Adolescents délinquants, de la prison à la réinsertion

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Ride ! These three detainees are not mixed with the other prisoners. They are incarcerated in a separate neighborhood from the Epinal remand center. What's so special about them? They are still only teenagers. These three are barely 16 years old. You'd think they're in shock, But they soon became familiar with the prison. They even managed to get ****. Here smoke, smoke! But don't start taking 2 puffs, to leave me the box! What are you doing there all day? Nothing at all ! There is the walk! Sometimes there is a ball in play! But otherwise, there is nothing at all! It's jail! He is the one to ask the questions. He's been here for 11 months. Him, he planted his daron. That's why he's here. Minors sleep alone in cells, go to school and are monitored by educators. Other than that, their detention looks like to that of adults. 20 hours a day, between four walls, 2 hours only in the open air. You ponder, you think, you say yeah, people outside, what are they doing? My girl, where is she, what does she do? Sometimes I can't sleep! Sometimes for 24 hours, I don't sleep! Good after, there are times when I get better when I smoke a little. Otherwise, it won't. I turn around. Do you watch TV a lot? Yeah TV! I have my program. I watch top streaming when I come back from the walk at 5:30 p.m., After the Angels, the new episode. After the news, after Plus belle la vie, after the evening movie, Then I sleep at night, when I get there! It's not a life to be here! Teenagers are more and more many behind bars. 869 currently. Prison, however, would not be the right solution. 70% of minors reoffend after their release. So what to do with these young people who have committed the most serious crimes and misdemeanors? How to keep them from being dangerous for society and for themselves? Until World War II, They were placed in reformatories, Or in the infamous prisons for children. The kids worked hard there and suffered physical abuse. Whipping, dungeon, straitjacket, or worse, As mentioned in this report on the conditions of detention, In a prison in Touraine at the beginning of the 20th century. In the cells, The detainees are entirely naked and they are only entitled to one soup a day, A piece of dry bread and water is rationed. Some guards took revenge on the children. Sometimes they beat them to death, and their bodies would be consumed in the hearth of the boiler room. Today, the young offender is no longer a culprit who must be punished, But a child who must be educated. I don't give a damn about you all! From you, young people, from all educators! I don't give a shit! What can educators do about teenagers who no longer have any limits? Recently in Créteil, a student pointed at his teacher with a dummy pistol, Just so as not to be marked absent. You put "present", You put "present" mash! Turn your head! Turn your head! We are really in gratuitous violence. He can be violent! He can do harm regardless of the victim! Some parents even fear their children! Since 2002, the most difficult miners are placed in the CEFs, Educational centers closed. What are these structures worth? Can they really put it back these young people on the right track? There is too much violence between my mother and me! Bah, I already strangled him with an electric wire. In the Great West, Kevin, 15, Is accused of being involved in a fight that escalated. It is led by an educator at the CEF in Verdun, Very close to the battlefields. You see, it's on the mountains there that there was war in 1914. But the story that told me you didn't care a bit? Other people's stories! But you know that these people, those who died there, They fought for freedom anyway. Yeah, well that's good for them! How do you feel there? I feel good ! No stress ? No no. No worries ? Not even ! Well, I thought about it a bit. So what ? What is your reflection? That I'm going to do my normal pain! The penalty? It's not a pain! Yes, I call that a pain! Oh you call that a pain. It's the same thing. It's just not jail, jail! It's not fast enough! It's nothing 6 months in a life. Kevin may have been a little too optimistic. You have bars and everything there, it looks like prison! He didn't really realize he would be totally deprived of freedom, And that he should abide by a rule very constraining. Welcome ! Thank you. Money, cigarettes, lighters! Blue card. Credit card, €15. Cell phone, jewelry. Obligatory ? It's a gift from my mother. You will get it back later. Cap. Why can't I? Are we not allowed to wear caps? Oh no, we're not allowed to wear caps either. Ah well shit then, I took all my caps. The closed educational center, it is a non-smoking center. No hands in pockets, no swear words. There are no fights between young people here, There are no young people who insult each other. There, we will help to find a rhythm of life. That works. You sign it and we send it signed form to your magistrate. Okay that's good. No study allows us to judge the effectiveness of closed educational centres. However, justice devotes considerable resources to it, 690 euros per day per teenager, Against 525 in prison. Is it justified? We spent a year in this CEF alongside young people and their educators. We are going down ? They are 18 adults to take turns day and night, To supervise 12 juvenile delinquents throughout the year. To prevent runaways and violence, Surveillance cameras are installed in all rooms and outside the center. To enter or leave each room, a badge is required. Here is the bedroom. It is like a cell. And in every room, there are bars on the windows. We'll go out, then you'll put on your shorts, T-shirt. Are there shorts, t-shirts? But I'm going to curdle myself. Shorts, T-shirts, This is the outfit reserved for newcomers. Mandatory for 15 days. And then the young people are all in flip flops, socks. In this get-up, they reflect twice before fleeing. It's depressing here. You are there, you look outside. That's great ! How do you feel there? The ? Lost. I will see my family only in 2 months. That's not for me. I have no TV, I no longer have a cap, I have nothing! wow! It changes a man, huh? Oh yeah, that's changing. There, I feel quite naked. All naked and all lost in the middle other young people who, themselves, Ended up adapting afterwards the shock of the first days. There you wet well! Get your mop wet! No no ! Rinse, Rinse! These young people often come from dented families, With parents who have given up. It's been 3 times anyway that I show you. So we have to start from scratch, Teach them the notions of everyday gestures. You redo your bed, your bathroom, your towels, which is dirty! There, the rags, you don't have to keep them. You put them in the salt directly. Come on, tidy up your room. Your laundry. Chantal she folds it. This one is folded, well folded! It takes up no space. Do you have holes in your panties? That's in jail. In the next room, Jordane, 16, Has only been there two months and he has already tried to escape. Didn't you dust? Look, there are traces. But no, come see. Look, you can see my fingerprint! Look I can do a Tic Tac Toe, are you kidding me? Since then, the teenager has been docile and sympathetic to educators. But once the door is closed, Jordane lets go. Go ahead, it's driving you crazy here. You feel like you're in kindergarten, go ahead! You always have someone on your back who says to you: Do this, do this, babe... There is always an educator who tells me what time do I have to get up, What time do I have to go to bed, What time do I have to shower, What time do I have to go to the bathroom! Finally, by force, it's boring! I don't give a shit about anything they tell me. I tell them yes to please them. I don't care about their project. Ah, I'm going to get out, I'm waiting for that. And every day that I will live, I'm going to live it to the fullest. There won't always be someone to tell me what to do. Clean and not clean. Actually, that's the thing I won't miss that here. To see the faces of educators all day. Ah, I will be happy! Tonight we're going to the rowing club. That works ? Yeah. We're going down in 5, 10 minutes, we prepare food, Then we go. Jordane intends to escape and retake his little business, as he says. I will do what I have to do, calm down! Little things, little things! Once in a while, I do some burglary, Then a few car thefts. I deal little with everything. I put myself well, I have money, all the time! I can buy whatever I want. No, it's better. I even remember once with a friend of mine, We search, we found an envelope and in it was €1500, We were fine! We got straight to the point. Plus jewelry we found, computers. Well, like in lots of houses, because we didn't make just one. There. She's pretty much your camera. She's not bad, I confirm! Does Jordane really intend to run away from the CEF? Or does he just want to impress us? Always smiling, looking like an angel. With him, educators no longer know on which foot to dance. I