months of himmat let my you'd trying to save his life and get food to him every day they never fed them in the prison she took had food took it or had it taken to him and to find some little way of giving them some water she went to every official she could find in in the Capitol and pleaded and bribed and that's how she kept him alive all those months and he had been in prison about four or five weeks when she realized that she was expecting a baby and she kept it a secret from him for about two months and then she told him one day and he was thrilled and horrified at the same time and he felt so helpless because he could not do anything for her in the midst of their sufferings and and Matt and I are immersing turned to the translated manuscripts fearing spies the authorities were on the lookout for any written material and they were concerned that the translations would be destroyed so on one of Anne's visits The Jetsons devised a plan and took the translations which she had initially buried and place them inside a traditional Burmese pillow she brought that with her to the death prism and was able to convince one of the guards to let her bring this in look mighty you hang my husband up every night at least let him rest his head on this pillow at night and so the pillow was slipped into the prison and night after night at my room was sleeping it was not the softest pillow but his translation of the New Testament was under his neck every night months later and gave birth to a baby girl they named Maria day after day she trudged to prison with the child bringing a tan Iram food which she struggled to supply during this time both an and a tan IRM experienced physical and mental duress then one day as she arrived at the prison and realized that at an Iram was gone judson and price and the other Europeans were taken out of the prison they were stripped of all their clothes except just a pair of pants and a shirt which meant the judson shoes came off so now they are marched for miles over rocky ground and it had not taken long at all before Judson's feet were being cut by the rocks and this feet were rather tender and by the time they reached that general's village the bottoms of his feet were literally open flesh had an iron later recounted how difficult this trek was he had no idea if he would ever see his wife and child again he was quite weak physically and just as he was sent away from prison one of the guards had taken away his pillow and with it the translation of the Bible when they got there there was an old wooden jail didn't look like it was going to stand many more seasons and there was a lot of dry wood that had been stuffed underneath the floor and the fear on the part of the prisoners was and we're going to be locked in and they're going to burn us alive so they were brought into the building and finally makes her way there they finally learned the message that it was not the commander's intention to burn them but they also learned that it was his intention to bury them alive by this time and has a serious fever she no longer is able to nurse her child and she came very close to dying during this time she had a virulent attack of dysentery but guard allowed a turn arm to take the baby to the village and ask women to nurse the baby to keep her alive so you can imagine how small and under nurse the baby was all this time didn't have much chance but she she seemed to survive and and live through the dysentery for weeks as the war between Burma and England continued the Judson's barely survived constantly facing the possibility of death through sickness or execution finally things took a turn the British have continued to push forward and are now wanting to make a treaty with the king of Burma and the king of Burma even though he's not too happy about it recognizes he's going to have to negotiate with the English but he also recognizes he needs someone who is fluent in both English and Burmese oh my goodness we've got someone in our prison and the message comes to bring Judson out of prison because he's needed for the negotiations exhausted but thankful Pat and I are complied and was soon set at liberty and after they finally come back to Rangoon do they begin wondering about this pillow you know what what has happened to it did did it get someone pick it up and burn it what's happened you can imagine their surprise when one day their cook came rushing into the house he had been to ovah he had come back and had brought a special prize the guard who had taken the pillow had found it to be unusually hard and thrown it away just in time for the cook to walk by the prison and see it outside in a heap of rubbish wanting to have something to remember the faithful missionaries by he had taken it home whereupon washing it he discovered the hidden treasure of the trend at scriptures understandably the Jetsons were overjoyed soon they moved further south to a part of Burma that had come under British control Amherst there they build a house they begin the work on translating the Old Testament it's not very long however before the British come to a denial and ask if he will do them another service they want to develop a second treaty with the king of Burma which will be largely a commercial treaty now why would a dinner and Judson want to leave his work of translating the Old Testament to go and be involved in negotiation for a treaty that's about Commerce well the British pointed out one of the elements of the treaty would be to guarantee religious liberty throughout the territory that was governed by the king of Burma it would impact people who follow Jesus Christ it would impact people of other religions religious liberty and so ad nerim left and went back to Rangoon and began the work of helping to shape and do the negotiations of this treaty an had settled back in the house and tried to sort of get things back to normal well her body was in terrible condition she had undergone so many deprivation and she got what they