find him in a super good dynamic at the moment, I don't know why. Me, personally, I find it more composed than before. I find it more comfortable. I find it better. He lives a bit from day to day. There is always this demon there who says we must flee, we must leave. But eventually, every morning when he gets up, The question he asks me is what am I going to put in place to be able to stay? I still remain skeptical. He's a smart kid. But something crazy! It's that he has identified who can believe in him, Who persists in thinking that he is going to get lost. And when you hear him speak, he says: Don't worry, you tell them what they want to hear and that's it! Finally me personally, I said to him: Me, you don't put me to sleep, I know very well that you want to get out. Well then, me personally, I never hear him talk about projects, I never hear him project himself. Me, he tells me clearly! He talks about narcotics, crimes, stuff like that. He likes to put people to sleep! Me, I want to believe it. Me, I think that there, he is really projecting himself, and I think he will hold on. I think he'll hold on because he sounds sincere when he talks. He looks, he looks. But even in sympathy, he is really into humor. For once, Abdel and Reda are not on the same wavelength. The two 28-year-old childhood friends have chosen the profession of educator, To try to help these kids they know well. They grew up in the same neighborhoods. Me, I went down, I went down in the block. Downstairs, there were young people my age who smoked joints, Who drank in the evening. It's not that I stopped to smoke one with them and drink. And then afterwards, repeating it every night, Because I found my thing, it was sport. I took the bus, I went to the gym and I let off steam up there. And suddenly, on the way home, I was too tired to stop, smoke, smoke or drink. And maybe you had a united family? Yes, I have a father who is ex-military. So it plays a lot! The CEF, if there is a goal, an objective, what is it? Well, they don't commit crimes again and they don't hurt people anymore. Whether it's the little old lady they stole the purse from, Or the person who comes to buy their first gram of heroin, To whom, they will screw the life in the air. Ok, but you, what do you sell them as a dream? We don't sell them dreams, precisely. The key argument for all young people is freedom. And they all say it. If they want to get out It's because they're tired of being locked up, Whether in detention, in CEF, in EPE, it doesn't matter. Freedom, And they know that if they carry on and they don't pull over legally, They will be locked up. Freedom, Jordan, too, dreams of taking it back. And quickly. In the meantime, for him, it's time to flee into the arms of Morpheus. Early morning. Come on, let's go to the shower! Hurry up please ! For everyone. We're waking up ? The wake up call is at 7:15 a.m. When they were free, 7 a.m., It was more like the time they went to bed. So, for most, waking up is a difficult time. Especially for young people like Cyril, Who need heavy treatment, To channel their violence and help them manage their emotions. 5 tablets plus liquid. Yes but wait because there is another thing too. There is this. He has troubles that make it to calm him down, Otherwise he would break everything. It's for impulsiveness and behavior. Oh otherwise, I wouldn't go crazy, But I would be excited. Slept well ? Yeah it's ok, still tired, but it's ok. I dream that my mother is dead. Still ? I've been dreaming about this for a week. How she dies in your dream? I don't know, I don't see, but I just know she's dead. In general, most of the time, there are those who begin to feel some remorse. Regrets about what they did. Which may be the case. Cyril dreams every night that his mother is dead. When he was outside, he was afraid of hurting her, Unable to manage his violent impulses. So, to avoid a new tragedy, it was he who decided on his own, With the agreement of his judge, to integrate the closed educational center. Can you be aggressive? If with weapons. I've already gone to court for threatening to kill you with a knife. That was before the treatment. I stabbed a foster family. Because I wanted to defend a friend of mine who was with them. And then there I took out the knife and then bah, Went with the knife. I punched him. It's when you say "no". But before, when I was told no, I freaked out! If I said to my mother "can I go out?" and she told me no, Bah I broke everything in the house. TV, all that. I was going to look for a piece of wood in the yard, And then I tapped on the TV with it! The doctor told me that I was too active. It's weird to talk about it again. Afterwards, I'm going to go back to my brother or my sister, I don't know. Not with your father or your mother? No, that's not possible. The judge does not want. There was too much violence between me and my mother. Bah, I already strangled him with an electric wire. Well I hit him. I want myself to death. And she, does she want you? No. She doesn't want you? No. And to your mother, have you already talked about it? I can't, every time I start talking about it, she cries. So I don't insist. In a few weeks, on his 18th birthday, Cyril will have to leave the CEF. He does not yet know where he can put his luggage, away from his mother. Cyril, Jordan and the others, Almost all were out of school, left to fend for themselves. And they ended up slipping. So, to put them back on track, educators put them to work. Hop, you take your pencil case and your binder. At school first, a teacher comes to give them lessons every day at the CEF. That means nothing to you, does it? There, I go down my 3. Impeccable! And there are also workshops five days a week, To help them find a job. Logically, when you put yourself at right angles, You should find the start line and the end line. Building, green spaces, mechanics, Or like Max this morning, You look at what's left in the bowl. The farm and the joys of the countryside. The clash of cultures for this young drug trafficker from the Parisian suburbs. So, are you happy to be here? No. I don't really like animals. You are hurting your educator. She does not care ! No, I don't care. Barely 16 years old, Max had several dealers under his orders. He was pocketing up to $10,000 a month. A boss in his city. So the cows... **** break the ****! I'm emptying the box where there's shit everywhere and where it stinks of death. The sooner it's done, the sooner you're at peace. ****! No, there isn't that. He doesn't like to work too much. He's better off on his couch. After all, I'm not here to teach them how to be a farmer. The primary goal of the workshop is this, is to get up in the morning, To put on a work outfit and go. There. It's too hot, it's too cold. This is life as it is. There are animals that are there, they are waiting for us. So your boss later, he'll be waiting too. Cécile does not let them go, working hard by their side. Who did you do? I do the brothels there, the little things. Goats, horned animals are goats. And as the weeks pass, The educator manages to bond with most of them. But she never forgets to be on her guard. You are not afraid that he will take the pitchfork, And that he puts it in your foot or somewhere else? If she is afraid! I dare not say it! No, no, definitely not! So I'm not afraid, but I'm always careful. I know how many pitchforks I have, I know where they are. I always keep an eye on them. So there, I know they are there, there are two. The rest is there. Yes I am always careful. I never trust. Never trust? No. Before being placed here, what did you like to do? Smoking joints! Girls ? Yes, but for the moment I don't care. I prefer to go to Germany. Oh the class! To the ****. You already did it ? Well yeah, in Germany it's legal! They do their sex education by going to brothels. But I always tell them, They will fall in love and they will ****! But what am I being told? Why are you here really? It is a mistake. I am innocent. We're all innocent here. It's the lawyer, he ****ed me. And if not, get into showbiz. You're funny, huh! No, I'm here for drug trafficking. They caught me as a salesman. Why can't you sell something other than drugs after all? It doesn't earn that much! Did you make a good living there? Yes, it was work. But I got caught. The farm, mechanics, plumbing, nothing interests him. Max dreams only of his life before. How to make him accept the idea of a job paid at minimum wage? He who earned 10 times more selling drugs. This is the challenge for educators. If so, are you going to become a farmer? Ah yes, it's party time! I would never like your stuff there. Max will have to seriously question himself. His judge warned him, if he makes no effort, it will be prison. How to put these multi-recidivist kids back on the right track? When should they be punished, locked up? How do you judge a child without permanently harming their future? Questions that children's judges ask themselves daily. At the Strasbourg court, the judge, Michel Geller, Sees 150 kids go through criminal proceedings each year. Between big bosses and petty transient delinquency. Sit down ! This is the first time that Gonzague, 15, Appears before the judge with his mother. With a friend, he vandalized an entire neighborhood during a very drunken evening. You busted every bus shelter in the neighborhood. It's for €27,000. Are you in a hurry to leave? Are you looking at the watch? You had been drinking, you had smoked ****? Bu, yeah! And so you zone out on the street. So what ? Well, after we broke the bus shelters of the tram. How ? With a glass breaker. That is to say, you walk around at night with a window breaker, just in case! It's to laugh at me. Did you find it funny? No. But yes, it's exciting! Me, I know it's exciting! But recognize it! Come on, tell him. You can tell him. What should he tell me? He was angry. With what happens to us! He sees his brother every day, Lying down with multiple sclerosis! Madam, now I am speaking. I don't see how that That authorizes him to go in the middle of the night to blow up all the bus shelters in the neighborhood. If you had a gun in your hand, You would have shot someone because your brother is sick? Well, that's pretty much the reasoning! Well if. And maybe he needed... No, it's not you, you weren't there. Is there an educator following you? No. I'm going to stick you an educator who will help you. But we don't want to see anyone like that! Madam, it's a chance! I feel that there is need for a help, Otherwise we will end up in prison. I really don't want him to go to jail. We will do everything to avoid. He doesn't listen, he ruins our lives, It makes us unhappy. We are both unhappy. He's hurting us too much, doing that. Alright and you stop your bullshit. It makes him laugh. No, that doesn't make me laugh. Alright, thank you. Then he thinks I'm not doing anything. Bye Madam. He is out of school, he has no training, He needs support and so does his mother. I am going to instruct an educator from the Judicial Protection of Youth, To possibly allow this boy to have a training project. Do you believe in this solution? Well let's say I don't really have a choice. First, I have to believe it. We are a little forced to be optimistic, But it is a very measured, very tempered optimism. Is that for the same facts, Yes ? An adult and a child face the same sentence? No. Very often, for minors, what is called the excuse of minority is retained. Already, the principle laid down is that the penalties are halved. And of course with minors, We will first try educational sanctions, See sentences for educational purposes, Citizenship internship, community service. The objective that we must have, the one that is the first, The one who must govern us, animate us, It's being able to offer these children one day, The chance to be citizens like the others. And a citizen respects the law. There are still sacred cuties. Gonzague was put on trial, his situation had deteriorated further. He was given a two-month suspended prison sentence. In Créteil, in the suburbs of Paris. Nicholas, Issa, Daniel, Robbed, vilified, robbed. They have already ticked all the boxes, Prison, closed center, home educators. So far, nothing has worked to get them out of the spiral of delinquency. I'm here to succeed! Justice gives them another chance. And this time, it's up to them to take charge. In this daytime educational unit, No grids, no bars, They are free to come and go, On one condition, let go of the business of the street, Pursue training as a cook or server. Ladies, would you like an aperitif? For you, sir? The training takes place in a real restaurant, With real customers. The only difference, it is managed by the PJJ, Judicial protection of young people. Are you going up the ridge? Nope ! Don't tell me yes, you haven't put it back together. You do it again. It's not serious ? What's this ? Its good. These 10 young people have one year to show their judges, That they are able to obtain a diploma and thus avoid prison. Cheese, ladies? We have Brie de Meaux, Sainte-Maure, Roquefort. In front of the customers, the illusion is perfect. Hello, ladies, come on in! But in reality, after a month of training, Most of these young people did not let go of the traffics, And wear a nice tie above all to escape justice. So far, Nicolas has only shown one interest, Playing with the nerves of Aurélie, her room teacher. So I asked you something. You didn't ask for anything. You told me: There is work to do. I told you: I have three white martinis. I don't know how to do that myself! Alright, give me that! No, you don't, you don't. I won't bother with you, I have customers to serve. Those who want to learn, they learn. Those who don't want to, I don't care. I know you care about it, I wanted to do it. No, but you're disturbing me there, you're doing nothing, So you are disturbing me! I will serve this wesh! There is no wesh, hold on tight! Don't stay there, hop, get out of the bar! Get out of the bar. Nicolas remains planted without lifting a finger, Get out of the bar! And he sticks Aurélie to disturb her. Exit the bar, get your glasses on the other side. His little game works. Aurélie is overwhelmed. Take your hands out of your pockets, It's the lazy people who put their hands in their pockets. Well I'm a lazy. But the young man will go even further in the provocation. You put away the laptop, we go to the table, please. Cell phones are prohibited at the table. Nicolas taunts Aurélie. Stop! What are you playing? Ask me that. Hey, what are you playing? I told you "stop" there! Stop! Go ahead, I did something that I will regret afterwards. Aurélie confiscates her phone, But Nicolas grabs his. The scene will last 15 long minutes. Ask and I'll give it to you. But no ! Yes ! It's not like that. It's me who will lose afterwards. Me, I want to win! Aurélie shows exemplary patience. Don't be crazy, bro. I am not your brother. Put the phone down. Above all, do not crack and show these young people, That conflicts can be resolved other than by violence. But man, when I give my word, you have to believe me. I'll do it, it's my word anyway. Cowards. Let go! There. Next time don't take my phone, Mrs June. Plus it's off, you're cheeky anyway. You are tiring. Worse than a kid! What do you use it for? Well, I got my phone. The educators have not yet found the key with Nicolas. The young man already has a heavy legal past. Sentenced to one month in prison for drug trafficking. That's it, I'm here. He is execrable. He does nothing, he does not want to do anything. With clients he has no posture. He said it verbatim, I will piss you off to the end! I won't be there every day, but I will! He absolutely wants the adult to throw him away. And he expects that! And he goes all the way. He goes all the way for whatever we can tell him it's over! That's it. Then, there is still a problem that is stronger than in the others, It's that he's really really, really into his dealings. And not just a little. That's why he always has his cell phone, He's always planning what he's going to do when he leaves. And then he's high up there. He's high up, he's done it all! Incarceration, CER, CEF. He did it all, he did it all! So in these cases, what do we do? If Nicolas does not make a radical change, Educators will have to part with it. Reluctantly for the manager. Elodie seeks by all means to understand and help, These young people who have experienced the greatest difficulties since childhood. Good. They're not victims, they're children, Teenagers, who are still in full construction, In full development. It's kids who are either without family, Or when there is no family in France, Either for the most part it's single-parent families, So with deceased parents. So here are young people who are still in complex family situations. Really. One day, there is a kid who told me that he doesn't have a fridge at home. There is no food at his house, ever! But how do you eat? We have to manage. 