call spotted fever we call cerebral spinal meningitis no medicine of course and she really she said I know I know I'm dying and at Meryem was in Rangoon when he received a black envelope and he he knew this is a death and and his his thought was oh my goodness our daughter we've lost our daughter and so he opened the envelope and it was a note from one of the members of the East India Company writing to him to inform him that and Judson is no longer and her last phrase was in Burmese and she had literally given her life she'd sacrifice for those people that she loves so much Maria died six months to the day after her mama and was buried with her mother understandably and already worn out at an IRA was stricken with enormous grief today we would probably look at a person in his situation and say well he's suffering post-traumatic stress I mean they didn't have language for that at the time or knowledge of how to help a person out of it but he was deeply depressed he began to withdraw he would spend days on end without leaving his house he then went into into the forest and built a small house for himself and he began just living out there it's by now there were more missionaries that had been sent by the Baptist Board and but they respected that he needed that space it was a period of about four years for him to come back and reclaim himself and and to begin I think this probably surprised him to begin to reclaim joy move back to Moll main picks up the the work of translation at the time that add an IR Umrah zoomed his work of translating the Bible and leading the mission work God brought him the companionship and helped he sorely needed it came by way of Sarah Boardman a fellow missionary whose husband had passed away while they served as missionaries in the country in 1834 eight years after Anne's death Sarah became at an Irish and she proved to be every bit the missionary and had been as the years passed they had children four of whom died Sarah herself became so sick she required a return to the United States at an IRA companied her going to his home country for the first time in 33 years but along the way Sarah died twice widowed at an iron continued his trip landing in the United States where he was greeted by thousands of people wanting to hear him they would they wanted him to tell of the tales of the Antipodes they called it and he's he said I will have nothing to do with that I do not want to fascinate them and entertain them with my tales of adventure if I'm gonna come and speak in these churches he said I'm gonna talk about Jesus and my love for Jesus he had a an illness a sickness and that caused him to not speak very clearly and so he kind of whispered and so he would manuscript out his sermons and have somebody read his sermon as he sat there right next to them and so that's why we have so many of his sermons from his final days still intact because they they kept them here in the United States while in the United States at an IR M was looking for someone to write the biography of his beloved Sarah as he believed people needed to know about her and her ministry he was recommended to a novelist Emily Chuck who authored Sarah's biography she would eventually become the third mrs. Jetson and returned to Burma with a tan Iram she partners with him he completes the Old Testament he continues to do other writing until his health becomes so ravaged that again the decision was made that what he really needs is sea air they didn't think you've got to go back to the United States you gotta go to England or even necessarily you've got to go to India but get out on the sea that will will be part of the tonic that will will help now mmm was a little hesitant to go because Emily was pregnant with their first child but Emily nevertheless insisted only you need to do it I will be okay so I add an island who was brought to a ship carried to the ship actually ah the ship went out to sea there were some days that he seemed to rally and then there were other days that he was failing and before many days at my room Johnson died at sea year was 1850 ad nerim Hudson was buried at sea and God received glory I have to put an as number one instrument of God of the beginning of the gospel in Burma because without an ad an arm could never have done his great work as one of the biographer said she was the savior of her husband she literally saved him from execution three times and her spirit and her courage became his spirit and his courage that kept him going through those prison years by the time Admiral died there was a relatively small number of ethnic Burmese that had become followers of Jesus in fact some have done tabulations and have suggested that when you compare the number of ethnic Burmese believers at the time of at Norm's death with the number of people in Adams life and family and missionary colleagues who died the numbers are somewhat comparable so humanly speaking is that success but you see when God calls us when the spirit begins to help us discern the particular purposes that God has for our lives success is not measured by the ways that we as human beings would tend to measure success and it takes persistence it takes patience and it takes the willingness to let the glory be for God not for ourselves I've become a captive a bad Nara man damn and Sara and Emily [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 74,600
Rating: 4.9435425 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Videos, Christian Films, Christian Movies, Religious Movies, Films, Movies, Entertainment, Adoniram and Ann Judson: Spent For God - Full Movie, Robert Fernandez, Dr. Reid Trulson, Rosalee Hall Hunt, Documentary, Vision Video, Christian, Christianity, Religious, Religion, Historical Biographies, Missionaries, English Subtitles, Spanish, Spanish Subtitles, Adoniram and Ann Judson: Spent For God (2018) | Full Movie
Id: Gk6OJfBLviU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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