80% of the young people who are here, whom we welcome, Never eat at the family table. They don't even eat at home! Some are 5 per room. So to sleep, that's just the mission. I have a kid, he was sleeping in a bathtub. So that's why with all that, it doesn't excuse. But me, it allows me to understand, in fact, Why sometimes they don't head to training in the morning. The boys ! Can anyone help me with the locker room please? Oh no, it's good. Elodie does not have gigantic means. So with Laurent, the cook educator, He takes advantage of every opportunity to hustle their young apprentices. Belt, belt, please gentlemen! And this afternoon, 2 other young people, Léo and Issa, Will not be disappointed. So we pass 40 rue de Carency. Both are convinced that they are going to serve a buffet at the town hall. But... Wesh, it's a courthouse! Isn't that the town hall? I knew we were going to Bobigny, but not to court. Every time with you, when we go outside, there are the cops. I will explain it to you again. You want to stop us? Wait, can you listen to me or not? I don't shake hands, Madame. But is it okay or what? No, but with your shots frankly, you tire me! There will be judges, there will be cops, there will be all that. And these people, do you think they are not there to work for you? Your situations, your well-being, and then all that? Of course, a judge who orders a measure is for fun. There. Let's go, the zozos! Here we go, let's go! Leo and Issa feel like they've been tricked. You did not know ? Do you think I would have come if I had known I was going to court? I told you I don't like places like that, I don't like cops! Here, we stand up, we stand there like this, We put ourselves in a professional position. Don't have your hands in your pockets! With smile. We are not local Greeks! It's not just a professional situation, There is also an educational role and I think that at some point, It will click a little. They're going to say to themselves: well, they're people like everyone else. There is no problem ! Yes of course ! Ah, they are quite nice. Yeah ? How much do we bet? We bet. We bet ! Me, I like it. Thank you. He is above all a fake ass! All the justice of 93 is reunited tonight. Everyone relax. We are in a very family atmosphere. The president of the court of Bobigny in person, Judges, prosecutors. I'm sorry to have to put up with the idea of your imminent departure. In short, everything they like. It's starting to put me to sleep. She is a real tough one. She speaks, she has no paper. But I still don't like it. Not so long ago, Issa would surely have said aloud what he thinks under his breath, But maybe the training is starting to pay off. Now it does the job without flinching. Good morning ! A little toast? A little last? Either way, it's very good! Anyway, thank you, it's been fun! As a bonus, he even has a smile and the little note that goes well. But do not hesitate to serve yourself on the table, It's made for that. If only it could save you from cooking tonight! You see they relaxed. They are relaxed. I crack ! Since earlier, I want to type one. You even have to feed the cameramen. Drop your camera for a bit! Eat! Well, anyway, you did a good job. We got lots of compliments on your performance. And we were told that you were truly remarkable. So congratulations to all three. I like it when you talk to me like that. Yeah, that's fun! A small victory for educators, A big step for young people like Leo, who have only known failure. I'm a guy, before I didn't have too much confidence in myself. I didn't like school. I was going there, but I was going there for nothing. I went there, I stayed in the corridors, for nothing. I want to have a diploma. It will show that I can work. Full of good will, Leo will however be imprisoned a few months later. Involved in a robbery case. Nothing ever goes as planned with these kids. Everything is so fragile. At the closed educational center. A month has passed. Winter has set in. And contrary to what he had announced, Jordan is still there. He didn't carry out his escape plan, Can be perked up by his girlfriend's sweet words. What to start with ? There is so much to say. For starters, stop bullshitting. I'm so unwell, I feel an emptiness inside me. My life is so ugly without you. My wallpaper is you! And I didn't tell you but I'm going to get your name tattooed on my skin. And never forget one thing, it's that I'll never let you go. And that is promised. It's my best friend. Once, I got busted at her house by the Schmitts, And that's why I came here. One time we got busted in a stolen car I took. It's good to receive letters. I'm happy and at the same time it pisses me off, Because I'm here like a ***. It's when you read this that you tell yourself that freedom is priceless, But OK. Glad I go out. 3 more months to go. But soon, he will be able to decompress. Exceptionally, his mother is authorized to come and have lunch with him at the CEF. It is another miner, Cyril, who is in charge of setting up a nice table for them. I found some plates, where do I put them? I took them. Cyril is the young man who dreams, every night, Of the death of his mother. He spends his time alongside Gérald. No, go ahead, go ahead, take the cabbage in particular. Well, that's how it is. Slowly slowly. Like a saw. Here, here. The educator took him under his wing in the canteen. It is very good. A good, a good youngster. But you have to reassure him often, He needs to be reassured. Me, I always tell them to young people, you have the right to have all the difficulties in the world, Not knowing how to read, count, or write, But you have no right to be lazy. For some people sometimes getting up from a chair is complicated so... But not him! He learned to make a vinaigrette that he didn't know how to do. Apple pie. There we made French toast for lunch. It's a thing of our grandmothers. Do you feel good here? Yeah, I feel good. I'm busy all day. Not like before. Before, I did nothing. I smoked, I roamed the streets all night, My mother in tears, all that. It wasn't working anymore. We're going to lay the tablecloth. Here, you remove the tray there. Cyril no longer has the right to see his mother, Since he assaulted her in a moment of madness. He knows how important these few hours of privacy at the CEF are. So he wants to do well for Jordan and his mother. Maybe a bit too much. Is there a problem? No. Oh maybe the knife, no? And the other side now. Well that's good. No. So she's not good there. It's better. Is the table beautiful? She is good like that. Do you miss your mother? Well I would like to see it. Jordan hasn't seen his mother for a month. The judge had forbidden them visits. How's my son? Good and you ? Did you cut your hair? You are beautiful like that. The last time, Karine had secretly offered packets of cigarettes to her son. This meeting is a test. The judge wants to know if he can trust them again. Alright, you're spoiled! But there is much more at stake. If they are blameless today, They will have the right to spend a weekend alone together, In the Maison des familles, just opposite the CEF. The judge will accept that if the visits go well, and from there he will give us the agreement, Whether or not he can go to the family home. The dining room looks like a parlor. But Karine prefers to know her son at the CEF rather than in prison. I see the difference. He is calmer, he is calm. But hey, it doesn't have to be a second home either. I can't promise not to start again, But I wouldn't do car thefts, burglaries, stuff like that. That, I know it is useless since it does not bring in much. And you're freaking out for nothing! Good after the rest, discreetly, from time to time. Yeah, but that's not a life! Especially when you're going to be a dad. But no, she had a miscarriage, I don't know what. Are you sure that's true? Well yeah. Otherwise she wouldn't have told me. In a way, it's okay because you're young. You don't even have a job, nothing at all, you're in CEF. What are you going to do kid? I always have work to do! Did you bring ****? nope. I am in a hurry to go to the family home. Did you change your phone? Yeah. That's it, here we go. Well, did it do you any good? Karine has tried to find the right words with Jordan. Take care of yourself and be wise. But how to lecture her son when, like her, Do we have a heavy criminal past? I told him what do you want? You want to go to jail to tell your friends, I was in prison, and all that. I'm a man, like us when we were kids, That we were 14, 15 years old, It's true, we played a little proud saying: Yeah, I was in jail. My mother couldn't buy us everything we wanted, So we were going to steal from the stores, To get what we wanted. I was starting to get easy money and all that. And then, I took a liking to it! I was 18 the first time I went to prison. Doesn't he do a bit like his mom? I feel like sometimes. I feel like yes That he is spinning like me and my brothers. I think he would really need the paternal authority, But there will be. But his father, for the moment, he has been a bit of an annoyance. At the moment he is in prison. We can do nothing. We can do nothing. There. How's Geraldine? I leave you alone. My hen is her friend Max, The ex-smuggler of ****, who made $10,000 a month. The secret to a successful sale? I think it starts with listening to the customer's needs. Géraldine, the guidance counsellor, Look for an internship with him. It is the rule after three months of stay here. Joseph? Yes. Did you just make a sale there? Well yeah. Sales would be the ideal internship for Max. But it is closed like an oyster. What's the name of the guy who sold bikes? You do not know ? Wasn't his name Joseph sometimes? If maybe. Our Joseph in question, Did this guy have the qualities to be a seller? I do not know. Didn't you catch something? No. One day, we had discussions together. You taught me what the dryer was. You taught me what it was like to sell **** in a housing estate. You taught me what a customer is and how to retain them. You taught me to get up in the morning saying to myself:. Madame, the work is done in the morning and not after 12 p.m., Madam, it is done at the beginning of the month and not in the evening. Why I, in turn, cannot teach you. Because I don't really care about any of that. It's going to be useless to me in life, your thing! The internship of... Well I'm not sure, I guess. I do not need. I will never work in my life. I don't care about anything. I'm sure you have abilities. So, the day you will succeed, To put everything you have learned in the field of sales into the professional field, It's going to be good. It's going to be good. We're in the same boat, you paddle right and I paddle left. So there it is, that's how it is. And even if we don't move forward, we paddle anyway. Carefree. What I expect is a click. Alright, I want to see you blooming, I want to see you smiling. That's what I want for you. We watch another video. I have one on the decathlon. We look ? He's grumpy, he's the one who doesn't want to embark. But I know he's listening deep down, I know who class. You realize, that life was to earn easy money. He built a business that he didn't build in 8 days. He stayed in big hotels at 100, 150€ per night, And he ate in big restaurants. And overnight, I ask him to be an intern, At the decathlon or in a sports shop. The fight is totally unequal. Isn't he lost in advance? Nothing is lost. He had a life where he had everything. But they are children. Finally, for me, he is a child. He has everything to learn. I mean life, it is in front of him to this kid there. His life is not jail. I must put the light. So we have to help him and accompany him. And they like it deep down. He yells at you, he argues with you. He says you suck, that I'm useless here, That my lessons are badly done. I had it all, but it sits there in my classroom. Next time we see each other, we'll keep working on it. But as soon as you are in training, You bring me information and we'll work together. That works ? Yeah. Goodbye. Is it time already? Yes. Obviously, we are a long way from punitive methods, Old reformatories. But patience and benevolence, Are they really effective? To turn a young drug dealer into an honest and upright wage earner? The director of the center, Belkacem Hocine, Completely assume this pedagogy. Maybe seeing your work, Some will think you're too benevolent, That you try too hard to understand them, Where it would be necessary to punish them more, to sanction them. Explain to a violent minor by slapping him, Any sense ! While we, our first job, It is precisely to say here, Things can be managed other than with violence. Quite simply by talking, calming down. Trying to find out why he behaves like this, And what made him behave like that at some point? And no matter what he did? And no matter what he did, of course. Even if it is very serious? Of course, even if it is very serious. Two weeks have passed Jordan got what he dreamed of, a little freedom. The judge finally allowed them, him and his mother, To spend an entire weekend in the family home, At the entrance to the center. 2 full days in a cozy nest. There is the room, There is the bathroom. There is also a TV in the living room. But that doesn't interest Jordan at all, Who has his nose glued to his mother's cell phone. The teen receives text after text. Quiet, quiet. Quiet, but distant with us and with his mother. I'll eat afterwards, Mom. I'm not hungry. I told you I wasn't hungry. You just told me to cook the steaks. Yeah, but I told you I'll eat after. I brought you the salt. I just smoke a cigarette. Jordan doesn't even have lunch with his mom. And he spends his time outside, on the phone. Who, who called you? My friend. Something is wrong with his behavior. But two months before the release, His mother does not imagine that Jordan can do something stupid. He doesn't do stupidity. He would like to do it, but he didn't. Ben there, he can leave on a whim, as he wants. The station is a quarter of an hour, 10 minutes, a quarter of an hour from here. I'm going to smoke a cigarette quickly. No I have not. This weekend, exceptionally, Jordan is free to enter and leave the center to smoke his cigarette. On the other side of the court, however, Nicolas, an educator, has a direct view of the house. And he regularly checks the surveillance screens. Well, he could leave in the afternoon and then not come back. He opens the door, he says to himself:. Wow the street is wide open, can I go there! Just like that, without thinking about everything behind it. That's how he ran away the first time. That is to say ? He was in tap dance. He left ! He found himself taking out the trash, And then he ran off. We picked him up at the station, I think. Do you think he wants to leave or not? I would tend to say no. But then if we don't test, we don't know what. Has Jordane really abandoned his plan to escape? The next day, the alert is given at 7 am. I'm going to the police station to file the runaway statement. Jordan escaped during the night. He's been there for 4 months. He has 2 months left. It's going really well. And then he overhangs his mom, With whom he was in the family home. It's silly for him. Hopefully, Jordan isn't far away, Maybe even at the station where he hopes to catch the first train. But the quays are deserted. No trace of the fugitive. At the CEF, the assistant director leads the investigation. How did he escape and where is he now? The mother surely knows something. Hello. I'm at my wit's end. I don't know where I am there. Because it's my fault in a way. 'Cause I gave her money when I arrived, I gave him €100 and I'm sure it was because of that money that he left. He was going to take the money to pay for his train ticket. Go ahead enter. Karine discovered when she woke up, That her son had fled through the kitchen window. She was open like that the window. And the shutter was closed. It was closed like that. There you go, and in my opinion, he must have lifted like that. And that's it! It is to make his "Fangio" surely. But yesterday, he was only messaging. I said to him: You could have a little chat with me, you could laugh a little with me, Instead of hanging on the phone all the time. It's good, that's it, I'm done, I'm done, It's okay, I'm done, come on, let's go have a cigarette. Karine has just discovered in her cell phone, Dozens of text messages that Jordan exchanged with his accomplice. I got quite a few messages throughout the day. Ah well, got ready since yesterday, 1:30 p.m. What time are you coming? I'll be there around midnight, to arrive around 00:30, 00:45. There. And then there are still other messages. At midnight, I arrive. I have fifteen minutes left at 12:39 a.m. There. And after at 1:04 a.m., he tells her I'm afraid my mother will get up, Hurry up, speed. And he says it's ok I'll give you 100€. Jordan therefore staged his coup yesterday, in our presence. Here is what we discover in the images shot the day before. I just smoke a cigarette. Just wait 2 seconds, I'm leaving the house. That way, at least, my mother doesn't hear me. While we interrogate his mother, Jordan goes out to phone. We ignore it then. But he left his microphone plugged in. His conversation with his accomplice is fully recorded. Do you know Verdun well? I'll pay you for the gas and I'll put you well don't worry. And tell me, when can you come back? Do you care about the time? You are a killer! On my mother's head, you're a killer! You arrive like around half past midnight. Around midnight, there is just the night watchman and no more education. Me, I will be hot to leave in these moments. It would be best, Because if I get arrested again, there on the other hand, I'm going straight to jail and I have an arrest warrant. Oh sure! That way I'm off and tonight I'm having a bad night. Ok kiss, thank you. At the end of the line, his youngest son. He is with you ? Where is he ? No, I didn't know that. Karine suspects him of having helped Jordan escape. Yeah, I'm not happy there! You risk 10 years in prison! Yes, it's escapes, it's not running away that you did. We are no longer in the same context. So you know what? The police station is coming! Even if they are wanted by the police, I would open the door for them anyway. I am their mother first and foremost. Karine thinks she knows why Jordan took the risk of running away, Two months from release. In two months, we had the chance to meet together, But when I told her the day before yesterday, He told me no, anything! Anyway, they always say that, But we never go home. It's always the same cinema, They are liars, and all that! Because he is convinced that justice, Don't want him to come home. At my house what, at our house. He's hurting deep inside, he's hurting. He has a lack. Me, I'm sure it's at the paternal level. He has a lack and at the maternal level too, he has a lack. It's normal. Myself, I can't give her all the affection, Which I would like to give to him since he is not there. He is not with me. Me too, I would like to cuddle him every night, In front of the TV, give him scratches, give him hugs, what. But I can't figure out what to do to get it right. Runaway kids, The closed educational center of Verdun has an average of 5 per year. Almost a fatality for the deputy director. Do you have your share of responsibility? Is there a failure in the fact that he left? Did you trust him too much? A closed educational center, It is an alternative to incarceration, It's not a prison, it's not a fortress. At some point, young people go outside, So have the possibility of being able to run away at any time. Afterwards, it's sure to be disappointing, Because we say we missed something, There may not have been enough links. Now he has made the choice! Did he drive you around a bit? Yes. It takes time for the work carried out at the CEF to produce results. According to a recent Senate report, 5 and a half months are necessary for the recurrence rate to decrease. Jordan only lasted four months. In the suburbs of Paris, The educators of the restaurant, them, Can count on encouraging statistics. When minors are monitored in centers like theirs, Without deprivation of liberty. 60% do not reoffend. Moreover, after 4 months of training in Créteil, There are several of them, like Daniel, who seem motivated like never before. Do you have your stuff or not? Go ahead Madam, I'm undressing. Belt, tie, everything? Hurry up ! The sheet, everything. We have just learned our sheet in transport. Don't worry sir, we're serious bro! Me the card, I tell you right away, by heart, cash! I learned it myself. I was smart I tell you. Brie de Meaux ! Bah it comes from Meaux!. There are people who are at school as I speak to you. Here is a school too. It's not like an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. school. But it's something, did you see? It's better than nothing. It will help me to work later. And to show that even if they believe that we are not capable of succeeding, Well we can succeed. We want to work. We want to stop all this. The theft, the ****. I screwed up like everyone else. I sold ****, a little ****, to eat, to dress myself. It only brings trouble, it serves no purpose. I've done a lot of bullshit, I'm sick of it. I swear to you that I will succeed. My mother's head! Daniel has what it takes to succeed. But he can very quickly overflow for a trifle and ruin everything. 2 days ago, He sprayed all the dishes in the kitchen, And lashed out violently at a youth, Who would have served him a steak undercooked to his liking. Elodie, the manager, called Daniel this morning. He risks exclusion. And that would not be so much to his judge's taste. I would like to understand what happened. Why did we come to a situation where all the dishes were broken, Where, I had food everywhere. And there, I did not understand. I didn't understand why so much aggression for nothing. I sit quietly next to the window. He comes and he tells me I don't know what. He knows I wanted a rare steak. He brings me a blue steak. In front of me, he says I didn't understand. He didn't understand what? That's what he told you. Okay ma'am. Are you paranoid or what? Do you smoke **** or what? You are thinking strangely Madam! Well, let me explain to you. Why am I explaining this to you. You are thinking oddly. I'm telling you ma'am, he's a jerk... I said it at the beginning of the year, I said, here, the first who fights with another, It is definitive exclusion. I will not even try to understand who is right or who is wrong. It's not a pancake workshop, we agree, It is a real professional training. If we let you overflow, we lie to you, You are being lied to about the reality of life that you already know is hard. But we are here to give you the reality of professional life. Today, if you ask me, are you ready? Absolutely not. I thought he was going to jump on me. What, ma'am, are you okay or what? Do you smoke or what? You have to pay attention to every word. He is on edge. He's a kid, he's raw. Afterwards, it went down again, but it can explode. It really is a pressure cooker. What boss takes on a young person who is rarely on time? But he also said that we were one of the first places, Even one of the only places that holds with him, Who does not exclude it. Me, I tell him, on the other hand, That would be the last time. The educators impose a one-week layoff. A few days to reflect, pull yourself together, or leave. A week has passed. There you go, your post is over there. It's not here? And it's Daniel's big comeback. The young man is on time in front of his workstation. Spoon in left hand? Me, I'm left-handed. No, I'm right-handed. So for right-handers, the spoon in the left hand, The fork in the right hand. 2 months before the exams, Aurélie reveals to them the secrets of cutting chicken. Daniel is particularly diligent. That's enough ? I am in the pestle there? Deeper. No. In the other direction. Here, here. I feel it's going to be complicated, They are not ready. Is it a complicated exercise? No, it's one of the simplest. It doesn't come off. Calm down, we'll do it quietly. We are very calm, we are very stable. Go here and you shoot. There is no need to cut, it comes by itself. We try to get out of it, it's better than nothing. If in addition, it falls on the exam. You familiarize yourself. Familiarize... I wouldn't have said that. No you wouldn't have said that. I didn't say that word, but... It goes in the same direction. You are practising ? Here I am training. I train in advance. Madam, I succeeded, I think. It's good. We go back along the carcass. Nicolas, he has completely abandoned the battle. Since his conflict with Aurélie for a cell phone story. His attitude deteriorated. Look at the chicken, it's not cooked. You are crazy, you know? You don't even know how to cook my word. Always tired, slumped, totally elsewhere. We get rid of all the knives, the cutlery. They are clearing both of them. You're the one doing nothing here. Who are lying on the table. He doesn't want to do that. But then, what else is he going to do? Why not do something we know how to do? Is that a job for you? To be a waiter? A job ? I'm going to tell my father: "Dad, you took me to France to be a waiter." You are crazy! She annoys me, it's an asshole job! Stop talking badly and have a proper and sensible discussion. Sensible? Yes. Waiter, I'm only interested when I'm young, But later, I don't see myself as a server. But we can evolve. Later, my children will say: "My father is a waiter." They will say to me: "Dad, you're an idiot! You only serve food." For example, I hope my son will be a lawyer or a minister. But not server! You understood ? But when you see a waiter in a restaurant, Do you find that degrading? I don't go to restaurants too much. I just go to Greek and McDonalds. It's not a job. It's called a job. It doesn't pay much! How much salary do you want? 8 digits. A good little salary. At 2000€ per month, it's good. 2000, 3000 is a lot. We're going to set the table for 15. You make me a beautiful mise en place "Banquet". It's knife on the right, fork on the left and an inch of margin. We will still have to wait for 8-figure salaries, And settle for the training allowance. A little icing on the cake. There I will recover 500 € at once. Yeah I'm happy! 500€ all at once! Nicolas boasts, The pay is just over €300. And then there are the tips. 17€ is better than nothing! My salary is 310€. Plus the tip, I can tip 30€, i.e., In all that should make me 340€ per month. In addition we eat free here every lunchtime. What more could you ask for personally. It's a beautiful life. It's not the good life, but it's a good point. For a career start in work. Daniel, he is much less euphoric. Damn, we're together. And I don't get a tip! I am your colleague. Isn't that normal? I find that unfair! But tips, it's normal that you don't get them. Excluded several days. He didn't hit anything this time. Otherwise, you ask your friends if they want to share, It's their problem. But no, it's stingy my friends. They only think of themselves. I'm not here for that, sir. I'm doing this for my degree sir. In any case, when you're there, we know you're there! Ah that's good. Yes, we missed him for a little while! They missed the customers. Serious ? It's a pleasure sir. You must progress now as you have done, Because at the beginning you progressed, then afterwards you were a little... Huh. This is the second exam you will take. So this one is more difficult! The most painful. So here we have to work twice as hard. But you are capable of it. Thank you. Daniel, Nicholas, Can they still graduate? And convince the judge that he is starting a new beginning? At the closed educational center, no one has heard from Jordan. The young man fled three weeks ago and since It's radio silence. But life at the CEF goes on. Remember Max, The ex-drug dealer who dragged his feet on the farm. After months of inertia, it seems to have clicked. 149 those too? 165. Max finally agreed to do an internship in a sports shop in Verdun. Yeah, I like it. I like Lacoste, Hugo Boss, Nike, all that. I like brands. It's still a surprise to find you here. What changed ? I don't like being forced to do things. There, I found my internship on my own. It's me, I proposed. It's not the educators who found it for me, the internship, It's me ! And I feel good. It's going well here. The Lacostes, the jackets, Can you check the prices please? Clever and humorous boy. It's jackets, sweaters and tracksuits. Max quickly seduced his boss. I see that he is motivated, he does not keep his hands in his pockets. He works, he is there. He's really focused, he's into it. Really, he's smart. Seriously, he's smart He knows how to cash. He asks questions, why is that? The question, at the same time, is an answer. Sometimes I don't ask him to do things, he does it himself. For me, he is starting to enter the world of work, what. At first he thought I was an ordinary trainee, In high schools, schools, all that. He didn't know that I was in a closed educational center. He hadn't understood it. Doesn't that scare you? No, frankly, no. Me, on the contrary. Me, if I can help her, or people who are in difficulty, I am there for them. While we're with Max and his boss, We get a message from Jordan. I will write to him. I'll call you in 30 minutes. The two young people are not allowed to communicate. We'll call Jordan later, in Max's absence. I knew he was going to leave. He told you? Well yeah ! He does what he wants, but I won't be gone anyway. It's no use. And I know him, he's too dumb. He's a bit of a kid, he's going to fuck the shit up, He's going to get caught and he's going to taste prison. He doesn't care, he's happy. In prison, minor, you are quiet all day. There is ****, there is everything. It's true that you still have to piss yourself off. Already 1 hour here in calm weather I'm pissing off, So I can't even imagine being in prison. I want to go out, I'm going to stick to my plan to go out. I'm going back to class, to high school. 'Cause if I don't have plans to come out on trial, I'm going to taste prison. Like him when he gets caught. Who would have believed a few months earlier in this metamorphosis? What's the name of the guy who sold bikes? Géraldine, the CEF guidance counselor, can be proud. You taught me what it was to sell ****. His work eventually paid off. Max is now on the right track. As for Jordan, the young runaway, He has therefore decided to confide in us and calls us back as agreed. He knows he is registered. Hello ? Alright, so how are you? I'm very good. What do you do with your days? I walk around, I do my little business. What's your little business? Oh I do a bit of everything. Just wait 2 seconds. Why ? What did you need? The client wanted an 02, there is no 02. What are you doing ? Do you sell ****? Yeah. That's your little business. Me, I'm good, I'm having fun. Yeah so you left. And since then, how do you live? I sleep at my girlfriend's or I sleep at the hotel. Do you have to meet the police sometimes? Do you walk around town? Yeah yeah. And aren't you afraid? I'm not going to stop living because there are 3 policemen walking. The cops came to my house again to pick me up. They didn't find me the sons of ****. You know you risk going to jail, so now? Yeah, but... What really made you decide to leave? Well, at least that way I could smoke. Smoking ****? Yeah, smoking everything. To see my friends, to have a fuck. It's impossible there. And to breathe, breathe. Me, I also left because, I don't want to go back to my daronne when I leave CEF. So I have nothing to say. And where do you think you were going to go when you left the CEF? In a home I believe. And that for you, home or prison, is it the same thing? Yeah. Well anyway. It's the same ! Alright then I'll leave you. That works thanks. Hi ! We will soon see Jordane again, Behind bars. At the closed educational center, The work of educators is not an exact science. They lose with Jordan, They win with Max. It's inexplicable and unpredictable, Like the behavior of some teenagers. They don't get talked about for weeks and then all of a sudden, They slip. Karl punched a youth hard in the face. The latter had urinated next to the toilet, While Karl was on housework. Son of ****. I turn my head, I see him, he comes out of the toilet. I will look. There is piss everywhere. It was shielded, it was a swimming pool, the brothel. It wasn't smarter to make him do it. Get him to clean up first. But go ahead... He said, "What does he want with this one?" And I gave him a potato, and that was it. Just because he's like, "What does he want with that one?" So you give him one. It's true. It wasn't a fairground potato. Yeah it was a little one. It was like that! A little so we have the right. But before being here, Business lasted a week. Otherwise all the rest of the time, all my life, She went well. For a week, you hit people every day, right? And before, you weren't typing? Then why were you hitting people? Because I was at home. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., I was sitting on a couch watching TV. I was not going to school. We ate in white trays. I did not have money. In what you explain to me, You tell me that, the others, you hit them to get money because you were pissing yourself off. You don't get bored here But you still ended up hitting him because he pissed next to you. That's all, it's done now. We must assume. Karl has a deep anger in him. When he was free, He beat up several young people to steal a cell phone or some cash. One of them was seriously injured. At the CEF, Karl most often shows great coldness. But it can explode at any time. Tonight, the tension is palpable, Karl refuses to go walking in the forest with the group. Oh but you are crazy You tell me eternally dissatisfied. I never complain about your shitty activities, And here I complain about it once. I want to tell you that you are happy, If you're not happy, you'll walk. I don't give a fuck about all of you, all of you. Young people, of all the educators, I don't give a damn. Me, I don't expect someone who doesn't care, Of his mother and his father, To be important to me. Well, don't you give a damn about your dad? You wait for him to go to sleep to go out. So what ? Well you don't care about your father, when you know what he risks. What are you talking about here? That's it. Well, there you go. But no, but because you're telling me I don't care about you. You want us to express ourselves and that's it. There it changes. I hope I'll go home this weekend and that's it. Don't expect your judge, say amen to everything now. I don't expect. I said I hope. Well don't get your hopes up 'cause I'm telling you for now It's gone badly. There. You won't be home tomorrow and it's not my fault. **** from his mother ! Calm down ! Calm down ! Me too I am tired. But what are you tired of? We're going to walk, that's all. Please, okay? The walk will be 4 kilometers in the forest in the middle of the night. In joy and good humor. Watch out, it's slipping! Yeah, it's violent. Benjamin, the educator, Do not let them breathe and multiply the obstacles. If we let go, we let them do what they want. If we tell them we stay at the CEF, we do nothing. It's more educational. It's like at home, what, when they don't feel like doing anything, They stay at home. And it works. Even Karl ends up releasing the pressure. I think that since his arrival, he has eaten too much. How's shit going? It's shit. That's not sport! And you, the cameraman, what does he think? The cameraman, he took the calf, it's good. Are you going to say our first names? No no. But no, they'll call you Brian. Brian, that's delinquent, Brian! They are having fun, laughing, all that. I'm thinking of the good big plate of shepherd's pie. There is no risk, That there is one who wants to run away, to leave? I don't think they'll run away, especially here in the forest. Because they are afraid. Simply. They don't know the way. We will have done a short walk of an hour, that's fine! Karl has already spent 6 months at the center. And the judge just decided to extend it, 6 more months. But the educators no longer know what to do with him. He has violence in him, he has impulses, He wants to hit. We contain it here, to the maximum, But then it's the treatments. But he does not want to take treatment. Of course, when you talk about this violence, he smiles. You see he's happy to type. He feels a certain pleasure. Closed educational centers do not always offer an appropriate response. However, they have multiplied in recent years. There are 51 in France. And the Minister of Justice, Has just announced the opening of 20 additional establishments. Judge Michel Galler has a mixed opinion on the CEFs. So the children's judges, we, We are often very happy to find a place in CEF. We say to ourselves that's it for him, Finally, I found a place in CEF. But hey, that's a good answer, But this is not an entirely satisfactory answer. If we have to give numbers, And look concretely at how many of these kids, Stop their paths of delinquency after going to CEF, There aren't that many. But there are results, But it all happens gradually. It's sometimes, it's only a year, Two years after the work that was carried out in CEF, Will bear fruit. It's not instantaneous. I learned that a CEF is a budget of 2 million euros per year. This represents €690 per young person per day. That's a lot, right? In any case, if Mrs. Michu is told the cost of a CEF, She will fall to the ground. That's clear. Yes, but is it worth it? I ask you the question, does it have a price? I'm not going to do the big answer. Does the future of youth have a price? I can do it to you with tremolos, no. I say, that a country which is capable of devoting, Expenditure of this type there at this height has children who pose problems, And who look at us all, who are our children. It is a country that is still going well. Chantale, are you getting them back? You can keep them. Go ahead, I keep them. Cyril is no longer the same young man and he must, it's true, at the CEF in Verdun. Arrived devastated after the violence committed on his mother, He leaves today free, more peaceful, almost happy. His metamorphosis, he also owes it to Gérald, The canteen cook. Their bond grew strong over the months. I wish you lots of good things. Now you are of age. Yes I know. It's not the same world anymore. Look at me. Trust yourself. We spent time together. I have a stomach ache. I haven't slept all night. Are you a little nervous? Yeah. It'll be OK. If you need you call me, If I can help you. There are things I can't do. But if I can. You do it. OK ? Yeah. Hi. And then take care of yourself. Thank you. He didn't get attached, 'cause you can't say that, But not far, what. And there, for the future, how do you envisage it? We are always worried, No matter how young, we're always a little worried, Because here, they still have a structure. We are always with them. We frame them for everything. That there, he will find himself a little alone. And there, what was it? He felt good. Besides, we can see it clearly. There, he is on the verge of tears. It's kids like that. There have been a few like that who have been, For me, endearing. Yeah, it changed me. Cyril does not return to his mother as he had hoped. The judge denied his request. He is going to live in Paris with his uncle. And for 3 months, an educator from the CEF will visit her regularly, To help him after he leaves. Then he will have to manage and above all find a future. Cyril has no diploma. A month and a half after his escape from the closed educational center. We found Jordan. This place, you already know it. Épinal prison, in the minors' quarter. Jordan has been remanded in custody for two weeks. Do you only eat bread? No. What's this ? I do not know. It's weird mashed potatoes. What's on your calendar? There are only crosses. I'll be here three weeks Friday. The first two days, you struggle a little more than the others. But hey, afterwards, when you're there, you start to make your place. Its good. As soon as you have tobacco, you're fine. As soon as you have ****, you're fine. You land in your cell, you smoke, you landed. You watch a movie or you put on some music. There is Canal Cinema, Canal+. Honestly, it's good, even at home I don't have that. When the police put an end to Jordan's run, They found a bag full of drugs in his hideout. One day, one morning, I serve a client. And when I'm done serving him, I hear the cops are there. I went down, I saw them, they were 50 in front of the entrance. So afterwards they searched me and they took the bag. They screwed up everything, they farted everything. I took 96 hours of police custody. Neither custody nor jail seems to have calmed Jordan, Who even between four walls, seeks to break the law. Normally, tomorrow, I'll have to ****, I'll make you smoke. I think that's big, my word. I want to smoke so badly. Sixteen and in prison. What do you say to yourself? For me there, I'm telling myself that I'm taking a little vacation. I rest a little. Don't you want to have a normal life? Yes Yes. That's why I ask them to go to CEF, That way I can learn. And at least I wouldn't have any more trouble with the law. Then, in my head, I say to myself, Damn, how much will I get a month? I won't touch much. That there, big guy, I had money all the time, I could do whatever I wanted with pineapple. I think I will stop. I will stop. Honestly, I'm going to quit because I don't want to go back to jail. Jordan was released from prison a week later. At his request, He was placed again in the closed educational center of Verdun, During six months. This time, he seems ready to stay there until the end. The young people of Créteil have come to understand this, The diploma will be their best weapon, To get out of crime and start a new life. Alright gentlemen, are you ready? But that requires them to pass their exam today. So try to do something out of the ordinary. But there are too many queues. We are not rabbits. In the kitchen the examiners ask them, To make two dishes, A fish and a meat. 2 a.m., gentlemen. With a good mood, a smile. Eh Gentlemen, methodically. In the dining room, the servers are evaluated on the order taken. Good day ladies and gentlemen. Daniel is on the track against fake customers. He's been recovering lately. But this morning, he is invaded by stress. Does the menu suit you? I wanted to know, What is Hollandaise sauce? Hollandaise sauce, It's a sauce, it's a sauce... The young man forgets everything he has learned. A sauce... Hollandaise sauce, It is a mousseline sauce with added whipped cream. I'll take that then. Okay. Daniel has it all wrong. It's a butter sauce with lemon. I wanted to ask a question, I am vegetarian. Can I have the quiche Lorraine? Daniel is wrong again, but he will fall back on his feet. But in the quiche Lorraine there are bacon bits. Well no then I can't eat it. What do you advise me? I recommend the asparagus duo. A duo of asparagus, too. Chief I announce! A salmon tartare, a duo of asparagus. To be continued ! Daniel has overcome his stage fright and continues the exam more serenely. Nicolas is already in the final interview. And it's not going very well. What is special about Roquefort? It's the smell. And in a glass of wine, how many centiliters of wine do you put? I do not really know. But we don't put too much. Approximate and a little arrogant, Nicolas criticizes the examiner for putting pressure on him, During the exam. The problem is that your colleague won't let me do things. When you speak of a colleague, that is to say? The other gentleman who is right next door. Mr Bellavista. He tells me what to do, but I know what to do, I don't like it when people tell me what to do. OK. It's a way to help you too. I know but if I didn't make a mistake, Don't tell me what to do. But thanks for the advice. With great pleasure. Thank you. No thanks to you. My word I missed it. I don't care a bit, but I started, I still have to have it. I'm going to see her. God willing, I have it. I still have a skill. I know how to serve in a restaurant. See you later, if I have trouble finding a job. I will be a waiter. Are you also doing this so that the judge will leave you alone or not? Well a bit of both. You know, you have to be smart. At least he says to himself "whoua", he goes to training. Plus, he got his degree. Daniel, for his part, is quite happy with himself. I am very relieved. I don't even think about smoking, to tell you, I'm so happy. They didn't even tell me. But I feel like I have my exam. And it's not just for me, for my parents, for everything. That's it too. I have already taken exams, I did not pass. And what made you not successful before, And now you succeed? What is the difference ? I did not hold, disturbed perhaps. Perhaps also the fear of not succeeding. There, we put ourselves in civilian mode, look closely! Must succeed. Now I think of the future. I don't look behind me. Thank you Jean-Charles. A month later. It's still the culmination of a year of work. Daniel obtained his CAP level diploma with flying colours. Kudos to him too. Just like Nicolas, finally, Who had it in extremis at catch-up. Today, both of them are looking for a waiter job. Tell him what it is. That's called a diploma. I admit, I'm happy. I'm happy, I admit. Now I have to work, use it. In Paris, small gourmet restaurants. I must throw myself away. In the kitchen there is chef Laurent. This year, the ten young people have all graduated. Only one didn't come for him, he was in prison. Thanks again Laurent. Thanks Laurent. He screams, but it was all for our good. That's why he's screaming. Now, we understand.
Channel: Investigations et Enquêtes
Views: 1,450,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reportage, magazine, enquête, investigation, documentaire, prison, jeune, ado, mineur, réinsertion, Maison Arrêt, pénitentiaire, carcérale
Id: 3M2riH5O4CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 37sec (5737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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